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21 Jump Street

1) This is the
location at a
this creates
expectations in
mind as they
be serious and formal environment. The mise-en-scene
help to emphasise the police environment.

shot which
helps set the
police academy,
the audiences
would expect it to
of the police cars

2) These midshots contrast the

previous shot as neither of them are serious, they are exaggerated and
humorous. The mise-en-scene of the high-school students, the lockers,
braces and backpack all help to create a stereotypical high-school
environment. There is also a strong play on the American stereotypes of
nerds and jocks and this is shown in the top shot of the character
appearing nerdy and looking awkward with braces and a silver chain
and then the jock appearing masculine and cool in his jacket and long
hair. The bottom shot is designed to be humorous as the nerd is being

beaten up in an over-exaggerated, over the top way. Hence, the

stereotypes are exaggerated for a comedic purpose.

3) This close-up shot of the characters fist-bumping is a sign of

friendship, this is a significant shot in the sequence as it contrasts the
previous shot as the two characters are now friends. The use of the colour
dark blue connotes authority and unity which are both relevant as they
are police offers and have now become friends and hence are unite for the
same cause. The mise-en-scene of the shot, through the tests and the
uniforms are relevant to the fact that this is taking place inside the police

4) The wide-shot of the police force signifies how vast and significant as
well as authoritative these people now are. Again, the use of dark blue
connotes authority and unity, which is portrayed as they are all stood
together. It also connotes confidence and power, which is required in order
to be a part of the police force. The stage-area is brightly lit and hence,
this displays how they are shown in a positive light and pillars of society.
This show contrasts the diegetic sound in which one of the lead characters
says: Are you ready for a lifetime of being badass mother-fuckers? This
contrasts the authoritative uniform and respect which is expected, it is
typical nevertheless to the genre as it is comedic to go against the
expectation and rebel from society.

5) This
wide-shot contrasts the
epic and authoritative previous shot as they are made to look pathetic and
laughable as they do not look serious and respectable as the police
should. This correlates to the genre as it creates humour through the fact
that the characters are miserable. The mise-en-scene displays that this is
clearly a park which again adds to the humour as they are on park
patrol yet they are meant to be respectful and pillars of society.

6) This mid-shot of the street sign acts as another establishing shot as

there is a change of location. This also fulfils genre conventions as there is
a sense of dramatic irony as the audience would know as this is the title of
the movie adding a subtle element of humour. The fact that the characters
are dressed in uniform again correlates to their profession but his is
humorous as they are never found to be doing anything serious. The miseen-scene of the gate being rusty and old shows that they are doing
something off-the-record. Similarly, the fact that one of the characters is
wearing sunglasses emphasises his lack of professionalism and lack of
concern towards his job, again employing a sense of humour. This
foreshadows the upcoming shot.

7) This
close-up of the
character entering the Evidence lockup relates to the previous shot as
they are not following the rules of their profession. There is a large sense
of humour as there is a contradiction as they are breaking rules stated
within the diegetic speech: dont give nobody no drugs.. The fact that
the characters are dressed in casual clothing suggests that they have a
sense of carefree recklessness to them and therefore they are breaking
from the expectations.

8) This close-up of one of the police-offers taking drugs again provides a

contradiction for the expectation of a police officer. This creates a comedic
edge as there is a large sense of irony as this is precisely what they should
not be doing. Again, the casual dress code shows that they are trying to
act younger than they are There is a sense of irony as they are supposed
to be attempting to stop drugs being distributed yet they are taking it
themselves. The dark lighting suggests that they are hidden away, which
would be expected if they are taking drugs.

9) This wide-shot of the characters dressed in stereotypical formal prom

attire, this plays on the humour of stereotypes of the film genre as it is
often over-exaggerated, particularly with the intentional use of the doves
flying into the camera and the entourage. The colour white connotes
youth, which they are essentially acting as being. This alongside, the nondiegetic music which is fast-paced suggest action and a build-up to large

10) The final wide-shot displays one of the characters on the floor which
plays on the stereotype that they larger character is typically always the
clumsier one aspiring to be cool. The fact that the character is laying on
the floor correlates to the genre of the movie as it is an action comedythis scene almost implies exhaustion. This contrasts his friend with
sunglasses as he appears youthful and more masculine as well as cool.

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