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Jiwani 1

Anusha Jiwani
6 May 2015
Synthesis Essay

Practices that promote the preservation and protection of natural resources have become
an important discussion in the society today. The cost and availability of the natural resources
has changed so people are in conflict of whether it should be a compulsory responsibility for all
citizens in the world. U.S has different views on if they should continue the fostering of green
practices, if they do continue a pro is that it will serve the future, and a con is that if it is not
benefitting them why should they do it, U.S should step up and express their high level of
environmental stewardship.
According to article 1, one reason why the U.S needs to fix the problem of why a green
revolution is needed is because the earth is getting hot, flat, and crowded. The planet is slowly
getting unstable. The energy supplies are getting tightened and the extinction of plants and
animals is intensifying. If they decide to continue going green they can serve the future
generations and help earth sustain life (Article 6). It will also help the people who are
unemployed because the employment rate will increase, which will help the economy.
However, there are some disadvantages according to the U.S. if environmental
consciousness is continued. In article 6 Sevastian Winters says, even though going green will
help the long term economy, it will not help the short term economy and people will use up too
much time for productivity by improving the lifestyle.

Jiwani 2
According to article 2, the U.S. Department of Energy has set up a list of tips on saving
energy and money at home. This shows that American Government wants to help improve the
earth. However according to Amy Todisco, people do not do things that will not help themselves
in some way. People have become selfish and if it does not affect them they will not go green
(article 7). If the U.S government wants to help the economy and wants to take charge for being
the leader in the efforts to live green they should look at Singapores government they can see
one way energy is getting conserved is by taxes. Singapore is one of the places in the world that
is making energy conservation a priority to help this problem (Article 2).
Every country has a different belief on how they want their country to run. Their decision
for continuing to preserve the earth is upon how they feel about it and if it will affect them. If the
U.S wants to lead the world in preserving the greenery, they will need to come up with better
ideas to do this. . U.S has different views on if they should continue the fostering of green
practices, if they do continue it will sustain the earth, however most people will not do it if it is
not benefitting them.

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