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By Ginger Lapid-Bogda ‘naanietr epee Oot (at e205 Youn 8. ed wpa. aking at he Enneagram system, an ancintpsyeho-spintval system with oat in Asa ane the Wide as, offers profound insighe eto the nine very diferent ways in which peope tink, fel, nd behave. There are rine Emneagram styles repre and worldvlews each connected to rive unique developmental pails" enting nine dstinet habits of thinking, Feeling, Developing Communities of Leaders through the Enneagram Life Saving Ine. a pseudonyrn), leading phactnaceutical company with over 9000 ‘employees worldwide, is known for its commitiment to developing state-ofthert, life-enhancing drugs. Considered tobe one ofthe most desirable places ef employment inthe United States, the company has gained its reputation a a result of it rapid growth, the high price of its stock and related employee stock options, and the pride employees take in being ableto say that they work fora company that saves lives and believes in developing its people. “The Leadership Learning Community initiative in the Information Technology Division, one that employs ver 500 people and whose employee base has been growing over 35% annually. focuses fo thirteen Leadership Competency “Modules that integrate the Enneagram with Life Seving Inc's core leadership competencies. These modules, delivered im intact management tears of learning communities, form the basis fr dialogue, discovery, self-esponsbiiy, professional enhancement, and eam development ‘The thirteen modules, one delivered ‘every otler month for three hous, include the following leadership competencies: 1. Drive for Results 2 Strive for Sel Mastery 3. Know the Business: Think and Act Strategically Comazunicate Succesfilly Make Optimal Decisions ead High Performing Teams ‘Take Charge of Change Develop Your Talent Cellaborate Across the Board 10, Focus on the Customer 11, Manage the Work Process 12, Maintain Your Technical Edge 1, Create Extreme Growth: Organizational and Personal Fach leadership medule includes the following: 1» Details ofthe core components ofthe ‘competency Descriptions and stories showing, how people of exch Enneagram style tend to have style-specific strengths and development areas related to that ‘competency > Numerous sefassessments for learning community members to complete » Developmental etretches for exch Enneagram style > Allst of resources for further learning > Adevelopment planning tool ‘The key concepts from Modules 1,2, and 3, ‘make the Leadership Learning Community Initiative easier to understand. Figure : ilustates a high level overview of the core components of Module t, Drie for Results; ‘he components ate described in greater deta inthe actual module Simllaly, Module 2, Sirive for Sef Mastery explains the components of sclE:mastery in detail, using Figure 236 an overview of the competency. Module 5, Know the Business: Think and ‘At Strotegialy describes the key aspects of the external and internal environment for environmental scanning and then ‘the sequential proces for developing 2 Developing Conmunkiesofeadersthoughthe Emeagrom 7 Ficu FIGURES strategic plan ~ vision, mission, strategy goals, and tactics as shown in Figure 5. TLesming community membere read and complete the workbook portions of the module during the three-hour learning community session and are given ample time in silence to read and reflect. Having. participated in daylong Enneagram workshops prior to the learning community sessions, lerning community members already know the Enneagram system and their Enneagram styles. For ‘readers unfamiliar with the Enneagram, a brief description ofthe system and eyles ‘will help in understanding this agpeet of the learning community initiative, ‘The Enneagram System and the tine Styles ‘The Enneagram system, an ancient poycho spiritual system with roots in Asia and the Middle East, offers profound insights int the nine very different ways in which people think, feel, and behave. There ate nine Enmeagram styles representing nine FIGURE 2 58 ern distinct habits of thinking. fling, taking action, and worldviews each connected tonine unique developmental paths. Each of us has only ‘one place or number ‘on the Enneagram roadmap as illuetrated fon the Enneagram symbol, and while cour Enneagram siyle remains the same throughout our lifetime, ‘our characteristics may soften or become ‘ore pronounced as we grow and dovelop. “The Enneagram describes people of every culture accurately, although there may be nuances tothe actions of individuals who come from different cultures buthave the same Ennesgram style. However, the underlying personality éynamies and motivations remain the same aexoss cultures. The same is true for gender: men and women ofthe same Enneagram sive may display some ge influenced behavioral differences, but the ratte and dynamics ofthe style remain ‘unchanged. “The following descriptions brie Ay ‘explain the nine Enneagram styles and the ‘common leadership paradigms and gifts for that syle ‘Note: Leadership paradigms refer to the set oF assumptions and beliefs, often unconscious, about what leadership is that influence how we behave and what wwe tend to overlook. These paradigms affect our leadership strengths because wwe ten to pay attention to theee areas. ‘They also influence our potential derailere ~ attributes and behaviors that ean hinder Enneagram ‘Symbol four success ~ because we place less emphasis on these areas. Enneagram Styles ONES seeka perfect world and work diligently to ‘improve both themselves and everyone and everything around them. Their basic orientation is this: What is right or wrong, correc or incorrect? leadership Paradigm: The eae’ job is to set lear goals and ingpire others to achieve the highest quality Leadership gift the pure ofexcllence Diugence Emeagran Sle 2 iG): Pan =~ Groing “TWOS want tobe liked, try to meet the needs of ‘others, and attempt to ‘orchestrate the people and ‘events in thei ives. Their basic orientation is this: ‘Are they needed, liked, and appreciated? Leadership Paradigm: The leader's jb is to asess the strong and weaknesses of team members and fo motivate and facilitate people tard the achievement of organizational objectives. Leadership gift motivation and sence toathers Enneagram Style 3 ‘THREES organize their lives to achieve specific goals and to appear successful in order to gain the respect and zdmiration of others. Their ‘atic orientation is this: How cam they gain the respect nd acimirtion of others? Leadership Paradigm: The leader job is to create an ewironment thet achieves results becouse people understand the ogonization’s ‘goals and structure Leadership glft: obtaining resuls Enneagram Siyle 4 FOURS desire dop connections both with their wa interior werlds and with other people, and they fel most alive when they anthentiealy expres their feelings. Their basi orientation i this: Can they expres themes authentically, and will they fe rejected or deficient? ‘Leadership Paradigm: The lader’sjob {sto create organizations thet give people ‘meaning and purpose so they are inspired to do excelent wor leadership gift she pursuit ofone's passion Enneagram Style 5 FIVES thirst for information and knowledge and use ‘emotional detachment 2$2 ‘way of keeping invelvernent with others to. minimum. “Their basic orientation Kootcledge nis, Wil demands be made on them for time, energy, resources, information sharing, and emotional reactions? Leadership Paradigm: The leader's ob isto deolop an efetve organization through search, deliberation, and planing 56 that ficuee4 al all ystems fs ogether and people ate working ‘on a connor miso, Leadership gif: the importance of bjectivity Enneagram Style 6 SIXES have insightful minds, {are prone to worry and plan for worstcase scenarios in ‘order to fel prepared in ‘ase something goes wrong. Their basic orientation is this: What can go wrong, who can Be trusted, end what isthe best decsion? Leadership Paradigm: The lader’s ob ‘sto we organizational problems by creating 4 creative problem-solving environment where ‘ach perce fel that he ors is part of the solution. Leadership gift insight and planning ‘Dove Enneagram Style 7 @ sevens cravethe 1D stimulation of new ideas PA. people, and experiences: ‘oid pain and discomforts Options sd erate claborate future plans that wil allow them to kep all of their options open Their bescexenttion seth: How em they fel excited by ideas and experience end lwo void constraints iss, and pain? ‘Leadership Paradigm: Th eae jb {sto get people excite and eeate innovative ‘eres 3 the organization can take advantage ofrew and important business pportansis Leadership gift inncomion and a Sesitili, Enneagram Style 8 TIGHTS pursue the th ket ee stations AN arse cana eb toate prt things append ty thie the Challenge innocence and vulnerability. “Thelrbaeoentaton itis Iermnting ne cnr anda hy cancel ta ofr st Leadership Paradis The adr ob A Developing Commune oftasdees through the Enneagram isto move the organization forward by leading decisive getting capable and reliable people into the right cbs, and empowering competent rope to take action. Leadership gift: making important ‘things happen Enneagram Style 9 [NINES seek peace, harmony, and positive mural regard and disike conflict, teaston, snd ill wil Theic basic ‘orientation i this Is everyone being heard, including them, and i the environment harmonieus Leadership Paradigm: The leaders job {sto help achieve the clletve mission by creating a clearty structured and hermnious work environment Leadership gift: inclusion and consensus Harwery Learning Community Dialogues ‘Aer learning community members read the competency medule, they then participate ins learning community dialogue session based on 2 dialogue prompt. Ia Modules, Drive for Results, the Aialogue prompt asks participants to share a success story related to driving for results, analyze thei strengths and slille embedded in the soy, and then Onearea of strength and one development area related to Know the Business: Think and Act Strategically » How the steength and development areas are related to their Enneagram styles How each person can leverage his or her strength forthe success ofthe team > The development area she or he is most ected about lexming to strengthen Results Although the Leadership Learning ‘Communities have only participated inthe first taree competency modules, changes are already apparent at the individual, ‘team, and cultural levels, Individvot Changes ‘On the individual evel, success is being measured by several factors: (1) observing changes in the behavior of individual rmanagers,() the stories managers tell about themselves, and (3) the stories about the managers from their died reports, Most managers have made large Gevelopmental strides ina very short period of time, using their understanding ofthe Enneagram and the support of their learning communities in their self development ~ for example, becoming ‘more assertive (Enneagram Sile Nines), ‘ote vulnerable (Enneagram Style Fights), more emotional (Enneagram Style Fives) less emotional (Enneagram Style Fours), more focused (Enneagram Style Sevens), more baknced in their outlook (Enneagram Siyle Sixes) less 60 (OD PRACTITIONER Vo. 38 No 4 3006 judgmental (Enneagram Style Ones), less other directed, Enneagram Style Twos), and mare solid in ther sense of self (Gameagram Style Threes) “Managers also express both excitement and rele about using the Enneagram for leadership development because they say thatthe Enneagram helps them to understand themselves beter and to environment. The earning community approach allows them to reflect and then to receive feedback and support simultaneously. Managers are valuing the idea that development happens more quickly, more thoroughly, and more ‘objectively in a community setting. Imaddition, managers are earning about other Enneagram siyles asa result The self-disclosure, feedback, and sincere offers of support from other learning community members translate into increased communication, trust, and cohesion, This has been a strong, positive outcome of the learning community process, although team building was not a primary objective of the learning community process. ‘become more selfaccepting. They realize that thee personality differences ae the result of nine different worldviews, all of Which are equally valid. tthe same time, they also say that using the Enneagram for their professional development feels freeing, One manager expressed this idea using these words: "I used t eel that as ina box. The Enneagram doesa't put me ina box instead, it shows me the box I've ‘een in and provides a development path ‘out ofthese constraints. Does everyone else feel lke tne Enneagram is iberating them too?" Others in the learning cormmnity concurred, Team Changes ‘Managers report thatthe learning community sessions are making a contribution to them personally and professionally: the three-hour sessions provide them time-out for selfreflection, time they rarely take in their busy work lives. The learning community meetings also enable them to deeply consider important aspects oftheir leadership ina nonstheeatening, supportive, and collaborative environment. “Managers also report that they enjoy learning about themselves and their teammates in what they experience as an affirming and intellectually stimulating ‘of the dialogue that occurs among learning ‘community members. Because all learning ‘community members are choosing to share ‘their selfreflections (members can opt out ‘of contributing) ll members are learning more about their own styles from peers ‘of the same style and gaining a greater ‘understanding of the styles different from their own from peers of other Enmeagram, styles. Tis enables them to work more clfetvely with their direct reports, customers, bosses, and family members, as well as their peers. Finally, these learning community sessions are building bonds and strengthening the tearawork within these ‘management teams. The selfdisclosure, feedback, and sincere offers of support from other leaming community members ‘translate into increased communication, ‘rust, and cohesion, This has been a ‘strong, positive outcome of the learning ‘community proces, although team building was nota primary objective ofthe earning community process. Cultural Changes ‘The culture in information technology (17) is now becoming one in which managers ‘ake responsibility for both their work lives and self development. The culture has been one where the organization has been responsible fr leadership development ‘but now, managers have both the tools and the opportinity to take personal and professional nto their own hands. The entire culture i changing, from one where the organization was perceived asthe active agent in the work lives of leaders to one where leaders now panicipate in and fel accountable for their ‘ow productivity, creating their own exreer “The culture is also shifing from one ‘where development was an individual ‘endeavor to one that understands that gronth and development are coective undertakings. The managers firm grasp ‘the importance of leadership excellence, interpersonal communication, and respect both for themselves and for ethers who ‘are not like them ~is the foundation of ‘organizational excellence, and that none ‘ofthis can occu without a community oF ‘support growth, and change. Final, the organizational culture is changing o one whee all points of view and work styles ae valued and included asnever before. While the organization fs quite diverse and has always been a proponent of diversity nits many forms = for example, ace, gender, culture, ‘rationality, and sexual orientation the ‘Enneagram has brought people together even more. People ofthe same Enneagram style bear striking stilts, and this has helped bridge gaps between people. “There salso an increasing understanding. predation, and fascination with differences, in contrast o simply ‘understanding that ferences exist, ‘These cultural shifts are primarily a zeaul ofthe competency modules Dbutare also supported by several other Enneagrar-related initiatives within the IT business unit. ‘Sustainability “The Leadership Learning Community intative,partof anger change effort in ‘the Information Technology division of 1ife-Saving. Inc. began in March 2005 with an offsite retreat fr IT's senior management team and has cascaded into Diner esl Stier Sel ase «tow e Buses ‘lake Sg Conmusene Cheha Ota "hese ad hgh Peto eens Anca tenon Son es on genset | apetiueg abel nea 3 PE Developing Commune eftesdontheough the Enneagram nuit projects in slighty over on year “he Sustainability fw chart shows the scope and sequence o he change effort "wth everene inside IT noaing and sing the Enneagram a work, these of the Enneagram ava eliresponsiblity snd sal development effort einforod diy Managers and employes ar having cocelent discussions abou their working Stles and comorkers ar using the Enneagram asa wey beter understand ane nother Indvival conbutore regulary express then appreciation for snaking the Enneagram sealable to them, and mony of them are uning thie infermtion at home and in their wore with customers. New IT employees, both ‘managers and individual contributors, receve an Enneagram ating eos tpon theirarval as part fnew empoyee cnentation, In addlon, the use ofthe Enneagram at work is spreading throughout the organization trough several vehices: {i word ofmouth from managers and employesin (2) strong support fiom internal HR generalists and OD specialists fair with the werk in IT, (6) from senic ice presiden's who know the Enneagram through their executive coaches, and (4) the fact that the vice- ‘resident of ITs a opinion lade within ‘the organization. Wsonary innovator who fin test the waters before other prs cf the organization embrace a naw ay of sworn Four additional trate busines Units are now involved in Enneagram sro lac ffshoots of th orignal work in IT; This widespread use of the Enneagram reinfecesthe commitment of TTeinsion this werk and wl ost ike lead tan expanded ene of partipation throughout Life Saving, Ine “The impact ofthis inate isin direct propotion to the tne spent on refecton “oquot fokn Heider in Te Te of Leadership: Lao Tzw's Tao Te Ching Adapted fora New a= Time for Reflection Allow regular tim for silent reflection. ara inard and digas what hos happened, Let the sense ret and grow stl, Teach people io et goof their 62 ODPRACTITONER Vol 38a 42006 ree Pon eoet ena eee superficial mental chatter. Teach peopl te Deel oY poy attention to the whole bodys reaction |e ahling ‘oa siuation, When group membershave | at ast president of Hime to reflec, they can see more dearly eerie what is essential themselves and others. | eee raraePOnE US and the OD Network, and author Peas Ree Pe ee Bee es Degen Bibliography Boyatis Richard and McKee, Annie (2005). Ronan laderhip. Boston: Havaed Business Schol Press Dotlch, Davi Lan Caco, Peer C. (2003) Wap CEOs false bans that can dra peur climb a the tap ~ and hw to ranoge them, San Frandsee: John Wiley & Sons Tne. Heider, Jon (1985. The To of eae oc Ts Ta Te Ching adapted fora naw ge. Alana, GA: Humanics Limited. Lapid Bogda, Ginger (2004). Bringing out the basin youre at work: Haw ous the Enncagrar system for sucess. New York McGraw Hil Riso, Don Richard and Hudson, Russ (i999). Thewisdo ofthe Enneagram: ‘The comple guide psychological end ‘pinta grouth rte nine personaly ‘ype. Now York: McGraw-Hi, rece Ears

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