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wall street journal, economist , scientific american, guardian, NY times

archeological sites.
paramount importance
to substantiate
indulge and entice
a yearlong safety and efficacy trial
scientists may have unwittingly sowed the seeds of confusion,
Asubstance, like a person, may have distinct and even contradictory aspects to i
ts personality. Today ethyl alcohol, the drinkable species of alcohol, is a mult
ifaceted entity; it may be social lubricant,
sophisticated dining companion, cardiovascular health benefactor or agent of des
hobnobbed with
Earhart s first attempt to circumnavigate the globe by air ended in abrupt failure

atoll for a search expedition that will investigate a sonar anomaly

. We were astonished to find a similar degree of incomprehension among the senat
ors we met from both parties.
wide-angle perspective they inhabit can be useful in understanding the present
on the eve of Obama s penultimate State of the Union address
As president, he showed that effective governing requires careful deliberation,
discipline, and the willingness to make hard and imperfect decisions
annihilated the entire camps
But it is devilishly difficult to make a machine in which fabric goes in one end
most labour-intensive tasks
cycling can be hugely exhilarating on the way down
your superannuated correspondent's ageing legs can accomplish.
liquidity and resiliency
The Challenge of Restoring Biodiversity's Outer Edge

a field technician serendipitously dropped his sunglasses

demonstrate the level of exasperation

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