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Nanobots: The Building Blocks of Bionics

Amanda Cordero, Hunter Galindo, and Isabella Tang
West Career and Technical Academy

Author Note
Amanda M. Cordero, Hunter R. Galindo, Isabella G. Tang, Biomedical Sciences
Program, West Career and Technical Academy.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Amanda M. Cordero,
Biomedical Sciences Program, West Career and Technical Academy, Las Vegas, NV 89135.
Nanobots: The Building Blocks of Bionics
The purpose of this project is to refine an already existing medical procedure or
instrument and focus on improving it for more advanced, future purposes. Potential applications


of nanobots and nanotechnology include the delivery of materials, harness chemical energies
around the environment, self-assembling into more advanced structures (Alexander & Gerhard,
2013). The size and physical behavior of nanobots are similar to that of less advanced creatures
such as bacteria. Advances in this field have yielded results in methods of nanobots being able to
identify and locate specified target cells (Benaron & Parachikov, 2008). According to Benaron
and Parachikov, the circulated cell count is performed to determine the presence, absence,
concentration or count of the target cell. Using the idea of detections systems and methods for
detecting target cells in vivo (Benaron & Parachikov, 2008), developing a technology of
nanobots that can detect certain ailments, such as blood clots, will define a new technological era
and further the advancement of technology in the field of medicine.

Present Technology
Today, nanotechnology is being used as nanocomposites, nanocrystals, nanoparticles and
other types of technology. Nanocomposites are a multiphase, solid material where, in a certain
phases, structures are in the nano-scale measure. Scientists at Pacific Northwest National


Laboratory have now developed a coating process that actually latches onto toxic chemicals in
water. These nanocomposites have sponge-like silica that allows it to attach to the harmful
chemicals in the water. The impact this present technology has on the environment is
immeasurable; oil spills and other harmful chemical disasters can be cleaned up in a more
efficient and less harmful manner. These nanocomposites are also able to attach to metals like
mercury and lead (Nanotechnology Now, 2012).
A nanocrystal is a crystalline particle with at least one dimension measuring less than
1000 nanometers (What is nanocrystal? n.d.). Nanocrystals have been used in the
manufacturing area of business and can act as filters that convert crude oil to diesel fuel. Certain
types of nanocrystals, such as Titania nanocrystals, can actually be suspended in liquid form and
applied to surfaces; this makes it possible to paint a solar panel or other structures onto a
surface (What is nanocrystal? n.d.). Future uses for the nanocrystal include the production of
hydrogen, medical imaging, drug manufacturing, protein analysis, and illumination.
Nanoparticles such as the stain-repellants that uses a process developed by Nano-Tex,
that coats each small fiber of the article of clothing with something called nano-whiskers.
Nano-whiskers are made of crystalline materials with distinct crystal properties. Today, this
technology is used in everyday household items such as dry cleaners, detergents, cleaning
products, and even window covering markers (Nanotechnology Now, 2012). These are just some
types of the technology developed by some leading nanotechnology - specialized companies.
The history of nanotechnology and how it emerged is convoluted and unclear.
The time span of the development of nanotechnology is also confusing, and there are many
theories of the origin of nanotechnology (Tolochko, n.d.). However, one thing remains clear: the


definition of nanotechnology, which is a controllable way not only to create nanomaterials but
also to operate them (Tolochko, n.d.).
The concept of nanotechnology was originally mentioned in Theres Plenty of
Room at the Bottom. This was a talk given by a physicist named Richard Feynman on
December 29, 1959. Feynman originally proposed an idea where individual atoms could be
manipulated along with molecules. A Tokyo Science University professor named Norio
Taniguchi defined the term nanotechnology. Dr. K. Eric Drexler proposed the basic idea for the
definition of nanotechnology (WordPress, n.d.). Forms of nanotechnology-enabled material
include products that are: carbon nanotubes, nanocomposite structures or nanoparticles
(WordPress, n.d.).
This field of technology has continued to expand and improve tremendously. Scientists
trained in this field are now able to manipulate individual atoms and molecules through the use
of nanotechnology. Being able to manipulate individual molecules, atoms, and other materials
now give scientists a precision they didnt have when nanotechnology was still a new field.
Future Technology
In twenty years, the development of the limited knowledge of current nanotechnology
will be possible. Nanotechnology today focuses on creating nano-particles, which are simpler
structures made to deliver drugs and/or advantageous properties to specific cells; however, to
build upon this, producing nanobots or nanoparticles that are able to not only detect but also
begin treatment on serious medical ailments, such as a growing tumor or a large blood clot that's
causing problems, is the goal. In order to accomplish such a feat, taking the idea of nanoparticles
to a whole new level and creating something greater built on the principles of nanoparticles will
be essential instead of sticking with todays nanotechnology that only allows for simple tasks to


be carried out. The technology foreseen will be a device capable of taking the orders of separate
programmed procedures. Essentially, these technologies combine the abilities of hundreds of
nanoparticles and form those capabilities into one single nanobot.
The future technology is a pod; NANOS is intended to be spherical, but also carry an
ovaline dynamic, thus making it more efficient to travel throughout the body. NANOS will have
some width to it, but will remain slim enough to prevent getting caught up in any body structure
(i.e. narrow/convoluted openings and closings). The nanobot will be light in weight and will still
need to be viewed under a microscope to be seen in full. However, because of its complexity, it
will be larger compared to a single nanoparticle. NANOS will have other physical attributes to
make tasks simpler such as the addition of a tail-like propeller to assist in the prospect of quick
transport, along with pincher arms to help in anchoring itself within the area in needs to be in
for its programmed task. Along with its physical abilities, NANOS will also have an internal chip
specially programmed for a certain task, whether thatd be finding a tumor, or dislodging a blood
clot; this chip will be insertable and removable for the sake of keeping NANOS's central device
As far as abiding by current scientific principles go, paying extra attention to the
Precautionary Principle is extremely important. The principle states: When an activity raises
threats of harm to human health or the environment, precautionary measures should be taken
even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully established scientifically (Down, 2012).
This principle must be directly applied to the research as the full capabilities of nanotechnology
are not fully understood and can be safely thought of as likely to be harmful to human health and
potentially the environment during its beginning stages. Current research suggests that the
varying scales of nanomaterial toxicity cannot be reliably predicted, but have raised enough


concern to justify further testing and preventative care. Since such precautionary steps must be
taken under this principle, the principle suggests that regulations of harsh, and comprehensive
pre-marketing safety assessments must ensue before embarking on the unique properties that
nanomaterial possess.
In order for advanced nanomaterial technology (i.e. nanobots) to become a reality, there
is much to be studied and tested on the subject. Truth being that current day scientists have only
begun to scratch the surface of understanding exactly what it is and how it could be potentially
used for, as far as future medical technology goes. Future technology doesnt exist today because
simply not enough is known about the current technology; researchers are still not completely
certain how nanoparticles are structured and exactly how they function. If nanobots were to
advance more in the future, scientists would have to be certain on many aspects of the
technology present today such as environmental fate and behaviors. Environmental fate and
behaviour include how the technology acts naturally within the environment, and if that
existence damages the environment severely. Human and environmental toxicity: harm caused to
the human body and environment via unpredictable toxicity and reactivity levels, methods for
general assessment, and lastly, commercial and industrial-related aspects: running through the
regulations demanded by the precautionary principle, pre-marketing testing and assessments. Not
only are the specifics of the technology unknown yet to scientists, but also the methods in which
they would obtain that information remains muddled as well.
If the team was going to take on the breakthrough of determining the toxicity levels and
effects on the human body and environment, we would need a spacious, and secluded testing
environment to minimize the potential damage that may be caused. Plots of land to specifically


test on, along with human subjects willing to be exposed nanomaterials with the notion that they
may be severely harmed during trials throughout this process (may be paid varying sums
depending on the type of testing they choose to be apart of) will be needed. Since the team would
be aware that the main effect of nanomaterials is the varying levels of toxicity; toxicity
measurements will occurs within regular intervals using the dose-response relationship
assessment. This method describes the changes in effect on an organism caused by differing
levels of exposure to a stressor (usually a chemical) after a certain exposure time. Data collection
of toxicity on both the human and environment will continue until a certain trend can be found
within the research.
Design Process
During the process of developing NANOS, three different features were evaluated: the
size, the shape, and the efficiency. The shape of this technology is critical for a smooth, easy
access into the human body. The typical nanobot currently ranges from 0.1 to 10 micrometers.
Some prototypes are aiming for 109 micrometers, and to put this into comparison, a strand of
hair has an average width of 105 m and 104 m (10 m and 100 m). The NANOS will aim to
be within 106 to 1010 to help ease the insertion of the nanobot for patients. The smaller the
size, the smaller the chances of the NANOS to get caught in any other body structure other than
its assigned is ultimately slim. The size has to be small enough for the NANOS to travel inside
our circulatory system, yet it has to be big enough that will prevent the losing of the nanobot.
Putting this into consideration, the NANOS also has to be large enough and heavy enough to
where it will not be easily swayed by the circulation of human blood. The average blood cell
travels in our bodies at a speed of 10 mph, making a round trip every 60 seconds, therefore


NANOS will receive a high density in a small pod to go against the natural current of the blood
The original shape that was thought of but then rejected was a sphere. It was rejected
because a sphere is a round object that may result in a lesser speed of entering the human body
and shifting around in the circulatory system. The spherical shape was then advanced to a pod
shape that has a narrow and v like shape at the front top mimicking the v-formation of birds for
the best conservation of energy by taking advantage of the upwash vortex fields. The v-formation
will also allow an easier insertion to the human body. Consequences of the sphere include the
binding of nanobot to other sites like neurotransmitters.
The purpose of the the NANOS is to diminish any unwanted or harmful objects in the
human body like a growing tumor or a blood clot, therefore, there has to have something that
attacks or hangs onto the said target. The addition of hooks, legs, or pinchers was rejected
due to the consequences of the hooks possibly getting caught in other bodily structures and
slicing or cutting apart membranes of the veins, arteries, brain matter, etc. In order for the
NANOS to be able to find the correct object to attack, specific memory and identification chips
will be installed within the pod. The pod will have a switch that allows itself to unwind to place
chips inside. The chips will help read what objects it needs to find and diminish. The pod will
have a compartment that actives only when the chips have identified which object to diminish;
the pod will release hooks that help bind to the unwanted object, and the chips will provide the
proper instructions to diminish the said object.
Consequences of NANOS will honestly be high. The nanobot is controlled from the
outside of the human body through computers by an animated representation that maps the


human body from the inside. The insertion of the NANOS is minimally invasive, but at this
moment, the traditional needle inserts it. In twenty years, the goal is to allow the patients to
swallow the NANOS like any other vitamin supplement to exclude the pain altogether.
Depending on the patient, their blood may be thicker or may go faster than anticipated,
therefore causing consequences that may backfire the purpose of the NANOS. If the speed is not
up to process, then the NANOS may become backed up in our circulatory system causing more
clots than before. The unwinding of the pod itself and releasing the hooks to attack the target site
may have complications in the unwinding process. The hooks used to diminish the unwanted
object in the human body may stab directly through the object and cause the cells to disperse
throughout the entire body instead of just existing at that specific area of the body. The NANOS
is built for it to self-destruct along with the unwanted object, but the process of self-destruct may
haywire and cause misfires within the body. Until the NANOS is actually inside a human body,
the consequences remain unclear and infinite.



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