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GTC lntern Evaluation


Name Student Teacher: Melissa Gilman

School District: Northview Public


Semesterffear: FallMinter

201 3.201

School Building: North Oakview Elementarv City: Grand


State: Ml

Provide a summary description of the student teacher's performance related to the INTASC Standards: l: Learner Development; 2:
Learning Differences; 3: Learning Environments; 4: Gontent Knowledge; 5: Application of Gontent; 6: Assessment; 7: Planning for
lnstruction; 8: lnstructional Strategies; 9: Professional Learning and Ethica! Practice; {0: Leadership & Collaboration.

Melisso Gilmon did qn outstqnding job os o student intern in my kindergorten clossroom during the
f all/winter semesters of 2013 -20!4. Her hord work in eff ective plonning ond preporotion were evident.
Melisso showed thorough knowledge of the concepts ond informotion tought. She tought lessons thot
integroted oll of the disciplines; oddressed student needs, interests, ond prior knowledge; ond met
district ond Common Core Stondords for the kindergort en grade.
Melisso used mony eff ective strotegies qnd skills for clossroom mqnogement qnd for the mointoining of o
sofe ond orderly leorning environment. She hos done o good job of teoching ond modeling oppropriote
behoviors, ond hos leorned to mointoin qnd orderly clossroom by consistent use of positive monogement
technigues thot teoch self monogement ond self-respect. She projects o coring ottitude ond is guick to
oddress the needs ol the students. She plons ond helps students to implement smooth tronsitions in
order to moximize time on tosk. Melisso successf ully monoged student behovior in unstructured, whole
clqss, smoll group, ond individuol situotions.
Melisso communicated cleorly ond occurotely when speoking ond writing in classroom situotions. She used
reseorch-bosed guestioning, os well os stimuloting criticol creative thinking inlargeond small group
instruction. She engoged students in leorning, using methods ond providing octivities to chollenge vorious
intelligences ond leorning styles. She provid ed f or octive porticipotion in cooperotive qnd individuol
octivities ond was oble to moke lessons lively, interesting, ond motivqtionol, using simulqtions, cooperotive
leorning, honds on octivities, etc. She cleorly stoted expectotions ond provided prompt f eedback f or
octivities, projects, ond performonces. Melissq showed herself to be organized,yet odoptoble qnd
flexible, modifying instruction bosed on diognostic evoluotion of students ond student interest.
Melisso continuolly evoluoted herself personolly ond professionolly ond seeks to leorn ond grow
professionolly. She mointoins enthusiosm for teoching ond deols oppropriotely with stressful situotions.
She did well with plons, ottendonc e, and records. Melisso did o good job communicoting with porents.
Melisso behqved in on ethico! ond responsible woy ond followed school ond district policies. She relqted
very well to everyone with whom she worked. She hos been an excellent role model for students, showing
punctuolity, dependobility, honesty , integrity, hord work, initiotive, o sense of humor, ond o toctful
opprooch to others. ft hos been a pleosure working with Melisso, ond she hos demonstroted thqt she will
be on outstonding beginning teocher.

This condidote hos successful

lientor Teocher:
ttAentor Teocher:

completed student teoching: X

yes _


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