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5 Applications of Circles

Equations of Circles
Found by using a coordinate plane and the
2 + 2 = 2
Pythagorean Theorem!
- a and b can be found by
subtracting the x values and
the y values

( )2 +( )2 = 2
- c is the radius of the circle
from the center to the edge, so:
Center is at (h,k) and r is the radius

( )2 +( )2 = 2

Examples of Equations of Circles

You can find the radius two ways. If you are given
the side lengths of a triangle inside the circle:
2 + 2 = 2
32 + 42 = 2 - Substitute
9 + 16 = 2 - Square
25 = 2 - Add
25 = 2 - take square root


And c is the radius, so the

radius is 5!

Examples of Equations of Circles

You can find the radius two ways. If you are given
the center and point on the circle, use the equation
of a circle:
( )2 +( )2 = 2
(h, k) is the center so (0, 0)
(x, y) is point on circle so (3, 4)
We are trying to find r:
(3 0)2 +(4 0)2 = 2
(3)2 +(4)2 = 2
9 + 16 = 2
25 = 2
25 = 2
So the radius is 5!

Equations of Circles

The point of the Equation of a circle is to find the

center and the radius of a circle:
Center is at (h,k) and r is the radius
So when given a full completed equation, find the
center and radius:
( )2 +( )2 = 2
(x3)2 + (y4)2 = 82
- Center is (3, 4) and radius is 8
(x+2)2 + (y+5)2 = 16 or 42
- Center is (-2, -5) and radius is 4

Completing the Square

If you are not given a picture, then you might be
given a partial equation of a circle and asked to find
the center and the radius.
If this happens, you must complete the square in
the partial equation:
Step 1 original equation
Step 2 group like terms
Step 3 complete the quadratic
Step 4 simplify the equation
Step 5 factor each equation
Step 6 identify the center and radius

Example of Completing the Square

Step 1 original equation

x2 4x + y2 2y = 4
Step 2 group like terms same variables
(x2 4x) + (y2 2y) = 4
Step 3 complete the quadratic Take the coefficient
of the middle term, divide by 2 and then square it
(x2 4x+4) + (y2 2y+1) = 4 + (4 + 1)
Step 4 simplify the equation
(x2 4x+4) + (y2 2y+1) = 9
Step 5 factor each equation
(x2)2 + (y1)2 = 32
Step 6 identify the center and radius
Center = (2, 1) Radius = 3

Arc Length
Arc Length is the distance of a portion of the edge
of a circle
The red and blue arcs with
the arrows

You must have the central angle of the arc in order

to find the arc length, but then use the following


Example of Arc Length



Find the arc length of PQ:

= 2

= 2(9)
Use calculator: Arc Length = 9.42 !

A radian is the measure of an intercepted arc of a
central angle whose length is equal to the radius of
the circle
Quick formula to convert from Degrees to Radians:


where x is the Degree measure

So convert 52 to radians:
= 0.942

Area of a Sector
Area of a Sector is the area of a portion of a circle,
like a piece of the pie:
The yellow is the area of the
smaller circle
The blue is the area of the larger
You must have the measure of the central angle for
this equation as well:


Example of Area of a Sector


= (4)

Use a calculator: A = 16.74 2

Proportionality of Arc Lengths and

Area of Sectors
We already know that all circles are similar, so if
you have two circles with the same central angle,
then we also have proportionality.

Follows the same rule as in similar figures where

the side lengths of two similar figures are
proportional and the angles are congruent.
Well, if two circles have congruent central angles,
then their Arc Lengths and Area of Sectors are

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