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Day 1 Task Teacher Guide (all of these items are in the nearpod

Students need to solve the following system of equations algebraically
and graphically:
f(x) = 4x-1
g(x) = 10x+2
4 x 1=10 x+ 2
4 x 10 x1+1=10 x10 x +2+1
6 x=3
6 x 3
6 6


f ( x )=4 x1x=1/2
f ( x )=4(
f ( x )=21=3
g ( x ) =10+2x=1/2

( 12 )+2
g ( x ) =10 ( )+2
g ( x ) =10

g ( x ) =5+ 2=3
Coordinate: (-1/2, -3)

It might be a good idea to set the algebraic solution to zero and graph
Y= -6x-3 and look for the lines solution or zeros. As you will see, the
zeros are at x=(-2) which is what our other solutions found. This is a
nice connection to make when we start working with quadratics.
Task 1: Solving quadratic/linear systems of equations graphically
Students will complete the following tasks:
1) By hand, graph the solution to the following:
f ( x )=x +3
g ( x ) =x2 4 x +3
To graph, students will need to factor g(x) = (x-3)(x-1) and find the
vertex at (2, -1). Students will struggle and most likely need to plot
some points in a table here. I want them to see the struggle.

Answer: x=0 and x=5 or (0,3) and (5,8)

2) Draw examples of a linear/quadratic system of equations with 0,
1, and two solutions.
Students should be able to draw a parabola and line that do not cross
They can draw a horizontal line that touches the vertex for one solution
(The line must be horizontal, as otherwise it will cross. It cannot be
vertical as that is not a function). They should also be able to draw
one with 2 solutions like we saw in the last problem.
3) State the Zero Product Property. Why is this important?
If a b = 0 then a = 0 or b = 0 (or both a=0 and b=0)
Play the video for the explanation!
The question from the video is how the simplified quadratic helps us
solve. Students should discuss that we set the new quadratic equal to
zero and solve for the roots. From there, they should see this new
quadratic roots at x align to the points that the former two graphs in
the system crossed. So they should see our roots align to our former
system solutions.

Homework assignment (on weebly):
1) Solve the following algebraically and graphically (by hand). Write
out the steps you would make to teach someone both processes.
f ( x )=x+ 1
g ( x ) =x2 +2 x3
x +1=x 2 +2 x3
x + x +11= x2 +2 x+ x 31
0=x +2 x+ 2
0=( x+1 ) ( x+ 2 )
x+ 1=0x+2=2

2) Define the Zero Product Property. What can it help us find in

quadratic equations?
If a b = 0 then a = 0 or b = 0 (or both a=0 and b=0)
It helps us determine the real roots of a quadratic formula (if they
exits). If we cannot factor we must use the quadratic or completing
the square method.
3) What does it mean if a quadratic equation has no x-intercepts?
What kind of roots does it have?
It means that the equation has no real roots and will only have
complex roots or solutions (students can also use the determinant to
explain this).

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