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Digestive System

Digestive System

The organs and glands in the body that are responsible for

The digestive system begins with the mouth and extends through
the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, and
ending with the rectum and anus

Pathway of the Digestive system

Colon (Large Intestine)

It extends from the cecum to the rectum

Water and electrolytes are absorbed, solidified and prepared for

elimination as feces in the colon

Contains bacteria that help in the bodys absorption of nutrients

from digested material


The role of the teeth are to demolish lumps of solid food and
leave smaller fragments to be dealt with and disposed of in other


All four types of taste buds are salty, sour, sweet, and bitter are
found on all areas on the surface of the tongue

Helps to move food around in mouth to help the teeth make it



Carries the food to the stomach

Salivary Glands

The mere presence of food in our mouth or even smell sends

signals to our brain and our brain in turn sends messages back to
a system of six glands

The salvia moistens the food for swallowing


Produces bile that is carried to the digestive tract by the bile duct

Gall Bladder

Stores excess bile

Small Intestine

Secretes enzymes that act on protein and carbohydrates

Digested food is absorbed by the small intestine


Produces digestive juices that help break down starches, proteins

and fats

These juices are carried to the intestine by the pancreatic duct


Secretes gastric juices that help break down proteins and fats by
enzyme action


RetrivedMay 5, 2015, From The-Digestivesystem-and-the-liver-themouth-saliva-teeth-and-tongue.html

(n.d.).Retrieved May 5,2015, from

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