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Number of Skyscrapers
in Korea(completed)


525% increase


Major Safety Threats

To Skyscrapers:
Fire, Windstorm,
Sinkhole, Earthquake
after 2000

before 2000

Skyscraper Structural Safety Assessment Criteria:

Grey Tower
Conditions of retaining
walls in proximity
to the building

Conditions of damages
on essential components
of the building structure

-ruptures or distortions in retaining walls

-presence of sinkholes in proximity

-severe ruptures (horizontal rupture,

exposure of metal rebars) on concrete columns
-ruptures on exterior walls

Conditions of
building interior

Conditions of
living safety defect

-water leakage and secondary efflorescence

-ruptures on building interior

-inconvenience of emergency route in the case of fire

-unsafe balustrades(balconies, rooftops)

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