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i am ajay chandran .as a uzual evening .

mom scold me for siting ing in the

house .and she told me to go out and play . i had no friends near my house
,so i just walk through the village . i walked a little far than uzuyal .now I was
in a park .there i saw a beautiful little bridge . i wnanted to walk on it and so i
did . it felt a little strange because i couldn't see what is in front of me but i
could see what was in my front . feeling strange i walk forward

i was a little scared . but i did't lose hope i was in hurry but i did notand walk
straight there i saw a strange man walking towards me. his dress was a little
old fashioned and shoes like a bird and then i saw two more men like him
trying to catch one another and, i tryied to speek to them and to know but
they did not wanted to speek to me and after they also disipeired. now i was
lost .i tryied to find that bridje that i walked on came hear now the bridje
was noware to be found. i felt like i was going to be stuck hear. it was getting
dark and i was in a hurry to find a shletter . i walked and walked untile i
reached the peek of a cliff,and i sawa big river it fetlt like i was in an another
world. a changed world after a few days pased and me in hunger after
walking a long, for my luck i found some cherry bushis . i ate as many as i
could .i took some with me to my shleter. and some how i found some fire
words .and thank god my dad had took me to the forest camp and i usted to
make fire eascly .now i am realy missing my family

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