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BSB 6101: Integrated Marketing


Names: Sawsan Shaker

ID: 201100250
Class: 01
Tutor: Tarek Abuasi
Work Count: 1638

Table of Contents
1-Executive-Summary...................................................................................................................... 2
2-Target-Market .............................................................................................................................. 3
3-Advertising-Objectives ................................................................................................................. 4
4-Supporting-Rational ..................................................................................................................... 5
5-Budget-Allocation:........................................................................................................................ 7
6-Advertising-Schedule(Action-Plan) ............................................................................................ 11
7-Checklist ..................................................................................................................................... 15
8-References.................................................................................................................................. 17
9-Appendices ................................................................................................................................. 18
9.1-Advertising Message ........................................................................................................... 18
9.1.1-Website Banner Message............................................................................................. 18
9.1.2-Flyers Message ............................................................................................................. 19
9.1.3-Video Message ............................................................................................................. 20
9.1.4-Radio Message ............................................................................................................. 21
9.1.5-Seminar Invitation Message ......................................................................................... 21
9.2-Additional Rational:............................................................................................................. 22
9.3-Seminar Information ........................................................................................................... 24
9.4-Economical Budget Justification ......................................................................................... 24
9.5-Surveys & Results ................................................................................................................ 25
9.5.1-Potential Customers ..................................................................................................... 25
9.5.2-Current Customers ....................................................................................................... 28
9.6-Interview ............................................................................................................................. 30

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The aim of this report is to create advertising-campaign for BBIC to attract their
targeted-audience. The main findings about the targeted-audiences are that majority
are male students with business ideas but have limited entrepreneurship background
and awareness about BBICs existence. This is based on the conducted surveys and
interviews regarding both BBICs potential/current customers. The advertisingcampaign is created to support BBICs corporate-strategy by devoting the wanted
message into the advertisements in order to inform customers about BBIC, persuade
them to try these facilities, create brand awareness among them and remind them
about BBIC all over again.
Moreover, different advertisement-types(Banner/Flyers/Video/Radio/Seminarinvetation) were selected to run this campaign. Each detail in these advertisements
has supporting rationale behind it. For example, since the targeted-audience are
visual-learners, pictures and written-words have been used in several advertisements.
Additionally, the campaign uses several studies to maximize the effectiveness of
advertising, like Questions-Tactic and Animations. These advertisements are sketches
of how real ones should look like.
As for the budget allocation, the total budget needed differs from a month to another
as the level of activities starts high in the first half of the campaign while it decreases in
the second half. Furthermore, the action plan clarifies the process of the entire
campaign from its preparation for launch in May until the end of it in June2015.
Finally, Check-List is provided to show the steps taken to cover this report.

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Based on the conducted surveys for both(Potential& Current)customers besides the
interviews with BBICs representative(Abdulla-Qudrat), the following information will
illustrate BBICs targeted-audience.(Appendix-9.5.1/9.5.2/9.6)

This table illustrates percentages of majority that could represent BBICs targetedaudience. As shown above, most of the targeted-audience are male students between
ages of 18-25. They seem to have good level of creativity and resilience which indicates
that they will do impossible to reach their dreams. Their future perception is to
become business owners as most of them have business ideas. The level of internet
usage is high per day and they socialize throughout Twitter/Instagram/Facebook. They
visit websites to seek company/products information. Few only come with
Entrepreneurship experience and BBIC is not widely known among potentialPage 3 of 30

customers. Also, most BBICs facilities that are being used by current-customers are
conference/meeting-rooms. In their way to/from Work/College, they spend more than
half-hour in the car and they tend to listen to music while driving. The audience is
interested in animated characters/cartoon.

The following are advertisement-objectives:
Objective-1:Creating/spreading brand awareness and interest for BBIC among
its targeted-audience.
Objective-2:Informing customers about BBICs facilities(i.e.providing
advisers/developing links with large organizations/assisting anything regarding
start-up businesses).
Objective-3:Persuading the targeted-audience to try and utilize companys free
Objective-4:Remind customers about BBICs existence and facilities.
Objective-1 will assist in achieving BBICs corporate-strategy of empowering the local
entrepreneurship while objective-2 will inform the audience about BBICs duty of
being"One-Stop-Shop". Additionally, objective-3 achieves the corporate-strategy of
changing Bahrainis mentality from being employed in governmental sector to running
their own business, once they are informed and knew about BBICs existence.
Objective-4 will remind the audience about BBICs (3)corporate-strategies.
These objectives that cover corporate-strategy are taken into consideration while
creating the 5-advertisments(Flyer/Banner/Video/Radio/Seminar-Invitation):

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Different types of advertisements were selected to run this campaign(Banner/flyers/video/-radio/seminar-invitation). Interactive-banner is selected for
BBICs website because of its dynamism and interactivity which will assist in attracting
the targeted-audience(Appendix-9.1.1). Studies showed that animated/interactiveBanner tend to attract more viewers and often increases users awareness
by40%(Bayles,2002). Plus, based on the conducted survey(Appendix-9.5.1), majority of
the targeted-audience are visual learners and visit websites the most when they seek
for companys information. This indicates that they will have the willingness to
navigate inside the website as result of banners influence in grabbing their attention.
The interactive-banner starts with a question about business ideas. Based on surveys
results, majority of young-adults have business ideas. Therefore, starting first question
with Do you have a business idea? will help BBIC to attract them as they are directly
speaking to them. The banner is designed to consider question-tactic since it is good
attraction to the audience as it encourages customers to engage with the company
and help them recall it, according to studies(Johnson,n.d.). As for the picture, since
BBICs targeted-audience are visual learners, pictures will help them to visualize the
content. It is highly likely that advertisements message will be delivered to viewers,
since questions and pictures will support the content together. THIS IS THE RIGHT
PLACE FOR YOU! is written in bold with exclamation-mark in order to grab peoples
attention. Additionally, the adviser picture(man-in-thobe) has been selected carefully
to represent Bahraini nationality since BBIC only provide local advisers.(Appendix-9.6)
The slogan and tagline are included in all advertisements to ensure its importance. The
slogan, BBIC-Beginning of a Dream represents what BBIC does which is providing
help and guidance for start-ups to have a strong foundation. This indicates that BBIC
will assist start-ups to begin a successful journey to reach their dreams. The dream
here implies having their own business rather than being normal employees.
Therefore, this slogan supports BBICs corporate-strategy. The word Dream can add
Adventure& Personal-Appeals in this advertisement as it indicates that BBIC will
change their lives. As for the tagline, the action-words included will persuade targetedaudience to take an action Take-first-step/Contact-us in order to have brighter
future/experience with BBICs help. Furthermore, HURRY-UP was written in bold
red-stamp in order to attract customers and add Scarcity-Appeal to the
advertisements. This appeal helps the company show customers the scarcity of the
service due to the huge amount of demand.
Flyers are one of the advertisements that include Statistic& AdventureAppeals(Appendix-9.1.2). This advertisement includes an extraordinary character, Themagical-genie, for BBICs adviser. The story behind this is simple and applies BBICs real
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duty as the adviser is the magical-genie who changes peoples lives. The main aim of
this character is to show targeted-audience the role of BBICs advisers in guiding
entrepreneurs businesses to success. This genie-character is known among different
generations that it grants peoples wishes which will assist the targeted-audience to
receive the message behind it easily(Disney-Wiki,n.d.). The cartoonish character will
assist in creating higher engagement with viewers according to
studies(Heinecke,2014). This character will send a perception that BBIC helps granting
people's wishes(creating their own businesses), therefore this will attract them to the
company. Also, the 3pictures are BBICs real clients with successful businesses thanks
to BBICs help. This was added to illustrate real stories for potential customers
attraction. The picture with question-mark is added to seduce targeted-audience by
showing a place for them to have a successful business. The headline, More
than(70%)of our clients have Successful businesses-BBIC, was added to spot light on
the big percentage of successful businesses that BBIC assisted in achieving, which will
lead to attract and motivate targeted-audience towards BBIC.
Video has been selected for this campaign as it can be very beneficial due to targetedaudience being visual-learners(Appendix-9.1.3). The video illustrates a real story of one
of BBICs clients by showing the help and facilities BBIC provides. A real story was
illustrated in video because of its encouragement impact on customers to try
beneficial service like Mohamed did(current-customer). The spoken-content and
images are all chosen to attract and spread brand awareness about BBIC. Classic music
is selected to add Music-Appeal in this advertisement. Studies showed that Cartoon is
a powerful involvement tool that increases viewers engagement(Heinecke,2014).
Therefore, the cartoonish-video is designed to represent Youth-Appeal and attract
targeted-audience. Furthermore, researchers found that flash/animated items tend to
attract customers in short time as it is more appealing to the eyes and easier to
As for the radio it includes questions similar to website-banners questions to stand
out quickly and attract listeners or they will change the channel if they were not
interested(OClair,n.d.). In the radio after each question the speaker says WE-WILLHELP-YOU. This line was repeated to ensure the duty of BBIC in helping start-ups to
have successful businesses(Appendix-9.1.4). Additionally, researchers support
repeating important information in radio to ensure people receive it(Wiki-How,n.d.).
Those different types of advertisements have a mutual content of illustrating
companys features and focusing on attracting young innovators which eventually
support BBICs corporate-strategy and objectives. NOTE-Further &Seminar details

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BBIC does not have internal web-designers therefore external-designer will design
banner. It will be presented on BBICs website.(Appendix-9.6)

Will be distributed in Malls(1-mall per month in Jun-Aug)& Universities(2-universities
per month in Sep-Dec). 4-temporary employees(BBICs Representatives) will be
needed to distribute the flyers in all locations

It will be played once per working day throughout June-Jan in the peak hours
between(2pm-3pm). The Cost of each time play isBD32.3. Radio will be inactive after

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Permissions:Permission costs differ from malls to universities. The cost of a

Malls Permission=BD350 per day for(3mx3m)space, while a University
Permission is given Free to purposes that would benefit the students, according
to Manager of Student Welfare.

Designing: Personal designer/Freelancer will be hired to design

advertisements. Costs: Banner=BD25/Flyer=BD20/Video=BD80/SeminarInvitation=BD10.

Photographer: Photographer to take shoots of BBICs advisors to use in

designs. Cost:2-pictures=BD1.5(10-Pictures)=BD7.5

Recruitment-Advertising: Al-Wasat Newspaper charge(BD210)to advertise

in 10cmx3columns on 16thpage(Al-Wasat,2008).

Conference-Hall: Gulf-Airs event hall will be rented for the day of the
seminar Costs=BD1500(Chairs-included).

-BBIC will purchase 4-chairs and 2-tables as equipment for distributing flyers in malls
and universities. Malls and universities will use 1-table/2-chairs in each location. They
will be purchased from Tadhamun.
-BBIC will provide food& beverage in seminar by dealing with Lebanese-Restaurant,
costing per package=(BD4)/total buffet cost BD4x500people=BD2000
NOTE: Economical Budget Justification:
This campaign is the first advertising-campaign for BBIC, meaning that the most
important thing is to spread awareness about the company. However, end of the
campaign tends to be free of costs. That is not because of inefficiency of utilizing the
monthly budget, but because of the bigger future plans ahead. Therefore, the budget
will be saved to sum up with a big number that will cover the costly activities for the
next campaign. Such activities are in(Appendix-9.4)

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Bayles, M. (Jan 2002). Designing Online Banner Advertisements: Should We Animate?

Retrieved from
Disney-Wiki. (n.d.). Genie. Retrieved from
Group Plus. (n.d.). Our Product: Radio Grid. Retrieved from
Heinecke, S. (Jan 2014). 5 Reasons Why Cartoons Belong in Your Marketing Campaign.
Retrieved from
Hong, W., Thong, J. Y. L., & Kar, Y. T. (2004). Does animation attract online users' attention?
The effects of flash on information search performance and perceptions. Information Systems
Research, 15(1), 60-86. Retrieved from
Johnson, K. (n.d.). What are three rhetorical purposes for campaign advertisements?
Retrieved from
McCabe, M. (Nov 2011). Radio is the most common way people listen to music, research
claims. Retrieved from
OClair, T. (n.d.). Successful Radio Advertising Tips. Retrieved from
Tadhamun1. (n.d.). Chairs. Retrieved from
Tadhamun2. (n.d.). Tables. Retrieved from
Wasat Newspaper. (2008). Advertising Costs. Retrieved from
Wiki-How. (n.d.). How to make a Commercial for Radio. Retrieved from


Contact Person

Contact Numbers

Group Plus Ggency (Radio agency)



Freelance Designer

Salman Ismaeel


City Centre Mall Management

Fatima Al-Abbasi


Saar Studio


Bahrain Polytechnic Permission

Hussain Seroor: Student

Welfare Manager

Polytechnic Internal
Number: 7083

Catering from Lebanese




Crystal stationery

Naser Habib


BBIC Representative

Abdulla Qudrat


Gulf Air Event Hall Management



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9.1-Advertising Message
9.1.1-Website Banner Message
Banner Advertisement Message Includes:
BBIC-Beginning of a Dream
The headlines in Banner-Advertisement are consisted of several questions in
order to attract and grab viewers attention :
Are you an 18-35 year old Bahraini innovator with a business idea?
You dont know how to apply it?
You dont know how to get financial support?
You need a place for your business?
You need an adviser to help & guide your start-up business?





Besides the headline questions, these phrases are added in banner afterword to
deliver a full-content:
Where management guidance & consultancy are provided.
We are the One Stop Shop that will connect you with different organizations
which will assist your business.
Tagline:For a brighter future &experience take the first step and contact us.
The interactive-banner of the website has one main aim which is to summarize
BBICs duties throughout the question-tactic and the included pictures, in order
to push customers to navigate through the website after being attracted to
banners contents.

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9.1.2-Flyers Message
Flyers Advertisement Message Includes:
BBIC-Beginning of a Dream
Flyers headline is chosen in order to attract and seduce targeted audience to
Headline start-up their business. The headline is:
More than 70% of our clients have Successful businesses-BBIC



These phrases are added in the flayers to deliver the content:

London vision, LSS Technologies & 3D Speaking established with BBICs help
Are you next?
If you are 18-35 year old Bahraini innovator with a business idea



Tagline:For a brighter future &experience take the first step and contact us on
Tele: 073-17358888

The main message that this advertisement wants to deliver is that BBIC has
established many successful start-up businesses. This is in order to attract the
Message audience to try BBICs facilities. Further explanation is included in rational.

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9.1.3-Video Message
Video Advertisement Message Includes:
BBIC-Beginning of a Dream
The video starts with illustrating pervious successful story of one of BBICs
clients (no specific headline straight to the content)





The following is the script of the video:

Hello my name is Mohammed and Im 28 years old, I want to walk you through a
milestone that changed my life. Like any one of us, I had a dream which is to be
a successful businessman. I had a business idea of opening Excel
Technologies but I had no strong capital, couldnt afford to rent a place and
business equipment were needed. The milestone of my life started when I knew
all about BBIC/Bahrain Business Incubator Centre. This company helped me a lot
as they provided with an advisor who was specialized in facilitating and guiding
the small & medium start-up businesses. Not to forget that BBIC is ONE STOP
SHOP as they had connected me with other organizations that were beneficial
for my business.
If you are between the ages of 18 to 35 year old Bahraini innovator with a
business idea and need a help with your business plan or anything regarding
your business
The best place to stop is BBIC
Now I have a brighter future and Im living my dream all thanks to BBIC.
You can reach BBIC through the following: Telephone: 0097317358888/ Fax:
The main message that this video is created to deliver is to illustrate a real
successful story of one of BBICs clients in order to attract the audience to try
BBIC facilities that will have a positive impact in achieving their dreams of
becoming business owners.

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9.1.4-Radio Message
Radio Advertisement Message Includes:

BBIC-Beginning of a Dream
Radio script:
Are you an innovative Bahraini with a business idea that you dont know how to
apply it?


You need financial support, place and guidance for your business?
For a brighter future and experience, take the first step and contact BBIC
(Bahrain Business Incubator Centre)
If you are between 18 to 35, hurry up, pick up the phone, and dial 17358888 OR
BBIC-Beginning of a Dream


The radios main message is just to create awareness about the existence of
BBIC and try to seduce the targeted audience to open their innovated
businesses by contacting to BBIC first.

9.1.5-Seminar Invitation Message

Seminar-Invitation Advertisement Message Includes:
BBIC-Beginning of a Dream
The headline is directly speaking to the audience in order to communicate with
Headline them and attract them to visit the seminar, the headline is:
This is YOUR opportunity to finally Achieve your business DREAM



YOU are invited to attend a seminar about entrepreneurship and how will BBIC
help you
Tagline: For a brighter future and experience, take the first step and contact us
Tele: 17358888
Date &Time: 10am-2pm 6th March 2015
Place: Gulf-Air Hall, Building 199, Road No. 6, Block No. 704, Salmabad

The main aim of this advertisement is to invite people who are interested in
starting-up their businesses after the other medias spread awareness of BBIC
Message and its facilities.

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9.2-Additional Rational:
NOTE: It is noted that these advertisements are not copyright protected as they are
samples(sketches) of how the real advertisements should look like.
For the interactive banner, the blue calm background was selected to make viewers
focus on the content of the banner not the background. That is why it is simple with
light blue colour. As for the Flyer, the yellow background is simple as well for the
same reason and because yellow tend to suit the genie design. The headline of the
flyer is the percentages of successful businesses that BBIC helped to achieve. Flyers
only include this Statistic-Appeal because people tend to get rid of flyers and not
even bother to read if they were not interested. Therefore, this headline will attract
people that are interested in starting-up their business as they will be questioning
themselves HOW can they have successful businesses? referring to BBICs clients
and WHO are those people/company that helped them? Therefore, the headline
and the genie design will help in grabbing peoples attention. In spite of not
providing many details in the flyer, it will push people to contact BBIC through
visiting companys website, social media or calling them. However, the flyers main
aim is to spread brand awareness and persuade them to have contact with BBIC for
more information such as BBICs website banner that will assist in attracting them to
read even more about the company. This has been mentioned above, as conducted
surveys and several studies showed that our visual audience will be attracted to
interactivity /flashes /pictures that are added in one if not all of the
advertisements(Appendix-9.5.1). In the contact circle of the flyer, the website
address is written in a different color red in order to grab peoples attention and
visit BBICs website, which eventually they will see the interactive banner.
As for the video, studies showed that animation and cartoonish video will have a
good impact on customers as they will not only be attracted to the advertisement,
they will recall it too(Hong,2004). Therefore, it was chosen to apply animation to the
cartoonish video that illustrates Mohammeds successful story (BBIC Client).
Mohammed wears thobe in the advertisement in order to represent the Bahraini
nationality to the audience, which mirrors the corporate-strategy of enhancing
Local Entrepreneurship. Another corporate-strategy that is achieved in this video
is the One Stop Shop that BBIC is trying to tell their audience about. This is
achieved as Mohammed was explaining how BBIC connected him with other
organizations which were beneficial for his business. Besides that, the background
voice that represents Mohammed has been chosen carefully to represent the 28year-old so it does not conflict with the real character and confuse the audience.
Also, when Mohammed said like anyone of us, I had a dream, this line was
chosen to engage with viewers directly by speaking to them. Besides that, the calm
classic music was selected so it does not disturb the audience from listening to
videos content.

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The 30-seconds radio advertisement will cost BD32.3 for each time it is played. This
price is considered to be cheap compared to Information-Affaires-Authoritys prices
as they charge BD40 for each played time for average of 30-seconds advertisement
and the maximum times that they will play the advertisement is 100times. The
agency (Group Plus) was selected because they can play the advertisement as many
times as BBIC wants, which means BBIC is not restricted to pay for the number of
times authorized to like the Information-Affaires-Authority does. Also, radio
advertisement does not include any pictures or visual items that will attract the
visual audience. Therefore, regarding the targeted audience, this media might not be
as useful as the video/flyer/banner, that is why the budget should be allocated
carefully and spend it on more efficient medias. The chosen channel for BBICs
record to be played is 93.3 Bahrain FM, which is the channel that mostly plays
music(Group-Plus,n.d.). Researchers have found out that radio is mostly used for
listening to music(McCabe,2011). Not to forget the results of the conducted surveys,
majority tend to listen to music as well. Therefore, 93.3FM is chosen from all the
channels. Plus, this channel plays records in two languages Arabic and English. This
gives options for BBIC to make its advertisement once in English and once in Arabic.
NOTE: the submitted radio advertisement is in English, however BBICs employee
who is obligated to undertake this task can record in both languages if it is wanted.
The reason why flyer was used as one of the advertisement methods is because it is
not guaranteed that the targeted audience will visit BBICs website or social media.
This is due to lack of awareness about the existence of BBIC, as it has been shown in
the conducted surveys. Therefore, distributing the flyers in malls and universities
that majority of Bahraini people go to can assist the company to spread brand
awareness. Thereafter, they will have the willingness to look into companys website
or social media, if they were interested in setting-up their business. As for the
websites interactive-banner, it has been selected because after people read the
flyer and get interested in BBIC, they tend to know more about the company.
Therefore, it is highly likely they will visit BBICs website to navigate for further
information. To support that, BBICs targeted audience seek information about
company/product throughout website based on the surveys results. Therefore, the
interactive banner will summarize and inform BBICs duty to the viewers. As for the
video, the visual targeted-audience tend to learn more when they see
pictures/videos. Therefore, the video is selected to reach the objectives of the
advertisement and company to the audience in a modern way. To utilize every
method in order to spread brand awareness, radio is selected too for this campaign.
For example, people tend to get stuck in traffic in the peak hours such as the early
mornings 7am-8am and when they finish schools/universities 2pm-3pm. So these
are the hours majority tend to spend in cars. It is not guaranteed that they will listen
to the radio, however, it is chosen to be used in this campaign to cover different
medias in order to reach Bahraini youth.

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9.3-Seminar Information
This section will be covered in the second half of campaigns one year after the
pervious advertisements (Banner/Video/Flyer/Radio) inform, persuade and help in
spreading brand awareness about BBIC. This seminar will be specialized to introduce
people to the world of entrepreneurship, illustrate some pervious stories of
successful businesses and give further information about the company. A simple
design for invitation advertisement is made to be uploaded in companys website
and social media. That is why seminar will be held at last after ensuring that other
advertisements fulfilled their objectives. Besides that, the seminar will last for 4hours, therefore food and beverage should be provided(buffet) in Gulf Air event hall
as BBICs conference hall only takes up to 80people maximum(Appendix-9.6). This
seminar will assist the company to inform more about their facilities and to
persuade audience to use them by illustrating successful clients stories. Besides
that, the invitation advertisement could work as reminder too for audience about
BBIC. Moreover, the design of this invitation is simple it includes BBICs slogan, logo
and a headline of This is YOUR opportunity to finally achieve your business
DREAM. The words of the headline are chosen to directly speak to the audience
and persuade them to visit the seminar. This is by referring to the personal-appeal
such as the word Dream which the audience will be a step closer to their dreams if
they came to the seminar. Again this invitation is designed to directly speak to the
audience by using bold big fonts to represent these words YOUR/YOU. Finally, the
date, time and address for the seminar are provided to inform the customers what
time and where they should visit.

9.4-Economical Budget Justification

The bigger future activities for the next campaign are:
1) BBIC-Exhibition: This exhibition would include all the businesses that BBIC had
helped in establishing. This will help in attracting the audience more towards their
business dreams and also keep on helping the current clients to gain more
2) Entrepreneurship-Courses: This could be done on a weekly basis through
successful experts brought from different countries in order to explain their success
stories and strategies.
It is notable that these 2 activities would be significantly expensive, and that is why
BBIC should prepare for them and start saving the budget a few months before they

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9.5-Surveys & Results

9.5.1-Potential Customers

Survey for potential customers



Scale 1 to 5 where do you stand when it

comes to Creativity?

18 to 25
26 to 35


Current Occupation

Others .

Do you have a business idea that you

want to implement it one day?


Keep trying till you get it right

Ask for a help to complete the task
Give up

Less than 2Hours/day

More than 2Hours/day

How to get information about a



Have you ever participated in any

program that supports
entrepreneurship & creativity?

Facebook page
Visit Branches
Others .

Are you aware about the existence of a

company called BBIC/Bahrain Business
Incubator Centre?

If yes, What did you think about the

How much time do you spend in the car

on your way to/from work/university?
Less than half an hour
More than half an hour

When you face challenges in

overcoming a specific task, do you


Others .

Running your own business


Internet Usage

Preferred type of learning

Social Network

Where do you see yourself in future?

An employee in private/public sector



Do you like animated characters as in



Page 25 of 30

Do you listen to anything while driving?


Results of the Survey


Scale of 1 to 5 on creativity

Current Occupation

Answer Options

25 (62.5%)


15 (37.5%)

25 Male

25 (62.5%)

15 Female

15 (37.5%)


4 (10%)


22 (55%)


14 (35%)


27 (67.5%)


11 (27.5%)

Running my own business
Future Occupation

Business Idea


Social Network

Internet Usage

Employee in private/public sector

(Both, Expanding Business/Int.

2 (5%)
21 (52.5%)
16 (40%)
2 (5%)


29 (72.5%)


11 (27.5%)

Keep trying

25 (62.5%)

Ask for help

12 (30%)

Give up

3 (7.5%)


34 (85%)


27 (67.5%)


20 (50%)


1 (2.5%)

More than 2 hours

36 (90%)

Less than 2 hours

4 (10%)



23 (57.5%)


10 (25%)


6 (15%)

Page 26 of 30

Others: Tutorials

Getting information


31 (77.5%)

Visit Branch

21 (52.5%)


12 (30%)

Facebook Page

5 (12.5%)

Others (Seminars, Instagram)

Entrepreneurship courses

If Yes to the previous question,

how was it?

Aware of BBIC?
Time spent to/from
Do you like animated characters

Listen to anything while driving

1 (2.5%)

2 (5%)


31 (77.5%)


9 (22.5%)

Taught me the basics of

productively using my ideas
Nice and useful
Very helpful

Its important
to build a
program but
the most
important is to
obtain it and to
keep following


26 (65%)


14 (35%)

More than half an hour

26 (65%)

Less than half an hour

14 (35%)


31 (77.5%)


9 (22.5%)


22 (55%)


8 (20%)


6 (15%)


4 (10%)

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9.5.2-Current Customers

Survey for current customers





Scale 1 to 5 where do you stand when it

comes to Creativity?

18 to 25
26 to 35
Above 35


Current Occupation

How did you know about BBIC?

Owner of a business
Others .

Social Network

From a friend/family
BBIC website
BBICs social media
Others .

Internet Usage


Preferred type of learning

Less than 2Hours/day

More than 2Hours/day

How to get information about a



Others .
How do you target/attract customers to
your business?



Facebook page
Visit Branches
Others .

What is so special about your business/

how do you gain competitive


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Results of the Survey

Scale 1 to 5 where do you
stand when it comes to
Current Occupation

How did you know about


Social Network

Internet Usage

Preferred type of learning

How to get information

about a

Answer Options


Above 35
Owner of a business
BBIC Website
BBICs Social Media
Others (Seminar, Global
entrepreneurship Week, Mashroo3i)
Others (Twitter)
Less than 2 hours/day
More than 2 hours/day
Facebook page
Visit Branches
Others (Personal)

3 (60%)
2 (40%)
2 (40%)
2 (40%)
1 (20%)
0 (0%)
2 (40%)
3 (60%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
5 (100%)
0 (0%)
3 (60%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)

How do you target/attract customers to your


2 (40%)
4 (80%)
3 (60%)
3 (60%)
1 (20%)
0 (0%)
5 (100%)
4 (80%)
1 (20%)
2 (40%)
0 (0%)
4 (80%)
3 (60%)
4 (80%)
1 (20%)
1 (20%)

What is so special about your business/how

do you gain competitive advantage?

Advertising, Internet, PR

Creativity, Results, Specialization

Advertising, Honest Service,

Competitive Prices.

Promotional displays, Contests,

Reviews on Social Media, Exhibitions,
Word of mouth, TV Interviews.

Educational project serves the

academic and community.
Customization, Adding State of art
to technologies, ensuring the
highest performance, Free system
upgrading for one year.

Website, Marketing, Building relationships, giving value without expectations

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Interview with BBICs Senior Relationship Officer:

Abdulla Isa Qudrat
How often customers communicate with you?
Each 3months
What is the most BBICs facility that is being used?
Meeting rooms and conference rooms that takes up to 80people maximum.
Do you have internal design team that specify in making advertisements for you?
Such as your website banner who did that?
No we dont have internal team design, we dont really make advertisements,
people know us from banks and businesses that we helped but we dont really
advertise for ourselves. We dont have marketing department too.
Are the advisers that you provide all Bahrainis? Or you have foreign advisers?
Yes they are all Bahrainis
LSS Technologies W.L.L/3D Speaking/Albayrooni Consultancy & Solutions W.L.L, are
those your clients that have their own business? And are there their business
BBIC has been established in 2003, they helped those people with ideas to have
their own business. And yes they are names of the businesses.
Can u give me a percentage of how much successful businesses BBIC helped to
What are the months that you receive the most demands from clients?
We receive demands in February/March/April/May/October/November and rest of
the months we face low demands.
I want to illustrate a real example in my video advertisement, so can you give me a
name, age and business name of one of your clients please? Preferable if he/she is in
We helped someone called Mohammed he is a 28-year-old Bahraini innovator to
establish Excel Technologies

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