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Juan Poblete

CP English
December 16, 2014
Prompt (E).
The Tragedy Of Heroic Feelings
The tragedy of Hamlet was a sketchy play with multiple characters which had amazing
heroic moments, yet disappointing moments too. William Shakespeare intended a great attitude
and an amazing set for each acts. In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, are timeless
themes with great personal emotions. Hamlet with his bipolar feelings of sadness, anger, love,
and jealousy were spread throughout the play with his friends and family. He is the main
character in the play, also the Prince of Denmark.
In the beginning of the play, in Act I, Hamlet was full of anger since his mother had
quickly married another man after his fathers murder. He would shower hatred and madness
towards his mother, Gertrude, who was the Queen of Denmark, Hamlet was disappointed for his
mothers way of acting for he believed it was impossible for her to get over King Hamlet
(Hamlets father) so quickly, for he was once the man that she love and that she once loved,
Hamlets father was killed in a battled, Its not simply my black mood, mother dear, or my
traditional mourning cloths.. expressions and appearances of grief (Lines 80-85, Act I).
Hamlet explained to King Claudius, (Hamlets uncle), Who later became the New King of
Denmark. His mother that he had hatred towards did not appreciate the fact that his mother had
just forgotten over his dear old husband. What are you going to do?You dont intend to murder
me? (Gertrude, Lines 21-22, Act III) Part of the play explains when Hamlet has a conversation

with his mother on what he had in mind which was madness. He asked multiple questions on
behalf of her ways to quickly forgot his father. During the scene of their conversation, Polonius
was in the tapestry spying, known as a rat and yelled for help. As a result, Hamlet had no other
choice but to kill him. All his madness got to him at that moment, therefore he expressed his
feeling to his mother and to Polonius, to prove a point that what she had done is wrong, and she
need to know the true fact of his old husbands death. And for Polonius, he got what he deserved
for being a rat.
Also in the play, Hamlet shows friendship one of those good friendships he
had, was with Horatio. He has confidence and trust in Horatio when Hamlet tells him, Never to
speak of what you have seen. Swear by my sword (Hamlet, Lines 171-172, Act I). Hamlet
makes Horatio swear to him that he wouldnt say a word about Hamlets father has appeared as a
ghost and has a message for Hamlet. But it was a big swear, since Hamlets father came down for
a reason, and that was to speak the truth about his death. Both men have a close relationship with
each other. Hamlet is smart enough to not talk about this to anyone else but Horatio. Hes so
used to it that he doesnt give it a thought. (Horatio, line 66, Act V) Horatio is a true friend for
him since Horatio already knows a lot about his friend Hamlet. Hamlet expresses his feelings
and mindset to Horatio because he knows he could trust him.
Hamlet also has that lovely/romance side in him, for he has Ophelia, a character
he has feelings for. I could do a commentary on you and your lover if I could see you both
performing.(Hamlet, line 237, Act III) Hamlet is being a sweetheart since he is explaining to
Ophelia that she is beyond beautiful while she is performing also in life. Hamlet has feelings and
emotions for Ophelia yet, doest show her the positive way to show his feelings. Mad for love
of you? My lord, i do not know, but frankly Im afraid he is. (Polonius and Ophelia, Lines 94-96

Act II) Polonius asks Ophelia about Hamlet, and if Hamlet really loves her or is just hanging
around for her, since many people believe is to stupid to realize what she is going through.
Ophelia has no idea on what Hamlet wants from her but she believes that Hamlet really wants
wants her. As a result, Hamlet shows that he didnt really need her, yet he still tries to protect
her? Once again, he was showing his feelings the wrong way, therefore it made Hamlet look
like a total dork.
In conclusion, out of all the characters in the play, Hamlet was the one heroic
character with multiple mistakes in the play, yet he still stood by, showing courage at times, yet
he would then get into the wrong emotions and mess up his head. He got his revenge that he was
anxious to get by killing his uncle, the new King Of Denmark for he was the person who killed
his father, Unfortunately, Hamlet dies as he was in the battle against Laertes, by getting stabbed
by his poisonous sword. As he dies, he had a chance to express his emotions to his mother and
Horatio by having the right time with them and telling them what was running through his mind.
Shakespeare should have made the play different if he did not have a chance to express his
feelings to anyone, also he would have committed suicide. As a result, his play was pretty
amazing in the end and everyone in the play might have died but so on, Horatio was the only one
left to tell the story of Hamlet.

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