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Student with Complex Learning Needs - Non-Verbal

Student: John

School: Rocky View Schools

D.O.B.: 10/7/2006

Date: June 1, 2015

Grade: 4

M / F

Team Members - Elementary: Helene (Classroom teacher), Trish (Learning Support teacher),
Rebecca (SSIS - OT), Brenda (SSIS - PT), Laurine (SSIS - SLP), Nicole (Educational Assistant), Sandra
(Educational Assistant), Ekeem (parent)
Team Members - Middle School: Lana (Learning Support teacher), Lynette (Administration),
Rebecca (SSIS - OT), Brenda (SSIS - PT), Laurine (SSIS - SLP), Theresa (Child Development Advisor),
Ekeem (parent)
Background Information:
John moved with his family from Boston, Massachusetts when he was six years old. He was born in
Nigeria. John has three siblings. A younger brother who is in grade 2 attends the same elementary
school. He has a younger sister who is beginning kindergarten in the year 2015-2016. He has an older
brother who is currently attending the middle school, in grade 6. Johns parents are both working.
His mother is a doctor and his father is an engineer. Johns aunt stays at home to care for the
children before and after school.
John has developed his receptive language skills. He is able to follow through on requests and enjoys
completing these tasks. John is currently learning to develop his expressive language skills. He has
complex communication needs and uses a variety of low-tech and mid-tech communication tools.
John is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
sense of humour/likes to tease
aster tasks
excellent memory
enjoys stories and is interested in letters/words
masters routines
enjoys exploring the outdoors
difficulty with self-regulation at times
can respond to sensory overload by becoming very silly
social behaviors
self-care (feeding and toileting)

Environment (Elementary): John is placed in a grade four classroom with his peers. He has a desk
and learning materials in this classroom, however a lot of his instructional time takes place outside
of the classroom. Currently, John engages in life skills programming promoting literacy and numeracy
skills. John requires one-to-one support in all learning environments. With support he is able to
attend PE, Art,and Music for the period of time John is able to manage the sensory demands.
Environment (Middle): John will be transitioning to a middle school where he will be placed in a
grade 5 classroom with his peers. Like his elementary school programming, a lot of his learning will
take place outside of the classroom. Focusing on independence, literacy, numeracy and developing a
communication system that is efficient and manageable for John will be the focus of his programing
as he transitions to the middle school.
Transition Tasks (Elementary): In preparation of John moving from the elementary school to the
middle school, the Learning Support teachers have co-ordinated visits. The middle school learning
support teacher has made several visits where she observed John in his current learning
environment. She observed John complete tasks and routines in the classroom, learning support room
and in various locations about the school. The receiving learning support teacher took photos and
videos of John as he was engaged in his learning routines.
Transition Tasks (Middle):John has made several visits to the middle school in order to assist him
with familiarity with his new learning environment. He brought familiar tasks and activities to
complete in the learning support room and went on walks around his new learning environment. The
middle school learning support teacher interacted with John and worked alongside him as he
completed these activities. Routines around self-care were discussed and the facilities best suited to
meet Johns needs were determined. Throughout the final transition meeting, that took place in the
middle school, the SSIS team booked a time to come out to support John in his transition to the
middle school on his first day. New routines and resources will be identified at this time.
Transition Tools (Elementary): The following tools have been used with success in the elementary
school setting:
ipad - for learning games focusing on numeracy and literacy
tactile rewards - koosch balls, different textured materials
literacy/numeracy tasks with manipulatives
visual schedules,
rocking chair
large exercise balls
scheduled breaks and consistent routines
weighted vest
access to personal interest items: strips of paper and pieces of yarn
regularly scheduled snack times
Transition Tools (Middle): The middle school will ensure all tools that were seen as being a
successful support to John at school, will be utilized in the middle school environment. As well, an
augmentative communication system will be explored and developed with Johns learning team as he
transitions into the middle school.

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