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Publicate de dr. Barbu Constantinescu

Publicnd deocamdat aceste probe de limba i literatura iganilor din
Romnia, am avut n vedere interesul lor lingvistic i chiar antropologic.
iganii, emigrnd din India n timpuri necunoscute, se afl locuind prin rile
romne nc din secolul al XIV lea. De aici au trecut ei n celelalte pri ale
Limba igneasc are mare asemnare cu dialectele indice moderne. ntr-nsa
ns se gsesc i multe elemente mprumutate de la acele popoare cu care iganii au
fost n contact.
Cntecele i basmele pe care le public aici sunt foarte populare printre igani.
Cele dinti cntece, I XIV sunt publicate i n Columna lui Traian2. Numirile de
ursresc, lieesc, tismnresc le-am pus dup cum mi s-au spus de ctre aceia de la
care le-am cules. Unde nu este o atare nsemnare se nelege, c cntecul sau basmul
este n dialectul comun, dei n unele cntece se vd deodat mai multe dialecte
n transcrierea cntecelor i basmelor am luat de baz dialectul romn. Litera h
pus dup t, p, k, reprezint o aspiraiune uoar ce se aude des n limba igneasc. n
cteva cuvinte se aude chiar dup palatalul 3. Ca literele c i g urmate de vocalele a,
o i u s se poat pronuna palatal, am pus dup dnsele cte un scurtat.
Att cntecele ct i basmele le-am nsoit de o traduciune literar, ct se
poate de fidel. Pentru nelegerea mai bun a cntecelor am adugat i cteva mici
glose. Basmele fiind mai uoare, am crezut c traduciunea pus pe lng dnsele este
de ajuns pentru nelegerea lor.
Greutile ce le-am ntmpinat n cercetrile mele asupra iganilor au fost,
ns, foarte mari. M simt, dar, dator a exprima via mea recunotin tuturor care
m-au ajutat n aceste cercetri.
Vezi eruditele lucrri ale lui Franz Miklosich. Uber die Mundarten und Wanderung der Zigeuner
Europas Fasc. I VIII n Viena 1872 1877
A. F. Pott. Die Zigeren in Europa und Asien. 2 vol. Halle 1845 in 8.
Ascoli. Zieunerisches. Halle. 1845.
Paul Bataillard. Sur les origins des Bohmiens ou Tsigaines. Paris 1875. i mai multe scrieri asupra
iganilor n genere i asupra lucrrilor ce au aprut asupra lor.
Asupra iganilor din Romnia vezi: Mich. de Koglnitschan. Esquise sur lhistoire les moeurs et la
largue des Gigains etc. Berlin 1837 in-8IV, 46.
J.A. Vaillant. Grammaire dialogue et vocabulaire de la langue des Bohmiens ou Cihains. Paris 1868
in-8 152.
Columna lui Traian red. B. P. Hadeu. Anul VIII No. 10 i 11 pag. 605 620, 1877 Bucureti.
precum n ha (copil), hu (pui), phuhu (ntreb), horu (vrs), e hor (barba), uharu
(nveselesc) i n derivatele lor.

Patrin zleno kurmi,

It koi cai e bar,
Parc s-lis lulugh.
Lulugh barekiri,
Ander lulugh kerdiles,
Ander lulugh hureiles,
And avr them ghelines,
Ek thagarste areslines;
O thagr lan dikhlines,
Pang el phole dines,
Lsa ki mesli halines,
Audau mui lk phendines:
- A cei ukarne!
Tu sar kerdilan ayakha ukaror,
Sar ek ukr lulugh barekiri.
E ceayor phendines:
- O delor kerdines-ma
Ayak ukaror
Sar ek ukar lulugh;
Te na dines-man yakhal,
K siym ceayor tikn
Sar ek ukr lulugh,
Kai barel and pir
Th ande-avln e raika.

Frunz verde de mei,
Iat acea fat mare,
Parc e o floare.
Floare de grdin,
n floare s-a fcut,
n floare a zburat,
ntr-alt ar s-a dus,
La un mprat a ajuns;
mpratul pe dnsa a vzut-o,
Cinci sute de galbeni i-a dat,
Cu dnsa la mas a mncat,
Din gur ei i-a zis:
- A, fat frumuic!
Tu cum te-ai fcut aa frumuic,
Ca o frumoas floare de grdin.
Fetioara a zis:
- Dumnezeu m-a fcut
Aa frumuic
Ca o frumoas floare;
S nu m deochi,

C sunt fetioar mititic

Ca o frumoas floare,
Unde crete n oal
i n curte boiereasc.
(Clin Voicu din Rui lui Asan, un sat n jud. Vlaca)
E ghili (cntec), pl. l ghile. E (art. hotrt, enclitic), art. fem. sing. l sau ol
(art. hotrt, enclitic), art. pl.
Romani, adj. fem. de la rom (igan).
Ricinearsko, adj. de la o ricin (ursul), pl. l ricin.
E patrin (frunza), pl. l patrine.
Zleno (verde).
E kurm (meiul), pl. l kurme.
Ita, interj. (iat).
Cai, ci, i (fat), pl. l caya, ol eya. Ursarii ntrebuineaz mai des pe i
pe j, unde vtraii pun c sau g. Astfel, ei zic i n loc de ci (fat), janu n loc de
ganu (tiu).
Bar, f. (mare), masc. bar
E lulugh (floare), pl. l lulughe.
Barekiri, adj. din o bar (grdina); masc. barekoro. Vtrete, ns,
bareko, bareki.
Ander n loc de ande (n).
Kerdiles n loc de kerdil din keru (fac). Perf. kerdm, Imper. ker, Gerund
kerinds, Part. kerd.
Hureileas n loc de hureilo din hureu (zbor). Perf. hureilem, Imperat.
hure, Gerund hureindos, Part. huread.
Aver (alt) pentru masc i fem.
O them (ara), pl. l them.
Ghelines n loc de ghel de la gau (merg). Perf. ghelm, Imp. ga, Gerund
ghelinds i gands, Part. ghel.
Ek (un).
Thagarste, dativ din o thagr (mprat, rege), pl. l thagar.
Areslines n loc de areslin i aresl din aresu (ajung). Perf. areslm i
areslinm, Imp. ars, Gerund. areslinds i aresinds, Part. aresad.
Lan, acuzativ din oi (ea).
Dikhlines n loc de dikhls (dikhl nu prea este ntrebuinat), de la dikhau
(vz). Perf. dikhlm i dikhlinm, Imperat. dikh, Gerund dikhinds, Part. dikhl.
Pang i panc (cinci).
el, pl. din el (o sut).

Phole, pl. de la e phol (galben, pol, lir).

Dines n loc de das de la dau (dau).
Lsa, de la oi (ea).
Ki (la, unde).
E mesli (masa), pl. l meslea.
Halines n loc de hals de la hu (mnnc). Perf. halm i halinm, Imp. Ha,
Gerund. hands, Part. hal.
Andu n loc de anda-o (din).
O mui (gura), pl. l muy.
Lk n loc de lke, dativ de la oi (ea).
Phendines n loc de phends de la phenu (zic). Perf. phendm i phendinm,
Imp. phen, Gerund phendins, Part. phend.
ukarne, vocativ din ukareor dem. din ukr (frumos).
Tu (pron. tu).
Sar (cum, ca).
Kerdilen, n loc de kerdiln, pasiv de la keru (fac).
Ayakh (aa).
E ceayor, dem. de la cei (fat)
O delor, dem. din o del (Dumnezeu).
Te, Part. (s).
Yakhal (deochiat) fem. din yakhal din e yakh (ochi), pl. l yakh.
Siem i siym n loc de sem [sum] ursrete.
Tikni (mic), masc tikn i kn.
Barel din barivu (cresc). Perf. barilm, Imp. bare, Gerund. barinds, Part.
E avlin (curtea), pl. l avlin.
Raikai n loc de raikan (boereasc), masc. raikan.
Rgo, nne, ai mohro,
ukearl-la o del ko dro!
Mr-la dvla, ai korr-la,
Okolkh kai ni pakel-ma !
Mr-la, dvla, brnindna
K astardm-la le vastna.
Ple, dvla, te mars-la

K astardm-la le vastna.
Marl e valvl udr,
Pa koi mndro romn;
But si ukr ai parn,
Ai s-lis kam khanil,
Ai si i kam denil.
Patrinor ah parn,
A nanke Ionor;
De, nne, mai lkoro,
Dl-ame zor o gaj,
O Dumitr o balam,
Man dukhl-ma o punr.
Rugul, nene, i mohorul,
Usca-i-ar Dumnezeu al tu dor!
Bate-o, Doamne, i o orbete,
Pe aceea care nu m ascult!
Bate-o, doamne, cu ploi
C am prins-o cu minile.
Iar, Doamne, s o bai
C am prins-o cu minile.
Bate vntul rece
Pe lng acea mndr femeie;
Mult e frumoas i alb,
i este cam lene,
i este cam proast.
Frunzuli varz alb,
A neic Ionel;
D, nene, mai ncetinel,
Ne d zor Romnul,
Dumitru negustorul,
Pre mine m doare piciorul.
(Tincua lui Niculae din Cojasca, un sat n jud. Dmbovia)

O rgo (rugul), pl. l rgurea.

Nne (nene), o nne (nenea).
Ai, hai, thai, (i).
ukearl-la din ukearu (usuc). Perf. ukeardm, Imperat. ukar, Part.
ukeard, Ger. sukearinds.
La, acuz. din oi (ea).
Ko, kiro (al tu), ursrete mai obinuit to n loc de kir.
O dro (dorul), pl. l drurea.
Mr-la, imperativul din marv. (bat). Perf. mardm, Part. mard, Gerund.
Korr-la, imperativul din koraru (orbesc). Perf. korardm, Part. korard,
Gerund. korardins.
O del (Dumnezeu), pl. l devl.
Okolkh, pron. dem. (aceea), masc. okoukh.
Ki (unde, la) se ntrebuineaz ca relativul care.
Ni i nan, adv. (nu).
Pakel-ma din pakeu (eu crez). Perf. pakeam, Imperat. pake, Gerund.
pakeainds, Part. pakea. Ma i man, acuz. din me (eu).
Brindna, din o brind (ploaia), pl. l brind.
Kastardm-la. K Part. (romnete, c). Astardm din astaru (prind),
Imperat. atr, Part. astard, Gerund. astarindos.
Le vastena din o vas (mna), pl. l vas.
Marl din maru (bat).
E valvl (vntul), pl. l valvale.
Sudri (rece), masc. udr.
Paa, pre lng.
Koi = okoik (acea).
Mndro, rom mndru.
Romni (femeie), pl. romne. Masc. o rom (brbat), pl. l rom. Rom nseamn
igan n limba igneasc. Romnul se numete o gag, turcul o horahan, bulgarul
i srbul au numele de o das.
But, adv. (mult).
Si din sem (sum), Imperf. semas.
Parni (alb), masc. parn.
Si-lis n loc de si (este).
Kam, (rom, cam).
Khanil (lene), masc. khanil.
I sau vi Conj. (i, lat. etiam).

Denili (nebun, proast), masc. denil.

Patrinor, dem. fem. din e patrin (frunz).
O ah (varz), pl. l ah.
Ionor, dem. din Iono (Ion).
De, imperativ din dau (dau). Perf. dem, Part. din, Ger. dinds.
Mai, (rom mai).
Dl-ame. Ame n loc de amnghi, dativ pl. din me (eu).
Gaj n loc de gag.
O balam (negustorul), pl. l balam.
Dukhl-ma (m doare). Perf. dukharaes-ma, Gerund. dukhainds-ma,
O punr (piciorul), pl. l pnr.

A, nanke nanor,
Inkl, nne, o playor
Del tu-i leika muyor,
Muyor ukaror,
Park si-los rupu.
Inkl, nne Ionor,
La fesya and er,
Le bicoya po phik,
Semenzes balam,
Balam dizakor,
Hl e phn ko muyor.
- Nan jav, nanke ,
K silos mo dad khr,
Thai phaghl me pinror
Anda tte, phne ,
K sn romski corski,
Thai me sem bar romsko,
Thai si lske lajav.

A, neic nenior,
Urc, nene, deluorul
S-i dea leica guri,
Guri frumuic
Parc este de argint.
Iei, nene Ionel,
Cu fesul pe cap,
Cu biciul pe umr,
Semeni a negustor,
Negustor de trg,
Mnca-i-ar sora a ta guri.
Nu m duc, neic fa,
C este al meu tat acas
i-mi frnge ale mele piciorue
Pentru tine, soro, fa,
C tu eti igan srac,
Iar eu sunt de mare igan,
i e lui ruine.
(Catrina Gheorghe Pintelei din Fntnele, un ctun n jud. Dmbovia)
Nanor, dem. din nne (nene).
Inkl de la inkleu (urc, m suiu, ncalec i ies). Perf. inklistm, Imp. inkl, Gerund.
inklinds, Part. inklist.
O playor, dem. de la o plai (dealul), pl. l play.
Del-tu-i n loc de del tuki e. Tu prescurtare din tuki, i tut dativ de la tu (tu). E, art.
fem. care unit cu alte cuvinte se preface n i.
Leika rom (leica).
Muyor, dem. din o mui (gur), pl. l muy.
ukaror, dem. din ukar (frumos).
S-los, ursrete de la si (este) i los pron. (ea).
Rupu de la o rup (argint), pl. l rup.
Le fesya = le fessa de la o fso (fesul), pl. l fsurea.
O er = o or (capul), pl. l er.
Le bicya = le bicosa, din o bico (biciul) pl. l bciurea.
Po phik = po (pe) i o phik (umrul), pl. l phik

Semenzes din semenzau (seamn). Perf. semenisardm. Gerund semeninds.

O balam (negustorul), pl. l balame.
Dizkoro adj. din e diz (oraul), pl. l diz
E phn (sora), pl. l phene sau phey.
Jav = gau (m duc).
e = ce de la cei (fata).
Mo = mir = munr (al meu).
O dad (tata), pl. l dad.
Phagl de la phagu (frng). Perf. phaglm, Imp. phag, Gerund. phaghinds, Part.
Khr, de la o kher (casa), pl. l kher.
Me = mir = mnr (ale mele).
Pinror de la pinror, dem. de la o punr (piciorul), pl. l pnr.
Anda (pentru, din.)
San de la sem (sunt).
Romski i romsko, gen. de la rom (igan).
Corski de la cor (srac), fem. cor.
Bar romsko = barsko romsko, gen. de la bar rom (mare igan).
Lske, dat de la on (el).
O lajav = o lagavo (ruinea), pl. l agave.
A, dvla l,
Dvla br!
Dvla, n-mai mundr-ma,
Tankal-ma pe cearete,
Kte peu kola molete
Me dsa pla korte
Ai me phenesa pala mnde.
Me telearu plainte
Kate dikhu me dyate!
Dba, dvla somnal,
Kade, dvla somn l,
Te trazen del georne,
Te ans lng khas,

Te han amar georne!

Kade, dvla somnal,
Mai linkr-ma pe lume
Te dikhu me dayore!
Ita, neik, so-s koy!
Kodoy si i bar,
Krl-lan o del mir,
Kte avl mir romn!
A Doamne,
Doamne bre!
Doamne, nu m mai omor,
De m scoate pe iarb,
Ca s beau la acea crcium
Cu mum-mea dup gt
i cu a mea sor dup mine.
Eu plec la munte
Ca s vz pe mum-mea!
Aa Doamne sfinte,
D, Doamne sfinte,
S triasc catroaicele,
S aducem lor fnuri,
S mnnce ale noastre catroaice!
Aa, Doamne sfinte,
Mai m ine pe lume
S vz pe a mea mum!
Iat, neic, ce-i aceea!
Aceea e fat mare,
Fcea-o-ar Dumnezeu a mea,
Ca s fie a mea nevast!
(Sanda Gruia Moldoveanca, cu locuina n Bucureti)
Le, exclamaiune vocativ.

N-mai = nan mai (nu mai.)

Mundr-ma de la mundaru (ucid). Perf. mundardm, Imperat. mundr, Gerund.
mundarinds, Part. mundard.
Ankal-ma de la ankalavu (sco). Perf. anklaladm sau ankaldm, Imp. ankalu,
Gerund. ankalainds, Part. ankald.
Pe cearete de la e cear (iarba), pl. a ceare.
Kte (ca s).
Pev = peau (beau). Perf. pilm, Imp. pi, Gerund. pinds, Part. pil.
Kol molate din koi mol (acea crcium).
Dsa, din e di (muma), pl. l dey.
Pla (dup, n jur).
Korte din e kor (gtul), pl. l kor.
Phenesa, de la e phen, (sora).
Mnde de la me (eu).
Telearu (plec). Perf. teleardm, Imp. teler, Gerund. telearinds, Part. teleardo.
Plainte, din e plain (muntele), pl. l plain.
Dayte din e di sau di (muma).
Kade = gadea (aa).
Somnal, o i e somnal (sfnt).
Dba = de, form rar de la dau (dau).
Trazen de la trazau = traiv (triesc). Pref. traisalem, Imp. traisr, Gerund
Del georne din e georni (catroaica), pl. l georne.
Mai (rom ma).
Linkr-ma din linkearu (in). Perf. linkeardm, Imp. linker, Gerund.
linkearinds, Part. linkeard.
So-s = so si (ce este).
Koy = kodoy (acea), masc. koy, kodoy.
Miri mnr (a mea), masc. miro, munr.
Avl ael din avu (a fi viu). Perf. avilm i ailem, Imp. Au, Gerund. avinds,
ainds, Part. avil i ail. Acest verb se ntrebuineaz i n locul verbului a fi.

Patrinor ka parn,
Kme meru; dvla , mo;
K me kna kerdilm,

Nai sma manu bar,

Ta sma trandafir,
Ta cnas-ma ande-l bare,
Ta dnas-ma-l brsind,
Ta barenas paa mnde l lulughe,
Ai kindenas-le l rakle,
Ai-l ray, l bare.
Ai dikhlin-ma i mn,
Ai lin-ma l ray,
Ai cut-ma and-l kuce,
Kot pa-l gemurea.
Ita-l ray lin-ma,
Ai kau nakh sunghea-ma,
Ai mnr sung on lin-la,
Man gade uki mukhl-ma.
Ple te kamla- o dl,
Kam kerdivu zleno,
Kate ll-ma l ray
Ai kam cn-ma ka-l cucea
Te phiran-ma gade.

Frunzuli lemn alb,

O s mor Doamne, m;
C eu cnd m-am fcut
Nu eram om mare,
Dar am fost trandafir,
De m punea n grdini,
De m udau ploile,
De creteau pe lng mine florile,
i le strngeau fetele
i cocoanele cele mari,
i m-au vzut i pe mine,
i m-au luat cocoanele
De m-au pus n brdace,

Aici lng geamuri.

Iat cocoanele m-au luat,
i la nas m-au mirosit,
i al meu miros ele l-au luat,
Pe mine aa vetejit m-a lsat.
Dar de-o vrea Dumnezeu,
O s m fac verde,
Ca s m ia cocoanele
i o s m puie la e
S m poarte aa.
(Radu Ceretorul din Codreni, sat n jud. Ilfov )
Kam de la kamu (vreau). Perf. kamlm, Gerund. kaminds, Part. kaml. Kame se
ntrebuineaz neschimbat n toate persoanele mpreun cu prez. indic. ca s formeze
Kna (cnd).
Ni nani (nu e).
Smas de la sem (sunt). Imperfectul se ntrebuineaz n locul Perfectului.
O man (om), pl. l man.
Ta (dar, de).
Cnas ma de la cau (pun). Perf. cutm, Imp. cu, Gerund. cuinds, Part.
O brsind (ploaia), pl. l brind.
Kidenas-le de la kidau (strng). Perf. kidm, Imp. kide, Gerund. kidinds,. Part.
Rakle de la e rakl (fat), masc. o rakl, l rakl. Raklo i rakli se ntrebuineaz
pentru a desemna copii streini de naionalitatea igneasc.
Il ray de la e rai (cocoana, nobil), masc. o ri, pl. l ri.
Lin-ma de la lu (iau). Perf. lem, Imp. l, Gerund. linds, Part. lin.
Cut-ma de la cau (pun).
Il kuce de la e kuc (brdaca).
Kot (aci).
Paa-l gemurea = paa l gemurea de la o gemo (geamul).
Kau = kai-o (la).
O nakh (nasul), pl. l nakh.
Sunghea-ma de la sungheu (miros). Perf. sungheam, Imp. sunghe, Gerund.

sungheainds, Part. sungheard.

E sung (mirosul), pl. l sunghe.
On (ei).
Munkhl-ma de la munkhu (las). Perf. mukhlm, Imp. mukh, Ger. mukhinds, Part.
Pale (iar).
Kamla, viitorul de la kamu (vreau).
Ka-l cuce = kai l cuce.
Phiran-ma de la phiravu (port, phiru umblu). Perf. phiradm, Imp. phiru.
Gerund, phirainds, Part. phirad.
- de, de, n dar,
Smrndiko, ;
K s avla, rdav,
Smrndiko, ;
K ni marn-t-l gaj,
Smrndiko, ;
K s to rm mai bar,
Smrndiko, ;
Ai nai so krl gaj,
Smrndiko, ;
K kam dau-les ek kil,
Smrndiko, ,
Te-astarl po dromor,
Smrndiko, .
- Ai kam dau romans
Nane Ionia mo;
Te nastarl-man o ghes,
Nne Ionia, mo.
Gade kheldes ai hales
Ai pe roms nic lines,
K si dil ai bar,
Ai bar solahad,
K nic mukhles te khelu
Mnr yag te-ankalavu.
Ai khldm ta pharlem
Ai les nic nan dikhlem.

- Arunc, arunc, nu te teme,
Smrndico, fa;
C ce va fi, voiu trage,
Smrndico, fa;
C nu te bat romnii.
Smrndico, fa;
C este al tu brbat mai mare
Smrndico, fa;
i nu are ce s fac Romnul,
Smrndico, fa;
C o s-i dau lui un par,
Smrndico, fa;
S apuce drumuorul lui,
Smrndico, fa.
i o s arunc ignete
Nene Ioni, m;
S nu m apuce ziua,
Nene Ioni, m;
Aa a jucat i a mncat
i pe brbatul ei nu l-a lsat,
C e nebun i mare,
i mare jurat,
C n-a lsat s joc
Focul meu ca s-l sco,
i am jucat de am crpat
i pre el nici nu l-am vzut.
(Ghi din Valea Dragului, sat n jud. Ilfov.)
de = cde de la cdau (arunc). Perf. cudem, Imp. cde, Gerund. cudinds,
Part. cudin, ude ursrete.
Dar din daru (m tem). Perf. darilem, Imp. dar, Ger. darainds, Part.
e = ce de la cei (fat).
So (ce).

Avla de la avu (viu).

rdav de la rdau (trag, ptimesc). Perf. rdm, Imp. rd, Gerund. rdinds,
Part. rdin, rd.
To = ko kiro, (al tu).
Nai, nu are.
O kil (parul), pl. l kile.
Astarl din astaru (apuc). Perf. astardm, Imp. astr, Gerund. astarinds, Part.
Romans, ignete.
Oghes (ziua), pl. l ghes.
Kheldes din khelu (joc). Perf. kheldm, Imp. khl, Gerund. khlinds, Part.
Nic, (nu, de loc).
Dil nebun, fem. dili.
Solahad de la solahu (jur). Perf. solahadm, Imp. solahd, Gerund solahainds,
Part. solahad.
E yag (focul), pl. l yag.
Ankalavu (sco). Perf. ankaladm, Imp. ankalu, Ger. ankalainds. Part. ankald.
Pharlem = pharlm de la pharvu (crp). Perf. pharlm, Imp. phar, Gerund.
pharnds, Part. pharad.

Patrinor ka parn,
A, nanke nanoro!
Del o drgo delor,
Te del d-ek brindor
Te barel trandafir,
Lulugh kalafir,
l ceay te kidel-len
Te col-la ande-l kuce
Te mirl-pe lmea se!

Frunzuli de lemn alb,

A nene nenior!
Dea dragul Dumnezeu,
S dea o ploicic
S creasc trandafirul,
Floarea calomfir,
Fetele s le adune,
S le puie n brdace,
S se mire lumea toat.
(Creoiu Dumitru din Vlenii de Munte n jud Prahova).
Miril-pe de la miriu-ma sau miri-ma (m mir). Perf. mirisilem, Imp. miriso,
Gerund. mirinds.
Pe sau pes, reflexivul se.
Se, tot i toat.

Aidi nne gi kutk,
Te mothu tuk-ek orba;
Ci mothu orba kn,
Ta mothu ek mai bar.
Ita ki cei e bar,
Sstar s-lis denil?
Ta s-lis kam puran !
Aide nene pn aici,
S-i spui ie o vorb;
Nu-i spui vorb mic,
Cii spui una mai mare.

Las acea fat mare,

De ce este nebun?
Dar este cam btrn!
(Ioni Stan din Vlenii de Munte n jud. Prahova).

Gi (pn).
Kutk kot, aici.
Mothu (spui), Perf. mothodm, Imp. moth, Gerund. mothoinds, Part.
E rba (vorba), l rbe.
Sstar (de ce) de la so (ce).
Puran (veche, btrn), masc. puran.

Nne, del o somnl delor,
Te acs mngh krkoro,
Te has mn and car!
Del o somnl delor,
Te merl to dador
Tai te merl li ti di,
Te jas mn pe ku pli!
Pe ku pli do zleno
Kerdl abeu roman;
Te kdeon-pe dol ceay,
Dol ceay dol tiknore,
Kte kdeon lulughe,
Te astaru lng he ciuce.
Nene, dar-ar Sfntul Dumnezeu,

S-mi rmi mie singur,

S mnnci cu mine n sahan!
Dar-ar Sfntul Dumnezeu
S moar tatl tu
i s moar i a ta mum,
S mergi cu mine pe acel deal!
P-acel deal cel verde
Se face nunt igneasc;
S se strng fetele,
Fetele cele mici,
Ca s strng flori,
S le apuc ele.
(Vasile Lctu din Romneti, sat din jud. Dmbovia)

Acs de la aceu (rmn i tac). Perf. acilm, Imp. aci, Gerund. acinds, Part.
O car (sahana), pl. l car.
Li = vi, i. (i lat. etiam4).
O abeu (nunta), pl. l abeav.

A, dvla le,
Dvla, bre!
Pharu, dvla, o baror,
Te inkll mo phralor,
Le ersa huleavd,
Le gadsa parnor,
Le bicsa po dum,
Kate dikhel balam,

deci, de asemenea.

Balam dizkoro,
Te incll po plaior,
K kerdl bev roman,
Ta khll mo phralor!
A, dvla le barya,
Dba, dvla, brinde,
Te telearn ol ceay.
Kate kiden knd
Tha-l flkya lulughe,
Thai mo phral sa lulughe,
Te cumidel le ceay,
Le ceay le mai tikne,
Kol bare si denile!
Cirikl marl phaksa,
Na ker nansk yakhsa!
Cirikl bal po yzo,
Na ker nansk marzo!
Kukuruzi do fona,
E romnear do romna!
A, Doamne,
Doamne, bre!
Sparge, Doamne, pietricica,
S ias al meu frior,
Cu capul pieptnat,
Cu cmaa albioar,
Cu biciul pe umr,
Ca s se vaz negustor,
Negustor de trg,
S urce pe deluor,
C se face nunt igneasc,
De joac al meu frior!
A, Doamne mare,
D, Doamne, ploi,

S plece fetele
Ca s adune urzici
i flcii flori,
i al meu frate tot flori,
S srute fata,
Fata cea mai mic,
C cele mari sunt nebune!
Vrabia bate din arip,
Nu f nenii cu ochiul!
Vrabia ip pe iaz,
Nu f nenii necaz!
Cucuruz cu dou foi,
Nevestic cu doi brbai!
(Catinca Gruia Vignea din Ruii lui Asan n jud. Vlaca )
Pharu de la pharavu (sparg). Perf. pharadm, Imp. pharu, Gerund.
pharainds, Part. pharad.
O br (piatra), pl. l br.
Le ersa de la o er = o or (capul).
Huleavd-hulad, de la hulavu (pieptn). Perf. huladm, Imp. hulv. Gerund.
O gd (cmaa), pl. l gad.
Bev = o abeu (nunta), pl. l abeau.
E knida (urzica), pl. l knida.
Cumdel de la cumidau (srut). Perf. cumidm, Imp. cumide, Gerund.
cumidinds, Part. cumid.
E cirikl (vrabia), pl. l cirikle; masc. o cirikl, pl. l cirikl.
E phak (aripa), pl. l phake.
Bal de la bau (latru, ip). Perf. bal, Imp. ba, Gerund. baindos, Part.
O marzo (necazul), pl. l marzurra.


Patrinor lulugh,
Katinko, mui parn,
Le-i kfa thai an pan
Te kinghearv mo gheor!
E Katnka-i,mi parn,
Phendes: Nani vremea hasard,
Kam-anu tuk pan,
K kam jav kai mi bib
Thai kam lav lki kuc
Te anav tuk me pan.
Ta si-i kuc pharavd,
Nan linkerl pan;
E Katrina-i balamn
Ghel thei andes pan.
Foicic de floare,
Catincuo, gur alb,
Ia cofa i adu ap
S ud a mea inimioar!
Catinca, gur alb,
A zis: Nu e vremea pierdut,
O s-i aduc ie ap,
C o s m duc la a mea mtu
i o s-i iau a ei brdac
S-i aduc ie eu ap.
Dar e brdaca spart,
Nu ine ap;
Catrina negustoreas
S-a dus i a adus ap.
(Constanda lui Mo Constantin din Ruii lui Atan jud. Vlaca)
O pani o pi (apa), pl. l paya ol pane.
Kinghearu (ud). Perf. kingheardm, Imp. kingher, Gerund. kinghearinds,

Part. kingheard.
O gheor, dem. de la o gh (inim), pl. l ghiy.
Hasardi de la hasaru (pierd). Perf. hasardm, Imper. hasr, Ger. hasarinds,
Part. has ard.
E bib (mtua), pl l bibe.
Linkearl de la linkearu (in). Perf. linkeardm, Imperat. linker, Gerund.
linkearinds, Part. linkeard.

Patrin zleno ka parn,
Kol hal mace ai manr?
Gruia del balamo,
Ai pel pi anda-i kuc,
O Gria ai lski romn.
Ita, nne, koi romn,
Ande sste phukil?
Ande-i fsta-i cingheard.
Nic godya nai lki,
Ta si lke phenaki,
Le phenaki le baraki!
Marel-la o del te avel mardi,
Lko zabno o cingheard,
K but si dili.
Ai si i kom khandin,
E ceor-i, barikani!

Frunz verde lemn alb,

Cine mnnc pete i pine?
Gruia, acel negustor,
i bea ap din brdac,
Gruia i soia lui.
Iat, nene, acea femeie,
n ce s-a umflat?
n fusta cea rupt.
Nici aceea nu e a ei,
Dar este a soru-sei,
A soru-sei celei mari!

Bate-o, Doamne, s fie btut,

Al ei zbun cel rupt,
C mult e nebun.
i e i puturoas,
Sraca, fudula!
(Catinca Costache din Preasna Nou, jud. Ilfov)
Kon, cine.
O maci (petele), pl. l mace.
O manr (pinea), pl. l manr.
Pukili de la phukivu (m umflu). Perf. phukilm, Imper. phuke, Ger.
phukinds, Part. phukeard.
Cinghear de la cinghearu (rup). Perf. cingheardm, Imperat. cingher,
Gerund cinghearinds, Part. cingheard.
Barikan (fudul), masc. barikan.

Patrinor, undelem,
La molete kai glem,
Pang okle mol pilem,
Ai me mol ci ceaililm,
Ai mai pilm i aver bi
Te potolv mnr tru.
Kana dikhlm ai dikhlm,
E duruvli khr-andm,
Ai pilm ta makilm,
O vas pe rovl cutm.
Pang er kai pharadm,
Pukrite glm,
Ai but lov kai dinm,
Beleavtar hastrilem.
(din Moldova)
Frunzuli, unt de lemn,
La crcium unde m-am dus

Cinci oca de vin am but,

i eu de vin nu m-am sturat,
i am mai but nc douzeci,
S potolesc a mea sete.
Cnd am vzut i am vzut,
Butea acas am adus,
i am but de m-am mbtat,
Mna pe ciomag am pus,
Cinci capete c am spart,
La pucrie m-am dus,
i muli bani c am dat
De belea de am scpat.
(Gruia Clin din Mrgineni, jud. Prahova)
Ceaililm de la ceailivu (m satur). Perf. ceaililm, Imperat. ceaile, Gerund
ceailearinds, Part. ceaileard.
E durdvli (butea), pl l duruvle.
Makilm matilm de la mativu (m mbt). Perf. matilm, Imp. mate,
Gerund matearinds, Part. mateard.
O vas (mna), pl. l vas.
E rovl (ciomagul), pl. l rovle.
Hastrilem de la hastru (scap). Perf. hastrilem, Imp. hastru, Gerund.
hastrainds, Part. hastard.

A nanike nanor!
Inkli, nne, o plaior,
Del-to o neika cucor
Aidi nne, pe lunka,
K hasili mi bruma,
D-ek pa sfanskiri,
Ta na-s pe phuv e kal.

Aidi, nne, kai Vereska,

Ta ghelmedisr kai yaska!
Cirikl bal po yzo,
Na nak nansko prlezo,
Te kers mnghe hol,
K sem neamski bari.
Nan sem solahad
Sar okoik denil,
Kai kiral e pir,
E pir e sastruni,
Nani khancski lac.
A nene, nenior!
Urc, nene, deluorul,
S-i dea neica oara
De vtmtur.
Aide, nene, pe lunchi,
C s-a pierdut al meu inelu,
De o jumtate de sfan,
De n-a fost pe pmntul cel negru.
Aide, nene, la Vereasca,
De plmdete aceast iasc!
Vrabia ip pe iaz,
Nu trece al nenei prleaz,
S-mi fac mie necaz,
C sunt de neam mare.
Nu sunt jurat
Ca acea nebun
Care fierbe oala,
Oala cea de fer,
Nu e de nimica bun.
(Brebua Stan din Budeti, sat n judeul Ilfov)

E brumia (inelu), pl. l brume.

O pa (jumtate), pl. l o pa and l o pana.
Nas=nai sas (nu a fost).
E phu (pmntul), pl. l phuy.
Kal (neagr), masc. kal.
Ghelmedisr de la gelmedisaru (plmdesc). Perf. ghelmedisardm, Imp.
ghelmedisr, Gerund ghelmedisarinds, Part. ghelmedisard.
Nak de la nakhu (trec). Perf. nachlm, Imp. nak, Gerund nakhinds. Part.
E holi (necazul), pl. l hole.
Kiral de la kiravu (fierb). Perf. kiradm, Imp. kiru, Gerund kirainds, Part.
E piri (oala), pl. l pire.
Sastrun, adj. de la o sstri (fierul).

Patrin ahski parn,
O Stne o horahan,
Del o somnl delor,
Te merl lsko ca,
Sar hals mo kheror,
Tacilm mnghe cor.
Kme kdau simaghe,
Kate du-les armane,
Te mern lski grasne,
Te acl o urdn gade.
O Stne o borahan,
Ita kerds mui bar.
O thagr, kan aunds,
O vas po plo cuts,
Lsko or pharads.

Foaie de varz alb,

Stan turcitul,
Dar-ar Sfntul Dumnezeu

S moar al lui biat,

Cum a mncat a mea cscioar,
De mi-am rmas mie srac.
O s strng zloage,
Ca s-i dau blesteme,
S moar ale lui iepe,
S rmie crua aa.
Stan turcitul,
Iat a fcut gur mare.
mpratul, cnd a auzit,
Mna pe palo a pus
Al lui cap a spart.
(Gheorghe Stancu din Urlai, jud. Prahova)
Del de la dau (dau). Perf. dem, Imper. de, Ger. dndos, Part. dno.
Merl-meru (mor). Perf. mulm, Imp. mer, Ger. merinds, Part. mul.
Simaghe pl. de la e simagh (zlog).
Armane de la e armn (blestemul).
Leski de la ou.
Grasne pl. de la e grasn (iapa). Masc. o gras (calul), pl. l gras.
Ael=acel de la aceu (rmi).
O urdn (crua), pl. l urdon.
O thagr (mpratul), l thagr. E thagarni (mprteasa), pl. l thagarne.
O palo (sabia, paloul), pl. l palourea.
Cutas, de la cu (pun). Perf. ciutm, Imp. cu, Ger. cuinds, Part. ciut,
Pharads de la pharavu (sparg).
Aundas de la aunu (auz). Perf. aundm, Imp. aun, Ger. auninds, Part.

Patrinor ah parn,
Aide nne nanor,
Dl-ame zor o gag,

O Dumitro o balam,
K si nne ctin.
Ita kai kou balam,
Ai slos kam rayor,
Pale, nne, huread.

Frunzuli varz alb,

Aide, nene nenior,
Ne d zor romnul,
Dumitru negustorul;
C este, nene, pus.
Uite la acel negustor,
i este cam boierna,
Dar, nene, mbrcat.
(Meteru Gheorghe din Mariua, un ctun n jud. Ilfov)
Del-ame=del amnghi.
E zor (zorul), l zor.
Cutin (pus. Se nelege ca vtaf) de la cau.
Kou=koua (acel).
O rayor (boerna), l raior, fem. e rayor, pl. l rayor.
Huread de la hureavu (mbrac). Perf. hureadm, Imp. hureu, Ger.
hureainds, Part. huread.

Rgos, nnu, ai mohros,
ukearl o del ko dros.
Rgo, nne, mohoros,
Mar-la, devla brindsa,
Kastardm-la le vastsa,

Thai mekhles,
Thai po dros nic lines.
Mar-la devla, te-al mardi,
Ande sste phukil?
Ande-i fsta-i ciugheard?
Nic godoy nai lke,
Ta si lke pheneki.
Marl e valvl udr
Paa koi ukr romn
Ta si ukr ai parn
Thai silis kham khanil,
Ta nani khancskiri lac;
Ai silis kam denil.
Ai de, nne, ande Vereska
Te ghelmeders e yska.
Ker-ma, devla, cirikl,
De pro them horahan.
Ker-ma, dvla, cirikl
De pro them horahan,
Te ciundau mui parn,
K but ciunidem kal.
Rug, nene, i mohor,
S usuce Domnul al tu dor.
Rug, nene, cu mohor,
Bate-o, Doamne, cu ploi,
C am prins-o cu mna,
A iubit
i a lsat,
i dorul ei nu i l-a luat.

Bate-o Doamne, s fie btut,

n ce s-a umflat?
n fusta cea rupt?
Nici aceea nu-i a ei,
Dar este a sorei si.
Bate vntul rece
Pre lng acea frumoas femeie
De este frumoas i alb.
i este cam puturoas,
De nu e de nimic bun;
i este cam proast.
Aide, nene, la Vereasca
S plmdim iasca.
F-m, Doamne, vrabie,
De prin ara turceasc.
F-m, Doamne, vrbioiu
De prin ara turceasc,
S srut gur alb
C mult am srutat neagr.
(Vtafu Gheorghe din Criv, un sat din jud. Ilfov)
O mohros (mohorul), pl. l mohrurea.
La vastsa, din o vas (mna).
Iubisardeas=iubisardas din iubu (iubesc). Perf. iubisardm. Imper. iubisr,
Ger. iubirinds. Part. iubisard.
Mekhles=mukhls din mukhu (las). Amndou formele mekhu i mukhu
se ntrebuineaz fr deosebire.
Po pron. (al su).
Linas ursrete n loc de las de la lu (iau).
Te-al=te al=te avl de la avu (viu, n locul verbului a fi).
Mard Part. fem. (btut), masc. mard de la verbul maru (bat), Perf.
mardm, Imper. mar, Ger. marinds.
Sste de la pron. interogativ so (ce).
E fsta (fusta), pl. l fsteai.

Cingheardi, Part. fem. de la cinghearu (rup).

Godoy=koy=koi pron. dem. (aceea). Masc. kou, koia, godola (acela).
Khancskiri fem. de la khnc (nimic).
Khancskoro pentru khancsko i khancski.
Lac, masc. lac (bun).
Aide este romnescul haide.
Vereska sat cu numele de Vereasca nu se afl n Romnia. Poate s fie
Vereti din jud. Botoani.
Ghelmederis = de la ghelmederin (plmdesc) Perf. ghelmederisardm, Imp.
ghelmederisar, Ger. ghelmederisarinds, Part. ghelmederisard. O alt form a
acestui verb este ghelmederisaru.
E yska (iasc), pl. l ysce.
Pro este romnescul de prin.
Ciumidem=cumidem de la ciumdau (srut).
Ursarii ntrebuineaz mai mult forma Perf. eom i chiar am, aa nct
cteodat se [folosete] gh nainte de i, cumigiom n loc de cumidm.

Patrinor ah parn
A dvla le, devla m!
Dba, dvla, brnid
Te pharn de-l barore,
Ai te pharl vi-o baror,
Kate-inkll mo phralor,
Le rsa huleavd,
Le gadsa parnor,
Le bicisa po dum,
Kte mel k-s balam!
Aver patrn ahor,
Del o drgo delor,
Kate den l brinid
Te bareon l lulughe,
Te kden l ceayore

Tha-l flkya sa kade,

Kte iubin l ceay,
Kte kers abeav
Pe kol play l zliya!
Ai si bar playor.
Krdl abeu roman
Ta khll vi ek gag,
Le kustiksa lol.
Frunzuli varz alb,
A, Doamne, Doamne, m!
D, Doamne, ploi
S crape pietricelele,
i s crape i petricica
Ca s ias al meu frior,
Cu capul peptnat,
Cu cmaa albioar,
Cu biciul pe umr,
Ca s semene c-i negustor!
Alt foaie verzioar,
Dar-ar dragul Dumnezeu,
C s dea ploile
S creasc florile,
S le strng fetele
i flcii tot aa,
Ca s iubeasc fetele,
Ca s facem nuni
Pe acele dealuri verzi!
i e mare deluorul.
Se face nunt igneasc
De joac i un romn
Cu brul rou.

(Marin Stan din Mrgineni, un sat n jud. Prahova.)

Deba form rar a imperativului n loc de de de la dau (dau).
De-l de la l.
Barore de la o baror demonstrativ + substantiv din o bar (piatra). Forma
obinuit este l baror.
O phralor, pl. l phralor de la o phral (fratele), pl. l phral.
Huleavd=hulad de la hulavu (peaptn) o dum (umerul), pl. l dum.
Lieii zic o phiko pl. l phik.
Mel de la meau (seamn). Perf. meayem, Imper. mea, Ger. meainds, Part.
K-s=k si (rom. c este).
Sa (tot) adv.
Le kutiksa din e kutc (brul), pl. l Kutik.
Lol (rou), fem. lol.

Aidi, nne, pre lunkia
K hasardem mi bruma,
O pa sfanskiri.
Patrinor ah parn!
Kr-ma, dvla, cirikl
De pro them horahan,
Te curmdau mui parn,
K destl cumidm kal.
Ai, ghel, nne, ghel,
Tkam acilam pal,
Te jas vi am luin,
Te kins keb cind,
Ai pe urma i lac,
K sam, nane, balam.
Cirikl bal po yzo,
Na nak nansko prleazo,
Te kers manghe marzo,

Ka nai sem man kal,

Te marl-ma or sa,
Ta sem manu parn,
Ta cn-ma saor de kir.
Aide, nene, pe lunchi
C am pierdut al meu inelu,
De o jumtate de sfan.
Frunzuli varz alb!
F-m, Doamne, vrbioiu,
De prin ara turceasc,
S srut gura alb,
C destul am srutat neagr.
i s-au dus, nene, s-au dus,
Numai noi am rmas n urm,
S mergem i noi luni
S cumprm ghebe rupte,
i pe urm i bune,
C suntem, nene, negustori.
Vrabia ip pe iaz,
Nu trece al nenii prleaz,
S-mi faci mie necaz,
C nu sunt om negru
S m bat oricine,
Dar sunt om alb
De m bag toi n seam.
(Catrina Ivan Ursaru din Comana, sat n jud. Vlaca)
E lunka (rom. lunchi), pl. l lunke.
Hasarde=hasardm de la hasaru (pierz).
O sfno (sfanul), l sfani. n ignete se zice o bir de la bi, adec
douzeci lei, pl. l biarae. n vorbirea secret se numete o mard (btutul).
Ghel n loc de ghelin de la gu (m duc).

Tokam (numai) adv.

Luin (luni) adv. Zilele sptmnii se numesc: e Luia, e Mari, e Tetraghi, e
Joia, e Parati, o Svato, o Kurk. Ursarii zic, ns, e Tetradi i e Parasti. O kurk,
pl. l kurk nseamn i dumineca i sptmna.
Kinas de la kinu (cumpr). Perf. kindm, Imp. kin, Ger. kininds, Part.
Kbe, pl de la o kba (gheba).
Cind - Part. trec. de la cinu (tai). Perf. cindm, Imp. cin, Ger. cinindos, Part.
O yazo (iazul), l yzurea.
O prlezo (prleazul), pl. l prlezurea.
Nai=ni=nana=ci adv. (nu) se ntrebuineaz i n locul negativului cu a III-a
pers, sing. i pl. de la ind. prezent. Asemenea, n forma aceasta se pune i n locul
negativului, cu verbul a fi: Nai sem, nai san, nai. Perf. nai semas, nai sanas, nai sas
(i na-s) pl. nai samas, nai sanas, nai sas.
Or sao (oricare) pron.
Kiro n a bga n seam, se ntrebuineaz numai n aceast expresie.

Thai jel, nne, jel
Tkam acila pal
Te jas li ame lunin.
Ita ndere diz khot,
Te kins kbe cind,
K n-aresen ol lov
Te hureavs-ame am.
Mai ukr nan mai ju,
K si-ma s phiravu,
Si-ma baboy bar,
Thai vi kuma bakran.
Li me, nane, nan ju,
K sil-man so te hu,
Kam beu li mai nang,
Muk te avu sasteest,

Litande mo kheror.
i s-au dus, nene, s-au dus,
Numai noi am rmas napoi,
S mergem i noi luni.
Iat, n trg aci
S cumprm ghebe rupte,
C nu ajung banii,
S ne mbrcm noi.
Mai bine nu mai m duc,
C am ce s port,
Am antiriu mare
i cciul de oaie.
i eu, nene, nu m duc,
C am i eu ce s mnnc,
O s stau i mai gol,
Las s fiu sntos,
Iat, ntr-a mea cscioar.
(Stoica Ion, cu locuin nestatornic)
Cele patru versuri prime din acest cntec par mpumutate din cntecul XIX.
Aici, ns, forma limbii este curat ursreasc.
Jele=ghele=ghelin de la gau i urs. lae. jau (m duc). Forma jele se
ntrebuineaz numai de ursari i rareori de laei.
Pal adv. n loc de palpale (napoi).
Lumin = luin (luni). Ursari pstreaz pe n, acolo unde n celelalte dialecte
s-a pierdut n, precum o pani n loc de o pai (apa).
Ol lov sing., o lo (banul).
ukr (=frumos). Ursarii l ntrebuineaz n loc de mit. ukr arakhlem
tut (bine te am gsit).
E babya (antiriu), pl. l baboy.
E kma (cciula), pl. l kme n loc de e staghi.
Bakran, fem. bakran de la o bakr (mielul), pl. l bakre. Fem. e bakri
(oaia), l bakre.
Sili-man = Silis-man (am).
Beu (stau, ez), Perf. belm, Imp. be, Ger. beinds, Part. bel. Ursarii
ntrebiuneaz mai des bet.

Nang (gol), fem. nanghi. Nanghivu (m desbrac). Perf. nanghilm, Imp.

nanghe, Ger. nanchinds, Part. nangheard sau nang.
Saseest=sastevest=(sntos) fem. sasteesti.
Lita ursrete n loc de ita (iat).

Patrn Ialomikiri,
Opre- pli, opr lunka
Naaldem mi brumula
De o pa sfanskiri.
Kodoy nan-s mir,
Ta sas me daykiri.
Del o somnl delor,
Te kerdl beu roman.
Te phucu mi brumula,
Den ol bar ghesore,
Te prandzen-pe-ol ceay
Tai vi ol flcya.
Frunz de Ialomia,
Sus pe deal, sus pe lunchi,
Am pierdut al meu inelu
De o jumtate de sfan.
Acela nu a fost al meu,
Dar a fost, al mumei mele.
Dar-ar Sfntul Dumnezeu
S se fac nunt igneasc,
S ntreb despre al meu inelu.
Dar-ar cele mai mari zile,
S se mrite fetele,
i i flcii.
(Vasile Lctuu din Rumneti, sat n jud. Dmbovia).
IalomikiriIalomitaki de la Ialomia (rul Ialomia).
Opre prep. (prep. ca adv. sus)
Naaldem=naaldm de la naalu (fug lund ceva), Imp. nal, Gerund
naalinds, Part. naald; de la nau (fug), Perf. nalm, Imp. na, Ger. nainds,
Part. nagald.
Nana s = na-s =nai sa = s (nu era).

Daykiri =le dki de la e dei (mama).

Kerdl de la kerdivu (m fac). Perf. kerdilm, Ger. kerdindos, Part. kerd
de la keru (fac).
Phuceu (ntreb). Perf. phulm, Imper. phuc, Ger. phucindos, Part.
Brumula diminutiv de la e brumia (inelul).
Ghesore pl. de la o ghesor, demonstrativ din o ghes (ziua).
Prandizen de la prandzau (ursrete,[eu m] mrit). Perf.
prandisardem, Imper. prandisr, Ger. prandisarinds, Part. prandisard.
Ol flkya pl. de la o flko (flcul).

- Thai ghel, nne, sar,
Tkam acilem kher,
Jsa li-ame lunin
Te kers lov nev,
K-ol phuran halil.
Ale, nne, so manghsa
Thai nan ja cokanna.
Ela, nne, li kher,
K merl ki phen kher.
- Te merla, mul ovla,
Bnuela nmo avla.
i s-au dus, nene, toi,
Tocmai am rmas acas,
Om merge i noi luni
S facem bani noi,
C cei vechi s-au mncat.
Na, nene, ce-i cere
i nu te du cu ciocanele.
Vino, nene, i acas,
C moare a ta sor acas.
De-o muri, moart o fi,
Bnuial numai o fi.
(Stoica Vasile din Rumneti, un sat n jud. Dmbovia).
Acest cntec, la nceput, seamn cu cntecul XX.
Sar = saror, ursrete n loc de saor (toi) sing, sroro.
Nev, pl. de la ne (nou) fem. nev, pl. neve.
Halile de la hlivu (sunt mncat). Perf. halilm, Ger. halearinds, Part.

Ale(na i vino).
Manghsa, Viitor de la mangu (cer), Perf. manglm, Imp. mang, Ger.
manghinds, Part. mangl.
Ciocanna de la o ciokno (ciocanul), pl. l ciokya. Ursarii zic mai des o
sivri, pl. ol sivre.
Ela = (vino).
O vla=avla viitorul de la avu (vin).
E bnueala (bnuiala), pl. l bnuele.
Namo = n loc de nana mai (nu mai).

Ela, nane, li kher
Kerdil te ou kurk
Tai kher na mai alen.
Hl e phen to muior !
Thaden, peklen mo il!

Vino, nene, i acas
S-au fcut ale tale ase septmni
i acas nu ai mai venit.
Mnca-i-ar sora a ta guri
Ai nelat, ai fript inima mea.
(Un igan din Rumneti, sat n jud. Dmbovia).
Kher de la o kher (casa).
ou = (ase).
Kurk pl. de la o kurk (sptmna).
Alen avilen ailean, aviln i ailn de la avu (vin).
Tharden atharden de la atharu (nel). Perf. athardm, Imperat. athr,
Gerund, atharinds, Part. athard.
Peklen pekln de la peku (frig). Perf. peklm, Imp. pk, Gerund, pekinds,
Part. pek.

Gau po drom, thai gndi-ma,
Kasa ka-mai iub-ma.
Tai mekhlm,
Mai bar bezeh kerdm.
Iubisardm cei bar,
Ai lem ek romn phuri.
Cude, cude, na dar,
K so avla, rdav.
So si amnde,
Nai tumnde,
Leale, leale, cei!
Na mai ga,
Ta solah,
Lele, lele, cei!
K inkhlist ki hrkoma
Kutk kutk
Pala-i bar.
Lele, lele ci!

Merg pe drum i m gndesc

Cu cine s m mai iubesc.
Am iubit,
i m-am lsat,
Mai mare pcat am fcut.
Am iubit o fat mare
i am luat o femeie btrn.
Arunc, arunc, nu te teme,
C ce o fi, oi trage.
Ce e la noi,
Nu e la voi,
Lele, lele, fat!
Nu mai te duce
De te jura,
Lele, lele, fat!
C i-a ieit arama
Colea, colea
Dup gard.
Lele, lele, fat!
(Bacriu Simion din Budeti, jud. Ilfov).
O drom (drumul), l drom.
Gndi-ma gndiu-ma de la gndiu (gndesc, cuget). Perf. gndisilem,
Imp. gndisr. Ger. gndisarinds, Part. gndisard.

Ksa, acuzativ from kon (who).

O bezeh (pcatul), l bezeah.
E hrkoma (arama), pl. l hrkome. Aci n sensul de ponos.
Kutk adv. (aci).
E bar (gardul, grdina, sau curtea), pl. l bare.
Nane, patrin zleno cearesa,
Mukhlm me day yagsa,
Me dads bar dorsa,
Me phrals bar jalesa;
Thai me ghelm
Tai nakhlm,
Nene, foaie verde de iarb,
Am lsat pe mama mea cu foc,
Pe tat meu cu mare dor,
Pe fraii mei cu mare jale;
i m-am dus,
i am trecut
La munte,
La Moldova.
(Bacriu Simeon din Budeti, jud. Ilfov)
Jalesa de la e jlea (jalea), pl. l jale
Patrinor ah parn,
A nanke, nne mo,
E Maria-i cei bar
Ha-u kostaki o ceaor
Hai kerdilas flk.
Ita, nane, telearu,
Ai me tut kame mukhu.
Oi phendas: - Mai be n ja!
K kam dau-tu rmay,
Kte den-tu-l brnid,
Te un-tu-l porore!
Ita marl-les o del,
Sar kerdes pesk vurdn!
K thera terearl,

Plpale nana mavl.

Ita, nne, o denil,
Thai mekhlas,
Thai po dro ci lines,
Mai bar bezh kerdas.
Del o drago delor,
Te pharel po dromor,
Ka silos prea denil.
Frunzuli varz alb,
A neicu, nene, m,
Maria fat mare
i Costache bieelul
Care s-a fcut flcu.
Iat nene, plec
i eu pe tine o s te las.
Ea a zis: - Mai stai, nu te duce,
Ca s-i dau blesteme,
Ca s-i dea ploile,
S te usture mioarele!
Iat, bat-l Dumnezeu,
Cum i-a fcut cru!
C mine pleac,
napoi nu mai vine.
Iat, nene, nebunul,
A iubit
i a lsat,
i al lui dor nu l-a luat,
Mai mare pcat a fcut.
Dar-ar, dragul Dumnezeu,
S crape pe drum,
C este prea nebun.
(Meteru Vasile din Rumneti, un sat n jud. Dmbovia)
Hau = hai o (i)
Uin = de la uiu (ustur). Perf. uisardm, Imp. uiar. Gerund uisardins,
Part. uisard.
Porore dem. pl. de la e por (maul), pl. l por.
Kerdes = kerds de la keru (fac).
Pesk = peske = (-i, i).
O vurdn = o urdon (crua), pl. l vurdon.
Thera (mine). De theara (de dimineaa).
Ci = ni = nan adv. (nu). Lieii ntrebuineaz mai des pre ci.
E rmya (blestemul), pl. l rmye. Ursarii ntrebuineaz n locul acestui
cuvnt e armn, pl. l armane.

Te mai gas, te n mai gas.

La ceay te n me khs,
K si, nane, knor,
Ai si neamstar bar,
Te cudesa mai kutk
N, la daika, na!
Kam ghinu tuke phole,
Pang el periyrea,
Ai sarnda ikurea,
Kte ds-ma le ceay,
Le ceay le mai kne;
K si nane gogheavr,
Sar lte ma nai avr,
K kids l ah pau kher,
Ai das l ah pau kher,
Ai das dab and tor,
Ta mai dikhlines i-aver.
De ne-om duce, de nu ne-om duce,
Pe fat s nu o lsm,
C e nene mititic,
i e de neam mare,
De-ai arunca mai p-aici,
Na, la lele, na!
O s-i numr ie galbeni,
Cinci sute de perieri,
i patru-zeci de icusari
i s-mi dai fata,
Pe fata cea mai mic;
C e, nene, cu minte
Ca dnsa nu e alta,
Ca a strns varza de pe cas,
i a lovit n topor,
De-au mai vzut-o i alii.
(Niculae Zlataru, cu locuin nestatornic).
cnor fem., knor masc. from kn (mic), fem. kni.
O nemo (neamul), l neamurea.
Bari fem. pus aici n locul masc. bar.
E daika (lelea), pl. l dice.
Ghinu (n numr). Perf. ghindm, Imp. ghin, Ger. ghinindos, Part. ghind.
Phole de la phol (galben, lir). n vorbirea secret o khamal, pl. l khamal.
Periyrea de la o periyari (polul imperial). Saranda (patruzeci).
Ikurea de la o ikuari (icusarul).
Goghiavr (cu minte), ), fem. i masc. i la plural neschimbat.
E dab (lovitur), pl. l dab.
O tor (toporul), pl. l toer.

Le sivrya me maru,
Ai l sastrs sanearu,
Li me blehurea kru,
Thai me-l vurdon phandu,
Ta keru-len zural
Ta linghearn but kil,
Ai nakhn and-l cik,
Ci phaghel e sia,
Ai ma sem o Ivncea,
Keru sor buke,
Ta mirl pe-i lumea se.
Cu ciocanul eu bat,
i fierul l subiez,
i eu bleavuri fac,
i eu crue leg
De le fac tari,
De duc multe chile,
i trec prin noroaie,
Nu se rupe osia,
i eu sunt Ivancea,
Fac toate lucrurile,
i se mir lumea toat.
(Ioni Ivancea din Budeti, un sat n jud Ilfov.)
O sivri (ciocanul), pl. l sivr
Sanearu (subiez). Perf. saneardem., Imper. saner, Ger. sanearinds, Part.
saneardo. Acest verb este format de la adjectivul san (subire).
Phandu (leg).
Zural de la zural (tare).
Linghearn de la linghearu (duc).
E cik (noroiul), pl. l cik.
Phaghel de la phagivu (m rup).

Patrinor ka bar,
Devlarya, dvla, mo!
Ci mai sovau ma rak
Gndya kai eor
Kai buol-la Maria,

Ai iubil-lan o Ghia.
K dikhlm-la me ukar
Sar ek lulughe-ndai-i bar;
Thai vi lki koror
Sar e lulughi lol.
Ci lel-ma-i lndri rak
Kai dikhu koi kor parn.
Frunzuli lemn mare,
Dumnezeiorule, Doamne, m,
Nu mai dorm eu desear
Cu gndul la fetioar
Ce se numete Maria,
i o iubete Ghi.
C eu am vzut-o frumoas
Ca pe o floare din grdin;
i al ei gtior
Ca o floare roie.
Nu m ia somnul de sear
Cnd vz acel gt alb.
(tefan Florea din Boteni, sat n jud. Ilfov)
E lndri (somnul), pl. l lindre. De aci se formeaz i adjectivul lindreal
Bul = bucol de la buceu (m numesc). Perf. bulm, Imp. buci, Ger.
bucinds, Part. bul.

- Patrinor teaviki
Tu san sar bul kkaveki.
- Sstar, e, phens kade?
Sm ukr sar kukoy,
Kai si l lulughesa
Thai buol-la, Zamfira,
- D-la, phrla, mai nke
Ka ci si ukr kade?
- Patrinor ka parn,
Kkaveri snas mo.
- Ci janglm me je-acan
K tu san, phrla, kade.

- Frunzuli de tevie,
Tu eti ca dosul cldrii.
- De ce, f, tu zici aa?
Sunt frumos ca aceea,
Care este cu floarea
i se cheam Zamfira.
- D-o, frate mai ncolo,
C nu este frumoas aa!
- Frunzuli de lemn alb,
Cldrar am fost, m.
- N-am tiut eu pn acum
C tu eti, frate, aa.
(Ioni Cldraru cu locuina nestatornic, gsit n Ploieti)
E bul (dosul), pl. l bule.
nke (ncolo), adv.
Kkaveri (cldrar) de la e kki (cldarea), pl. kkie.

- Patrinor ka parn,
Mo Dumitre, mo cea,
Sstar san tu melal?
Nai tu kon thol-tu mo?
Uti, av, ta l-ma man,
Te thou-tu vi ka-l khan,
Te keru-tu mai ukr,
K san kal sar umbll.
- Le-ma, phne, l-ma ce!
Lingher-ma tte kher!
Thou mnr khan sar kire!
- Ak avu, Leanko, ce,
- Mito, Ionka bre.
- Frunzuli de lemn alb,
M, Dumitre, m biete,
De ce eti murdar?
N-ai tu cine s te spele?
Scoal-te, vino de m ia pe mine,
S te spl i la urechi,
S te fac mai frumos,
C eti negru ca tciunele.
Ia-m, soro, ia-m, f!
Du-m la tine acas!
Spal ale mele urechi ca pe ale tale!

Iat viu, Lencuo, f.

Bine, Ionic, m.
(Mndi Zidaru din satul Boldu, jud. Ilfov)
O umbll (tciunele), pl. l umblal.
Patrinor de lu
Drgo mng te asu
Or ksa maldivu.
Ai ksa maldivu,
Te asu ai te khelu
Ai lya duma te dau,
Te lu-les me vaststar
Te rdu-les khanstar
Ta gau lya kai ki mol
Thai te peu lya ek phol
Ji kai ceilivua mol
Kste pheru mu mo pr.
Frunzuli de mtur,
Drag mi-e mie s rz
Ori cu cine m gsesc.
i cu cine m gsesc
S rz i s joc
i cu dnsul s vorbesc,
S-l iau eu de mn,
S-l trag de ureche,
S m duc cu dnsul la acea crcium,
i s beau un galben
Pn m satur de vin,
Ca s umplu eu al meu pntec.
(Ion Cldraru cu locuina nestatornic, gsit n Ploieti.)
E lv (mtura), pl. l ilav.
O pr (pntecele), pl. l pr.
O khn (urechea), pl. l khan.
Lya = lsa de la pron. on (el).


Abe, devlorya, be,

Katr almas me
Te kru khr gadath.
Ko primari avul
Pharade mo khror
Tail-mng cor.
Asl mndar o gaj.
Kakav nani mur,
Ta si mr tiksko.
Thai k kam dl-man avr
Kte merl mi romn
lorstar kai-si-avr
Bokhal thi trual,
Le asfena tavdin
Ji p-i hutk perad,
Ta pherdil-i balan.
A, bre Doamne, bre,
De unde venisem eu
S fac cas aci.
C primarul a venit
A drmat a mea cscioar
De mi-am rmas srac.
Rde de mine romnul.
Aceasta nu este a mea,
Ci este a tat-meu.
i o s m dea afar
C s moar a mea nevast
De frigule c este afar,
Flmnd i setoas,
Cu lacrmi curgnd
Pn la bru czute,
De s-a umplut albia.
(Ioan Martin din Craiova)
Almas alemas avilmas de la v. avu (vin).
Gadath khat adv. (aici).
Avuli avil de la avu.
Pharadeu pharades pharads de la verbul pharavu (sparg).
Ail acil de la verbul aceu (rmn).
Tiksko de la o tika (tata), o dad.

Patrinor ka bar,
And psto ko bar

Ghes parastinekoro,
Tharden, pekhlen mo il,
Thai mo bukh o kal
Sar hurd macskoro;
Kerdinen bezeh bar.
De, Zmarndo, ol cey,
Okolkh ol mai tikne,
K silis ukr mndra,
Mirzel-pe-i lumea sea.
Frunzuli de lemn mare,
n postul cel mare
Zi de Vineri,
Ai nelat, ai fript a mea inim,
i al meu ficat negru
Ca mruntul de pete;
Ai fcut pcat mare.
D, Smarando, pe fata,
Pe aceea mai mic,
C este frumoas mndr,
Se mir lumea toat.
(tefan Ianache din ctunul Sf. Filotea, jud. Prahova)

Patrinor de bujro,
Ita phen-and ko dro
Me inkleu and pridvro,
Ka sem, phne, pherd dro.
Tu sstar ci mai gnds
Ai man kte mai iubs?
Tu bes sa garadi,
Me phabu sar momel.
Inkl, phne, mai avr
Te dikhu koi kor parn,
Ka ni mai sovu rak.
Frunzuli de bujor,
Iat, soro, de al tu dor
M suiu n pridvor,
C sunt, soro, plin de dor.

Tu de ce nu te mai gndeti
i cu mine s te iubeti?
Tu stai tot ascuns,
Eu arz ca o lumnare.
Iei, soro, mai afar
S vz al tu gt alb,
C nu mai dorm desear.
(Ion Neagu, fierar din Bucureti)
Garad de la garad de la verbul garavu (ascund). Perf. garadm, Imp.
garu, Ger. garainds, Part. garad.
Phabu phabivu (arz). Perf. phabilm, Imp. phab, Ger. phabinds, Part.

- Patrinor dui sire,
D-ame Linko ke cey
Okolkh ol ukare,
Kai bucel-la Pauna,
Te ghinu tuke phole,
Pang el thai penda
Thai li bi perirea;
Thai d-amen ol Pauna.
Nan dau-la tuke, mo,
Si-m-o cea fllk.
- Frunzuli doi usturoi,
D-ne, Ilinco, pe a ta fat
Pe acea frumoas,
Care se numete Puna,
S nnumr ie galbeni,
Cinci sute i cincizeci
i nc douzeci perieri;
i d-ne pe Puna.
Nu i-o dau ie, m,
Am biat flcu.
(George Iordache din Rudu, un sat n jud. Prahova)
Ghinu (eu numr), Perf. ghindm, Imper. ghin, Ger. ghininds, Part. ghind.

- Muk o udar phiravd
Te jal o eaor andr,
Te cumdel mui parn.
Bikn, dde, la grasna,
La grasne kol parne,
Ta l mang kla e,
Kla e, la armenka.
Bikn, dde, le khurs,
Thai l mango kol eavs,
Le bicsa po phik,
Zabunsa kejlan,
ukearde mur il.
- Las ua deschis
S se duc bieelul nuntru,
S srute gura alb.
Vinde, tat, iapa,
Iapa cea alb,
De-mi ia pe acea fat
Pe acea fat, pe armeanca.
Vinde, tat, crlanul
i-mi ia mie pe acel biat,
Cu biciul pe umr,
Cu zbunul de mtase,
A uscat a mea inim.
(Marin Voicu din Buftea, un sat n jud. Ilfov)
Patrinor i-o lale,
Inflorisr, rugona,
Te baren ke patreor,
Te kerden dol lulughe,
Te kden del ceay.
Dvla, na mai mundr-ma!
Te del d-i primavra
Te mai peu me le molete
Le romnesa pla mnde,
Le dsa pla korte
Tha-l eavna dangalete.

Frunzuli i-o lalea,

nflorete, rugule,
S creasc ale tale frunzioare,
S se fac florile,
S le strng fetele.
Domne, nu m mai omor!
S dea acea primvar
S mai beau eu la crcium
Cu nevasta dup mine,
Cu mama dup gt
i cu copiii n brae.
(Scris n Ploieti de la un igan, care nu a vrut s spuie nici numele, nici de unde este)
Hai mern-tu-l khangrea
Hai saor truul.
Tu andn-ma pe ka-l than
Te han-man l cirikle
Te ban-ma l vulturea.
Na cumde-ma ndo drom!
K dikhl-ma mur rom,
Hai inl-ma l toversa
Bikinl-ma klidinsa.
Nne, ande kou plai bar,
But urdon roman
Le katunna-nzard.
Nne, kol ey bare
Le poghena vazdin,
Le porena andin,
Le zulufna ind.
i te bat bisericile
i toate crucile.
Tu m-ai adus pe aceste locuri
S m mnnce vrbiile
S m ipe vulturii.
Nu m sruta n drum!
C te vede al meu brbat,
i m taie cu toporul
i m vinde cu cntarul.
Nene, pe acel deal mare
Multe crue de igani
Cu corturile ntinse.

Nene, acele fete mari

Cu poalele rdicate,
Cu coadele aduse,
Cu zulufii tiai.
(Un igan din Vrbila, sat n jud. Prahova)
Khangre, pl. de la e khangri=e khanghir (biseric).
Truul, pl. de la o truul (crucea).
Than, pl. de la o than (locul).
Klidinsa de la o klidin (cntarul), pl. l klidin.
Le pagheana de la e poghi (poala), pl. l pghea.
Vazin de la verb vzdau (rdic). Perf. vazdm, Imp. vzde, Ger. vazdinds,
Part. vazdin.
Le porena de la e por (coada), pl. l pore.
Telearv te gau khr
Ai kurva thol-ma tel,
Talau plai o zleno.
Kerdl abau roman,
Akehrl-ma te khlu,
Ai me ci kamu te gau.
Plec s ma duc acas,
i curva m pune jos,
Supt dealul cel verde.
Se face o nunt igneasc,
M cheam s joc,
i eu nu vreu s m duc.
(Andrei Sracu din Dragomireti, un sat n jud. Dmbovia)
E krva (curva), pl. l kurve.
Thl-ma de la thau (pun jos), Perf. thodm, Imp. tho, Ger. thodinds, Part.
Tel (jos), telal (jos) adv.
Talau telau tela-o (supt, de desupt).
Akharu (chem), Perf. akhardm, Imp. akhr, Ger. akharinds, Part. akhard.
Khlu khelu (joc).


Bre, Vasile, crcimro,

De-ma bansko zahro,
Te du la bore te hal
Te astarl fa ukr,
Te mazlzel po makr.
Kana jal o rom khrl,
But fazel-la ukr.
Kanavl o rom khr,
Oi krl-pes nasfal,
Hai bel pe prisp-avr,
Momelna astard,
Momele khoykere,
K momsk ci-aflin-pe,
Prinjrdol k krel-pe.
Bre, Vasile, crciumare,
D-mi de un ban zahar,
S dau norei s mnnce,
S prinz faa frumoas,
S-i dreag al su mijloc.
Cnd se duce brbatul de acas,
Mult i pare bine.
Cnd vine brbatul acas,
Ea se face bolnav,
i ede pe prisp afar,
Cu lumnri aprinse,
Lumnri de seu,
C de cear nu se afl,
Se cunoate, c se face.
(Bacriu Simion din Budeti, un sat n jud. Ilfov)
O zahro (zaharul), pl. l zahrurea.
O crciumri (crciumarul), pl. l crciumrea.
O bno (banul), pl. l bnurea.
La bore (le boreke) de la e bori (nora), pl. l bore. O gamutr (ginerele),
pl. l giamutr.
Mazlzel de la mazlzau (dreg, ncing). Perf. mazlosardm, Imperat. mazlosr,
Gerund mazlosarinds, Part. mazlosard.
O makr (mijlocul), pl. l makar.
Fazel-la = fal-la de la fal-ma (mi pare). Perf. fals-mas.
Nasfali, fem. de la nasfal (bolnav).
Avr (afar), adv.
Momelena de la e momel (lumnarea), l momele.
Koykere = adj. de la khoi (seu), pl. l khoy.
Momsk de la o mm (ceara), pl. l mom.
Prinjrdol = primgrdol pasivul de la pringardivu, Perf. pringrdilem,
Gerund pringarinds, Part. pringard. De la pringiaru (cunosc).

Aolik, so krdm?
So krdm, so ci krdm?
Krkoro hohvdilm.
Kan sas te jas kutk,
Mule-i grasni tela-m;
Asa-l rom mndar sea,
Ve-l a thai ve-l romne.
Miri-ma, so te kru?
Pe sa drom te-astaru.
Aolic, ce-am fcut?
Ce-am fcut, ce n-am fcut?
Eu singur m-am nelat.
Cnd a fost s merg colea,
A murit iapa supt mine;
Au rs iganii de mine toi,
i copiii i nevestele.
M mir, ce s fac?
Pe care drum s apuc?
(Mo Ion Lu din satul Letca-Veche, judeul Vlaca)
Lisko ursrete i liatico.
Krdm = kerdm de la keru (fac).
Hohavdiln, Perf. de la hahardivu (m nel), Ger. hohadindos, Part. hohad;
de la hohavu (min), Perf. hohadm, Imper. hohu, Ger. hohainds, Part. hohad.
Mule = mules muls de la mereu (mor).
Tela prep. (supt).
Asa-l = asain l de la asu (rz). Perf. asam, Imper. as, Ger. asainds,
Part. asad .
Miri-ma = mru-ma.
Na-mai mundr-m, dvla,
Ji but ji n primvra,
Te baren me phenore,
Te lau lnghi papuke,
Thai pe urma lulughe,
Te dau-len k-ol flkya.
Of! dadke, romni
Ceai bulibastir!
Thai dinemas deudui,
Te ciumdau mndro mui,

Thai dincmas bitaitr

Te phagu san makr.
Nu mai m omor, Doamne,
Mult pn n primvar
S se mreasc ale mele surioare,
S le iau lor papuci,
i pe urm flori,
S le dau la flci.
Of! tatic, a mea nevast
Fat de bulibaa!
i ddusem dousprezece
S srut gura mndr,
i ddusem douzeci i patru
S frng subire mijloc.
(Cioban Manole din satul Dolheti, jud. Flciu)
Ma mama nana (nu) ursrete n loc de na.
Ji gi (pn) prep. ursrete.
Papuka pl. de la o papuco (papucul).
K-ol flakya = kai ol flakya. Prep. ntrebuinat n locul dativului le
Dadke de la dadika o dadoro voc. dadorga de la o dad (tat).
Ceai n loc de ursrescul ei.
Bulibastiri = e bulibaski de la o buliba (bulibaa), pl. l buliba. Titlul
vtafilor, cari erau pui peste igani.
San masc. (subire), fem. san.
E romneor e uc
Sar e lpa e ut,
Pale-i romn mai harn
Sar kileavn ladavd.
Thai ghelcmas te thanndar
T-arakhlcmas te balndar
Sar kalo kej dugheanndar.
Thai phendenas ayakh
Te mundaru me day,
Thai pe urm me dads,
Thai pe urm me phene,
Me phene le mai bare.

Nevestica cea-nalt
Ca teiul cel uscat,
Dar nevasta mai scurt
Ca prunul ncrcat.
i m dusesem pe la ale tale lucuri
i gsisem din ai ti peri
Ca neagra mtase de la prvalie.
i zisesei aa
S omor pe a mea mum,
i pe urm pe al meu tat,
i pe urm pe a mea sor,
Pe a mea sor mai mare.
(Macior Petre din ctunul Petri, jud. Flciu)
Uci (nalt), masc. uc verbul ucearu (nal) i ucivu (m nal).
E lpa (teiul), pl. l lpe.
uti = uki (uscat) masc. uk.
Harni fem. de la harn (scurt), harnearu (scurtez).
E kileavn (prunul), pl. l kileavini. Acest nume se d i fructului i pomului.
Landavd de la ladavd (ncrcat) de la ladavku (ncarc). Perf. ladadm, Imp.
ladv, Ger. ladainds, Part. ladado = ladavdo.
Arakhlemas de la arakhu (gsesc). Perf. arakhlm, Imper. ark, Ger.
arakhindos, Part. arakhl sau arakhad.
Balndar de la o bal (prul de pe cap), pl. l bal.
O kej (mtasea), pl. l kej. Adj. kejlan.
Dugheanndar de la e dughena (prvlie), pl. l dughene.
Phendenas = phendanas = de la phenu (zic). Perf. phendm. Imp. phen, Ger.
pheninds, Part. phend.
Mundr, dvla, la juvle,
Le juvle le mndrone,
K e juvl e mndro,
Sar e ratya-i skumpo;
Kana pes, thai makeovs,
Thos to er thai sovs.
Pale-i juvl e band
Sar e grasmi e kor,
Jal pod rom, thai ni dikhl
Ande kol huve kam del,
Mir ghe kam harnearl.
Omoar, Doamne, pe femeia,
Pe femeia cea mndr,
C femeia cea mndr,

Ca rachiul cel scump;

Cnd bei i te mbei,
Pui capul tu i dormi.
Iar femeia cea strmb
Ca iapa cea oarb,
Se duce pe drum i nu vede
n acele guri o s dea,
Ale mele zile are s scurteze.
(Macior Petre din ctunul Petri, jud. Flciu)
Juvle de la e juvli = guvli (femeie), pl. l juvle.
Mndrone de la mndro (mndru) forma rar a pluralului. Cuvntul mndro
se ntrebuineaz i pentru masculin ca i pentru feminin i pluralul face mndri.
Ratya (rachiu) n loc de e rakya. n limba igneasc, rachiul se numete i
Skumpo (scump).
Makeovs = mateoves- mates de la mativu (m mbt). Perf. matilm, Imp.
mate, Ger. matinds, Part. mat.
Sovs de la sovu (dorm). Perf. sutm, Imp. su, Ger. soinds, Part. sut.
Band=bangh (strmb), masc. bang; verbele banghearu (strmb) i
banghiru (m strmb).
Kori (oarb), masc. Kor.
Hure pl. de la e huu (gaur, groap).
Ghe=ghesa de la o ghes (ziua).
Bikin, dde, l grasts
Thai le mng kol eavs,
l eavs al eaors;
Ko av ko ukar,
Kai si lsko mui parn.
Telearu pod rom te jau,
Khaniks ci mai dikhu,
Sas te jas and ek gau
Khaniks ci arakhu.
Plimbosilem ande-i bar,
Maladm-ma ekh esa
Thai phaglm lko makr
Thai mukhlm-la yagsa.
Vinde, tat, calul
i ia-mi pe acea fat,
Pe acel biat biea,
Acel biat frumos,
Care are gur alb.
Plec pe drum s m duc,

Pe nimeni s nu mai vz.

A fost s m duc ntr-un sat,
Pe nimeni s nu mai gsesc.
M-am plimbat n gradin,
M-am ntlnit cu o fat
i i-am frnt al ei mijloc
i am lsat-o pe ea cu foc.
(Nicolae Ion din satul Ciomgeti, jud. Olt)
Biku de la bikinu (vnd). Perf. bikindm, Imp. bikin, Ger. bikinds, Part.
Khaniks de la khnik (nimeni).
Ci= (nu) se ntrebuineaz mai mult de ctre liei.
Plimbositem de la plimbu-ma (m plimb).
Maladm de la malavu (gsesc). Perf. maladm, Imp. malu, Ger. malainds,
Part. malad.
- Patrinor kator,
Vate, Kline, mo!
So kerden, ci s mit,
Ko zapcivo s dil
Thai pharavl ko r,
Sar ek zapcivo bar,
Thai slos vi kam dil,
- Kadea si, Radule, mo,
Ta sar te keru-ma me
Kate n mai jau lste?
- Ita kr-tu nasfal
Thai bieal, k san mul.
- Te kra-ma nasfal;
Tapoi ni jal mo r?
- Frunzuli lemnior,
Vtae, Cline, m!
Ce ai fcut, nu e bine,
C zapciul e nebun
i sparge al tu cap,
Ca un zapciu mare,
i este i cam nebun,
- Aa e, Radule, m,
Dar cum s fac eu,
S nu mai m duc la dnsul?
- Iat, f-te bolnav
i trimite, c eti mort.

- S m fac bolnav;
i apoi nu se duce al meu cap ?
( Ion din satul Goleti, jud. Muscel.)
Pharavl de la pharavau (sparg). Perf. pharadm, Imper. pharu, Ger.
pharainds, Part. pharad.
Bieal = biceal de la bicealu (trimit). Perf. bicealdm, Imp. bicel, Ger.
bicealinds, Part. biceald.
Kra-ma = kerau-ma (m fac).
Patrinor i-o lale,
Sar krden kai pricna
Thai cutan-ma ande-i bele?
Thai halm vi grast vi se,
I ra thai-el bele.
Mekhlen-la rovlesa.
Kana dikhlm ai dikhlm,
La molete hulitm,
Pangi okle mol pilm,
Hai mol sa c ceaililm.
Ai kam mai peu i-aver bi
Te potoliu mnr tru.
Ai kam peu i-aver ohto
Te jau khr mator.
La molete, rai bar,
Tai khr, coro bar,
Nai-ma kai thu o er.
Kan dikhlm ai dikhlm Pang play kai phagardm,
Trin khr kai phagardm So ale hai lov krdem,
Thai khr k boldinem
Muro ghi thanste-ail.
Frunzuli i-o lalea,
Cum ai fcut aceast pricin
i m-ai pus n belea?
i am mncat i cai i tot,
Cortul i furcile (cortului).
M-ai lsat cu bul.
Cnd am vzut i am vzut,
La crcium am scobort,
Cinci oca de vin am but,
i de vin tot nu m-am sturat.
i o s mai beau nc douzeci

S potolesc a mea sete.

i o s mai beau nc opt
S m duc acas beat.
La crcium, boier mare,
i acas, srac mare,
Nu am, unde s-mi pui capul.
Cnd am vzut i am vzut Cinci dealuri c am sfrmat,
Trei case c am spart Ce a fost i bani am fcut,
i acas c m-am ntors
Inima mea la loc a rmas.
(Ilinca Ion, vduv din Craiova).
I ra = e ara (cortul), l re; lieii i cdrarii zic e katna, pl. l katne.
Belea de la beli (furca cortului).
Mekhlen-ma = mukhlean-ma = mukhlan de la mukhau (las).
Hulistem de la huleu (scobor). Perf. hulistm, Imper. huli, Ger. hulinds, Part.
E tru (setea).
Bi (douzeci).
Ohto (opt).
Ale = aviles = avil (a venit) Verbul acesta se ntrebuineaz n locul
verbului a fi.
Boldinm de la bldau (ntorc). Perf. boldinm, Imp. blde, Ger. boldinds,
Part. boldo.
Patriror ah parn,
Avl o br o bar
De cnd beu phandad.
Inkalba-ma, dvla,
Pe cearete po zleno,
Pe cearete, ceareorete,
Te mai peu kol molete,
Mnr phesa paa mndi,
Mr dsa angl mndi.
Frunzuli varz alb,
Vine anul cel mare
De cnd ez nchis.
Scoate-m, Doamne,
Pe iarb verde,
Pe iarb, pe ierbioar,
S mai beau la acea crcium,
Cu soru-mea lng mine,
Cu muma mea naintea mea.

(Ilinca Ion, vduv din Craiova).

O br (anul), pl. l br. Anul mare se ntrebuineaz ca s nsemneze anul
Phandad de la phandavu (nchiz). Perf. phandadm, Imp. phandu, Ger.
pandaindos, Part. phandad.
Inkalba form rar a Imper. de la inkalavu (scot). Perf. inkaladm, Imper.
inkalu, Ger. inkalainds, Part. inkald. Mai este i formele acestui verb: ankalavu
i nkalavau.
Angl prep. (nainte) i adv. angli i anglal.
Patrinor de madm,
Iubisardm thai mekhlm,
Iubisardm ei bar,
Trin evna krdi.
Sstar ciumides-ma ndo drom?
K dikhl-ma mur rom,
Thai inl kou bal ukr,
Muro bal somnakun,
Thai fro, thai glbeno.
Iubisardm thai mukhlm,
Thai mo dro ci linm,
Mai bar bezh krdm.
Frunzuli de madem,
Am iubit i m-am lsat,
Am iubit o fat mare,
Cu trei copii fcut.
De ce m srui n drum?
C m vede al meu brbat,
i-mi taie prul cel frumos,
Al meu pr de aur,
i firul i galbenul.
Am iubit i m-am lsat,
i al meu dor nu mi-am luat,
Mai mare pcat am fcut.
(Zamfir Bolovan din Craiova).
Somnakum (de aur) de la o somnaki (aurul).

Kr-ma, taika-k, indeal

Te inu mur bukh,
Ko kal, ko kalor.
Na ciumide-ma ndo drem,
Mundarl-tu mur rom,
Thai inl-tu la ureasa,
Bikinl-tu la tolesa.
de-i luludi po yzo,
Na sa kr mang nkzo!
O nkzo ta krel,
Gndil, c ci pokinl.
F-mi, taic, un cuit
S taiu al meu ficat
Cel negru, cel negrior.
Nu m sruta n drum,
Te omoar al meu brbat,
i te taie cu cuitul,
Te vinde cu cntarul.
Arunc floare pe iaz,
Nu tot mi face necaz!
Necazul de-l face,
Gndete, c nu pltete.
(Ion Pavel din satul Fntna Domneasc, jud. Mehedini)
O indealo (cuitul), pl. l indeal nsemneaz tiul de la inde sau cinau.
O bukh (ficatul), l bukh lieete pentru o kalingi, pl. l kaling.
La uresa = le ciureasa de la e ciur (cuitul), l ciurea.
La tolesa de la e tol (cntarul), pl. l tole.
Luludi = lulughi (floare). Tismnarii pun d unde ceilali pun g, precum o di.
=o ghi (inima), dilabu = ghilabau.
Pokinel de la pokinu (pltesc). Perf. pokindm, Imp. pokn, Ger. pokininds,
Part. pokind.
Lulud bar parm,
Drgo mndi ki gaj,
Ta mai drgo ki romn,
K ni sar e gaj.
Dita, dvla, kou a
Le gadya melal,
Sstar, dvla, nai munr
Te du-les avr thod?
But si ukr ai trn.

Floare mare alb,

Drag mi-e acea romnc,
Dar mai drag acea iganc,
C nu este ca romnca.
Iat, Doamne, acel biat
Cu cmaea murdar,
De ce, Doamne, nu-i al meu
S-i dau alta splat?
Mult e frumos i tnr.
(Neamu Ioni din Turnu-Severin)
Le gadya = la gadsa de la o gad (cmaea). Tismnarii prefer terminaia
eya = le romya, le romneya n loc de romsa i romnesa.
Melal (murdar), fem. melali i verbul melaru (murdresc).
Thod de la thovu (spl). Perf. thodm, Imper. thou, Ger. thoinds, Part.
Trn (tnr), fem. trni i verbul e trnivau (ntineresc).
Jau po drom thai gndi-ma
Ksa mai d-ma dma.
Tal-u plai o zleno
Krel-pe beu roman,
Akhrl-ma te khllu,
Me ci jau k ci janu.
Munr pnr ko parn
Bu silos de dukhd.
Kr-ma, dad, indeal
Te dua mur bukh.
Kr-ma, dee, bokol
Te bolu pala-i piri.
Dor nakhla kai hol,
Tavl-ma han bori
Te del-ma khas ai pan,
Te krl-ma yagor,
Te krl-ma bokol.
nta, dvla, kou a,
But-silos de pukheard,
Grbacsa po phik,
Del o del te-avl mur.
Le gadsa melal,
Na ninkr-tu pukheard,
K janu kskoi san.
Jaba, borie barie,
Ande lte nai kai!

M duc pe drum i m gndesc

Cu cine s mai vorbesc.
Pe supt dealul cel verde
Se face nunt igneasc,
M cheam s joc,
Dar nu m duc, c nu tiu.
Al meu picior alb
Mult este cu dureri.
F-mi, tat, cuit
De oiu da [de] al meu ficat.
F-mi, mam, turt,
S nting din oal.
Dar o trece acest necaz,
S am puin nor
S-mi dea fn i ap,
S-mi fac focorul,
S-mi fac turt.
Auzi, Doamne, acel biat
Mult este de umflat (mndru),
Cu grbaciul pe umr,
Dea Dumnezeu s fie al meu.
Cu cmaa murdar,
Nu te ine umflat (mndru),
C tiu al cui eti.
Du-te, nor mare,
ntr-nsa nu este unde.
(Mihai Marinescu din Turnu-Severin)
Tal-u = tel-u prep. (sub), adv. tel i tell.
Silos = si (este) tismnrete.
E bokol (turta), pl. l bokole.
Bolu (nting sau botez). Perf. boldm, Imp. bol, Ger. bolinds, Part. bold.
Hani (puin), n loc de ira.
O khas (fnul), pl. l khas.
unta, Imp. de la aunu (auz). Forma foarte rar.
Ninkr-tu = linker-tu de la linkearu (in, m in).
Jaba, forma rar a imperativului de la jau = giau (m duc).
Patrinor thai vi ka,
Mariiko andu Ia,
Sovlearu-tu pe kau vas,
Thai vi pe-k angli khas,
Kate kers aldam,
K janu-tu kon san tu ;
Thai kan kams am,
Ame te kras abeu
Te khlel sor gu,

Thai te khlas vi am
Ji kai kununs-ame.
Frunzuli i nc un lemn,
Mariico din Iai,
S te adorm pe aceast mn,
Ca i pe un bra de fn,
Ca s facem aldma
C te tiu, cine eti tu;
i cnd vrei acum,
Noi s facem nunt,
S joace tot satul
i s jucm i noi
Pn cnd ne cununm.
(Oprea Stoica din satul Lipia, jud. Buzu).
Sovlearu (adorm). Perf. sovleardm, Imper. sovler, Ger. sovlearinds, Part.
- Patrinor i-o lale,
Ita, Devla, kukol,
Kol romne kol phure
Si-la trin ey bare.
Thai kam dau kol toversa
Te phagu lak ceang,
Te ankalavu mduo,
Te makhu kol piot.
- Phrde-la, sar kukol !
Ek phendes lsk kade.
- Nan phag lsk ceang,
K inel-tu lako phral,
Thai marl-tu lko dad.
- Frunzuli i-o lalea,
Iat, Doamne, aceea,
Acea femeie btrn
Are trei fete mari.
i o s dau cu acel topor
S-i sfrm genunchele,
S sco mduva,
S ung foile.
- Sufl-o ca i pe aceea !
Una-i zise aa.

- Nu sfrma ale ei genunchi,

C te taie al ei frate,
i te omoar al ei tat.
(Florea Iordache din satul Mojiceni, jud. Teleorman)
Ceang de la e ceang (genuchiul).
E mdua (mduva).
Makhu (ung). Perf. makhlm, Imp. mak, Ger. makhindos, Part. makhlo.
Phrde de la phrdau (suflu). Perf. phurdm, Imp. phurde, Ger. phurdinds,
Part. phurdo.
A dale,
Adaikha romni parm
Thodes mi vea sar.
So kerdem, so na kerdem?
Krkoro hohavdilcm,
Me goghesa
Ol lacesa.
Nan-s, nne, te mul
T adaikh te narest.
Vardinds opr tel,
Kalil me bukhor,
Ke-i lipa ke-i band,
Inkalu me mi holi
Oprl kei parn romn.
A mam,
Aceast nevast alb
Mi-a rpus a mea via toat.
Ce-am fcut, ce n-am fcut?
Singur m-am nelat,
Eu cu mintea
Cea bun.
Nu a fost, nene, s fi murit
i aa s nu fi ajuns.
Uitndu-m sus jos,
Mi s-au nnegrit ai mei ficai,
La teiul cel strmb,
Sco eu al meu necaz
Pre acea nevast alb.
(Ursache Ion din satul Rpile, jud. Bacu)
Arest de la aresu (ajung). Perf. areslm, Imp. ars, Ger. aresinds, Part.
aresl i arest.
Vardindos de la vardiu (privesc). Perf. vardisardm, Imp. vardisar, Ger.

vardisarinds, Part. vardisard.

O khamor jal, perl,
Mo dador na mai avl.
Patrinor ahor,
Rovl-man mo dador,
Ela, mi phen, ke phareu,
au-ma tel thai rovu.
Nan-s, nne, te mul
Th adaikha te n arest.
Opre-o plai ko zleno
Kerdl obiu roman.
Bikn, dde li-o sivr
Thai de-ma, kai si mo di.
Deba, dde, so mai dsa!
Kai haning e mulan,
Dine-i grasn e jungal
Thai phagles ki scafid.
An e skoba tha-o sivr
Te phndau ti skafid.
Soriorul merge, apune,
Al meu ttior nu mai vine.
Frunzuli verzioar,
M plnge al meu ttior,
Vino, a mea sor, c crp,
M pui jos i plng.
N-a fost, nene, s fi murit
i aceasta s nu fi ajuns.
Pe acel deal verde
Se face nunt igneasc.
Vinde, tat, i ciocanul
i d-mi, care este a mea inim.
D, tat, ce vei mai da !
La puul cel prsit
A dat iapa cea rea
i a sfrmat al tu cpstru.
Adu scoaba i ciocanul
S leg al tu cpstru.
(Ursache Ion din satul Rpile, jud. Bacu)
O khamor de la o kham (soarele), l kham.
Perel de la peru (cad, apun). Perf. pelm, Imp. per, Ger. perindos, Part. pel.
Rovl de la rovu (plng). Perf. rum, Imp. rou, Ger. roinds, Part. rovdo i

O sivr (ciocanul), pl. il sivr.

E haning (puul), pl. l haning.
Jungal (rea), masc. jungalo.
E scafid (cpstrul), pl. scafide.
Phndau (leg). Perf. phnglm, Imp. phande, Ger. phandinds, Part. phagl.
Ni halmas khanci a-ghs,
Dor-sok tra bokol,
Bi-lond bi-laeard.
De-ma-k ra maor
Te longhearu mo il,
Kte dau-tu o glbeno
Balamstar ciordan,
Brailtar si o balam.
Asterrde-me thai marde-me,
Thai ande groapa utine-me.
Othr amn ankalades
Th amar drom khr des.
Nu mncasem nimica astzi,
Dect puin turt,
Nesrat, nedreas.
D-mi puin petior
S-mi sr a mea inim,
Ca s-i dau galbenul
De la negustor furat,
De la Brila este negustorul.
Ne-au prins i ne-au btut,
i n groap ne-au pus.
De acolo ne-a scos
i al nostru drum acas a dat.
(Tua Nedea gsit n Ploieti, dar cu locuina nestatornic).
Dor sok-de kan, (dect).
Bi-londi (nesrat). Bi ntrebuinat ca i negativul nu n compunerea
cuvintelor. n nsemnarea fr se pune cu cazul genitiv: bi vastengo fr mini.
Londi de la o lon (sarea), verbul longhearu. Perf. longheardm, Imp.
longher, Ger. longhearinds, Part. longheard i londo.
Laeardi de la lacearu (dreg). Perf. laceardm, Imper. lacer, Ger.
lacearindos, Part. laceard.
ira (puin) n loc de handi lieeste, zalga ursrete i hanr tismnete.
Ciordan, adj. de la cioru (fur). Perf. ciordm, Imper. cir, Ger. ciorinds,
Part. ciord.

Dvla, na mai mandr-ma
T ankal-ma p koi cer,
P koi haror ukr
But rurea si anzard,
Numai koi ar makarl
But si anzardi ukr.
Pala lte kon beel?
Doamne, nu mai m omor,
De m scoate pe acea iarb,
Pe acea vlcic frumoas
Multe corturi sunt ntinse,
Numai acel cort din mijloc
Mult este ntins frumos.
Dup dnsul cine eade ?
(Gheorghe iganu din satul Mirila, jud. Romanai).
Haror de la e har (valea), hare.
rurea de la e ara (cortul).
Anzard de la anzuru i nzaru (ntinz). Perf. inzardm, Imp. inzr. Ger.
inzarinds, Part. inzard.
Patrinor ahor,
Kkveri smas mo,
Me krvas vi kke,
Thai krvas vi tige,
Jvas lna ande kou fro
Thai biknvas-le po-k plo
Thai me trin tar pol krvas,
Trguivas thai kmvas,
Thai me khr telearvas.
Pal akan so krdm?
Krkoro grastn ciordm,
Trin br phandad belm
Thai dabia astrilem.
Frunzuli lemnior,
Cldrar am fost, m,
Eu fceam i cldri,
i fceam i tigi,

M duceam cu dnsele la trg

i le vindeam pe cte un pol,
i eu trei patru poli fceam,
Trguiam i cumpram,
i acas plecam.
Dar acum ce am fcut?
Singur cai am furat,
Trei ani legat am ezut
i d-abia am scpat.
(Ivan Dumitru gsit n satul Buftea, jud. Ilfov, dar locuina nestatornic).
Kkaveri de la e kki (cldare), l kkye.
Kinu (cumpr). Perf. kindm, Imp. kin, Ger. kininds, Part. kind.
Trguras de la trguu (trguiesc). Perf. trguisardm, Imp. trguisr, Ger.
trguisarinds, Part. trguisard.
Ela, nne, na tra!
So avla me dava,
Muk to luls o phanlo
Te potoliu mo ilo.
A nanike nanoro,
Al tutno zural
Ta thu and lulasor
Thai te des kau Marino
Te pel vi au tutun.
Vino, nene, nu te teme!
Ce o fi, eu oi trage,
Las a ta lulea legat
S potolesc a mea inim.
A neic, nenior,
Na tutun tare
De pune n lulelu
i s dai lui Marin
S bea i el tutun.
(Michai Petre din satul Uleti, jud. Vlcea).
Tra de la trau (m tem). Perf. trailem, Imp. tro, Ger. traainds. Part.
dara = rdara de la rdau (trag fumul, pufi).
E lulua (luleaua), pl. l lulye.

Patrinor kator,
P kon plai bar-nzard,
Bel muro phalor
Thai pel tutno zural.
Muro dad phenl kade:
- avya, na kr kadea!
Uti, ta av pla-ma
Te mothu tk-k vrb.
- Ba, ka ci mai avua
Ka ds-mau de beleua.
- Kan ce avs, na mai av!
Frunzuli lemnior,
Pre acel deal mare, ntins,
ade al meu frior
i bea tutun tare.
Al meu tat zice aa:
- Biete, nu face aa !
Scoal-te i vino dup mine
S-i spui ie o vorb.
- Ba, c n-oi mai veni
C m dai de belea.
- Dac nu vii, nu mai veni.
(Neacu Florea din satul Drgneti, jud. Vlcea).
Uti de la uteu (m scol). Perf. utilm, Imp. ut, Ger. utinds, Part.
Lulugh ande koi felstra,
Drgo mng koi nevsta,
Lulugh ande koi pir,
Drago mng koi romm.
Pe kou plai ko-zleno,
Krel abeu roman
Tai akhrel-ma te jau
Vi me kate khlau.
Nai-ma panduke te dau
Kte ju kte khlau,
Vi me lumea te dikhu.
Mnr dei phendes kade:
- Ne mai jba, maiko, mo
K san aoro kn.

Floarea la acea fereastr,

Drag mi-e acea nevast,
Floarea n acea oal,
Drag mi-e acea iganc.
Pe acel deal verde,
Joac nunt igneasc
i m cheam s m duc
i eu ca s joc.
Nu am bani s dau
Ca s m duc ca s joc,
i eu lumea s vz.
A mea mum a zis aa:
- Nu te mai duce, maic, m
C eti bieel mic.
(Petrche Negoi din satul Bozieni, jud. Neamu)
Panduke de la e panduk (banul).
Belm trin kurk pangl
Anda-k ra mui parn.
Ph-les, mam, so kerds ?
- Na mai phu-ma, phralor,
K me smas phandad.
- Ker lski, mam, te hal
Ai de lsko drom te gial.
Ai, dade, kai Cmpina
Te ciors la ukare
Kai beel pall bare.
Am ezut trei sptmni legat
Pentru puin gur alb.
- ntreb-l, mam, ce a fcut ?
- Nu m mai ntreba, frioare,
C am fost nchis.
- F-i, mam, s mnnce
i-i d drumul s se duc.
Hai, tat, la Cmpina
S furm pe frumoasa,
Care ade dup garduri.
(Gheorghe Sultan din Brila).
O khamor jal, perl,
O caor ajukerl
Sndo dromor dikhl.

Ma ja, nne, dur tel,

K merl ti dai kher.
Tharl-tut o del de ve
Ke barilen and-k br,
Thai kerd ol gaj ande tte
Krma bar ol ciornghi.
K-o polino phandad,
Andar drom ko bar.
Soriorul merge, apune,
Bieelul ateapt
Tot n drum se uit,
Nu te du, nene, departe pe jos,
C moare a ta mum acas.
Arz-te, Dumnezeu, de pdure,
C ai crescut ntr-un an,
i au fcut romnii n tine
Crcium mare de hoi
La pelinul cel nchis,
n drumul cel mare.
(George Clin din Piteti).
Ajukerl de la ajukeru (atept). Perf. ajukeardm, Imper. ajuker, Ger.
ajukearinds, Part. ajukerd (deprtez).
Dur (departe) adv. de unde i vorbele durearu (deprtez).
Tharel de la tharu (arz). Perf. thardm, Imp. thar, Ger. tharinds.
Na ciumde pau drom
K dikhl ma muro rom,
Thai inl-ma la suresa,
Bikinl-ma la tolesa,
Thai krl-ma kotor,
Pe saor dromor,
Thai han-ma l gurung.
N ciumde, na dndl,
K dikhn-ma de khral.
Nu sruta pe lng drum
C m vede al meu brbat,
i m taie cu cuitul,
M vinde cu cntarul,
i m face bucele
Pe toate drumurile,
i m mnnc ciorile.

Nu sruta, nu muca,
C ne vd de acas.
(Ioni Marin din satul Bal, jud. Romanai).
Kotor de la o kotr (bucat, bucic).
Gurung de la o gurung (cioar).
Dndal de la dandalu (muc). Perf. dandaldm, Imp. dandl, Ger.
dandalinds, Part. dandald.
Pe koi har tele opr,
But katne pold,
Tha-i ara andau makr
But i mndro thai ukr.
Patrinor ka parn,
Aolea, so eaor,
Sstar, dvla, nai munr,
Zbunya kejlan,
Fesorya melal.
Pre acea vale jos sus,
Multe corturi ntinse,
Cortul din mijloc
Mult e mndru i frumos.
Frunzuli lemn alb,
Aoleo, ce biea,
De ce, Doamne, nu-i al meu,
Cu zbunul de mtase,
Cu fesul murdar!
(Petre Bornescu din satul Viioara, jud. Romanai).
Polad de la polaru (ntinz). Perf. poladem, Imp. polu, Ger. polainds, Part.
Dta, dvla, kai bori,
Del o del te avel mr.
Lulud ande felestra,
Ita, dvla, koi nevsta,
Del o del te avl mr.
Teleardm te ju ekhte,

Dinm bar beleavte

Thai phanl-ma la barete.
Tlardm te jau khr
Ai kurva thol-ma tl.
Iat, Doamne, acea nor,
Dea Dumnezeu s fie a mea.
Floare n fereastr,
Iat, Doamne, acea nevast,
Dea Dumnezeu s fie a mea.
Am plecat s m duc la una,
Am dat de o mare belea
i m-a legat la gard.
Am plecat s m duc acas
i curva m-a pus jos.
(Simion Mangher din satul Tismana, jud. Gorj).
- Moth mng, Nio, e,
Kai sla palu kanr
Ol eavsa ko kal,
Durbacya po dumo,
Ol gadeya melal?
- Dikta, dde, koi bori
Ils mnr lulud.
Bikn, dade, la grasne,
Tkai l-ma kol bore,
Thai bikn vi la parne,
Thai l mang kol avre,
Te avl kal sar o angr,
Placel-ma lako makr;
Te avl kal sar i cik,
Placel-ma lki kutk.
- Spune-mi mie, Nio, f,
Unde ai fost dup mrcini,
Cu biatul cel negru,
Cu biciul pe umr,
Cu cmaa murdar?
- Vezi, taic, acea nor
A luat a mea floare.
Vinde, taic, iapa
i-mi ia pe acea nor,
i vinde i pe alba,
i ia mie pe cealalt,

S fie neagr ca crbunele,

mi place al ei mijloc;
S fie neagr ca noroiul,
mi place al ei bru.
(Ion Floricic din satul Tismana, jud. Gorj).
Sla = snas de la sem (sunt).
O kanro (mrcinele), l kanr. Kanral (mrcinosul) i biboldo (nebotezatul)
sunt numirile secrete pentru ovrei.
Ile = las de la lau (iau).
E cik (noroiul).
Avl bengsko de gu,
So rodu ci arakhu.
Rodinm ek anror
Te mpaku d-ek aor.
Avil a rac mat,
L-le lindr bokhal,
Thai sut, thai util,
Thai le anrstar pul.
Te avs pe pato teh,
Te du-tu anr pek.
Fire-ar al dracului de sat,
Ce caut nu gsesc.
Am cutat un ouor
S-mpac un bieel.
A venit asear beat,
L-a luat somnul flmnd,
i a dormit i s-a sculat,
i de ou a ntrebat.
S vii pe pat mine,
S-i dau ou coapte.
(Ion Nica Ciulei din satul Tismana, jud. Gorj).
Bengsko de la o beng (dracul), pl. beng.
A rac = a rki (asear). Tismnarii pun adesea ci n loc de k. Aa ei zic cio
raims (dumneata) n loc de ka raims.
E lndri (somnul).
Bokhal de la e bokh (foamea).
Teh (mine) n loc de thera.

Thodlm vtafo opr,

Le biciha po dum,
Ande plsa telearu,
Romn ukr te arakhu,
ukr parni te arakhu,
K ni avre ci mai lau.
Kci plsta uteadm,
ukr sar tu ci arakhlm.
Mai diklm ekh hart,
Pal nai ukar la dumte,
Te avl ukr la dumte,
Fink jua nngo lt.
So krdm, so laeardm,
Lat nti mai glm.
M-am pus vtaf sus,
Cu biciul pe umr
n plas plec,
Nevast frumoas s gsesc,
Frumoas alb s gsesc,
C pe alta nu mai iau.
Cci plasa am clcat,
Frumoas ca tine nu am gsit.
Am vzut una la vale,
Dar nu e frumoas la vorb,
S fie frumoas la vorb,
Fiindc oi merge gol la dnsa.
Ce am fcut, ce am dres,
La dnsa nu am putut s m duc.
(Mitic Matei din Trgu-Jiu).
Nang (gol), fem. nangh
Ale, dde, dde le,
Pala-i kste le-ma me?
Pal-i kurva marim,
Saorndar phirad.
Ale, nne, nne le,
Nne, nne, Vasilea,
Mai porba ke yakh!
Opr har, koi salcia,
Te mai taken l pay,
Thai hukhl l rovlena,
Thai phagl ke musave,

Thai nkald ki mdha,

Thai makhn pe piot.
Na, tat, tat, m,
Dup cine m-am luat eu ?
Dup curva cea spurcat,
De toi umblat.
Na, nene, nene, m,
Nene, nene, Vasile,
Mai casc i ochii!
Pe vale, la salcie,
S mai nclzeasc apele,
i au srit cu toiegele,
i au sfrmat genuchele,
i au scos a ta mduv,
i au uns ale lor foi.
(Vasile Cldraru din Iai).
Porba, Imp. de la poru (casc, deschid), Perf. poradm, Imper. poru, Ger.
porainds, Part. porad.
Taken de la takivu (m nclzesc). Perf. takilm, Imp. take, Ger. takinds,
Part. tak.
Hukhile = huklas de la huteu (sr). Perf. hukhlm, Ger. hutinds, Part. hukl.
Musare de la e musari (genuchiul).
A, nanke Ionor,
Inkl, nne, o plaior,
Le taksa te mente,
Le-ma, nne, te-angalete,
Trin papuke cingheard,
De-ma, nane, li tel.
Uti, mamo, de-armane
Kon lines me angruste.
Hai-arakhl-le e Marka?
Abe, dde, dador,
Kai mukhlen-ma krkoro,
Piotna ndo gon,
El pita cingheard,
Kai hal-len l bal.
A, neic Ionel,
Urc, nene, deluorul,
Cu taca la al tu gt,

Ia-m, nene, la al tu bra,

Trei papuci rupi,
D-m, nene, i jos.
Scoal, mam, de blestem
Cine-a luat ale mele inele,
i le-a gsit Marca?
A bre, tat, ttior,
Unde m-ai lsat singur,
Cu foile n sac,
Foile rupte,
Ce le-au mncat porcii.
(Gheorghe Saotin din satul Boghicea, jud. Roman).
Le taksa de la e tka (taca), pl. l take.
Mente de la e men (gtul), l men.
O gon (sacul), pl. l gon.
O bal (porcul), pl. l bal.

D-ma, bbo, kol ea,
Kol seay le mai tikne
Ol kal balngherea,
K-ol bare si denile.
O aor melahn
Thode-i brica, thai ghel
Andar-o ve o hurd.
Katr ghel, na-m-al.
Aktlo kai avl.
Ta navla, sar ghel;
Ta avla inclist
Opro ko svo khur
Thai fessa k-o er,
Thai bicisa k-o phik.
D-mi, mtue, pe acea fat,
Pe acea fat mai mic
Ca perii negri,
C cele mari sunt nebune.
Biatul oache
A pus brica i sa dus
n pdurea cea mic.
Pe unde sa dus, nu a mai venit.
Iact-l c vine.
Dar nu vine, cum s-a dus;

Ci vine clare
Pe acel siv crlan
i cu fesul pe cap,
i cu biciul pe umr.
(Dumitrache Iordan din satul Boghicea, jud. Roman).
Melahn (oache), fem. melahni.
Hurd (mic, mrunt), fem. hurdi.
Mundarba-la, dvla,
Okolkh ol denile,
Te lau mnghe kol avre
Le kal balngherea.
Mraba, dvla, blavl,
Ai mraba-la opral,
Te lavl o drom,
Te acen tkos ol kil,
Te pusavn-pe ol phur,
Kai phirn te han er,
Ita er muran.
Sar kerdem, sar na kerdem,
Krkoro hahavdilem.
Ai dinemas te vatrndar,
Arakhlemas te balndar.
Omoar-o, Doamne,
Pe acea nebun,
S-mi iau mie pe cealalt
Cu prul negru.
Bate, Doamne, vntul
i bate-l pre sus
S mture drumul,
S drme gardurile,
S rmie numai pomi,
S nepe btrnii,
Care umbl s mnnce capete,
Iat capete de voinici.
Cum am fcut, cum n-am fcut,
Singur m-am nelat.
i ddusem din ale tale vetre
Gsisem din ai ti peri.
(Iancu Cazacu din satul Boghicea, jud. Roman)

larel de la slavu (mtur). Perf. ladm, Imper. lu, Ger. lainds, Part.
Peravl de la peru (caz). Perf. pelm, Imper. peru, Ger. perinds, Part. pel.
Pusaren de la pusavu (nep), Perf. pusadm, Imp. pusu, Ger. pusainds,
Part pusad.

O cohan
Sas ek phur ande-k gu. Thai kidineonas rakle bar, ta ktenas, ta kernas
klka. Thai avnas l flkya, te astarnas le ceay, thai trntnas-len, hai ciumdenaslen.
Ple ekha na-s-la ibovniko te astarl-la hai te ciumdel-la. Thai sas cei bar
gagski barvalski, thai nic ndraznlas khnik gi trin ghesnde.
Hai oi dikhlas ka-l cey l bar, kai sas de lki sema. Thai lsa ni cilas-pes
khnik. Sa ceii sas ukr, kai ni mai dovedlas-pes.
Gade avil ek flku ukr, thai l-la ande angli thai ciumids-la, thai bel
lsa gi kai gilabads o ban.
Thai kan bal o ban ghesske, teleards. E phur, kai sas n gsda lte,
dikhls, k se-l pnr banski. Thai dikhls l pnr le raklski, thai phends:
- Nio, rakle bare, dikhln-tu vre-so?
Ni ciutm de sema.
Apoi me mi dikhlm, k sasles pnr banski?
Mk-len, dale, ni dikhln.
Thai avil e ce kher, thai suts, thai util, thai ghel sa odoth kai frka, kai
sas rakhle mai but, thai kerd klka.
Thai avil l flkya thai fitesor ls-pe-i ibvnika. Thai ciumid-pes thai
bel gi-ek vrmea, thai teleard kher.
Thai avil i o flko le rakleko le ukareko, thai l-la ande angli, thai
ciumids-la thai trntisilo lsa, thai bel lsa gi po makr le rakeko.
Thai nceposards o ban, thai ghilabads. Aunds o flku, kai bal o
ban, thai teleards.
So phends e phur, kai sas and bordia:
- Nio, ciutn-tu de sema k sas-les pnr grastski?
- I te ss-les, ni dikhlm.
Gade e rakl teleards kai po kher.
Thai sut, thai util de thera, thai kerds pi buk, so ss-la-la. Thai oi avil e
ret. Thai ls pi frka, thai teleards kai phuri kau bordei.
Thai avil l rakle mai but. Thai avil l flkya, thai cutin o vas fitesao pe
pi ibvnika. Ple e akl e ukr dikhl lendi.
Gade l flkya kontenisardin, thai teleardn kher. Thai acil numai e rakl
nic but, nic ra.
Thai avil flako le rakleko.

Gada e rakl so kam kerl?

Thai las lski sema, thai nakhadass ande-l dum lski ek su thavsa. Thai ou
teleards, kan bal o ban, thai ni gangll-pes, kai ghel.
Gade e rakl util de thera, thai las o thav, thai ghels pe dra le tavski, thai
dikhl-les and-ek hu, kai belas ande bulete.
Gade oi e rakl darili thai aviltar kher, kai po kher. Gi rakeko avil flku,
kai sas ande hu ka-u bordyo le phureko, thai dkhls, k nai odoth e rakl.
Phuls le phuretar:
- Kai si Nia?
- Nic avil.
Gade ou aviltar kau ker l Niko, kai belas oi, hai cingards: - Nio,
khot san?
Nia d-les angll.
- Moth mnghi so dikhln kan aviln kai kanghir? K te na
mothsa manghi, kam mundaru ke dads.
- Ni dikhlm khanc.
Gade ou dikhls , hai ou mundards lke dads, thai taleards
kai pi hu.
Kai gi rakeko avil ple:
- Nio, moth mnghe so dikhln?
Nia phends:
- Ni dikhlm khanc.
- Moth mnghi k mundaru ke da, sar mundardm ke dads. Motho mnghi,
so dikhln?
- Ni dikhlm khanc.
Gade ou mundards lke da, thai teleards kai pi hu.
Gade e rakl util de thera, hai la sas-la deudui slug. Thai oi phends
- Dta, k si-ma but lov, thai gur but, thai bakr but; te avn tumar le
deud gennghi; taven tumnghi daruim, k me kame meru gi rak; thai te avl
tumar bezh, kai ni prahonnma ando v, kai kutri phabaln.
Ai avil e ret o flku anda-i hu, thai phusls:
- Nio, kher san?
- Kher sem.
- Moth, Nio, so dikhln de trin ghs, k kam mudaru-tu, sar
mundardm ke prinn?
- Nai-ma, so te mothu tki.
Gade ou cut-pes, thi mundard-la. Gade dikhinds, gheltar kai pi hu.
Gadea-l slug, kan util de thera, arakhl le Nia mul. Linla l slug, thai
gtisard-la, sar trebl.
Bel thai kherd mui ande pereta, thai nakhad-la anda-i pereta, thai
lingheard-al pala o rspnso lko, thai prahosard-la ando v ka-u phabaln.
Thai nakhls o pa o br thai lpes ek rakl thagarsko te gal, te astarl
osya ogarna, kopona. Thai ghels vntorete, thai phird l kopya o v, thai
din pe hu le rakleke.
Thai inklistsas andu ro lko ek lulugh, kai nic arakhdolas nic ekh
thagarimste de ukr.
Gade din l copya pe mormnto lko, kai sas prahom, thai nceposard, ta
banas, thai sgrjnas on pe mormnto le rakleko.
Gade cut-pes o rakl le thagarsko, thai cingards le inghsa le kopoyn,
thai nic avil l kopya.
O rakl le thagarsko phends:

- Gan sgo odoth?

Util, thai avil tar gen vntrea, thai dikhl e lulughi kai
phablas sar e mumel. On risile plpale kau rakl le thagarsko, thai ou phuls-le:
- So si odoth?
- Si ek lulughi, khai ni mai dovedil-pes.
Gade o rakl aunds, thai aviltar kau mormnto le rakleko thai dikhls e
lulughi, ai cinds-la.
Thai avil kher, thai sikads pe dadski thai pe dki.
Gade ls-la ou, thai cut-la ande-k pahro kai po ernd, kai sovlas ou.
Gade ustils e lulugh andu pahro, ai d-pes ersti, thai kherdil ek ci bar.
Thai l-les le rakls, thai cumid-les, thai dandald-les, thai trntisard-les, thai suts
lsa ande angli, thi ou n ganlas. Kai avil e vremea le ghesski, ple kerdil
De thera o rakl util nasfal thai jeluisilo pe dadske thai pe dke:
- Mmo, dukhn-man l zey, thai dukhl-ma o or.
E di lski ghels, thai ands ek romn drabarn, ta rd-les.
Ou mangls kte hal thai te pel.
Thai bel, thai ghel pla pi treba, kai ss-les.
Thai ailtar kher ple pa rakete. Thai hals thai pils, thai cut-pes pe
aternto, thai l-les e lindr.
Gade util e lulugh thi kerdil ple ci bar. Thai l-les ple ande angli,
thai suts lsa, thai bels lsa ande angli. Thai ou sovlas.
Thai oi ghel ple and pahro. Thai ou util, thai dukhnas-les l kkala, hai
mothods pe dki, hai pe dadski.
Gadea lsko dad cuts de sema, thai phends pe romneki:
- Ala k de kan avils e lulughi, trebl te avl vreso; k i o ca sa nasfal.
Te dikhs, gi rakeko te cas-amen rigte, te dikhs kon avl kal amar rakl.
Gadea rakil, thai ustils o rakl, thai cut pes ando pto kte sovl.
Gade e rakl util andu pahro, thai kerdil kai ni k maina-s ukr, sar
phabl e para le mumeleki.
Hai dikhls lski di thi lsko dad o thagr le rakle, hai cuti-n o vas pe lte.
Gade util o rakl anda-i lindr, hai dikhls le rakle, kai sas sukr.
Gade ou ls-la ande angli, thai cumid-la, thai cut-pes ando pto, sut gi
and ghes.
Thai kerds abeu, thai hal, thai pil.
E lumea mirnas-pes, k gade manu ukr sar gda-i rakl ni mai arakhdolas
nic ekh thagarimste.
Thai bels lsa o pa o br thai kerds ek rakl somnakun dui phaba ando
vas lsko. Thai flas mit le rakls le thagars keres.
Gade aunds lko ibvniko, kai iublas-pes lsa o cohan, kai mundard-la.
Util, thai avil lti, thai phul-la:
- No, moth mnghi, so dikhln mndi?
E Nia phends:
- Ni dikhlm khanc.
- Moth mnghi ceacs, k mundarau ke rakls, ke kokonas, sar
mundardm ke dads thai ke da. Moth mnghi ceacs!
- Naima so te mothau tke.
Thai ou mundards lke rakls.
Thai utils hai lingheard-les kai kanghir hai prahosard-les.
Gi rakeko ple avil cohan thai phul-la:
- Moth mnghi, Nio, so dikhln?
- Ni dikhlm khanc.

- Motho mnghi, k mundaru ke rs, kai ln-les de gag.

Gade utils, thai phends e Nia:
- Ni perl-pes, kte mundars mnr ras. Del o Del te pharos.
Gade aunds, kai phends e Nia, te pharol o cohan. Vi mul vi pharl
De thera ustils e Nia, thai dikhls ande bttura o rat dui plmi de but, kai
Gadea poruncisards e Nia kai po sokro, kte ankalavl o il lsko kt de
mai sgo. Aunds lko sokro, o thagar, thai pharadles, thai las o il lsko, hai dles
ando vas le Niko.
Thai oi gheltar kai gropa pe raklski, thai vasd-les pe rakls; cuts o il,
thai util rakl.
Thai ghel e Nia kai po dad, hai kai pi dei, thai makhl-len ratsa, thai util.
Gadea dikhinds, e Nia mothods saor pricine so kerdils-pes hai so trds
anda-u vas le cohansko.
Era o btrn ntr-un sat. i se strngeau fete mari, de torceau, de fceau clac.
i veneau flcaii, de glumeau cu fetele i le i le trnteau i le srutau.
Dar una nu avea ibovnic, s glumeasc cu dnsa, i s o srute. i era fat
mare de romn bogat, i nu ndrznea nimeni pn la trei zile.
i ea se uita la fetele cele mari, care erau de seama ei. i cu dnsa nu se punea
nimeni. Acea fat era frumoas, care nu se mai dovedete.
Aa a venit un flcu frumos i a luat-o n brae i a srutat-o, i a ezut cu
dnsa, pn cnd a cntat cocoul.
i cnd a cntat cocoul de ziu, a plecat. Btrna, unde era n gazd la dnsa,
a vzut c are picioare de coco. i a vzut picioarele biatului i a zis:
- Nio, fat mare, ai vzut tu ceva?
Nu am bgat de seam.
Apoi eu nu am vzut c avea picioare de coco?
Las-le, maic, nu am vzut.
i a venit fata acas, i a dormit i s-a sculat, i s-a dus tot acolo
la furc, unde era fete mai multe i au fcut clac.
i au venit flcii i fiecare i-a luat ibovnica. i s-au srutat i au ezut pn
la o vreme, i au plecat acas.
i a venit i flcul fetei celei frumoase, i a luat-o n brae i a srutat-o i s-a
trntit cu dnsa i a ezut cu dnsa pn la jumtatea nopii.
i a nceput cocoul i a cntat. A auzit flcul, unde a cntat cocoul i a
Ce a zis btrna, care era n bordei?
- Nio, ai bgat tu de seam c avea picioare de cal?
- i de a avut, n-am vzut.
i atunci fata a plecat la a ei cas. i a dormit i s-a sculat de
diminea, i a fcut al ei lucru, ce ea avea. i a venit noaptea i a luat a ei furc, i a
plecat la btrna la bordei.
i au venit fete mai multe. i au venit flcii i au pus mna fie-care pe a sa
ibovnic. Dar fata cea frumoas se uita la dnii.
Atunci flcii au contenit i au plecat acas. i a mai rmas fata nici mult, nici
i a venit flcul fetei, ibovnicul ei.

Atunci fata, ce avea s fac?

i a luat seama lui i a pus n umerii lui un ac cu a. i el a plecat, cnd a
cntat cocoul, i nu s-a tiut unde s-a dus.
Atunci fata s-a sculat de diminea i s-a gtit i a luat aa i s-a dus pe dra aei
i l-a vzut ntr-o groap, unde edea jos.
Atunci ea, fata s-a speriat, i s-a dus acas la ei cas. Pn n sear a venit
flcul, care era n groap, la bordeiul btrnei. i a vzut, c nu este acolo fata.
A ntrebat de la btrn:
- Unde este Nia?
- Nu a venit.
Atunci el s-a dus la casa Niei, unde edea ea i a strigat:
- Nio, acolo eti?
Nia a rspuns.
- Spune-mi, ce ai vzut, cnd te-ai dus la biseric? C de nu-mi
spui mie, o s omor pe al tu tat.
- Nu am vzut nimic.
Atunci a vzut el i a omort pe al ei tat i a plecat la a sa groap.
i pn ctre sear a venit iari.
- Nio, spune-mi mie ce ai vzut?
Nia a zis:
- Nu am vzut nimic.
Spune-mi mie c omor pe a ta mum, cum am omort pe al tu tat. Spunemi mie, ce ai vzut?
Nu am vzut nimic.
Atunci el a ucis pe a ei mam, i a plecat la a sa groap.
Atunci fata s-a sculat de diminea, i ea avea dousprezece slugi. i ea le-a zis
- Iat c am muli bani i boi muli i oi multe; s fie ale voastre la doisprezece
ini; s fie vou druit c eu o s mor pn de sear; i s fie al vostru pcat, dac nu
m ngropai n pdure la cutare mr.
i a venit noaptea flcul din groap i a ntrebat:
- Nio, acas eti?
- Acas sunt.
- Spune, Nio, ce ai vzut de trei zile, c o s te uciz, cum am
ucis pe ai ti prini?
- Nu am ce s-i spui ie.
Atunci el s-a pus i a ucis-o. Aa vznd, s-a dus la a sa groap.
Atunci slugile, cnd s-au sculat de diminea, au aflat pe Nia moart. Au luato slugile, i au gtit-o cum trebuie.
Au ezut i au fcut gaur n perete, i au trecut-o prin perete i au dus-o dup
cuvntul ei i au ngropat-o n pdure la un mr.
i a trecut jumtate de an i s-a luat un fecior de mprat s se duc s prinz
iepuri cu ogari, cu copoi. i s-a dus la vntoare i au umblat copoii pdurea i au dat
peste groapa fetei.
i ieise din capul ei o floare, cum nu se mai gsise la nici o mprie de
Atunci au dat copoii peste mormntul ei, unde era ngropat, i au nceput de
ltra i sgriau ei pe mormntul fetei.
Atunci s-a pus feciorul mpratului, i a strigat cu cornul pe copoi, i nu au
venit copoii.
Feciorul mpratului a zis:
- Ducei-v curnd acolo.

S-au sculat i au venit patru ini vntori, i au vzut floarea care

ardea ca o lumnare. Ei s-au ntors napoi la feciorul mpratului i el
i-a ntrebat:
- Ce este acolo?
- Este o floare, care nu se mai dovedete.
Aa biatul a auzit i a venit la mormntul fetei, i a vzut floarea, i a rupt-o.
i a venit acas, i a artat-o tatlui su i mamei sale.
Aa a luat-o i a pus-o ntr-un pahar la al su cpti, unde dormea el.
Atunci s-a sculat floarea din pahar i s-a dat preste cap i s-a fcut o fat mare.
i a luat pre biat i l-a srutat i l-a mucat i l-a trntit, i a dormit cu dnsul n brae
i a pus a sa mn pe supt capul lui, i el nu tia. Cnd a sosit vremea de ziu, iari sa fcut floare.
De diminea biatul s-a sculat bolnav i s-a plns la tat-su i la mam-sa:
- Mam, m doare spatele i m doare capul.
Muma lui s-a dus i a adus o femeie ghicitoare, de l-a tras.
El a cerut ca s mnnce i s bea.
i a ezut i s-a dus la al su lucru, ce avea.
i a venit acas iari pe supt sear. i a mncat i a but i s-a pus pe aternut
i l-a luat somnul.
Atunci s-a sculat floarea i s-a fcut iari fat mare. i l-a luat iari n brae,
i a adormit cu dnsul i a ezut cu dnsul n brae. i el dormea.
i ea s-a dus iar n pahar. i el s-a deteptat i l dureau oasele, i a spus
mamei sale i tatlui su.
Atunci al lui tat a bgat de seam, i zise nevestei:
- O fi, c de cnd a venit floarea, trebuie s fie ceva; c este biatul tot bolnav.
S vedem, pn sear s ne punem la o parte, s vedem cine vine la al nostru biat.
Aa s-a nnoptat, i s-a sculat biatul i s-a pus n pat ca s doarm.
Atunci fata s-a sculat din pahar i s-a fcut, c nici c mai era de frumoas,
cum arde flacra lumnrii.
i a vzut a sa mum i al su tat, mpratul, pre fat, i au pus mna pe
Atunci s-a sculat biatul din somn, i a vzut pe fat, care era frumoas.
Atunci el a luat-o n brae i a srutat-o i s-au pus n pat i au dormit pn n
i a fcut nunt i au mncat, i au but.
i lumea se mira c aa om frumos ca acea fat nu mai se gsia nici la o
i a ezut cu dnsa jumtate de an i a fcut un biat de aur cu dou mere n
mna lui. i i-a prut foarte bine feciorului de mprat.
Atunci a auzit al ei ibovnic, care se iubia cu dnsa, strigoiul, care a omort-o.
S-a sculat i a venit la dnsa i a ntrebat-o:
- Nio, spune mie, ce ai vzut la mine?
Nia a zis:
- Nu am vzut nimic.
- Spune-mi mie drept, c omor pe al tu biat, al tu cocona,
cum am omort pe al tu tat i pe a ta mum. Spune-mi mie
- Nu am ce s-i spui ie.
i el a omort pe al ei biat.
i s-a sculat i l-a dus la biseric i l-a ngropat.
Pn seara iari a venit strigoiul i a ntrebat-o:
- Spune-mi mie, Nio, ce ai vzut?

- Nu am vzut nimic.
- Spune-mi mie, c omor pe al tu domn, pe care l-ai luat de
Atunci s-a sculat i a zis Nia:
- Nu se cade, s omori pe domnul meu. S dea Dumnezeu s crpi!
Atunci a auzit, cnd a zis Nia s crape strigoiul i el a murit i a crpat de
De diminea s-a sculat Nia i a vzut n bttur snge de dou palme, de
mult ce era.
Atunci a poruncit Nia la al su socru, ca s scoa inima lui ct mai curnd. A
auzit al ei socru, mpratul, i l-a spintecat, i a luat inima lui i a dat-o n mna Niei.
i ea s-a dus la groapa copilului ei, i a rdicat copilul, a pus inima i s-a sculat
i s-a dus Nia la tat-su i la mum-sa i i-a uns cu snge i s-au sculat.
Aa vznd, Nia a pus toate pricinile ce i s-a fcut i ce a tras din mna
[Gheorghe Stng din satul Budeti, jud. Ilfov]
O fino le devlesko
Isas ek thagars. Ayak odavk thagars de andurl trnimates leski ji and-ol
phurib nan mai ulles de kan ek hurdor.
Ayak odovk hordor iss vitezos. Thai sar ul, sar phendines pske
- Mo dad! Tut nani-tu ek ploo or ek buzdugnos?
- Nanai-ma, mo ca. Ple te porunczau te kerl tuki ayak.
O hurdor odovk phenghes:
- Nan mai poruncze, mo dad; ke ju me li ayakh.
Thai cutine-pes odoukh hurdor, thai teleardines thai ghel but vrmea bi
seamkoro ji kan dines ader-k ve bar.
Ayakh andor ve odovk idine-pes tell ekh kopacste, thai bet zalga
te odiniskerl; ke sas likhin. Thai bet zalg.
Ayakh o somnl Del thai li o somnal Petre dine-pes tel adalke raklste, ke
sas li bibold.
Ayakh o somnl Del phutine-les:
- Bre, rakla, kai teleardinen?
- Lita me teleardem pal le vitejite, phura.
Ayakh o somnl Del gndisardines ol gndsa, thai kerdines ek kangher.
Thai sovleards odolkh rakls, thai cices ol somnal Petrs thai lines ol rakls thai
ghel lsa ol khangherete, thai thodines lstoro alu Handk.
Thai phendinas lski o somnl Del:
- Fine! Ita vitezo sar tute avr te nan mai ovl. Thai te les li me fna.
Ke ss-lees ek rakl sa ayakh de vitejoika, thai sa bold ol Devlstar. Thai sas
lskiri fna, thai phendines te lel-lan ls koro fno. Thai dine-les ek toygo de
isbnda thai ek ploo.
Ayakh dine-les zor thai mukhline-les tel. Thai lskoro no ghelines ando

cri, sar ek somnl Del, kai slos.

Thai o Handk akheardines, ke mputerniciskerdine-les o Del, thai
teleardines palle vitejinde, thai ghelines but vrmea bi seamkoro.
Ayakh dines ou and-k ve bar. Thai oth sas ek zmos trin el berngo.
Thai oth sas lskere gene ji ol phuyte thai lskiri bal sa ayakh.
Thai ghelines o rakl lste thai phendes:
- Mai ukr arakhlm-tu!
- ukr alen.
O vitezo odovkha sar aundines lstoro mui, sar simiskerdes ke slos o
fino ol devlskoro.
Thai phute-les o rakl o Handk:
- Dur bel e fna ol devlski?
- Nana bel dur; mai si trin ghesngoro drom.
Thai line-pes o rakl thai teleardines, thai ghel trin ghes ji kan dines oth
ol raklete.
Li e rakl odoik sar dikhli ne-les, sar pringeardines, ke slos o fno lkere
nasko. Thai mukhline-les ta al lte. Thai cutines lski e sniya thai halines lsa,
thai phute-les:
- So rods athr, Handk?
On phendines:
- Lta me alm, te prandzau-tu.
- Ksa?
- Li mna, kan kams.
Oi phendines:
- Nan kamu ayakh, bi marimskoro.
Thai o rakl phendines:
- Aidi, te mars-ame.
Thai lin-pes marimste thai mardine-pes trin ghes, thai supuniskerdes-lan o
rakl. Thai lines-la thai ghel kai lngoro no. Thai kununiskerde-le, thai kerdin
Thai on acil thagr opr srore themnde.
Thai katr ale, phendeom.
Finul lui Dumnezeu
A fost un mprat. Aa, acel mprat, din tinereea lui pn la btrnee, nu a
nscut dect un copil.
Aa acel copil era viteaz. i cum s-a nscut, cum a zis tatlui su: - Al meu
tat! Tu nu ai un palo sau un buzdugan?
- Nu am, copilul meu. Dar s poruncesc s-i fac aa (un
Biatul acela a zis:
- Nu mai porunci, al meu tat; c m duc i aa.
i s-a pus acel biat, i a plecat i s-a dus mult vreme fr seam, pn cnd a
dat de o pdure mare.
Aa n pdurea aceea s-a tras pre supt un copaciu, i a ezut puin s
odihneasc; c era ostenit. i a ezut puin.
Aa sfntul Dumnezeu i sfntul Petre s-au dat jos la acel biat, c era i
Aa sfntul Dumnezeu l-a ntrebat:

- Bre biete, unde ai plecat?

- Iat eu am plecat dup vitejie, btrnule.
Aa sfntul Dumnezeu s-a gndit cu gndul, i a fcut o biseric. i a adormit
acel biat, i a pus pe sfntul Petru, i a luat pe biat, i s-a dus cu dnsul n biseric,
i l-a botezat i a pus al lui nume Handac.
i i-a zis lui sfntul Dumnezeu:
- Fine! Iat viteaz ca tine altul s nu mai fie. i s iei i pe a mea fin.
C avea o fat tot aa de viteaz, i tot botezat de Dumnezeu, i era a lui fin,
i a zis s o ia a lui fin. i i-a dat un toiag de izbnd i un palo.
Aa i-a dat putere i l-a lsat jos. i al lui na s-a dus n cer ca un sfnt
Dumnezeu, ce este.
i Handac a simit, c l-a fcut cu putere Dumnezeu i a plecat dup vitejie, i
s-a dus mult vreme, fr seam.
Aa a dat el ntr-o pdure mare. i acolo era un zmeu de trei sute ani. i erau
ale lui gene pn la pmnt, i al lui pr tot aa.
i s-a dus biatul la dnsul, i a zis:
- Bine te-am gsit!
- Bine ai venit.
Viteazul acela, cum a auzit a lui gur, cum a simit c este finul lui Dumnezeu.
i l-a ntrebat biatul Handac:
- Departe ade fina lui Dumnezeu?
- Nu ade departe; mai este de trei zile drum.
i s-a luat biatul i a plecat, i s-a dus trei zile, pn cnd a dat acolo de fat.
i fata aceea cum l-a vzut, cum a cunoscut, c este finul naului ei. i l-a lsat
de a venit la dnsa. i i-a pus lui masa, i a mncat cu dnsul i l-a ntrebat:
- Ce caui pe aci, Handac?
El a a zis:
- Iat, eu am venit s te mrit.
- Cu cine ?
- i cu mine, dac vrei.
Ea a zis:
- Nu vreau aa, fr lupt.
i biatul a zis:
- Aide s ne luptm.
i s-au luat la lupt i s-au luptat trei zile, i a supus-o biatul. i a luat-o i sau dus la al su na. i i-a cununat i au fcut nunt.
i ei a rmas mprai preste toate rile.
i de unde am venit, am spus.
(Iacov Zidu Lctuu din satul Bneti, jud. Prahova)
Specimens from the Language and the Literature of the Gypsies in Romania
Published by Dr. Barbu Constantinescu
Publishing, for the moment, these specimens of Romani language and
literature from Romania I have thought of their linguistic, and even anthropological
Having emmigrated from India in times immemorial, the Gypsies have been
living in the Romanian Principalities since the 14th century. It is from here that they

moved to other areas of Europe.5

The Gypsy language is very similar to modern Indian dialects. You can also
find, in it, many elements borrowed from the peoples the Gypsies entered in contact
The songs and fairy tales I am publishing here are very popular among the
Gypsies. The first songs, I-XIV have also been published in Trajans Column.6 I have
used the names Ursary, Layash, Tismani according to my informants. Where there is
no such record, one must understand that the song or the fairy tale is in the common
dialect, although some of the songs belong to several of the represented dialects.
In transcribing the songs and the fairy tales, I relied on the Romanian alphabet.
The letter h after t, p, k, represents a slight aspiration that is often heard in the Gypsy
language. In some words this can also be heard after the palatal . 7 If the letters c and
g followed by a, o, and u are to be pronounced palatally, I have used a shortened
after them.
I have accompanied both the songs and the fairy tales by as faithful a literary
translation as possible. In order to make the songs more easily understood, I have also
added some short glosses. As the fairy tales are easier, I thought that the parallel
translation is enough for their understanding.
The difficulties I have encountered in my researches on the Gypsies have been
very great. That is why I feel obliged to express my vivid gratitude to all those who
helped me with these researches.
Gypsy Song
Green leaf of millet,
Here is that maiden
Like a flower.
Flower from the garden,
She turned into a flower,
She flew into a flower,
She went to another country,
She got to an emperor;
The emperor saw her,
He gave her
Five hundred gold ducats,
See the scholarly works by Franz Miklosich. Uber die Mundarten und Wanderung der Zigeuner
Europas Fascicle. I VIII in Vienna 1872 1877.
A. F. Pott.Die Zigeren in Europa und Asien. 2 vol. Halle 1845 in 8.
Ascoli.Zigeuneisches. Halle. 1845.
Paul Bataillard. Sur les origins des Bohmiens ou Tsigaines. Paris 1875.And several writings on the
Gypsies, in general, and on the publications about them.
About the Gypsies from Romania, see: Mich. de Koglnitschan. Esquise sur lhistoire, les moeurs et la
langue des Gigains etc. Berlin 1837 in-8IV, 46.
J.A. Vaillant. Grammaire dialogue et vocabulaire de la langue des Bohmiens on Cihains. Paris 1868
in-8 152.
Trajans Column, editor-in-chief B. P. Hadeu. Year VIII No. 10 and 11, pag. 605 620, 1877
Such as in ha (children), hu (chicken), phuhu (I ask), horu ( I pour), e hor (beard),
uharu (I make them happy), and their derivatives.

He had dinner with her,

He told her with his own mouth,
Oh, fair maiden!
You are as fair
As a nice garden flower.
The girl said,
God made me
As fair
As a nice flower;
Do not cast your evil eye at me,
For I am a little girl
Like a nice flower,
Which grows in a pot
And at a lords court.
(Clin Voicu of Rui lui Asan, a village from the Vlaca County)
E ghili (song), pl. l ghile. E (enclitic Definite Article in Romanian) fem.
sing. art. l or ol (enclitic Definite Article in Romanian), art. pl.
Romani, adj. fem. from rom (Gypsy).
Ricinearisko, adj. from o ricin (bear), pl. l ricin.
E patrin (leaf), pl. l patrine.
Zleno (green).
E kurm (millet), pl. l kurme
Ita, interj. (look)
Cai, ci, i (girl), pl. l caya, ol eya. Ursary Gypsies often use and j,
where the Vatrash Gypsies use c or g. Thus, they say i instead of ci (girl), janu
instead of ganu (I know).
Bar, f. (big), masc. bar
E lulugh (flower), pl. l lulughe.
Barekiri, adj. from o bar (garden); masc. barekoro. But Vatrash Gypsies say
bareko, bareki.
Ander instead of ande (in).
Kerdiles instead of kerdil from keru (I do). Past kerdm. Imperative ker.
Gerund kerinds. Participle kerd.
Hureileas instead of hureilo from hureu (I fly). Past hureilem, Imperative
hure, Gerund hureindos, Part. huread.
Aver (another) for both masculine and feminine.
O them (country), pl. l them.
Ghelines instead of ghel from gau (I go), Past ghelm, Imperative ga,
Gerund ghelinds and gands, Part. ghel.
Ek (a, an).
Thagarste, Dative from o thagr (emperor, king), pl. l thagar.

Areslines instead of areslin and aresl from aresu (I reach). Past areslm
and areslinm, Imperative ars, Gerund areslinds and aresinds, Part. aresad.
Lan, Accusative of oi (she).
Dikhlines instead of dikhls (dikhl is not very much used), from dikhau (I
see). Past dikhlm and dikhlinm, Imperative dikh, Gerund dikhinds, Part. dikhl.
Pang and panc (five).
el, pl. from el (one hundred).
Phole, pl. from e phol (gold ducat, twenty lei, lira).
Dines instead of das from dau (I give).
Lsa, from oi (she).
Ki (at, where).
E mesli (table), pl. l meslea.
Halines instead of hals from hu (I eat). Past halm and halinm, Imperative
ha, Gerund hands, Part. hal.
Andu instead of anda-o (from).
O mui (mouth), pl. l muy.
Lk instead of lke, Dative from oi (she).
Phendines instead of phends from phenu (I say). Past phendm and
phendinm, Imperative phen, Gerund phendins, Part. phend.
ukarne, Vocative from ukareor, Demonstrative from ukr (beautiful).
Tu (Pronoun tu).
Sar (how, as).
Kerdilen instead of kerdiln, Passive from keru (I do).
Ayakh (so).
E ceayor, Demonstrative from cei (girl)
O delor, Demonstrative from o del (God).
Te, Subjunctive Particle.
Yakhal (to be cast a spell upon), Feminine from yakhal from e yakh (eye), pl.
l yakh.
Siem and siym instead of sem [sum] Ursary dialect.
Tikni (small), Masculine tikn and kn.
Barel from barivu (I grow). Past barilm, Imperative bare, Gerund
barinds, Part. bareard.
E avlin (yard), pl. l avlin.
Raikai instead of raikan (lordly, a lords), Masculine raikan.

My uncle, the eglantine, and the bristle grains,

May God dry up your longing!
Curse her, Lord, and blind her,
She who doesnt obey me!
Curse her, Lord, with rains
For I have caught her with my hands.
And you, God, beat her
For I have caught her with my hands.
The cold wind beats
By this fair woman;
Beautiful and white is she,
And shes rather lazy,
And shes rather dumb.
Dear little leaf, white cabbage,
Oh, uncle Ionel;
Drive on, uncle, more slowly,
In a hurry is
The Romanian,
Dimitrie, the merchant,
And my leg does hurt.
(Tincua of Niculae from Cojasca, a village in Dmbovia County)
O rgo (eglantine), pl. l rgurea.
Nne (uncle), o nne (uncle).
Ai, hai, thai (and).
ukearl-la from ukearu (I dry). Past ukeardm, Imperative ukar, Part.
ukeard, Gerund sukearinds.
La, Accusative from oi (she).
Ko, kiro (your), in Ursary more common than to instead of kir.
O dro (longing), pl. l drurea.
Mr-la, Imperative from marv. (I beat). Past mardm, Part.
Mard, Gerund marinds.
Korr-la, Imperative from koraru (I get blind). Past korardm, Part. Korard,
Gerund korardins.
O del (God), pl. l devl.

Okolkh, Demonstrative pronoun (that), Masculine okoukh.

Ki (where, at) is also used as the relative pronoun which, who.
Ni and nan, Adverb (no).
Pakel-ma from pakeu (I believe). Past pakeam. Imperative Pake, Gerund
pakeainds. Part. pakea. Ma and man, Accusative from (I).
Brindna, from o brind (rain), pl. l brind.
Kastardm-la. K Particle (that, conj.). Astardm from astaru (I catch).
Imperative atr, Part. Astard, Gerund astarindos.
Le vastena from o vas (hand), pl. l vas.
Marl from maru (I beat).
E valvl (wind), pl. l valvale.
Sudri (cold), Masculine udr.
Paa, near, by, close.
Koi = okoik (that).
Mndro, fair woman.
Romni (woman), pl. romne. Masculine o rom (man), pl. l rom. Rom means
Gypsy in Gypsy language. The Romanian is called o gag, the Turk o horahan,
the Bulgarian and the Serbian are called o das.
But, Adverb (much).
Si from sem (I am), Past Continuous semas.
Parni (white), Masculine parn.
Si-lis instead of si (is).
Kam, (about, some, approximation).
Khanil (lazy), Masculine khanil.
I or vi Conjunction (and, so; like the Latin etiam).
Denili (fool), Masculine denil.
Patrinor, Demonstrative feminine from e patrin (leaf).
O ah (cabbage), pl. l ah.
Ionor, Demonstrative from Iono (John).
De, Imperative from dau (I give). Past dem, Participle din, Gerund dinds.
Mai, (May).
Dl-ame. Ame instead of amnghi, Dative plural from me (I).
Gaj instead of gag.
O balam (merchant), pl. l balam.
Dukhl-ma (it hurts me). Past dukharaes-ma, Gerund dukhainds-ma.
O punr (leg), pl. l pnr.

Oh, my lad, my dear boy,
Climb the hill, my boy,
For your lass to give you kisses,
Nice kisses,
From a silver-like mouth.
Come out, boy Ionel,
With the fez on your head,
With the whip on your shoulder,
You look like a merchant,
Like a city merchant,
May my sister eat up your mouth.
I am not going, my lad,
For my father is at home
And hell break my little legs,
For you, my girl, for you,
That youre of a poor Gypsy,
And I am of a great Gypsy,
And he is ashamed.
(Catrina Gheorghe Pintelei of Fntnele, a hamlet from Dmbovia County)
Nanor, Demonstrative from nne (lad).
Inkl from inkleu (I climb, I get on, I ride, and I get out). Past inklistm,
Imperative inkl, Gerund inklinds, Part. inklist.
O playor, Demonstrative from o plai (hill), pl. l play.
Del-tu-i instead of del tuki e. Tu short form from tuki, and tut Dative from tu (you).
E, feminine article which turns into i if it is united with other words.
Leika (lass).
Muyor, Demonstrative from o mui (mouth), pl. l muy.
ukaror, Demonstrative from ukar (fair, beautiful).
S-los, in Ursary from si (is) and los Pronoun (she).
Rupu from o rup (silver), pl. l rup.

Le fesya = le fessa from o fso (fez), pl. l fsurea.

O er =o or (head), pl. l er.
Le bicya = le bicosa from o bico (whip), pl. l bciurea.
Po phik = po (on) and o phik (shoulder), pl. l phik
Semenzes from semenzau (I look like). Past semenisardm,
Gerund semeninds.
O balam (merchant), pl. l balame.
Dizkoro, adjective from e diz (city, town), pl. l diz
E phn (sister), pl. l phene or phey.
Jav = gau (I go).
e = ce from cei (girl).
Mo = mir = munr (my).
O dad (Dad), pl. l dad.
Phagl from phagu (I break). Past phaglm, Imperative phag, Gerund
phaghinds, Part. Phag.
Khr, from o kher (home), pl. l kher.
Me = mir = mnr (my, plural).
Pinror from pinror, Demonstrative from o punr (leg), pl. l pnr.
Anda (for, from).
San from sem (I am).
Romski and romsko, Genitive from rom (Gypsy).
Corski from cor (poor), fem. cor.
Bar romsko = barsko romsko, Genitive from bar rom (great
Lske, Dative from on (he).
O lajav = o lagavo (shame), pl. l agave.
Ah, God,
You, God!
Do not kill me,
But take me out on that grass,
For I want to drink in that pub
Holding my mothers arm around me,
And my sister following me.

I am going to the mountains

To see my mother!
Ah, God, almighty God,
Almighty God,
May bitch mules live long,
May we bring them fodder,
May our bitch mules eat!
Ah, God almighty,
May You keep me longer in this world
That I see my mother!
Look, my lad, what that is!
That is a maiden,
May God make her
Become my woman!
(Sanda Gruia Moldoveanca, whose home is in Bucureti)
Le, Vocative exclamation.
N-mai = nan mai (not/no more)
Mundr-ma from mundaru (I kill). Past mundardm, Imperative mundr, Gerund
mundarinds, Part. mundard.
Ankal-ma from ankalavu (I take out). Past anklaladm or ankaldm, Imperative
ankalu, Gerund ankalainds, Part. ankald.
Pe cearete from e cear (grass), pl. a ceare.
Kte (so as, for).
Pev = peau (I drink), Past pilm, Imperative pi, Gerund pinds,
Part. pil.
Kol molate, from koi mol (that pub).
Dsa, from e di (mother), pl. l dey.
Pla (around).
Korte, from e kor (neck), pl. l kor.
Phenesa, from e phen, (sister).
Mnde from me (I).
Telearu (I go). Past teleardm, Imperative teler, Gerund telearinds, Part.
Plainte, from e plain (mountain), pl. l plain.
Dayte from e di or di (mother).

Kade = gadea (so that, in order that).

Somnal, o and e somnal (holy, almighty).
Dba = de, rare form of dau (I give).
Trazen from trazau = traiv (I live). Past traisalem, Imperative traisr, Gerund
Del georne from e georni (female ass or female mule), pl. l georne.
Mai (more).
Linkr-ma from linkearu (I keep). Past linkeardm, Imperative linker, Gerund
linkearinds, Part. linkeard.
So-s = so si (what is).
Koy = kodoy (that, feminine), masc. koy, kodoy.
Miri mnr (my, feminine), masc. miro, munr.
Avl ael from avu (to be alive). Past avilm and ailem, Imperative au, Gerund
avinds, ainds, Part. avil i ail. This verb is also used instead of the verb to be.
Little leaf, white wood,
I shall die, my God, I will;
For when I grew
I was not a great man,
But I was a rose,
And they put me in the gardens,
And the rains watered me,
And flowers grew by me,
And the maidens picked them,
And so did the great ladies,
And they saw me as well,
And the ladies took me,
And put me into big pots,
Here by the windows.
Here the ladies took me
And they smelled me with their nose,
And they took my smell,
And they left me withered as such.
But if God wills,
I shall be green again,

For the ladies to take me,

And put me at their breasts,
And carry me like this.
(Radu the Beggar from Codreni, a village in Ilfov County)
Kam from kamu (I want). Past. Kamlm, Gerund kaminds Part. kaml. Kame is
used, without any modification, in all the persons of the Prezent Indicative in order to
form the Future Tense.
Kna (when).
Ni nani (it is not).
Smas from sem (I am). Past Continuous is used instead of Past Tense.
O man (man), pl. l man.
Ta (but, so).
Cnas ma from cau (I put). Past cutm, Imperative cu, Gerund cuinds, Part.
O brsind (rain), pl. l brind.
Kidenas-le from kidau (I gather, pick). Past kidm, Imperative kide, Gerund
Kidinds, Part. kidin.
Rakle from e rakl (girl), masc. o rakl, l rakl. Raklo and rakli are used for
children who are not of Gypsy ethnicity.
Il ray from e rai (lady), masc. o ri, pl. l ri.
Lin-ma from lu (I take). Past, lem, Imperative l, Gerund linds, Part. lin.
Cut-ma from cau (I put).
Il kuce from e kuc (pot).
Kot (here).
Paa-l gemurea = paa l gemurea from o gemo (window).
Kau = kai-o (at).
O nakh (nose), pl. l nakh.
Sunghea-ma from sungheu (I smell). Past sungheam, Imperative sunghe,
Gerund sungheainds, Part. sungheard.
E sung (smell, noun), pl. l sunghe.
On (they).
Munkhl-ma from munkhu (I let, leave). Past mukhlm. Imperative mukh, Gerund
mukhinds, Part. mukhl.
Pale (again).
Kamla, future tense from kamu (I want).
Ka-l cuce = kai l cuce.

Phiran-ma from phiravu (I carry, phiru I walk). Past phiradm, Imperative

phiru, Gerund phirainds, Part. phirad.

Throw, throw, do not be afraid,
You, Smrndica;
Fow what shall be, I shall suffer,
You, Smrndica;
For Romanians do not beat you,
You, Smrndica;
For your man is greater
You, Smrndica;
And there is nothing the Romanian can do,
You, Smrndica;
For I will hit him with a stick,
You, Smrndica,
To follow his way,
You Smrndica.
And I shall throw like a Gypsy,
My uncle Ioni;
Lest the day catch me,
My uncle Ioni.
So she danced and ate
And her man she did not allow,
For he was crazy and much,
Much did he swear,
He would not let me dance
To quench my fire,
But I danced until I burst
And him I did not even see.
(Ghi of Valea Dragului, a village in Ilfov County)

de = cude from cdau (I throw). Past cudm, Imperative

cde, Gerund cudinds, Part. cudin, ude in Ursary.
Dar from daru (I am afraid). Past darilem, Imperative dar,
Gerund darainds, Part. darado.
e = ce from cei (girl).
So (what, that).
Avla from avu (alive).
rdav from rdau (I suffer, go through). Past rdm, Imperative rd,
Gerund rdinds, Part. rdin, rd.
To = ko kiro, (your).
Nai, does not have, hasnt.
O kil (pole, stake), pl. l kile.
Astarl from astaru (I reach, catch). Past astardm, Imperative astr, Gerund
astarinds, Part. astard.
Romans, Gypsy way.
Oghes (day), pl. l ghes.
Kheldes from khelu (I dance). Past kheldm, Imperative khl, Gerund
khlinds, Part. kheld.
Nic, (no, not at all).
Dil crazy, fem. dili.
Solahad from solahu (I swear). Past solahadm, Imperative solahd, Gerund
solahainds, Part. solahad.
E yag (fire), pl. l yag.
Ankalavu (I remove, get off, quench). Past ankaladm, Imperative ankalu,
Gerund ankalainds, Part. ankald.
Pharlem = pharlm from pharvu (I burst). Past pharlm, Imperative
phar, Gerund pharnds, Part. pharad.
Little leaf of white wood,
Oh, my fellow, little fellow!
May the dear Lord,
Give a rain

For the rose to grow,

And the costmary flower,
Let the girls pick them,
And put them in pots
To astound the whole world.
(Creoiu Dumitru from Vlenii de Munte in Prahova County).
Miril-pe from miriu-ma or miri-ma (I am astounded). Past mirisilem,
Imperative miriso, Gerund mirinds.
Pe or pes, the reflexive pronoun, IIIrd person.
Se, all, whole.

Come, my fellow, come here,
Let me tell you a word;
I wont tell you a small word,
But Ill tell you a big one.
Let that maiden go,
Why is she crazy?
But she is rather old!
(Ioni Stan of Vlenii de munte, Prahova County).

Gi (here, up to this point).

Kutk kot, here.
Mothu (I tell), Past mothodm, Imperative moth, Gerund mothoinds, Part.
E rba (word), l rbe.
Sstar (why) from so (ce).
Puran (old), masc. puran.

My fellow, may God
Leave me by myself
And you eat from the same metal plate as me!
May Holy God
Let your father die
And your mother, too,
And you go with me on that hill!
On that green hill
There is a Gypsy wedding party;
Let the girls come,
The young girls,
To pick flowers,
And me to touch their breasts!
(Vasile Lctu of the village of Romneti, Dmbovia County)

Acs from aceu (I stay and keep silent). Past acilm, Imperative aci, Gerund
acinds, Part. acead.
O car (tin plate), pl. l car.
Li = vi, i. (and, like the Latin etiam8).
O abeu (wedding party), pl. l abeav.
Oh, Lord,
You, Good Lord!
Lord, break the little stone

therefore, also (translators note).

To let my little brother get out,

His head combed,
A white shirt on his back,
The whip on his shoulder,
Let him see himself a merchant,
A city merchant,
Climb the little hill,
Where there is Gypsy wedding party,
Where my little brother can dance!
Oh, God Almighty,
Give us rains, oh Lord,
For the girls to leave
To pick nettles
And the lads to pick flowers,
And my little brother to pick flowers, as well,
And kiss the girl,
The little girl
For the older ones are crazy!
The sparrow is moving its wing,
Do not wink at my old fellow!
The sparrow is screaming on the pond,
Do not bring trouble to my old fellow!
Corn with two leaves,
Little wife to two men!
(Catinca Gruia Vignea from Ruii lui Asan, in Vlaca County )
Pharu from pharavu (I break). Past pharadm, Imperative pharu, Gerund
pharainds, Part. pharad.
O br (stone), pl. l br
Le ersa from o er = o or (head).
Huleavd-hulad, from hulavu (comb). Past huladm, Imperative hulv,
Gerund hulainds.
O gd (shirt), pl. l gad.
Bev = o abeu (wedding party), pl. l abeau.
E knida (nettle), pl. l knida.
Cumdel from cumidau (I kiss). Past cumidm, Imperative cumide, Gerund c

umidinds, Part cumid.

E cirikl (sparrow), pl. l cirikle; masc. o cirikl, pl. l cirikl.
E phak (wing), pl. l phake.
Bal de la bau (I bark, I scream). Past bal, Imperative ba, Gerund
baindos, Part. bal.
O marzo (trouble), pl. l marzurra.

Flower petal,
Catincua, white mouth,
Take the wooden pail and bring water
To wet my dear heart!
Catinca, white mouth,
Said, There is no time to lose,
I shall bring you water,
For I will go to my aunties
And Ill take her jug
To fetch you water.
But the jug is broken,
It does not hold water;
Catrina, the trader,
Went and fetched water.
(Constanda of Uncle Constantin from Ruii lui Atan, Vlaca County)
O pani o pi (water), pl. l paya ol pane.
Kinghearu (I wet). Past kingheardm, Imp. kingher, Gerund kinghearinds,
Part. kingheard.
O gheor, Demonstrative from o gh (heart), pl. l ghiy.
Hasardi from hasaru (I lose). Past hasardm, Imperative hasr, Gerund
hasarinds, Part. has ard.
E bib (aunt), pl l bibe.
Linkearl from linkearu (I hold, I keep). Past linkeardm, Imperative linker,

Gerund linkearinds, Part linkeard.

Green leaf of white wood,
Whos eating fish and bread?
Gruia, that merchant,
And he drinks water from the jug,
Gruia and his wife.
Look, uncle, that woman,
What did she swell in?
In her torn skirt.
Neither is it hers,
But it is her sisters,
Her elder sisters!
Curse her, Lord, let her be beaten
In her tattered robe,
For she is much crazy
And shes also lazy,
Poor, haughty one!
(Catinca Costache of Preasna Nou, Ilfov County)
Kon, who.
O maci (fish), pl. l mace.
O manr (bread), pl. l manr.
Pukili from phukivu (I swell). Past phukilm, Imperative phuke, Gerund
phukinds, Part. phukeard.
Cinghear from cinghearu (I tear, I break). Past cingheardm, Imperative
cingher, Gerund cinghearinds, Part. cingheard.
Barikan (haughty), masc. barikan.

(from Moldovia)
Little leaf, sunflower oil,
At the pub where I went,
Five oca9 of wine did I drink,
And I was not fed up with wine,
And I drank another twenty,
To quench my thirst.

oca, a traditional capacity measure of about 3 pints (translators note).

When I saw and saw,

A butt I brought home,
And I drank myself drunk,
Of the club I took hold,
Five heads I broke,
To jail I went,
And much money did I give
To get rid of the nuisance.
(Gruia Clin of Mrgineni, Prahova County)
Ceaililm from ceailivu (I am fed up, sated with). Past ceaililm, Imperative
ceale, Gerund cealearinds, Part. cealeard.
E durdvli (butt), pl l duruvle.
Mekilm matlm from mativu (I get drunk). Past matlm, Imperative
mate, Gerund matearinds, Part. mateard.
O vas (hand), pl. l vas.
E rovl (club), pl. l rovle.
Hastrilem from hastru (I get rid of). Past hastrilem, Imperative hastru,
Gerund hastrainds, Part. hastard.

Ah, my man, my little fellow!
Climb the hill, my fellow,
Let me give you my tit
As a cure for the gripes.
Come, my fellow, to the rivers little meadow
Where my little half-penny ringThere is no other on the black earthGot lost.
Come, my fellow, to Veresca,
And prepare this touchwood!
The sparrow is crying on the pond,

Do not cross my uncles stile

To bring trouble upon me,
For I am of good name.
I aint cursed
Like that fool woman
Who boils the pot,
The iron
Useless pot.
(Brebua Stan of Budeti, a village in Ilfov County)
E brumia (little ring), pl. l brume.
O pa (half), pl. l o pa and l o pana.
Nas=nai sas (has not been).
E phu (earth), pl. l phuy.
Kal (black), masc. kal.
Ghelmedisr from gelmedisaru (I prepare, make). Past ghelmedisardm,
Imperative ghelmedisr, Gerund ghelmedisarinds. Part. ghelmedisard.
Nak from nakhu (I cross). Past nachlm, Imperative nak, Gerund nakhinds,
Part. nakhad.
E holi (trouble), pl. l hole.
Kiral from kiravu ( I boil). Past kiradm, Imperative kiru, Gerund
kirainds, Part. kirad.
E piri (pot), pl. l pire.
Sastrun, adj. from o sstri (iron).

White cabbage leaf,
Stan, the Turk,
May God let
His son die,
As he ate my dear house,
And left me poor.
I shall collect pledges
To put curses on him,

To have his mares dead,

And his cart still.
Stan, the Turk,
Look, he became loud.
The emperor, when he heard,
He put his hand on his broadsword
And hit him on the head.
(Gheorghe Stancu of Urlai, Prahova County)
Del from dau (I give). Past dem, Imperative de, Gerund dndos, Part. dno.
Merl-meru (I die). Past mulm, Imperative mer, Gerund merinds, Part.
Simaghe pl. from e simagh (pledge).
Armane from e armn (curse).
Leski from ou.
Grasne pl. from e grasn (mare). Masc. o gras (horse), pl. l gras.
Ael=acel from aceu (stay still).
O urdn (cart), pl. l urdon.
O thagr (emperor), l thagr. E thagarni (empress), pl. l thagarne.
O palo (sword, broadsword), pl. l palourea.
Cutas, de la cu (I put). Past ciutm, Imperative cu, Gerund cuinds, Part.
ciut, ciutin.
Pharads from pharavu (I break).
Aundas from aunu (I hear). Past aundm, Imperative aun, Gerund
auninds, Part. aund.
White cabbage leaf,
Come, my fellow, little fellow,
The Romanian,
Dumitru, the merchant,
Is putting haste on us;
For he is our bailiff.
Look at that merchant,
For he is rather lordly
So is he dressed.
(Meteru Gheorghe of Mariua, a hamlet from Ilfov County)

Del-ame = del amnghi.

E zor (haste), l zor.
Cutin (appointed. One can understand appointed as bailiff) from cau.
Kou=koua (that).
O rayor (lord), l raior, fem. e rayor, pl. l rayor.
Huread from hureavu (I dress). Past hureadm, Imperative hureu, Gerund
hureainds, Part. huread.

Eglantine, my fellow, and bristle grass,
May God dry up your longing.
Eglantine, my fellow, and bristle grass,
Curse her, Lord, with rains,
For I have caught her with the hand,
She loved
And she abandoned,
And her longing she did not take.
Curse her, Lord, to be beaten,
How did she get swollen?
In her torn skirt?
Neither is it hers,
But it belongs to her sister.
May the cold wind beat
By that fair women
For she is fair and white.
And shes rather lazy,
And good for nothing;
And she is rather stupid.

Come, my fellow, to Vereasca

To prepare the touchwood.
God, may you turn me
Into a she-sparrow
From the Turkish Country.
God, may you turn me into a he-sparrow
From the Turkish Country,
To kiss the white mouth
For long enough I have kissed a black one.
(Vtafu Gheorghe of Criv, a village from Ilfov County)
O mohros (bristle grass), pl. l mohrurea.
La vastsa, from o vas (hand).
Iubisardeas=iubisardas from iubu (I love). Past iubisardm, Imperative
iubisr, Gerund iubirinds, Part. iubisard.
Mekhles=mukhls from mukhu (I abandon). Both forms mekhu and
mukhu are used alike.
Po pron. (his).
Linas, in Ursary, instead of las from lu (I take).
Te-al=te al=te avl from avu (alive, instead of the verb to be).
Mard part. fem. (beaten), masc. mard from the verb maru (I beat), Past
mardm, Imperative mar, Gerund marinds.
Sste from the Interrogative Pronoun so (what).
E fsta (skirt), pl. l fsteai.
Cingheardi , feminine participle from cinghearu (I tear).
Godoy = koy = koi feminine Demonstrative Pron. (that). Masc. kou, koia,
godola (that).
Khancskiri fem. from khnc (nothing).
Khancskoro for khancsko and khancski.
Lac, masc. lac (good).
Aide is like the Romanian haide (Come on!).
Vereska, there is no village called Vereasca in Romania. It may be the village
of Vereti in Botoani County.
Ghelmederis = from ghelmederin (I prepare). Past ghelmederisardm,
Imperative ghelmederisar , Gerund ghelmederisarinds, Part. ghelmederisard.
Another form of this verb is ghelmedesaru.
E yska (touchwood), pl. l ysce.

Pro is like the Romanian word de prin (from).

Ciumidem = cumidem from ciumdau (kiss).
The Ursaries prefer the form eom in the Past tense and even am, therefore
sometimes gh is used in front of i , and cumigiom is used instead of cumidm.

White cabbage little leaf,
Oh, My Lord, Oh, Lord!
Lord, give us rain
To burst the pebbles
And make the pebble burst
To let my little brother get out,
His head combed,
A white shirt on his back,
The whip on his shoulder,
To make him look like a merchant!
Another cabbage leaf,
May the dear Lord,
Give us the rains
To make the flowers grow
For the girls to pick
And the lads as well,
To love the girls
And we make wedding parties
On those green hills!
And the nice little hill is big.
And we make such a Gypsy wedding party
That even a red-belted Romanian
(Marin Stan of Mrgineni, a village in Prahova County)

Deba, rare form of Imperative instead of de from dau (I give).

De-l from l.
Barore from o baror demonstrative adjective + noun from o bar (pebble).
The usual form is l baror.
O phralor, plural l phralor from o phral (brother), pl. l phral.
Huleavd=hulad from hulavu (comb) o dum (shoulder), pl. l dum. The
Layash say o phiko, pl. l phik.
Mel from meau (I look like, take after). Past meayem, Imperative mea,
Gerund meainds, Part. meaim.
K-s=k si (in Romanian: that he is).
Sa (continually) adv.
Le kutiksa from e kutc (belt), pl. l kutik.
Lol (red), fem. lol.

Come, uncle, on the little meadow,
For I have lost
My half-penny ring.
Little white cabbage leaf!
Lord, may You make me a he-sparrow
From the Turkish Country
To kiss the white mouth,
For I have kissed the black one long enough.
And they went, my fellow, they went,
Only we did fall behind
To leave on Monday as well,
And buy broken honey agarics,
And then good ones as well,
For we are, my fellow, dealers.
The sparrow is screeching on the pond,
Do not cross my uncles stile,
To bring me trouble,

For I am not a black man

To be beaten by anybody,
But I am a white man
And they all notice me.
(Catrina Ivan Ursaru of Comana, a village in Vlaca County)
E lunka (little meadow), pl. l lunke.
Hasarde = hasardm from hasaru (I lose).
O sfno (penny), l sfani. In Gypsy, one says o bir from bi, i.e. twenty
lei10, pl. l biarae. In the secret language one uses o mard (the beaten one).
Ghel instead of ghelin from gu (I go).
Tokam (only) adv.
Luin (luni) adv. The days of the week are: e Luia, e Mari, e Tetraghi, e Joia,
e Parati, o Svato, o Kurk. But the Ursaries say e Tetradi and e Parasti. O kurk,
pl. l kurk means both Sunday and week.
Kinas from kinu (I buy). Past kindm, Imperative kin, Gerund kininds, Part.
Kbe, pl. from o kba (honey agaric).
Cind - Past Participle from cinu (I cut). Past cindm, Imperative cin, Gerund
cinindos, Part. cind.
O yazo (pond), l yzurea.
O prlezo (stile), pl. l prlezurea.
Nai=ni=nana=ci adv. (no, not) is also used instead of the negative form of the
3rd person singular and plural, Present Tense, Indicative. This form is also used instead
of the negative with the verb to be: Nai sem, nai san, nai. Past nai semas, nai sanas,
nai sas (and na-s), pl. nai samas, nai sanas, nai sas.
Or sao (anybody) pronoun.
Kiro, only in this phrase, it means: to notice.
And they went, my fellow, they went,
Only we did fall behind
To leave on Monday as well.
Here, in the market

Romanian money (translators note).

Let us buy broken honey agarics,

For our money is not enough
For us to buy clothes.
I would rather not go,
For I have what to wear,
I have a big robe
And a sheepskin cap.
And I, my fellow, do not go
For I also have what to eat,
And I shall stay with even fewer clothes,
Let me be healthy,
Here, in my little home.
(Stoica Ion, a homeless man)
The first four lines of this song seem to have been borrowed from Song XIX.
But here the language is purely Ursary.
Jele = ghele = ghelin from gau and jau (I go) in Ursary and Layash. Jele is
used only in Ursary and, rarely, in Layash.
Pal adv. instead of palpale (back).
Lumin = luin (Monday). In Ursary they keep n, whereas in other dialects n
got lost, for instance, o pani became o pai (water).
Ol lov sing., o lo (money).
ukr (=nice, beautiful). The Ursaries use it instead of mit. ukr
arakhlem tut (Glad to meet you).
E babya (robe), pl. l baboy.
E kma (cap), pl. l kme instead of e staghi.
Bakran, fem. bakran from o bakr (lamb), pl. l bakre. Fem. e bakri
(ewe), l bake.
Sili-man = Silis-man (I have).
Beu (I sit, stay). Past belm, Imperative be, Gerund beinds, Part. bel.
The Ursaries often use bet.
Nang (naked, without clothes), fem. nanghi. Nanghivu (I take off my
clothes), Past nanghilm, Imperative nanghe, Gerund nanchinds, Part. nangheard
or nang.
Saseest = sastevest = (healthy) fem. sasteesti.
Lita in Ursary instead of ita (look).

Ialomitza11 leaf,
Up on the hill, on the little meadow,
I have lost my little
Half penny ring.
And that was not mine,
But it was my mothers.
May, the Lord, grant us
A Gypsy wedding party,
Where I can inquire about my little ring.
May He grant us the longest days
For the girls
And the lads
To get married.
(Vasile Lctuu of Rumneti, a village in Dmbovia County)
IalomikiriIalomitaki from Ialomia (the Ialomia River).
Opre prep. (preposition like the adverb up).
Naaldem = naaldm from naalu (I run away taking something).
Imperative nal, Gerund, naalinds, Participle naald; from nau (I run), Past
nalm, Imperative na, Gerund nainds, Part. nagald.
Nana s = na-s =nai sa = s (it was not).
Duykiri =le dki from e dei (mother).
Kerdl from kerdivu (I make, do). Past kerdilm, Gerund kerdindos, Part.
kerd from keru (I make, I do).
Phuceu (I inquire, ask), Past phulm, Imperative phuc, Gerund
phucindos, Part. phulo.
Brumula, diminutive from e brumia (ring).
Ghesore, pl. from o ghesor, Demonstrative from o ghes (day).
Prandizen from prandzau (in Ursary, I get married), Past prandisardem,
Imperative prandisr, Gerund prandisarinds, Part. prandisard.
Ol flkya, pl. from o flko (lad).
And they went, my fellow, all,
I have just remained at home,
Well also go on Monday
To make new money,
For the old is eaten up.
Here, my fellow, is what you want
And do not go with the hammers.
Come, my fellow, to your home as well,
For your sister is dying at home.

Important river in the South of Romania (translators note).

Should she die, dead she will be,

Just suspicion it will be.
(Stoica Vasile of Rumneti, a village in Dmbovia County)
At the beginning, this song is very similar to Song XX.
Sar = saror, in Ursary instead of saor (all) sing, sroro.
Nev, pl. from ne (new), fem. nev, pl. neve.
Halile from hlivu (I am eaten up). Past halilm, Gerund halearinds, Part.
Ale(here it is and come).
Manghsa, Future from mangu (I want, ask). Past manglm, Imperative
mang, Gerund manghinds, Part. mangl.
Ciocanna from o ciokno (hammer), pl. l ciokya. The Ursaries prefer the
form o sivri, pl. ol sivre.
Ela = (come).
O vla=avla, Future from avu (I come).
E bnueala (suspicion), pl. l bnuele.
Namo = instead of nana mai (only, just).
Come home as well, my fellow,
Its been those six weeks of yours
And youve not returned home.
May my sister eat up your mouth
Youve deceived, youve broken my heart.
(A Gypsy from Rumneti, a village in Dmbovia County)
Kher from o kher (house, home).
ou = (six).
Kurk, pl. from o kurk (week).
Alen avilen ailean, aviln and ailn from avu (I come).
Tharden atharden from atharu (I deceive). Past athardm, Imperative
athr, Gerund atharinds, Part. athard.
Peklen pekln from peku (I fry). Past peklm, Imperative pk, Gerund,
pekinds, Part. pek.

I am walking on the way and thinking

With whom to love.

I have loved,
And I have abandoned,
And great sin have I made.
I have loved a maiden
And married an old woman.
Throw, throw, dont be afraid,
For whatll be, I will endure.
What is with us
Is not with you,
Maiden, maiden, girl!
Keep still,
Dont swear any longer,
Maiden, maiden, girl!
For you have shown the colour of your copper
Here, over here.
Behind the fence.
Maiden, maiden, girl!
(Bacriu Simion of Budeti, Ilfov County)
O drom (way), l drom.
Gndi-ma gndiu-ma from gndiu (I think, ponder). Past gndisilem,
Imperative gndisr. Gerund gndisarinds, Part. gndisard.
Ksa from kon (who, whom).
O bezeh (sin), l bezeah.
E hrkoma (copper), pl. l hrkome. Here in the sense of trouble. Kutk adv.
E bar (fence, garden or fence), pl. l bare.
My fellow, blade of green grass,
I have left my mother with fire,
My father with great longing,
And my brothers with great sorrow;
And I went,
And passed
To the mountains,
In Moldova.
(Bacriu Simeon of Budeti, Ilfov County)
Jalesa from e jlea (sorrow), pl. l jale.

White cabbage little leaf,
Oh, my fellow, fellow, you,
Maria, the maiden,
And Costache, the little boy,
Whos become a lad.
Look, my fellow, I am leaving
And I shall leave you.
She said, Youd rather not leave,
For I will put curses on you,
May showers of rain fall on you
And your bowels burn you!
Look, Lord, may he be damnd,
How he made a cart for himself!
For he leaves tomorrow,
And he does not come back.
Look, my fellow, the fool,
He loved
And he abandoned,
And his longing he did not take,
And greater sin did he commit.
May the dear Lord,
Burst him on his way
For hes too crazy.
(Meteru Vasile of Rumneti, a village in Dmbovia County)
Hau = hai o (and).
Uin = from uiu (I burn, bitch, bite). Past uisardm, Imperative uiar,
Gerund uisardins, Part. uisard.
Porore (bowels), Demonstrative adjective in the plural + noun from e por ,
pl. l por.
Kerdes = kerds from keru (I make, I do).
Pesk = peske = (to him/himself, for him/himself).
O vurdn = o urdon (cart), pl. l vurdon.
Thera (mine). De theara (in the morning).
Ci = ni = nan adv. (no). The Layash prefer ci.
E rmya (curse), pl. l rmye. The Ursaries use e armn, pl. l armane
instead of this word.
Should we or shouldnt we go,
We cant leave this girl here,
For she is, my fellow, small,
And of good family,
And if you threw from here,
Ah, there, girl, there!
I will count ducats for you,

Five hundred periyars,12

And forty icusars,13
And you give me the girl,
The youngest girl;
For she is not stupid, my fellow,
There is no one like her,
For shes gathered the cabbages which were up, on the house,
And beat with an axe
For the others to see her.
(Niculae Zlataru, a homeless man)
cnor feminine, knor masculine from kn (little), fem. kni.
O nemo (family, lineage), l neamurea.
Bari fem. Here in place of the masc. bar.
E daika (girl), pl. l dice.
Ghinu (in counting). Past ghindm, Imperative ghin, Gerund ghinindos, Part.
Phole from phol (ducats, gold coins). In the secret language o khamal, pl. l
Periyrea from o periyari (imperial money). Saranda (forty).
Ikurea from o ikuari (icusar).
Goghiavr (sensible, not stupid), the same as feminine, masculine and plural.
E dab (blow), pl. l dab.
O tor (axe), pl. l toer.
With the hammer I beat,
And the iron I make thin,
And axles I make,
And I bind carts together
To make them strong
To carry many things,
And they pass through mud
And the axle does not break,
And I am Ivancea,
I make everything,
And astound everyone.
(Ioni Ivancea from Budeti, a village in Ilfov county)
O sivri (hammer), pl. l sivr
Sanearu (I beat). Past saneardem, Imperative saner, Gerund sanearinds.
Part. saneardo. This verb is formed from the adjective san (thin).
Phandu (I tie, bind).
Zural from zural (strong).

Old Turkish money (translators note).

Old Turkish money (translators note).

Linghearn from linghearu (bring, carry).

E cik (mud), pl. l cik.
Phaghel from phagivu (I break, reflexive).

Little leaf of great wood,
Little Lord, Lord, man,
I wont sleep any more tonight
Thinking of the young girl
Called Maria,
And whom Ghi loves.
For I have seen her, beautiful
Like a flower from the garden;
And her little neck
Like a red flower.
I wont have any more sleep tonight
When I see that white neck.
(tefan Florea from Boteni, a village in Ilfov county)
E lndri (sleep), pl. l lindre. It is also the root of the adjective lindreal
Bul = buciol from buceu (my name is). Past bulm, Imperative buci,
Gerund bucinds, Part. bul.

Little leaf of sorrel,
You are like the bottom of a bucket.
Why, man, do you say that?
I am as beautiful as she
Who is with the flower
And calls herself Zamfira.
Take her, brother, far away,
For she isnt so beautiful!
Little leaf of white wood,
I was a bucket maker, man.
I didnt know until now
That you are so, brother.
(Ioni Cldraru, a homeless man met in Ploieti)

E bul (bottom), pl. l bule.

nke (far, over there), adv.
Kkaveri (bucket maker, Kalderash) from e kki (bucket), pl. kkie.
Little leaf of white wood,
Man, Lord, man, boy,
Why are you dirty?
Dont you have anyone to wash you?
Stand up, come take me,
To wash you and your ears,
To make you better looking
Because youre as black as coal.
Take me, sister, take me, girl!
Take me home with you!
Wash my ears as you wash yours!
Here I come Lencua, girl.
That's good, Ionic, man.
(Mndi Zidaru from Boldu, a village in Ilfov County)
O umbll (coal), pl. l umblal.
Little leaf of broom,
I am fond of laughing
With anyone I happen to be.
And with whoever I happen to
Laugh and dance
And talk,
I take him by the hand,
Pull him by the ear,
Go with him to that pub,
And drink a ducats worth
Until Ive drunk my fill of wine,
So I can fill up my belly.
(Ion Cldraru, a homeless man met in Ploieti.)
E lv (broom), pl. l ilav.
O khn (ear), pl. l khan.
Lya = lsa instead of the pronoun on (he).
O pr (belly), pl. l pr.

Oh, hear, Lord, hear,
From where I had come
To settle here.
For the mayor came
And pulled down my little house
And I was left with nothing.
The Romanian laughs at me.
This is not mine,
It is my fathers.
And he will throw me out
So that my wife will die
Of the outside cold,
Starving and thirsty,
Her tears running down,
Falling to her girdle
And filling the trough.
(Ioan Martin from Craiova)
Almas alemas avilmas from v. avu (I come).
Gadath khat adv. (here).
Avuli avil from avu.
Pharadeu pharades pharads from the verb pharavu (I tear down).
Ail acil from the verb aceu (I remain, stay).
Tiksko from o tika (father), o dad.
Little leaf of great wood,
During the greatest fast
On Friday,
You cheated, you fried my heart
And my black liver
Like a tiny fish;
You committed great sin.
Smaranda, give the girl,
The youngest girl,
For she is proudly beautiful,
Everyone wonders at her.
(tefan Ianache from St. Filotea, a hamlet in Prahova County)

Little leaf of peony,

Look, girl, as I long for you
I climb onto the porch
For I am, girl, full of longing.
Why dont you think a little more
And make love with me?
You keep hiding,
I burn like a candle.
Come out, girl, further out,
So I can see your white neck
Since I can sleep no more tonight.
(Ion Neagu, a blacksmith from Bucharest)
Garad from garad from the verb garavu (I hide). Past garadm, Imperative
garu, Gerund garainds, Part. garad.
Phabu phabivu (I burn). Past phabilm, Imperative phab, Gerund phabinds, Part.

Little leaf of two garlics,
Ilinca, give us your daughter,
The beautiful one,
The one called Puna,
Let me count you out ducats,
Five hundred and fifty
And another twenty peryars;
And give us Puna.
No, I wont give her to you, man,
For I have a son, a lad.
(George Iordache from Rudu, a village in Prahova County)
Ghinu (I count out). Past ghindm, Imper. ghin, Gerund ghininds, Part.
Leave the door open
So the little boy can come in
And kiss the white mouth.
Sell, father, the mare,

The white one,

And get me that girl,
That girl, the Armenian one.
Sell, father, the colt,
And get me that boy,
The whip on his shoulder,
And wearing the silken coat,
He has dried my heart.
(Marin Voicu from Buftea, a village in Ilfov County)
Little leaf and a tulip,
Bloom, eglantine,
Let your little leaves grow,
Let your flowers bloom
For the girls will pick them.
Lord, dont kill me!
Let spring come
So that I can drink at the pub again
With my wife following me,
With my mothers arm around me
And the children in my lap.
(Written down in Ploieti from a Gypsy who would not say his name, or where he was
May all the churches beat you
And all the crosses.
You have brought me to this place
So that sparrows will eat me,
So that vultures will scream at me.
Dont kiss me in the road!
For my man will see you,
And kill me with the axe
And sell me by the pound.
Old fellow, on that big hill,
Many Gypsy wagons,
Their tents pitched.
Old man, those older girls
With their skirts hitched up,

With their plaits trimmed,

With their locks cut.
(A Gypsy man from Vrbila, a village in Prahova County)
Khangre, pl. from e khangri=e khanghir (church).
Truul, pl. from o truul (cross).
Than, pl. from o than (place).
Klidinsa from o klidin (scales), pl. l klidin.
Le pagheana from e poghi (skirt, lap), pl. l pghea.
Vazin from verb vzdau (I raise). Past vazdm, Imperative vzde, Gerund
vazdinds, Part. vazdin.
Le porena from e por (plait), pl. l pore.
Im leaving to go home,
And the whore lays me down,
Under the green hill.
There is a Gypsy wedding,
She calls me to dance,
But I dont want to go.
(Andrei Sracu from Dragomireti, a village in Dmbovitza County)
E krva (whore), pl. l kurve.
Thl-ma from thau ( I put, lay down), Past thodm, Imperative tho, Gerund
thodinds, Part. thod.
Tel (down), telal (down) adv.
Talau telau tela-o (under, from below).
Akharu (I call), Past akhardm, Imperative akhr, Gerund akharinds, Part.
Khlu khelu (dance).
Hey, Vasile, inn keeper,
Give me a coins worth of sugar,
To feed my daughter-in-law,
Her fairness to get fairer,
Her waist to get girdled.
When the man leaves home,
She is very happy.
When the man comes home,
She pretends to be ill,

And sits on the porch outside,

With lighted candles,
Tallow candles,
For there are no wax candles,
And one knows that she feigns.
(Bacriu Simion from Budeti, a village in Ilfov County)
O zahro (sugar), pl. l zahrurea.
O crciumri (inn keeper), pl. l crciumrea.
O bno (money), pl. l bnurea.
La bore (le boreke) from e bori (daughter-in-law), pl. l bore. O
giamutr (son-in-law), pl. l giamutr.
Mazlzel from mazlzau ( I girdle, get girdles). Past mazlosardm, Imperative
mazlosr, Gerund mazlosarinds, Part. mazlosard.
O makr (waist), pl. l makar.
Fazel-la = fal-la from fal-ma (it seems to me). Past fals-mas.
Nasfali fem. from nasfal (ill).
Avr (outside) adv.
Momelena from e momel (candle), l momele.
Koykere = adj. from khoi (tallow), pl. l khoy.
Momsk from o mm (wax), pl. l mom.
Prinjrdol = primgirdol passive from pringiardivu (I know), Past
pringirdilem, Gerund pringiarinds, Part. pringiard. from pringiaru (I know).
Oh no, what have I done?
What have I done, what have I not done?
I alone have cheated myself.
When the time came to go there,
My mare died under me;
All the Gypsies laughed at me,
The children and the wives.
I wonder, what to do?
Which road to take?
(Uncle Ion Lu from Letca-Veche, a village in Vlaca County)
Lisko, in Ursary also liatico.
Krdm = kerdm from keru (I do).
Hohavdiln, Past from hahardivu (I cheat myself), Gerund hohadindos, Part.
hohad; from hohavu (I lie), Past hohadm, Imper. hohu, Gerund hohainds, Part.
Mule = mules muls from mereu (I die).
Tela prep. (under).
Asa-l = asain l from asu (I laugh). Past asam, Imperative as, Gerund
asainds, Part. asad.

Miri-ma = mru-ma.
Dont kill me, Lord,
It is a long time till in spring
My little sisters grow up,
I buy them shoes,
And then flowers,
And I give them to the lads.
Alas! Father, my wife,
A chiefs daughter!
And I had paid twelve
To kiss her proud mouth
And I had paid twenty-four
To take
Her narrow waist.
(Cioban Manole from Dolheti, a village in Flciu County)
Ma mama nana (no), in Ursary instead of na.
Ji gi (until) prep. in Ursary.
Papuka pl. from o papuco (shoe).
K-ol flakya = kai ol flakya. Prep. used instead of the Dative le flcnghi.
Dadke from dadika o dadoro, Vocative dadorga, from o dad (father).
Ceai instead of the Ursary ei.
Bulibastiri = e bulibaski from o buliba (Roma chief), pl. l buliba.
Title of the Gypsy chiefs.
San masc. (thin, slim), fem. san.
The tall wife
Is like the barren lime tree,
But the shorter wife
Is like the overburdened plum tree.
And I had gone to your places
And found some of your hairs
Like black silk from the shop.
And you told me
I would kill my mother,
And then my father,
And then my sister,
My elder sister.
(Macior Petre from Petri, a hamlet, Flciu County)

Uci (tall) masc. uci, verb ucearu (I make something/somebody else tall) and
ucivu (I become, grow tall).
E lpa (lime tree), pl. l lpe.
uti = uki (dry, barren), masc. uk.
Harni fem. from harn (short), harnearu (I shorten).
E kileavn (plum), pl. l kileavini. This name is given to both the fruit and the
Landavd from ladavd (over burdened) from ladavku (I over burden). Past
ladadm, Imperative ladv, Gerund ladainds, Part. ladado = ladavdo.
Arakhlemas from arakhu (I find). Past arakhlm, Imperative ark, Gerund
arakhindos, Part. arakhl sau arakhad.
Balndar from o bal (hair), pl. l bal.
O kej (silk), pl. l kej. Adj. kejlan.
Dugheanndar from e dughena (shop), pl. l dughene.
Phendenas = phendanas = from phenu (I say), Past phendm, Imperative
phen, Gerund pheninds, Part. phend.
Death, Lord, upon the woman,
Upon the proud woman,
For the proud woman
Is like the expensive plum brandy;
When you drink it and get drunk,
You put down your head, and you sleep.
But the crooked woman
Is like the blind mare
Travelling on the road and not seeing,
In these pits she will step,
My days she will shorten.
(Macior Petre from Petri, a hamlet in Flciu County)
Juvle from e juvli=giuvli (woman), pl. l juvle.
Mndrone from mndro (proud), a rare plural form. The word mndro is
used both in the masculine and the feminine, and the plural form is mndri.
Ratya (plum brandy) instead of e rakya. In Gypsy language rachiu is also
called ial.
Skumpo (expensive).
Makeovs=mateoves- mates from mativu (I get drunk). Past matilm,
Imperative mate, Gerund matinds, Part. mat.
Sovs from sovu (I sleep). Past sutm, Imperative su, Gerund soinds, Part.
Band=bangh (bent, false, crooked) masc. bang; verbele banghearu (I
bend) and banghiru (I bend myself).
Kori (blind), masc. Kor.
Hure pl. from e huu (hole, pit).
Ghe = ghesa from o ghes (day).

Father, sell, the horse
And get me that girl,
That urchin boy,
That good-looking boy,
Who has a white mouth.
I am leaving for the road to go
Where I will see no one.
I happened to go into a village
Where I found no one.
I walked in a garden,
I met with a girl
And I took her waist,
And left her with fire.
(Nicolae Ion from Ciomgeti, a village in Olt County)
Biku from bikinu (I sell). Past bikindm, Imperative bikin, Gerund bikinds,
Part. bikindo.
Khaniks from khnik (no one).
Ci= (no) used more frequently in Layash.
Plimbositem from plimbu-ma (I walk).
Maladm from malavu (I find). Past maladm, Imperative malu, Gerund
malainds, Part. malad.
Little leaf of little wood,
Bailiff, Clin, man!
What you have done, is not good,
For the tax collector is mad
And will break your head,
Like a great tax collector,
And he is also a little mad,
Thats how it is, Radu, man,
But what shall I do,
To go no more to him?
Look, pretend youre sick
And send word that youre dead.
I will pretend to be sick
And then will not my head go?
( Ion from Goleti, a village in Muscel County)

Pharavl from pharavau (I break). Past pharadm, Imperative pharu, Gerund

pharainds, Part. pharad.
Bieal = biceal from bicealu (I send). Past bicealdm, Imperative bicel,
Gerund bicealinds, Part. biceald.
Kra-ma = kerau-ma (I pretend).
Little leaf and a tulip,
How have you brought this about
And put me in this mess?
And weve eaten the money from the horses and everything,
The tent and the tent poles.
You have left me the stick.
When I saw and I saw,
To the pub I went,
Five oca of wine I drank,
And I am never fed up with wine,
And Ill drink another twenty
To quench my thirst.
And Ill drink another eight
To take myself home drunk.
At the pub, great lord,
And at home, great poor man,
I have nowhere to rest my drowsy head.
When I saw and saw Five hills I crushed,
Three houses I broke into What it was and the money I made,
And I returned home,
My heart was still in the same place.
(Ilinca Ion, a widow from Craiova).
I ra = e ara (tent) l re; the Layash and the Kalderash say e katna, pl. l
Belea from beli (tent pole).
Mekhlen-ma = mukhlean-ma = mukhlan from mukhau (I allow, let).
Hulistem from huleu (I get down). Past hulistm, Imperative huli, Gerund
hulinds, Part. huleard.
E tru (thirst).
Bi (twenty).
Ohto (eight).
Ale = aviles = avil (he came) This verb is used instead of the verb to be.
Boldinm from bldau (I return). Past boldinm, Imperative blde, Gerund
boldinds, Part. boldo.

White cabbage leaf,

The great year has been coming
Since I was imprisoned.
Lord, take me out
To green grass,
To the grass, to the small grass,
To drink at that pub again,
With my sister beside me,
With my mother facing me.
(Ilinca Ion, a widow from Craiova).
O br (year), pl. l br. The great year is used here to mean the new year.
Phandad from phandavu (I imprison). Past phandadm, Imperative phandu,
Gerund pandaindos, Part. phandad.
Inkalba, a rare imperative form from inkalavu (I take out). Past inkaladm,
Imper. inkalu, Gerund inkalainds, Part. inkald. There are also other forms of this
verb: ankalavu and nkalavau.
Angl prep. (before) and adv. angli and anglal.
Little leaf of madem,
I loved and I abandoned,
I loved a maiden,
Who was gratified with three children.
Why do you kiss me on the road?
For my man may see me,
And cut my beautiful locks,
My golden locks,
Both the hair and the gold.
I loved and I abandoned,
And my longing I did not take,
Greater sin I committed.
(Zamfir Bolovan from Craiova).
Somnakum (golden) from o somnaki (gold).
Hey, man, make a knife for me
To cut my
Blackest of black liver.

Dont kiss me on the road,

My man will kill you,
And cut you with the knife,
And sell you by the pound.
Throw flowers into the pond,
Dont keep bringing trouble upon me!
The trouble, should he make it,
He thinks he will not pay for it.
(Ion Pavel from Fntna Domneasc, a village in Mehedini County)
O indealo (knife), pl. l indeal means the blade from inde or cinau.
O bukh (liver), l bukh in Layash for o kalingi, pl. l kaling.
La uresa = le ciureasa from e ciur (knife), l ciurea.
La tolesa from e tol (scales), pl. l tole.
Luludi = lulughi (flower). Tismani speakers use d where the others use g, for
instance, o di =o ghi (heart), dilabu = ghilabau.
Pokinel from pokinu (I pay). Past pokindm, Imperative pokn, Gerund
pokininds, Part. pokind.
Great white flower,
That Romanian woman is dear to me,
But more dear is this Gypsy woman to me,
For she is not like the Romanian woman.
Look, Lord, that boy
With his dirty shirt,
Why, Lord, isnt he mine,
So I could give him another clean one?
He is so good-looking and young.
(Neamu Ioni from Turnu-Severin)
Le gadya = la gadsa from o gad (shirt). Tismani speakers rather use the
ending eya = le romya, le romneya instead of romsa and romnesa.
Melal (dirty), fem. melali and the verb melaru ( I get dirty).
Thod from thovu (I wash). Past thodm, Imper. thou, Gerund thoinds, Part.
Trn (young), fem. trni and the verb trnivau (I get young).
I am walking on the road and thinking
With whom I can talk.
At the bottom of the small green hill

There is a Gypsy wedding,

They ask me to dance,
But I dont go, for I dont know how to dance.
My white leg
Throbs with pain.
Father, make a knife for me
And I will cut to my liver.
Mother, make corn bread for me
To dip in the pot.
But this trouble will pass,
And Ill have a little daughter-in-law
To give me hay and water
To make me a little fire
To make corn bread for me.
Lord, listen to this boy,
He is swollen with pride,
The whip on his shoulder,
May you, Lord, grant that he be mine.
Your shirt dirty,
Dont you stay swollen with pride,
For I know whose you are.
Get away, big daughter-in-law,
There is nothing in you.
(Mihai Marinescu from Turnu-Severin)
Tal-u = tel-u prep. (under, at the bottom), adv. tel and tell.
Silos = si (is) in Tismani.
E bokol (corn bread), pl. l bokole.
Bolu (I dip, or I baptize). Past boldm, Imperative bol, Gerund bolinds, Part.
Hani (a little), instead of ira.
O khas (hay), pl. l khas.
unta, Imperative from aunu (I hear, listen). A very rare form.
Ninkr-tu = linker-tu from linkearu (I stay, consider myself).
Jaba, a rare form from the Imperative jau = giau (I go).
Little leaf and one more wood,
Mariica from Iai,
Let me put you to sleep on this hand
As in an armful of hay,
And well make a bargain
For I know you, who you are;
And now, when you want,
Well have our wedding party
And the whole village will dance,
And we will dance, too,

Until we wed.
(Oprea Stoica from Lipia, a village in Buzu County).
Sovlearu (I fall asleep). Past sovleardm, Imper. sovler, Gerund
sovlearinds, Part. sovleardo.
Little leaf and a tulip,
Look, Lord, that one,
That old woman
Has three virgin daughters.
And Ill beat her with that axe,
To smash her knees,
To take her marrow out
To grease
The pastry sheets.
Blow her like that one!
A woman said so.
Dont smash her knees,
For her brother will cut you,
And her father will kill you.
(Florea Iordache from Mojiceni, a village in Teleorman County)
Ceang from e ceang (knee).
E mdua (bone marrow).
Makhu (I grease). Past makhlm, Imperative mak, Gerund makhindos, Part.
Phrde from phrdau (I blow, breathe). Past phurdm, Imperative phurde,
Gerund phurdinds, Part. phurdo.
Ah mother,
This fair woman
Has blighted my whole life.
What have I done, what havent I done?
Alone I have fooled myself,
I, in my right mind,
My best mind.
Old fellow, I did not happen to die
And not to become like that.
Looking up and down,
My liver went black,
At the twisted lime-tree,

Ill revenge my troubles

On that fair woman.
(Ursache Ion from Rpile, a village in Bacu County)
Arest from aresu (I become, get to). Past areslm, Imperative ars, Gerund
aresinds, Part. aresl and arest.
Vardindos from vardiu (I look). Past vardisardm, Imperative vardisar,
Gerund vardisarinds, Part. vardisard.
The little sun goes, sets,
My little father comes no longer.
Little leaf of little cabbage,
My little father cries for me,
Come, my sister, for I am dying,
You put me down and I am crying.
Old fellow, I did not happen to die
And not to become like that.
On this green hill
Theres a Gypsy wedding.
Sell, father, the hammer
And give me that who is my heart.
Give me, father, what you will give me!
At the deserted well
The wicked mare has kicked
And broken your bridle.
Bring the clamp and the hammer
So I can bind your bridle.
(Ursache Ion from Rpile, a village in Bacu County)
O khamor from o kham (sun), l kham.
Perel from peru ( I fall, set down). Past pelm, Imperative per, Gerund
perindos, Part. pel.
Rovl from rovu (I cry). Past rum, Imperative rou, Gerund roinds, Part.
rovdo and royardo.
O sivr (hammer), pl. l sivr.
E haning (well), pl. l haning.
Jungal (bad), masc. jungalo.
E scafid (bridle), pl. scafide.
Phndau (I bind, tie). Past phnglm, Imperative phande, Gerund phandinds,
Part. phagl.

We have eaten nothing today,

Only a little corn bread,
No salt, no spices.
Give me a bit of the little salt fish
To embitter my heart,
To give you the ducat
Stolen from a merchant,
The merchant comes from Braila.
They caught us and they beat us,
And put us in a pit.
From there we escaped
And took our road home.
(Tua Nedea, a homeless man met in Ploieti).
Dor sok-de kan, (only).
Bi-londi (unsalted). Bi is used to construct negative antonyms. In the
construction meaning without, the Genitive is required: bi vastengo without
Londi from o lon (I salt), the verb longhearu. Past longheardm, Imperative
longher, Gerund longhearinds, Part. longheard and londo.
Laeardi from lacearu (I improve, add spices). Past laceardm, Imper.
lacer, Gerund lacearindos, Part. laceard.
ira (a little) instead of handi in Layash, zalga in Ursary and hanr in Tismani.
Ciordan adj. from cioru (I steal). Past ciordm, Imper. cir, Gerund
ciorinds, Part. ciord.
Lord, dont kill me,
But take me on that grass,
On this beautiful little dale
Many tents are pitched,
Only that tent in the middle
Is pitched beautifully.
Who is sitting behind it?
(Gheorghe iganu from Mirila, a village in Romanai County).
Haror from e har (dale) hare.
rurea from e ara (tent).
Anzard from anzuru and nzaru (I stretch, pitch). Past inzardm,
Imperative inzr. Gerund inzarinds, Part. inzard.

Little leaf of little wood,

A bucket maker I was, old man,
And I made buckets,
And I also made pots,
I took them to the fair
And so many of them I sold for twenty lei,14
And I made three or four times twenty lei.
I traded and bought,
And I left for home.
But now what did I do?
Alone I stole horses,
Three years I was shackled
And only just escaped.
(Ivan Dumitru, a homeless, met in Buftea, a village in Ilfov County)
Kkaveri from e kki (bucket), l kkye.
Kinu (I buy). Past kindm, Imperative kin, Gerund kininds, Part. kind.
Trguras from trguu (I buy, trade). Past trguisardm, Imperative
trguisr, Gerund trguisarinds, Part. trguisard.
Come here, old fellow, dont be scared!
Come what may, I will puff,
Leave your pipe bound
To calm my heart.
Ah uncle, little uncle,
Here is strong tobacco
To put in the little pipe
And give it to Marin
So he, too, can smoke.
(Michai Petre from Uleti, a village in Vlcea County).
Tra from trau (I scare) (myself). Past trailem, Imperative tro, Gerund
traainds. Part. traad.
dara = rdara from rdau (I puff).
E lulua (tobacco pipe), pl. l lulye.
Little leaf of little wood,
On this big vast hill,

Romanian money (translators note).

My little brother rests

And smokes strong tobacco.
My father says this,
Boy, dont do this!
Get up and come with me,
And Ill tell you a word.
No, I wont come any more
For you bring trouble upon me.
If you dont come, dont come again.
(Neacu Florea from Drgneti, a village in Vlcea County).
Uti from uteu (I get up). Past utilm, Imperative ut, Gerund utinds,
Part. utead.
Like the flower at that window,
That good wife is dear to me,
Like the flower in that pot
That Gypsy woman is dear to me.
On this green hill
Theres a Gypsy wedding
And they call me to go
And dance.
I have no money to give
So I can go and dance,
And see the world.
My mother said this:
Dont go again, son,
For you are a little boy.
(Petrache Negoi from Bozieni, a village in Neamu County)
Panduke from e panduk (money).
I stayed shackled for three weeks
For some little white mouth.
Ask him, mother, what he has done.
Dont ask me again, little brother,
For I was locked up.
Give him, mother, some food
And give him leave to go.
Hey, father, lets go to Cmpina
To steal the pretty girl,
Who hides behind fences.

(Gheorghe Sultan from Brila).

The little sun goes, sets,
The little lad is waiting
Still in the road, he looks.
Old fellow, dont walk too far,
For your mother is dying at home.
May the Lord burn you, woods,
For you have grown in a year,
And the Romanians have made, in you,
A great pub of thieves
At the dark wormwood,
On the main road.
(George Clin from Piteti).
Ajukerl from ajukeru (I wait). Past ajukeardm, Imper. ajuker, Gerund
ajukearinds, Part. ajukerd (I remove, put off).
Dur (far away) adv. also from the verb durearu (I depart, I remove).
Tharel from tharu (I burn). Past thardm, Imperative thar, Gerund tharinds.
Dont kiss me by the road
For my man will see me,
And kill me with the knife,
And sell me by the pound,
And make little pieces of me
All over the whole road,
And the crows will eat me.
Dont kiss me, dont bite me,
For they will see us from inside the house.
(Ioni Marin from Bal, a village in Romanai County).
Kotor from o kotr (piece ).
Gurung from o gurung (crow).
Dndal from dandalu (I bite). Past dandaldm, Imperative dandl, Gerund
dandalinds, Part. dandald.

Up and down this valley,
Many tents are pitched,
The tent in the middle
Is very proud and beautiful.
Little leaf of white wood,
Oh, what a boy,
Why, Lord, isnt he mine,
With the coat of silk,
With the dirty fez!
(Petre Bornescu from Viioara, a village in Romanai County).
Polad from polaru ( I pitch). Past poladem, Imperative polu, Gerund
polainds, Part. polad.
Look, Lord, that daughter-in-law,
I wish to the Lord she were mine.
Like the flower in the window,
Look, Lord, this woman,
I wish to the Lord she were mine.
I left to go to a woman,
I fell upon a great nuisance
And she tied me to the fence.
I left to go home
And the whore put me down.
(Simion Mangher from Tismana, a village in Gorj County).
Tell me, Nia, woman,
Where were you to get brambles,
With the little black lad,
The whip on his shoulder,
His shirt dirty?
Father, see this daughter-in-law,
She took my flower.
Father, sell the mare
And get me this daughter-in-law,
And sell the white filly, too,
And get me the other, too,
Should she be as black as coal,

I like her waist;

Should she be as black as mud,
I still like her girdle.
(Ion Floricic from Tismana, a village in Gorj County).
Sla = snas from sem (I am).
O kanro (brambles), l kanr. Kanral (brambly, with brambles) and biboldo
(not baptized as a Christian) are secret names for Jews.
Ile = las from lau (I take).
E cik (mud).
To hell with the village,
What I seek I dont find.
I looked for a little egg
To comfort a little lad.
He came home drunk last night,
He fell asleep hungry,
And he slept and he awoke,
And asked about the eggs.
Come to bed tomorrow
And I can give you baked eggs.
(Ion Nica Ciulei from Tismana, a village in Gorj County).
Bengsko from o beng (devil), pl. beng.
A rac = a rki (in the evening). Tismani speakers use ci instead of k. So they
say cio raims (you, singular, yet respectful) instead of ka raims.
E lndri (sleep).
Bokhal from e bokh (hungry).
Teh (tomorrow) instead of thera.
I set myself up as bailiff,
The whip on my shoulder,
Im going around my district
A beautiful woman to find,
White beauty to find,
For Ill take no other.
For I visited my district,
Beauty like you I didnt find.
I saw one in the valley,
But she doesnt talk beautifully,

Let her speech be beautiful,

For I will go naked to her.
What I have done, what I have fixed,
To her I could not go.
(Mitic Matei from Trgu-Jiu).
Nang (naked), fem. nangh.
Oh, father, father, man,
Who did I get mixed up with?
With that foul whore
Whom everyone had.
Oh uncle, uncle, man,
Uncle, uncle, Vasile,
Keep your eyes open!
On the valley, at the willow tree,
In order that the waters would get warmer,
They jumped in with their walking sticks,
And crushed your knee,
And took out your marrow,
And spread it on their pastry sheets.
(Vasile Cldraru from Iai).
Porba, Imperative from poru (I open). Past poradm, Imper. poru, Gerund
porainds, Part. porad.
Taken from takivu (I get warmer). Past takilm, Imperative take, Gerund
takinds, Part. tak.
Hukhile = huklas from huteu (I jump). Past hukhlm, Gerund hutinds, Part.
Musare from e musari (knee).
Ah, uncle Ionel,
Old fellow, climb the little hill
Your bag hanging at your neck,
Old fellow, take me by the arm,
Three tattered shoes,
Uncle, carry me and then put me down.
Wake up, mother, and curse him
Who has taken my rings.
Has Marca found them?

Ah, father, little father,

You have left me alone
With the pastry sheets in my sack,
The pastry sheets scattered to pieces,
Which the pigs have eaten.
(Gheorghe Saotin from Boghicea, a village in Roman County).
Le taksa from e tka (bag), pl. l take.
Mente from e men (throat, neck) l men.
O gon (sack), pl. l gon.
O bal (pig), pl. l bal.
Aunt, give me that girl,
That girl smaller
Than black hairs,
Because the big ones are crazy.
The olive-skinned boy
Took the coach and went into
The small forest.
Wherever he went, he never came back.
But look, here he comes.
But he comes not as he went;
He comes on horseback,
On that gray foal,
The fez on his head,
And the whip on his shoulder.
(Dumitrache Iordan from Boghicea, a village from Roman County)
Melahn (olive skinned), fem. melahni.
Hurd (short, small), fem. hurdi.
Kill her, Lord,
Kill that crazy woman,
For I want to take another for myself,
A black-haired one.
Lord, make the wind blow,
Make it blow high
To sweep the road,
To put down the fences,
Only trees should remain

To prick
The old people,
Eager to eat heads,
Here are lads heads.
What I did, what I did not do,
I got wrong all by myself.
And I had given from your fireplaces
And found your hairs.
(Iancu Cazacu from Boghicea, a village in Roman County)
lavel from lavu (I sweep), Past ladm, Imperative lau, Gerund
lainds, Participle laod.
Peravl from peru (I fall), Past pelm, Imperative peru, Gerund
perinds, Participle pel.
Pusaren from pusavu (I sting, prick), Past pusadm, Imperative pusu, Gerund
pusainds, Participle pusad.

The Ghost
Once upon a time there was an old woman in a village. And many maids came
to her place to spin and work occasionally. And the lads came and made jokes with
the girls, and laid them down, and kissed them.
But one of them did not have a lover to have fun with and kiss her. And she
was the daughter of a wealthy Romanian and nobody dared from an area as wide as a
three-day walk.
And she looked at the elder maids who were her age. And nobody laid with
her. And the maid was beautiful, wondrously fair.
And a handsome lad came and he took her in his arms, and kissed her, and sat
with her until the cock crowed.
And when the cock crowed daylight, he left. The old woman, who was the
host, saw that he had cocks feet. And she saw the lads feet and said, Well, Nia, fair
maid, have you seen anything?
No, I have not noticed anything.
Nia, havent I seen that he had a cocks feet?
Leave him, alone, mother, I have seen nothing.
And the maid came home and went to bed, and got up, and then she went to
the same place to spin as there were even more maids, and they all did the work.
And the lads came and every one took his girl friend. And they kissed and sat
for a while, and left home.
And the lad of the fair maid also came and he took her in his arms and kissed
her, and laid her down, and sat with her until after midnight.
And the cock started and it crowed.
And the lad heard and as soon as the cock crowed, he left.
And what did the old woman, who was in the cabin, say? Nia, have you seen
that he had a horses feet?
Should he have such feet, I have seen nothing. And the maid left home. And

she went to bed, and she woke up in the morning, and she did her work, whatever
work she had to do. And the night came and she took her fork, and left to the old
womans cabin.
And several maids came. And the lads also came and each of them got hold of
his girl friend. And the fair maid was looking at them.
Then the lads stopped and went home. And only the maid, no more, no less,
And the maids lad, her lover, came.
And the girl, what could she do?
She looked after him and she put, on his shoulders, a needle and a piece of
thread. And he left, when the cock crowed, and nobody knew where he had left.
Then the girl woke up early in the morning and dressed up and took the thread
and followed it and she saw him in a hole where he was lying.
Then the girl got frightened and she went back to her home. In the evening the
lad came, the lad from the hole came to the old womans cabin and he saw that the
girl was not there.
And he asked the old woman, Where is Nia?
She has not come.
Then he went to Nias house, where she used to live, and he shouted, Nia,
are you here?
Nia responded.
Tell me, what did you see when you went to the church? Unless you tell me, I
will kill your father.
I saw nothing.
Then he saw her and he killed her father, and went to his grave.
And in the evening he came again.
Nia, tell me what did you see?
Nia said, I saw nothing.
Tell me or I will kill your mother, as I killed your father. Tell me, what did
you see?
I saw nothing.
Then he killed her mother and left to his grave.
Then the girl woke up in the morning and she had twelve servants. And she
said to them: Look, I have lots of money, and many oxen, and lots of sheep; let them
be yours, the twelve of you; let them be my gift for you for I shall die until tonight;
and let it be your sin if you dont bury me under that apple-tree.
And at night the lad from the grave came and he asked, Nia, are you at
I am at home.
Tell me, Nia, what you have seen for three days? For I will kill you as I have
killed your parents.
I have nothing to tell you.
Then he went and killed her. And seeing his deed, he went to his grave.
Then the servants, when they woke up in the morning, they saw Nia dead.
And the servants took her and dressed her up, according to the custom.
They sat and made a hole in the wall and they pushed the corpse pass through
the hole, and then they took it as she had told them and laid her to eternal rest in a
forest, by an apple-tree.
And half a year passed and an emperors son went on a hunting party to hunt
rabbits with hounds and dogs. And they went a-hunting and the dogs searched the
forest and found the girls grave.
And a flower had got out of her head and there was no such beautiful flower in

the whole empire.

Then the dogs found her grave, where she was buried, and they started barking
and scratching the girls grave.
And then the emperors son called the dogs and he blew his horn to call the
dogs, and the dogs did not come.
The emperors son said, Go over there, quickly. And they rose and four
hunters came, and saw the flower which was burning like a candle. They returned to
the emperors son and he asked them, What is it over there?
There is a flower such as one has never seen before.
And so the lad heard and came to the girls grave, and saw the flower, and he
picked it up.
And he came home and showed it to his father and mother.
And he took it and put it in a glass at his bedside, where he slept.
Then the flower from the glass woke up and tumbled and turned into a maid.
And she took the boy, and kissed him, and bit him, and laid him down, and slept with
him holding him in her arms, and she put her hand under his head and he knew
nothing about it. When it was daylight, she turned back into a flower.
In the morning the boy woke up ill and he complained to his father and
mother, Mom, my back hurts and I have a headache.
His mother went and brought a female fortuneteller, and she healed him.
And he asked for food and drinks.
And he sat down and then left to do his work, whatever work he had.
And he came back home in the evening again. And he ate and drank, and lay
down on his bed, and fell asleep.
Then the flower woke up and she turned into a maid again. And she took him
in her arms again, and slept with him, and sat with him in her arms. And he was
And she went back into the glass. And he woke up, and his bones hurt, and he
talked to his mother and father.
Then his father noticed something and he said to his wife, It must be
something that has to do with the flower, for the lad has fallen ill since the flower
came. Let us see, tonight we shall hide and see who comes to our son.
And darkness set in, and the lad rose, and he went to bed and fell asleep.
Then the maid woke up from the glass and she became as beautiful as the
flame of a burning candle.
And the mother and the father, the emperor, saw the maid and they laid their
hands on her.
Then the lad woke up and he saw the maid, who was so beautiful.
Then he took her in his arms and kissed her, and they lay in bed, and slept until
And they had a great wedding party and feasted, and drank.
And the people wondered that there was no such beautiful girl all over the
And he lived with her for half a year and she gave birth to a golden boy with
two golden apples in his hands. And the emperors son was very happy.
And then her lover, who used to sleep with her, the ghost, who had killed her,
heard about this. He woke up and he came to her and asked her, Nia, tell me what
you have seen about me?
Nia answered, I saw nothing.
Tell me straight or I will kill your son, your lad, as I killed your father, and
your mother. Tell me the truth for I will kill your son, your lad, as I killed your father
and your mother. Tell me the truth.

I have nothing to tell you. And he killed her son.

And she rose and took him to the church, and buried him.
In the evening the ghost came and asked her, Tell me, Nia, what have you
I have seen nothing.
Tell me or I will kill your lord, whom you married.
Then Nia stood up and said, You shall not kill my lord. Damn you!
When the ghost heard Nia cursing, he died, he burst with anger.
In the morning Nia woke up and she saw blood in the yard, and there was so
much blood that it was two fingers high.
Then Nia ordered her father-in-law to take the ghosts heart out as soon as
possible. Her father-in-law, the emperor, heard this and he split it and took its heart,
and put it in Nias hand.
And she went to her childs grave and raised the child, put the heart back and
the child resurrected.
And Nia went to her father and mother and anointed them with blood, and
they resurrected.
Seeing this, Nia confessed everything that had happened to her and what the
ghost had done to her.
(Gheorghe Stng from Boleti, a village in Ilfov County)

The Godson of God

One upon a time there was an emperor. And this emperor had only one child
from his youth till old age.
And that child was brave. And as soon as he was born, he said
to his father, My father? Dont you have a broadsword or a mace?
No, I dont, my child. But I shall have one done for you.
And that boy said, Stop giving orders, father; I will leave by all means.
And that boy left, and went, and went for a long time until he reached a huge
And in that forest he retired under a tree and sat down a little bit to have a rest;
for he was tired. And he sat a little bit.
And the holy God and Saint Peter got down from heaven near that boy for he
was not baptized.
So the holy God asked him, Well, lad, what are you looking for?
Well, Ive left to look for bravery, old man.
And the holy God thought and thought, and he made a church. And he put that
lad to sleep and he asked Saint Peter to take the boy, and he baptized him, and he
called him Handac.
And the holy God said, Godson! There is no one else as brave as you are.
And you shall marry my goddaughter. For he also had an equally brave girl and she
had also been baptized by God, and she was his goddaughter, and He said that his
godson should marry her. And he gave him a staff to bring him victory and a
And he gave him strength and left him down. And his godfather ascended to
Heavens as the truly holy God.

And Handac felt that God had made him strong and he left to look for bravery,
and he went, and went for a long time.
And he got to a big forest. And there was a three-hundred-year-old dragon over
there. And his eyelashes were so long that they touched the ground and his hair was
equally long.
And the boy went up to him and he said, I am glad I have found you!
As soon as he heard him, that brave lad felt that he truly was the godson of
And Handac, the lad, asked him, How far does the goddaughter of God live?
She does not live too far, it is a three-day walk.
And the boy left and went, and went for three days until he found the girl.
And that girl, as soon as she saw him, she recognized him to be the godson of
her godfather. And she allowed him to approach her. And she set dinner for him, and
she ate with him and she asked him, What are you looking for, Handac? He said,
Here, I have come for you to marry.
Me, if you will.
She answered, I will not, without a fight.
And the boy responded, Let us fight.
And they fought and fought for three days, and the boy submitted her. And he
took her and went to his godfather. And he pronounced them husband and wife and
they had a great wedding party.
And they became emperors over all the countries.
And I told you the story from where I came.
(Iacov Zida Lctuu from Bneti, a village in Prahova County)

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