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Religion is quite possibly one of mankinds most controversial inventions.

It can be both
conciliation or destruction, all based on how an individual interprets a specific bit of text written
centuries ago by people living in a completely different set of circumstances. Buddhism was
created by a prince that had never known a day of suffering in his life. Christianity, a religion
based on the death of a man that lived to serve (according to its ancient text), has been the front
for some of the worst war crimes and most heinous acts of treachery known to man.
One familiar misuse of religion to many people today is the Islamic jihadists that plague
mankind. For the glory of their god, Allah, they strap bombs to their chests and detonate them in
the markets of their countrymen, indiscriminately killing men, women, and children. These
jihadists are said to be making the ultimate sacrifice, but a closer look at the whole picture is
needed to truly understand why transcendence is so welcome to these young, pious fellows. A
special place is reserved in heaven for the jihadists, where they are to be rewarded with not one,
not two, but seventy-two virgins for their great sacrifice. This is such a strong enticement that
Europeans and Americans have been known to convert to Islam and rush to join their brothers
to get their own slice of the pie. A point worth mentioning is that no small number of these
jihadists are supposed to be virgins themselves, and that nearly all of them are men, as well. The
Quran never does specify that the virgins are women...
A more modern example of religious misdirection is the ISIS terrorist group. Their
noble intentions and fervent speeches are all too often punctuated by Allahu Akbar (Praise
God), but their methods of persuasion seem to lack any form of charity or kindness. Not too
long ago, an Israeli teenager was enticed to join ISIS by its promises of beautiful women, fancy
cars..., a direct appeal to the boys greed and selfishness. The reality was not nearly as nice as
the advertising, as most uninformed consumers find. The boy was beheaded by another Allahu

Akbar! screaming fanatic, a fellow Israeli teen. ISISs excuse to the world? The boy was
obviously a member of the Mossad, the Israeli version of the CIA.
Arabs are not the only charlatans in the world, however. Far from it, as a matter of fact.
Islams Christian brothers are every bit as bad at times, though many of Christianitys blunders
are pieces of the past now, of which the Crusades are an excellent example. What better way to
spread the word of God, an accepting and loving deity, than by introducing him to the heathens
face-to-face? Shove six inches of steel into someone and poof! Suddenly everyones a believer
(everyone within reach, at least). The most ironic part about the Crusades, however, is that both
the Christians and the Muslims maintained that their enemies were heathens, even though the
only difference between their respective deity was its name.
One surviving relic of a bygone era that continues to slander Christianity by its very
existence is the Ku Klux Klan. Love thy neighbor, unless thy neighbor aint white is their
motto. They cite text from the Bible to justify their racist beliefs and actions. In their eyes, man
was created unequal based on the color of their skin. Copious amounts of melanin are a special
blasphemy to their Lord God, punishable by suffering in the form of social inequality and, years
ago, by death. In effect, the Ku Klux Klan is a fine example of hypo criticism. It is obvious that
the KKK is selectively Christian, for they must never have read the 9th Commandment, Thou
shalt love thy neighbor as thou loves thyself. God never inserted any fine print saying to
disregard the commandment in the presence of non-whites.
On the contrary, this is not an essay that seeks to dissuade the reader from religion.
Though there is very little said in this essay that could be identified as positive about religion,
there are certainly admirable principles and intentions to be found in Christianity, Islam, and

other such faiths. Many of the faiths in the world are based on what a group of people believe to
be the best, most beneficial way to live life. Selflessness, charity, fellowship, and support are
common themes found in most religions. Even so, there are individuals who will seek to use a
beneficial theology for their own twisted wants. For every yin, there is a yang, and for every
faith, there is some caustic and greedy charlatan that wishes to con life, money, and soul from the
faithful. It is not the institution itself that is so often flawed, but rather it is the people that do the
work of the institution. Surely, it is no coincidence that there are but few faiths known to the
world that dont preach the idea of mankind being born imperfectly with evil in his/her heart.

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