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YYW: Eat, Sleep and Brush Your Teeth!

Name: Kelsey MacLeod

Grade: 2
Date: March 24
Subject: YYW
Time: 8:30-9:15

GCO: Students will be expected to understand, develop, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

SCO: Explain that types of foods eaten, level of physical activity and mount of rest and
relaxation affect ones health. Explain the effect of poor nutrition on teeth and the importance of
regular brushing and visits to the dentist.

Learning Goals:
I can distinguish between the sedentary, moderate, and vigour us physical activity and the
importance of staying active.
I understand the importance of sleep, how to promote good sleeping habits.
I know that I should brush my teeth and floss everyday and visit the dentist regularly.

lesson plan
USB stick with notebook file
Mon-Fri handouts
whiteboard and marker


OPENING: Activating Prior Knowledge (contextualization, motivation, anticipation)

Make a 3 column chart on the white board entitled Levels of Activity: sedentary, moderate, High.
Have students brainstorm of different activities they do each day and put them in each category.
Sedentary: normal breathing: can sing
-walking, shopping, stretching, light gardening
Moderate: can keep short conversation (break into a sweat after 10 minutes)
-brisk walk, biking, playing tennis, mowing the lawn
High: talking is difficult, break into a sweat after a few minutes
-running, swimming laps, playing sports (hockey, basketball), high intensity aerobics.


Where do you stand?

Moderate 2 1/2 per week
High- 1hr 15 min per week
check out this site:


Eating and exercising: discuss food for fuel for pre and post workouts.

DEEPENING OF KNOWLEDGE(demonstration, modelling, explanations, directions)

8:45-9:00 Sleep and Rest!
How much sleep do you think you need per day (for your age)?
7-12 ys old need 10-11 hrs of sleep each day.
Sleeping habits smartboard activity-provide explanations for the statements.

Stick to a sleep schedule , even on weekends.

Practice a relaxing bedtime ritual .
Exercise daily.
Evaluate your bedroom to ensure ideal temperature, sound and light.
Sleep on a comfortable mattress and pillows.
Beware of hidden sleep stealers , like alcohol and caffeine.
Turn off electronics before bed.

A good rule of thumb is to eat your last meal two to three hours before bedtime.
If you must eat before bed try a small snack that blends carbohydrates and protein together, such as cereal with a banana,
cheese and crackers, or wheat toast with natural peanut butter. You should also avoid nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol in the
evenings, since those stimulants take hours to wear off.

How can we keep our teeth healthy?
-brush twice a day
-floss each day
-change toothbrush 3-4 times a year (every 3-4 months)
-visit dentist
-eat smart (4 food groups) and drink milk
-avoid surgery candies that stick to teeth
-avoid sugary drinks-pop, juice : carbon and sugar decay the enamel on the teeth which causes
them to decay

CLOSING (connections, summary, reflection)

Demonstrate how students will record their lunches on the handout sheet using labelling,
drawing, etc.
Draw an example on the white board.

This week you will write down in each day what you brought for lunch. You can draw pictures
and label or write down using words. Make sure that you are detailed. If you brought a
sandwich, say what kind. For example (show on white board) I could draw a picture of my
sandwich and then label it saying it had turkey, lettuce, and mustard and it was on white bread.
If it was on a wrap say so. If you had juice, say what kind of juice you had.

Distribute handouts.
Have students get their lunch bags and draw their lunches before they have their snack.

9:15-9:27 snack and announcements

9:27-9:30: students get ready for music
Students will have time during the week to record what they brought for lunch each day
(except they will record their snack on Wednesday).
-column activity-exercise
-Good/Bad habits smart board game for sleep
-I will collect the lunch handout at the end of the week.
I will read aloud the Good and Bad habit statements for students who struggle with reading.
Students may draw pictures, labelling or write what they ate for lunch. Myself and other
students can help those with drawing or labelling if needed. Interactive activities and
teachable moments are intertwined to keep students actively engaged.
NB curriculum p. 138 You and Your World.


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