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WLS92: User Authentication Configuration for Web

Create Users, Group and Role:
1. Log in to Admin Console
2. Click on Security Realms on the Left Menu

3. On the SecurityRealmRealmTablePage, click on myrealm

It opens the page with Settings for myrealm

4. On this page, click on Users and Groups tab

5. One users page, click on New button to create new users

6. On Create A New User page, fill in the required data and click on OK
<Repeat this step for creating multiple users>

7. After creating Users, click on Group tab on the same page, it will open up
Create a New Group screen.

8. Provide the group name and description and click Ok

Group Name: clientapps
* Can be any name
Description: Group for Client applications using Your Web Service

9. Now create Role, Click on Roles and Policies tab

10. Click on Global + symbol it expand as in tree-hierarchy

11. Click on Roles hyperlink, it opens the Global Roles page

12. On Global Roles page, click on New button

13. On Create a New Role page, fill in the required role name
Provider Name: XACMLRoleMapper
Note: Role name has to be same as written in web.xml & weblogic.xml; else you
would need to do changes in the EAR file

14. Click Ok, it returns back to the Global Roles page with newly created role
Create association between Users and Group and again between
Group and Role:
15. Click on Users and Groups tab or link as part of Navigation bar
16. Go to Users tab

17. Select the user and Click on the <user-name> hyperlink It opens the
Settings of the <user-name> screen

18. On this page, click on the Group tab

19. Select the Group-Name (created in step-7) from the Available list of Groups
20. Move the selected Group-Name to right list (Chosen)

21. Click on Save

<Repeat the steps 15 thru 21 for each user>
22. Come back to myrealm page and Click on Roles and Policies tab
23. Click on Global + symbol it expand as in tree-hierarchy
24. Click on Roles + symbol it expand as in tree-hierarchy

25. Select the Radio Button against the newly created Role, then click on Edit
Role button

26. Click on Add Conditions button. On the this page, choose Group as the
predicate and click on Next

27. On the next page, type the Group name as clientapps and click add

28. Click on Finish

29. On the next page, select the CheckBox against the Group name and Save

Congratulations you have configured the User authentication for your Web

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