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Clements 1

Chris Clements
English 1010
Jim Beatty
5 May, 2015
Gene Splicing a Virus as a Cure for Cancer
People are talking about a genetically engineered poliovirus that thus far shows signs as
being a cure for cancerous brain tumors. Molecular biologist, Mathias Gromeier, removed
poliovirus paralyzing and death trait and spliced a piece of genetic code from a cold-causing
rhinovirus into the poliovirus genome to maintain a complete genetic code. Mankind has created
PVS-RIPO, which is a super virus that has never existed on earth until now. Even though this
newly created virus is intended and being used as a vaccine, its also a foundation for a biological
I chose this cure for my final writing project because I find this very interesting.
Everybody has heard of cancer either through a relative or some other source. My final project is
going to be on this newly discovered cure for cancer that they are finding can totally kill off
brain tumors. Mathias Gromeier created a new virus out of the polio virus and the common cold
virus. Now I know this sounds scary because the common cold can mutate and the polio virus is
so deadly but I think that this could be the dawn of a something new.
The research being conducted for this experiment is happening at the Preston Robert
Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke University. Molecular biologist, Mathias Gromeier, has
harnessed the power of genetic engineering to form a brand new virus that has never been

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brought into existence until now. Scientists are calling the genetically engineered poliovirus
PVS-RIPO. This creation made by Gromeier and his team is astounding.
I personally have never heard of this until one night when I couldnt sleep, I turned on the
television, and CBS was talking about it. As soon as I watched this I went to the research
programs page on the Duke University website and started reading all about it. This is definitely
something that needs to spread like wildfire because out of everyone I know, only one person has
heard of this. I have learned a great deal of information that I hope to compile into this essay to
help educate any and all about this topic.
Apparently the idea of targeting cancer with the help from viruses has been around for a
really long time but only recently became accessible thanks to advances in our technology field
says the research division at The Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center. Cancer has an
abnormal look to its cellular structure and is different from the looks of a normal cells says The
Gromeier Laboratory. What this new man made virus (PVS-RIPO) does is targets the abnormal
looking cells that is cancer and shows your immune system that, hey there is a problem over
here, and your bodys natural defense moves in to take care of the problem. Brian tumors are no
laughing matter; they emotionally and physically destroy you and your family.
According to the book Brain Tumors by Arda Darakjian Clark, a tumor is a solid mass
of tissue formed by abnormal cells that grow uncontrollably (pg.14). This to me kind of sound
like the Poliovirus. According to Davis, the poliovirus is a highly infectious disease that has no
boundaries of victims and can kill without mercy. You can spread the disease before even
showing symptoms and the ranges of effects vary.

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This is something that society has to set a standard towards because the poliovirus can
leave you paralyzed or dead. How the poliovirus is spread is through direct human contact or
something as simple as sneezing and not covering your nose. Once you are infected with polio
there is no treatment that will cure you says Davis. It is a very contagious disease and thanks to a
vaccine its affect on mankind has reduced drastically.
It is very tricky when you start playing with things that you have no understanding about.
From what I know is that the common cold can mutate and the polio virus cannot. I realize that
Gromeier and the Gromeier Laboratory have been really cautious in taking out the disease
causing capabilities of the poliovirus so people dont get paralyzed or die from this cure but it
makes me really nervous. The common cold can mutate fast, so to introduce this technique by
giving something that does not have this kind of power but the capability to kill you should be
monitored extensively.
The Gromeier Laboratory is so focused on that they can do this that they are not asking
themselves if they should do this. What happens if this newly created supervirus that was
genetically engineered in a scientists laboratory decides it doesnt like the fact that its most basic
instinct is gone and so it mutates to regain some of that power? The Gromeier Laboratory says
that so far on all of their animal testing and now human testing that the virus hasnt shown any
signs of being capable to mutate. Why cant they say that PVS-RIPO has no ability to mutate and
that they did all the research necessary before conducting these experiments?
I understand how hard it is to have a family member who has cancer. Everyone in my
immediate family, except for my brother and I, has been told that they have cancer. Tumors are

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the worst but this cure does not sound like the right choice. I believe that it will cause more harm
than good and if word doesnt get out towards these security concerns.
Why does the Gromeier Laboratory have to inject the cure directly above the tumor with
a catheter? Gromeier explained that the reason that they inject the cure into you like this is so the
virus has the most optimal effect on the tumor. PVS-RIPO attaches to the abnormal protein cells
on the tumor because a tumor is a build up of hardened skin tissue, then the immune system
attacks the tumor because it is recognized as polio and now you get cured naturally. So why
havent they listed any of the downfalls of the experiments that are going on because I would
find it very helpful and comforting if I knew what would happen if this cure was injected into a
arm vein or like a eye drop or something.
What are all of the scary things that the Gromeier Laboratory isnt telling us and how
come nobody has ever heard of this until I brought the subject up in class? My family member
with a Lung Tumor hadnt even heard of these trials going on. He explained that if he would
have then he would have participated in them. He further explained that the pain you get from
radiation treatment is so intense that he wouldnt wish this kind of pain on his worst enemy.
In conclusion I dont believe that the right people have taken the right precautions. There
is too much open room for discussion and questioning when talking about PVS-RIPO.
Genetically engineering the poliovirus to create something thats not supposed to ever exist is
abnormal. This is a field that has not been studied enough and if left undiscovered could not only
impact this generation but generations to come.

Work Cited

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Clements, Kenny. Personal interview. 2 May 2015.

A Phase I Clinical Trial for Recurrent Glioblastoma Patients Opens for Accrual at the
Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center. Duke University Medical Center. May
6, 2015. Web. 6 April. 2015.

Clark, Arda Darakjian. Brain Tumors. Detroit: Thomson, Gale, 2006. Print.

Davis, Charles. Polio. (2015). Web. April 20, 2015.

Clements, Michael. Personal interview. 2 April 2015

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