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Alexa DAuria

Reflection- Formal Lesson #3

EDUG 868

I believe that my last formal lesson went well. I planned the lesson with Mrs.
Schassler this past Friday and typed it up over the weekend. I sent it to Mrs. Schassler
and Mrs. Tighe to look over and make suggestions. I was unable to student teach
yesterday because I had to take the ALST exam. Mrs. Tighe told me I could call her on
Sunday to go over the lesson with her. She had many CSE meetings last week, which
made it difficult for us to meet at school. Mrs. Schassler met with me this morning to
review the lesson while the students were at special. I was able to edit my lesson plan and
hand it in before my observation. Considering all of that, I think that I accomplished a lot
these past few days and the effort was worth it.
I think that it was important for me to review with the students the type of writing
they have been doing. I was able to assess their prior knowledge about the parts of a
review. I would have liked to go over the charts with them, but they were already hung on
the window and it would have been too much of a hassle to take them down and hang
them back up again. I should have reminded the students though to refer to it while they
were writing their book reviews.
I realized that I did not state the teaching point exactly the way I worded it in the
lesson plan, which was the way it was written in the teachers guide. However, I was
comfortable with the way I re-phrased it and the students understood that they were going
to be writing book reviews. I counted out loud, using my fingers, the number of parts that
are in a review. Due to the time and the students lack of focus, I dont think I should

have went over the parts of a review because I modeled how to plan while touching each
page. I forgot to mention that writers should not be blurters in an introduction. Students
also learned the importance of making a sketch on each page to help remember their
ideas. I apologized to the class for my poor drawing skills, but I probably should have
also mentioned that although I recognized that Im not the best artist, I tried my best and
didnt give up. I think that is an important lesson for students at this age. I think that my
sketches for each page were relevant to the writing. However, some of the students did
not seem to make the connection. I realized that during the turn and talk, students began
to make their own reasons instead of using the drawing to help remember what the class
discussed. I tried to come up with possible reasons before the students gave their reasons
why they like the Flat Stanley series. Two of the reasons that I came up with, he goes on
many adventures and he meets interesting characters, the students also suggested.
Furthermore, I think I had the class spend too much time on the rug. Although I
followed my lesson plan, I should have recognized that the students were misbehaving
and not focused instead of continuing on with writing an opinion and two reasons. It
might have just been better to move on to the activity.
The majority of the class was able to come up with 10 books that they could
review. After 10 minutes, I flashed the lights to direct students who were done with their
list of books to begin writing a new review on one of the books or book series on their
list. I tried to circulate and help the students who were not finished yet. I guided them to
look at books in our classroom library and in their book baggie books to help them think
of books they have read and really liked to add to their list. I was surprised at some of the
students who had difficulty listing books.

I think that I divided up the class into appropriate groups and the teachers were
extremely helpful in guided each group. Mrs. Schassler worked one on one with RC, who
had a difficult time listing books because he reads on levels A and B, and barely attends
on the rug during story time. Mrs. Tighe worked with HZ and LS. Since HZ was very
stubborn this morning with following directions and made little progress, I told him that
if gets his writing done and behaves well he could get a break in the O.T room. However,
he refused to do any writing, even after Mrs. Tighe took him for a walk. Later in the day
he asked me if he could go to the O.T room and I asked him if he followed directions
during writing and got his work done. He said no and then I asked him if he thought he
deserves a break in the O.T room and he said no. It is important that he takes ownership
for his misbehavior, and is positively reinforced when he presents appropriate behavior.
Mrs. Sperling worked at the back table with three struggling students, so Mrs. Jacobson
and myself were able to walk around the classroom to assist mainly the on grade-level
Some student didnt even finish their list of books so I told them to stop because I
wanted them to begin their review writing. I knew that when I concluded the lesson, the
students were on different parts of their reviews and I accepted that each student has
different abilities and does their work at a different pace. I chose two students, one higher
tiered student and one with Autism. Both students forgot to write their opinion using the
words I think. The class helped them create an opinion and I told both students to go
back to their seats to finish writing their opinion.

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