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Class #114/7: Speaking and Listening with Eleanor and Park

Lit circle roles, SPIDER roles, dialectical journals due

1. Opening: (20 min)
a. Purpose and standards (2=)
a. CCSS: SL.9-10.1 (a-d), 2, & 3
b. Goal: To practice Lit Circles and SPIDER Web in order to become familiar with
the structure and benefits of different discussion models.
b. Zip Zap Zop Improv Ice-Breaker (13=)
a. Watch video (2-)
b. Do it. Aaaaooogah! (-9)
c. Purpose: (2-)
1. Following the energy
2. Paying attention
3. Moving on after mistakes
4. Working as a group
2. Literature Circles (40 min)
a. Ground rulesdiscussion director (3=)
b. Discussion (27=)
c. Peer and self evaluation (5=)
3. Debrief (10 min)
a. Dialectical Journals
b. Lit Circle structure
c. How Lit Circles teach reading comprehension strategies
a. Fix It infographic
4. Break (10 min)
5. SPIDER Method (40 min)
a. Purpose & Ground rules (3=)
a. Civil/Collaborative Discussion Handout
1. Collaborative Discussion
2. Goal: To determine the benefit and reasons for teaching YAL and/or
controversial texts, to weigh the consequences, and to reflect on the best
approaches when doing so.
b. Process/roles (3=)
a. SPIDER samples (to Web Mappers)
b. Host, feedback giver,
c. Discussion: Teaching challenging texts. (29=)
d. Group evaluation
6. Debrief (10 min)
a. Analyzing E&P
b. Using discussion protocols
7. Closure (20 min)
a. Review CCSS SL.9-10.1 (a-d) and determine where our activities hit the indicators on
the standard.
b. On board: The books that the world calls immoral are books that show its shame Oscar
c. Free-write (Ticket Out the Door)
d. Discuss (?)
8. HOMEWORK (15 min)
a. Pass back Lesson Plan #1. Discuss.
a. Praisestudent-centered, focus on UoS topic, lots of speaking/listening,
interesting, relevant
b. Redundancy of NEPF, SOAA, Reflectionsolution?
c. Attach ALL materials
d. Assessments must align with standards, too!
b. Lesson Plan #2 due 4/14 in Edmodo
c. OPTIONAL: Read Teacher Spends Two Days as a Student, Three

Things Students Wish Teachers Knew, The Jobs of the Future Dont
Require a College Degree

Class #124/14: Close Reading (165 min)

Lesson Plan #2 DUE

Opening (5 min)
a. RL.11-12.4, L.11-12.5, 5a







Free write: What are you already doing to teach close-reading to students (or what do you see
your mentor teacher doing?)
Goal: To more fully understand the importance of close reading and to expand our close-reading skillset in order to help students read deeply and comprehend what theyre reading.

Close reading for ideas: Read Salvador Late or Early (50 min)
a. We can choose a different purpose or focus for our reading. It doesnt have to be grammar. Here, well
focus on author purpose and rhetorical devices used to contribute to our understanding of the text.
b. Read passage once for flow. Read again.
c. Who is Salvador? How do you know? Whats Cisneros purpose? How do you know?
d. Lets identify patterns
i. Color, Numbers, Alliteration, School words, Salvadors name (meaning in Spanish, what if
Heather?), Butterfly image, Title
ii. Repetition (3rd paragraph)
1. What do you notice (focus on repetition)? What is repetition? Whats the effect here?
2. In partners, rewrite the passage without repetition (5-)
3. Share; how do the 2 versions vary? How does changing the structure affect the
passage? Preference? (4-)
iii. Apply one of the elements above and write a rhetorical device statement about how the use of
the device helps us better understand what the author is saying about children and poverty.
1. Dear Students Formula: Sandra Cisneros (strong verb)(specific word) in order to
(strong verb) (purpose or main idea). *Note: the verbs and purpose should
2. Example: Cisneros repeats the words in and inside seven times in one sentence in
order to emphasize how deeply buried Salvadors still-fighting spirit is beneath
povertys wounds.
3. Write your own; share with partner; share some whole group
e. Open forum: How does Salvador compare to Eleanor? Provide specific examples from the text to
support your answer.
Your Turn: (40 min)
a. Pass back dialectical journals
b. Whole Group: Brainstorm themes from Eleanor and Park (5-)
c. PPT: In pairs, choose one theme from the list that you want to explore with students
d. In pairs, choose one passage where this theme is expressed (8-)
e. Make a list of patterns from this passage that contribute to our understanding of the theme (10-)
Write a Dear Students sentence as a sample model for students (7-)
g. Share with your neighbors (10-)
Close reading for language: Read passage from Eleanor and Park (25 min)
a. Pass out E&P passage
b. What do you notice (end by focusing on parallel structure)? What is parallel structure? Whats the
c. Rewrite passage without parallel structure (in pairs) (3-)
d. How do the 2 versions vary?
e. How does changing the structure affect the passage? Preference?
Using the sentence from E&P as a model, write your own sentence using parallel structure & share (10-)
Language Progressive Skills from CCSS (Grammar an Inch Wide and a Mile Deep). (15 min)
a. Share list of CCSS Language Skills
b. Using the same passage, what language features might you focus on?
c. Step by step, how would you use this passage to teach that language feature?
d. Share with neighbors
Closure: Return to objectives (10 min)
a. Takeaways:
i. Choose a focus or purpose for the close reading
ii. Begin by asking students to notice
iii. Based on what students notice, teach rhetorical or grammatical device from the back door
iv. Provide mentor passages
v. Ask students to both practice and identify
b. Why do we teach students how to read closely?
c. What are some strategies for teaching close reading?
d. How does close reading support other core skills like language and writing?
HOMEWORK (10 min)
a. Work on your Unit of Study


Prepare a graphic organizer calendar/overview (including purpose, goals, and major

assignments) for your Unit of Study to share next class

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