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Day Book Planning Format


11:30 12;15

KLA and
Shared Christian


1. Stories
love for
Unit Outcomes
By the end of
this unit students
should be able
e in a
of biblical

Indicators of
Learning and
Students able
to sit calmly
and be
whilst the
parable is
read/acted out
listening to a
why Jesus
calls himself
The Good
that we have
shepherds in
our daily lives
Student able
to write one or
two good
shepherds in
their life and
why, drawing
Student able
to reflect using
words and

Teaching and Learning Experiences

Greet the students at the door they are now

entering a sacred space; they are crossing the
Introduce the story of The Good Shepherd to the
Mention that we read the book yesterday; today,
were reading it, however in a different way
Yesterday, we looked at Jesus as our Good
Introduce the learning intention
Learning Intention for the lesson: Looking at who
are the good shepherds in our life here on Earth
Goals for the lesson:
Staying on task when completing our work,
working silently when asked to do so.
Providing myself with a quality piece of
work which reflects their learning
Reinforce good behaviour ask the students to sit
quietly and respectfully as we are about to read
something very special
When the students are seated quietly, begin by
picking up the box
Act out the Godly Play for the students
After the story, ask some I Wonder questions:
What is the job of a shepherd?
Why Jesus chose to use the shepherd to
teach about Gods love?
How is God like a shepherd?
What is the best/most important part of this

Differentiating for Individual Needs

e.g. Special Needs, ESL, Gifted &
Talented, Different Learning Styles


Social Characteristics of students:

Student 1 and Student two may talk a
fair bit whilst on the floor in the
sacred space, and this may affect not
just the learning of themselves, but
the learning of others too. Thus,
action must be taken to make sure
they are separated throughout the
time on the floor. Student 3 may take
off around the classroom and walk
around, and thus due action must be
taken to make sure the student is
given the proper motivation to stay
on task and participate in the lesson.

Godly Play
Paper for

Students 1, 2 and 3 may have

troubles intellectually with the
content, and thus this may affect
learning. The task must be engaging
enough and well explained, setting
clear goals for the students, letting
them participate wherever possible.
Strategies to manage these students
challenging behaviour: Students 1, 2
and 3 may exhibit challenging
behaviour throughout the lesson.
Strategies to combat this behaviour
may include giving these students a
role and responsibility for the lesson
that they are to take care of the
special box and make sure it is
packed away safely.
Another strategy to combat the

Informal Assessment:
Asking the students
various questions after
the story has taken
place, consolidating
their knowledge of
what they have just
read along with
previous lessons.
Formal and formative
assessment: Students,
applying their
knowledge from the
story and from
previous tasks, are to
explain their own good
shepherds. Task has
been differentiated.

story for us?

Ask the students to stay seated on the floor
Reinforce again to the students that Jesus is our
good shepherd.
Explain that we have many good shepherds in our
life; they help us through our daily lives
Scaffold some examples Mum or Dad can be our
good shepherds- write why they are

challenging behaviour might be to

remind the students of the formal
contracts we have with each other
that they are to respect the
classroom, the teachers and their
friends at all times during the day.
Constantly reinforce this with the

Using the paper to be given out by table leaders,

the students will answer: who or what has been
your good shepherd and how did they help and
guide you?
Tell the students that they are to draw their good
shepherd helping them

Differentiated task:
Modified: Students in the lower ability
group will be given a sentence starter
with their task; ________ has been my
good shepherd and they have guided
me by _____________
They may use pictures to accompany
their written work
Core: Students, without a sentence
starter, will state who their good
shepherd is and why they are their good
They may use pictures to accompany
their written work
Extension: Students, without a
sentence starter, will state three people
in their life who they feel best resemble
a good shepherd in their life. They will
be asked why this is, and how they can
take these traits of this person and apply
it to their own lives

Ask the table leaders to come up and take the

Then table by table, ask the students to quietly and
quickly go back to their desks and complete the
Return to our goals, and see if they have been
achieved. How did we meet them? If we didnt meet
them, how can we go about achieving them next

Safety Issues to consider:

Students safe when moving from floor to desks and vice versa.

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