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the term marketing has changed and evolved over a period of time, today

marketing is based around providing continued benefits to the customer,

these benefits will be provided and a transactional excgange will take
termenul comercializarea s-a schimbat i a evoluat pe o perioad de timp, astzi
piata se bazeaz pe furnizarea de continue beneficii pentru client, aceste beneficii
vor fi furnizate i o excgange tranzacional va avea loc

CASA alba
tabloul mi-a creat o dispozitie foarte buna, plina de amintiri si imagini
referitoare la casa batraneasca a bunicilor mei.
Bucuria ochilor pe care o incerci cand privesti fotografia, vine si din
intregul format din casa acoperita cu tigla, inconjurata cu verdeata, avand
un gard din lemn vopsit in alb si fantana cu apa rece si limpede pe care
trebuie sa o scoti la suprafata invartind la cea mai mare roata.
picture gave me a very good mood, full of memories and images on the old house of my
Joy eyes when you try looking at the picture, comes from the entire house consists of slate,
surrounded by greenery, with a wooden fence painted white and cold water fountain and
clear that you have to remove the spinning surface largest wheel.

cred ca un batranel cu bunica lui traiesc aici, pentru ca are gradina cea
mai curata si ingrijita
I think an old man living with his grandmother here, because it has the most clean and tidy

Pot mirosi clorofila verde din frunze, pot auzi zumzetul insectelor din
gradina, si pot simti racoarea zidurilor primitoare.

I can smell the green chlorophyll in leaves, can hear the hum of insects in the garden, and I
can feel the cool walls welcoming.

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