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Ukrainian Crisis Articles

Summary The main idea of this article is focusing on the idea of how many
Russians are fighting in Ukraine. Western arguments have risen about how to
counter President Vladimir Putin's support for east Ukraine separatists are leading to
clashes over the question of how deeply involved Russia's military is in the conflict.
US Lt Gen Ben Hodges, commander of the US Army in Europe, says 12,000 Russian
troops are operating inside the neighboring country. A journalist from the Russian
newspaper Kommersant met several young Russian soldiers in Debaltseve who told
him they had come from the same mechanized infantry unit after commanders
appealed for volunteers. It was reports that 90,000 troops were required in late
2014 to provide deployments around Ukraine, inside its eastern (rebel held) districts
and in Crimea. In my opinion this is a serious problem for Russia, Ukraine, and all of
Europe because of the size of Russia. Russia and Ukraine need to settle their
differences and Putin needs to let go of Ukraine.

Summary This article focuses on the idea that NATO continues to increase its
military personnel in Eastern Europe and it is causing a stir up between Ukraine and
Russia. Rick Rozoff says: They are preparing for a direct military confrontation with
Russia. I think thats an inescapable conclusion. Lets recollect first of all we have
some not even short memory of influenced thinking about what the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization is. It was founded 66 years ago this month to be exact, in 1949,
with the expressed intention of containing, confronting, and as need might arise
engaging in a military conflict with Russia. This is obviously the last thing that both
countries want for this problem to become even more involved with other
organizations. I think that NATO is doing what they feel is right and what may be
right, but need to be careful not to go too far.

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