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3-2-1 Exit Ticket 1. Put the 3 programs in order based on which program will have the greatest benefit for all citizens through which program will have the least benefit for all citizens. eeQcIN TO 1g eGecs +¥e, ewe oe ges e Selo reg ure! 2. What are 2 reasoms why your groups choose the program you choose? "ou need Ft te lve. se we o Neve, A 4 “RN le. od becadSe wee out Feed Ot, 3. What is the 1 thing you learned about yourself and or the decision mene process? ther NOW Kr st howd ey Is Ke ta ghe. Decision Making Matrix Directions: For each criterion, rank each alternative 1-3 (3 being the alternative that best fits that criterion). The highest score at the end will be the program that gets selected into The New Deal. *In case of a tie, select another criteria or use your priority pyramids to defermine the importance of the criteria and apply the weight of each criterion to the rankings of the alternatives and recalculate the results. hpe “Bn Criterion Criterion 3 Total BAL, Nojes Organizer Directions: Take notes on each program that is up for consideration in joining The New Deal. While analyzing the programs, focus on the positive results (+) and the negative results (-} each program would bring to the citizens of our country. Bob the Buliders dob Recruiters Farm to Table ty You ae | t 4 le ed it Mee Oo havo, Lon Cr, park wt IZ Which program would be the most beneficial to citizens, and why? Research for The New Deal Programs e ; e Bob the Builders Mission: To provide as many citizens across the country with a home. Workers are needed to design the homes, build the homes, and find families to move into the homes. ‘Productive resources (such as capital, natural, and human resources) will be provided from the " government to assist in __building the homes. Residents of the home MUST be working citizens that earn apay check every 2 weeks. If citizens are selected, they will receive a new home FOR FREE. Their only requirement is that they will need to pay taxes on the home that wil! help support our local, state, and national government. The citizens of the USA could have a roof over their heads to feel protected! All citizens will have a safe place to raise their family, and provide them with their everyday needs. _ dob Resiuiters ~ a k to (Mission: To help citizens get ¥ Aa job so they canearnan _~ . wo * Workers in this program need to be skilled in understanding what jobs are needed, and which companies are looking to hire individuals. ® Individuals will be set up with ajob that will allow them to make money to provide their families with their basic needs, as well as be able to pay taxes back to the government in order to help our country make money. e This program will provide individuals will classes that ~ will train them in how to do certain jobs. e When citizens have a job, they will be able to assist other citizens by doing jobs that will help the country get back to where we used to be! * Citizens will have a weekly evaluation from their bosses to prove that they are doing a good job with their work. _, Karm.te Table © Mission: To provide citizens with the need of having fres| | \ and healthy food. I , ¢ This program will focus on } giving jobs to farmers, as ‘ well as plots of land they can use to plant and harvest crops ox for food. oe ® This program will help farmers sell their food to grocery stores around the country so the consumers can purchase the food near their homes. e Not only will individuals be provided with food, but their payment of the food will help the farmers continue to work and grow food. « Individuals are able to eat fresh and healthy foods'so they can get their nutrients. e Citizens who purchase this food must pay a service fee to the farmers that will help them stay in business and run their farms smoothly. Priority Pyramid 1. Read all items. 2. Determine considerations to be made in selecting a New Deal program that had the most positive impact on our citizens. . ® Which consideration could you live without a program having? e Which consideration would help a program have most positive impact on making a difference in our country? Should another consideration be added or replace one listed? 3. Rank order based on considerations from most important to least important. 4. Reflect on priorities. 1) *Number of citizens it helps 2) * Daily Expenses 3) *Provides citizens with needs 4) *Earns country money Coy M. ook Lf PPL OY yo LOE 7 Dou ly OX per c fet’s Dut Our Citizens Back to Work’ March 15, 1934. Loyal Citizens of the United States of America The New Deal Selection Council 452 Decision Making Way Washington, D.C. 20004 Dear Loyal Citizens of the United States of America: The New Deal needs your help! We have funding available for one more program to go into The New Deal program. As you know, myself, and the other branches of government, are committed to helping our nation’s citizens get back to work, and help our nation rise out of this terrible Great Depression. The Legislative Branch and | have narrowed down our choices to three programs we feel will put more citizens to work, as well as provide our citizens with the needs they truly need to survive. We are sending over some information on each program that we would like for you to analyze. Please use this provided information to help us make a decision on which program should be implemented into The New Deal. Make sure you are analyzing the reasons of why each program should or should not be selected. Please work with a team to ensure that you have heard many different opinions so we make the right choice. We look forward to working with you and thank you for your hard work. You'll be hearing from me soon. ‘Yours truly, Franklin D. Roosevelt Grankln FE Roosevelt President of the United States of America Executive Branch of Government

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