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Emily Hare

How Existentialism is a Fundamentally Flawed Idealism

Existentialism is an idealism first started in the 19th century that gained popularity in the
1920's after the devastating effects of World War I. Does existentialism promote negative societal
behavior? As a belief it is contradictory while being overly negative and promoting the rise of
false intellectuals.
At its surface existentialism sounds like it makes sense. People are self aware and make
their own decisions, making these decisions causes anxiety and stress, humans define themselves
through these decisions since life has no inherent meaning, and some things are irrational and
cruel and we just can't explain them. At a closer look however, the idealism starts to fall apart. If
everything is a choice and sometimes bad things happen the logical conclusion is that bad things
are results of choices others make. Existentialism disagrees, clearly stating that no one can
explain why some times bad things happen to good people.
Existentialism is near nihilistic in its approach to mortality. While at its base of "life's
meaning is what people make it to be" is fairly uplifting and honestly a good message to send, it
is sullied by saying that because of the inherent differences of people's choices individuals are
inevitably isolated. It only talks about terrible and cruel events, without ever mentioning the
good in the world. Everything is a choice but those choices, no matter how good for you they
might initially seem, has horrible consequences that must be faced. This negativity to the point of
absurdity is harmful, especially to those with depression. Depression causes people to think that
everything is terrible and existentialism would have people believe that everything that happens
is a choice. Combined is someone who is dangerously depressed that thinks that they deserve it
due to the fact that everything that happens to them is a choice.

Emily Hare

Anyone can walk into their local coffee shop and listen to some college age lit major say
the same things that are a part of the existentialism ideology. Let's compare between the two.
Overly negative in the face of positive outcomes? Check. Thinks that everything is a result of
choices? Check. When things happen that they don't understand do they suddenly blame the
randomness of the universe? Checkeroonie. Modern pseudo-intellectuals would get along great
with their forbearers for the sole fact that they both immediately ignore anything and anyone that
contradicts their beliefs. If these youths gained any modicum of power then the world would be
doomed to people who don't know how to solve their own problems
Existentialism is a fundamentally flawed idealism. It consistently and constantly
contradicts itself while sounding like the kind of pessimistic hogwash that would come out of the
mouth of someone who writes bad poetry. Not only does it promote pseudo intellectuals, which
are annoying, it also encourages those with depression and anxiety to sink deeper into their
illnesses. If more people adhered to existentialism society would be a wreck because of its
inherently flawed principles and pessimistic outlook on life.

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