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Listening Focus II

The process

Reviewing Context
Page 132
A. Vocabulary:
1. discreetly (adj.) e. carefully; quietly
2. lucrative (adj.)

d. profitable; making a lot of $

3. broker (n.)

a. a businessman who sets up purchases and sales

4. export (v.)

c. to sell products + materials to another country

5. sensitive (adj.)

b. easily affected by small amounts of something

Other useful terms:
delicacy, gourmet, fungus

B. Predicting Content: you are going to watch a video about finding,
buying, & selling truffles.
a. What do you think you may hear in the video?
b. Use the text, vocabulary, and what we have learned in Unit 7 to help
you write notes.
c. Pg. 132-133
Compare notes with your partner and explain why you made your guesses.

1st Listen
Watch and listen to the video Black Diamonds of Provence.
As much as you can:
Take notes on main points, sentences, vocabulary - information that will help
you to remember the content.

1st Discussion
1. Discuss the first listening with your partner. You may use the following
questions to guide your discussion:
Were your predictions accurate? If not, make adjustments to your notes.
What information is still unclear? Working with a partner, can you figure it
out? What details do you need to listen for next?
Did you hear the vocabulary terms? Which ones?
Were any words new or unclear? Working with your partner, can you figure
them out? If not, listen for them next.
2. What will you do (or focus on doing) for the next listening?

2nd Listen
Try to follow your plan how you will listen, what information you will listen
for, and so on.
Take notes on main points, sentences, vocabulary - information that will help
you to remember the content.
After the 2nd listen, you will work together with your partner to write a summary
of the video.

Whole Class Discussion

Working together, we will write a summary of the main ideas.
How do you know what the important points are?
How did you deal with unfamiliar words?

2nd Discussion
1. Working with your partner, write a short summary of the main ideas. First,
lets review:
What is a summary?
. What are the parts of a summary?
Introduction statement
Main points
Concluding statement
2. Check your summary with your partner: does it have all 3 parts?

Reflect & Plan

Take a few moments to reflect on the listening process. What was difficult?
What was easy? Did you follow your plan from last class?
Plan for the next listening. Write down at least one thing you would like to try or
do differently.
With your partner:
Share your plan for the next listening. Do you have any suggestions for your

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