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Grade 8 Latin
2014-2015 SYLLABUS
Course Information

Instructor Information

Prerequisite: MS Latin (Grade 7)

Instructor: Ms. Franois

Course Text: Latin for Americans (Book 1)

Room/Office: 206

Required Materials: Three-hole binder (1.5

inch); 2 pencils; 2 pens (black/blue); 1
highlighter; 6 dividers with labels; loose leaf
paper; index cards

Office hours: Mondays (1:50 - 3pm)

Grade 8 Latin Overview:
The grammar covered in these lessons include the following:
1. nouns - 3rd declension neuter; I-stems; 4th declension; 5th declension
2. adjectives - interrogative; irregular of the 1st and 2nd declensions; 3rd declension; hic, ille, is; mille; idem;
ipse; 3rd person reflexive; comparison of regular and irregular adjectives
3. adverbs 3rd declension adverbs; comparison
4. verbs sum; possum; formation and use of the participle, infinitive and imperative; all six tenses and both
5. pronouns - relative; interrogative; demonstrative; intensive; reflexive
6. case/use - manner; time when; time within which; time how long; extent of space; respect; direct address;
ablative absolute; dative with adjectives
7. misc. - participial phrases as clauses; participles as nouns, indirect discourse

Grade 8 Latin Essential Questions:
Theme: Grammar
Essential Question 1: How is Latin grammar similar to English grammar?
Essential Question 2: How does proper Latin sentence analysis aid in correctly translating a Latin
Essential Question 3: How does knowledge of Latin grammar help in reading and understanding Latin?
Theme: Classical Mythology
Essential Question 4: How does knowledge of classical mythology help us understand human nature?
Theme: History/Culture
Essential Question 5: How does knowledge of Roman history/culture help us understand modern culture?
Grade 8 Latin Objectives/Outcomes:
Students will be able to
-identify and analyze noun, adjective, and verb forms.
-translate complex sentences into English.
-describe and discuss many aspects of everyday life of an ancient Roman.
-identify mythological characters and their flaws and accomplishments.
-identify some basic historical characters from the Roman Monarchy and Republic.
-answer simple questions that are asked in Latin.

Unit/Term Guide

Topics Covered


Grade 7 Review through ch. 33

Use of qui, quad, quod and quis, quid

Term [1]

Ch 34 through ch. 38

3rd declension neuter nouns, perfect, passive

participles, possum, i-stems

Term [2]

Ch. 39 through ch. 46

Term [3]
3rd declension adjectives, 4th declension,
demonstrative pronouns, 5th declension, present
and future participles

Ch. 47 through ch. 54

Infinitive formation, indirect statement,

comparison of adjectives/adverbs, irregular
adjectives, reflexives

Term [4]

Grade 8 Latin
Homework: Homework will be assigned regularly and daily. Latin is a cumulative subject, which means it
builds upon itself. The tools and skills covered in each lesson need to be mastered. Students need to plan to
spend time everyday on homework. A homework assignment may be remaining classwork, practice
sentences, reviewing for an exam or quiz, or preparing for presentations. Homework will consistently be
collected/evaluated. Therefore students are still expected to complete all assigned tasks to the best of their

Class work: Class work is a task or activity that is done in class, either jointly or individually by students. If
students do not complete a class work assignment, they may be asked to complete that assignment at a
later time or for homework. Class work might not always be collected/evaluated, but students are still
expected to complete all assigned tasks to the best of their ability.

Assessments: The final grade for each term will be based on both formative and summative
assessments. Formative assessments may include, but are not limited to, homework assignments, class
work and notebook checks. Summative assessments may include, but are not limited to, portfolios, projects,
quizzes and tests. Additionally, there will be common assessments given throughout the year.

Detailed break down of grades is as follows:


20 %

Class work
(Notebook Check)

10 %


60 %


10 %


100 %


The following grading policy provides a set of guidelines that ensures uniformity but allows for flexibility among
individual teachers.

Course grades must be supported by recorded numerical and letter grades.

Students must be given a numerical grade at the end of each term.

If a student has more than 3 unexcused absences in a term, he/she will receive a grade of No Credit
(NC) even if the student would have otherwise earned a passing grade. If he/she has not earned a passing
grade, he/she will receive an F. Note that skipping class and unexcused tardiness resulting in missing
class are considered unexcused absences.

Until an absence is excused, all work assigned during that time of absence will not receive credit. For
absence and tardy policies, please refer to the student handbook.

All make-up tests shall receive full credit and must be completed within 7 school days, unless there are
extenuating circumstances.

Student Expectations: Observe all school rules with focus on the following:
Students are expected to be in the classroom on time.
Follow classroom procedures.
Treat other students and teachers with respect and care.
Be cooperative and not disruptive.
Study and complete assigned work.
Learn and master required content.
Expected Consequences: Warnings, Detentions, Parent Contact (as needed depending on situation),
Removal from Class (when necessary).

Parent Expectations:
Read through course expectations and assignments.
Monitor students progress by way of the Student Informational System.
Connect directly with the teacher when there is a concern or issue via phone or email.

Plagiarism, Cheating, and Academic Integrity
Plagiarism is the practice of copying words, sentences, images, or ideas for use in written or oral
assessments without giving proper credit to the source. Cheating is defined as the giving or receiving of
illegal help on anything that has been determined by the teacher to be an individual effort. Both are
considered serious offenses and will significantly affect your course grade. Please refer to the Student Code
of Conduct for additional information.

Information pertaining only to this section of Latin 1: Short assessments (quizzes) will be given on
Fridays. Longer assessments (tests) will be given on Wednesdays.

Please read and sign below

I have read the information and I fully understand what Im expected to do in class.

Name of Student

Signature of Student


Name of Parent/Guardian

Signature of Parent/Guardian

Parent/Guardian Email

Parent/Guardian Phone

Best Way to Contact:



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