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Weekly Newsletter May 3rd - 7th, 2015

This week in KG1

Dear Parents,
Last week the students learned various ways of protecting their
local environment through the Gallery walk they had to see other
classs door displays. They were curious to see the initiative taken
by each class to care for the earth.
This week the students will have their summative assessment which is
a culmination of their learning. Students will write/illustrate a card to
Mother Earth in response to the story Dear, Children of the Earth
They will write/ draw a card to explain how they positively care for
the environment.
Thank you, KG1 Staff

Upcoming Events
May 10
Art Festival Begins
May 11
Author Visit
May 14
Movie Matinee

Math: In Math, the students will be reviewing graphing skills.

Thank you, KG1 Staff
They will be going to various classes in school to ask which
classes recycle material and graph the data received
accordingly. The students will also be practicing one to one

May 21
Spring Concert
Early Dismissal at 12.30

Our Unit of Inquiry

Language: We will be focusing on the letter sound /W/.
Suggested vocabulary: wheat, watermelon, wagon, watering
can and worm. Students will be practicing isolating and
identifying the initial sounds of / W/ words.
Arabic: This week students will learn the new letters: Ta and
Tha and learn new words that begin with these letters.


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Sharing the Planet

If students take ACTION in
the form of reusing
materials, any information
they share with you
regarding their learning or
initiative taken to make
their environment a better
place, please do email
your homeroom teacher
and let her know so that
she can put this
information up on her
ACTION WALL in class.
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