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1. What is quality?

There is no accepted definition of quality and quality is a broad concept, beyond just
product quality, including all other aspects of people, processes, quality and
organization. Quality applies not only to provide quality, but also to provide people
with their methods and their environmental settings in which products and services.
W. Edwards Deming, pointed out in his book there are many different quality
standards, which are constantly changing. The number of quality can be in many
ways and with different people, and the organization is defined. It is important to
understand that quality must be defined and measured is important.

2. What is TQM?
Total quality management is a broad-based approach; including the outstanding
value of the three elements is its excellent quality, outstanding value for money and
quality of service. Total Quality is a way to do business; it tries to people, processes
and continuous improvement environment, in order to maximize the competitiveness
of enterprises. Thus, TQM is the quality of all aspects of the measure can be
distinguished, on the basis of people and processes, in order to gain a competitive
advantage, while doing business management. TQM is a customer-focused, decisionmaking and problem-solving are critical. Total Quality Management is focused on
preventing problems. Overall quality, to encourage employees to think and to make
recommendations, not just required to follow the order.

3. How can we achieve organizational excellence with quality?

Achieve organizational excellence is on the development of the ability to provide
superior customer value and stable long-term capacity. Management of an
organization should be a long-term commitment to quality. Management should be
able to identify and solve the problems. Total quality, the organization must follow to
do business. It is necessary to consistently provide superior customer value.

4. What is the Deming Cycle?

1. Plan - Conduct consumer research and use it in planning the product.
2. Do - Produce the product.
3. Check - Check the product to make sure it was produced in accordance with
the plan.
4. Act - Market the product.
5. Analyze - Analyze how the product is received in the market in terms of
quality, costs, and other criteria.
Deming cycle is a quality improvement model developed by the W Edwards Deming.
This is a development to connect production of products, consumer needs and
concerns of various departments like sales, research, production, design and other
resources collective efforts to meet those needs.

5. What are the most common errors when starting quality initiatives?
Organizations should implement a comprehensive quality as a quick fix; on the
contrary, they should approach it as a new way of doing business. And the quality of
the implementation of these initiatives enable organizations some common mistakes.
Appoint experts responsible for workers, instead of involving everyone is wrong and
senior management can make a leader. Team is a method must be learned and the
organizational culture change through teamwork to succeed. Plans to achieve quality
plan should be regularly develop and organize all the elements should be
incorporated. Just blindly follow Deming or Crosby or in any other way does not work
for the company. Each organization should be able to customize according to their
needs these programs. Does not implement skills development, the implementation
of total quality concepts and motivate people to accept it, we must also launch
initiatives to get quality care errors.
6. Explain the cost of poor quality
Quality initiatives are often a difficult period in the company's starting phase. In order
to become the global market more competitive; companies tend to take some
decisions, if it; wisely not raised and holding a long-term goal may adversely affect
consideration to a company's growth. Cost-cutting strategies may be desirable to
reduce the impact of the company's overhead, but they also have to satisfy
customers and to reduce the company's potential to unpleasant consequences for
the development of new business in the future. When an organization to do what is
necessary to improve deficiencies by reducing its performance in key areas, it can
reduce the overall cost, but will not affect the basic services, products and personnel.
Previously occupied by the poor quality of its time and money to get rid of what's
wrong, but decided to try to get a competitive advantage in the global market, the
temper of the target tissue
7. What are the quality characteristics of world-class organizations?
There are 15 areas of characteristics when comes to world-class organizations. They
are Customer service, Quality control and assurance, Research and development/new
product development, Acquiring new technologies, Innovation, Team based approach,
Best practices, Manpower planning, Environmentally sound practice, Business
partnership and alliance, Reengineering of process, Merger and acquisition,
Outsourcing and contracting, Reliance on consulting service, and Political lobbying.
The method includes the organization of a world-class competitive analysis strategy,
production and supply chain strategies, custom policy, e-commerce strategy and
remuneration system. These strategies are used to continuously improve their overall
quality, as a result, allow them to continue to be effective in their markets.
8. Responsibility and total quality
Responsibility is part of ethical behavior. Modern society has evolved into a focus on
rights, but ignores those rights must be accompanied by responsibility. People want
to blame others for their own shortcomings and failures. In almost all cases, people
blame society or someone who is suffering more power than they have. Passing the

blame has become commonplace. It plays a vital role in the successful application of
total quality ethics. In total quality setting, people are responsible for their
performance. We accept the responsibility to help build trust; integrity and ethics are
all the other elements in the overall quality of the environment are so important. In
the modern workplace, be liable to any person or organization is very important to be
in a better place and a moral voice.
9. Discuss some models for ethical quality decisions

1. Golden rule model. Such model is based on the rule Do unto others
as you would have them do unto you. Which means treat the others like you
would treat yourself and decide what is ethical or not.
2. Equal freedom model. According to this model, organizations have
the freedom to act as they wish, unless they are violations of the rights of the
stakeholders. For example, suppose an organization decides to use new
chemicals, improved product quality and cost much less than it will be
replaced. Use equal freedom model, using new chemical that is immoral,
because it could undermine the rights of stakeholders.
3. Professional ethical model. Such model is based peer review
process. Any decision is ethical if it can be agreed and approved by the
professional peers. Professionals that use such model usually also adopt
professional code of ethics.

10. What is the engineering managers role in quality ethics?

Management is responsible for the organization and by the following practical
examples of ethical behavior. They are responsible for establishing high ethical
standards, developed consistently positive example exceed these standards , and
take immediate action when they observe to immoral behavior . There are three ways
managers can use when carrying out these responsibilities. The best methods are:
black and white and full potential method. Managers should do everything possible to
promote the creation of ethical behavior, and strive to maintain the proportion of bad
choice of the best possible way to choose the ratio of good conditions. In the black
and white approach, the manager decided to only what is right and what is wrong,
and the condition is not relevant. In the full potential of the method for selecting
people to achieve within the scope of morality to achieve its full potential target it is
considered to be unethical.

11. Sustainable Green Focus

Sustainable development and committed to green technology is crucial to our future
planet. As the carbon dioxide is released into the ocean, the chemical process
dramatic changes in marine chemistry. Released into our oceans large increase in the
concentration of carbon dioxide is created ocean acidity. With increasing acidity of

oceans, phytoplankton is reduced. This result in less ocean plants can absorb
greenhouse gases. In addition, increasing the threat to marine life ocean acidity, such
as corals, shellfish, and later became extinct in this century from the chemical action
of our oceans CO2.The warming and its effects on marine organisms has the potential
to become a direct impact on our planet. In result of dying coral reefs, we will lose
the entire ecosystem of fish habitat. According to the scientific research, a small
increase of two degrees Celsius will destroy almost all existing coral reefs. In addition,
changes in ocean circulation, due to climate warming will be disastrous effects on
marine fisheries

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