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Divide by Two

By Francisco Arcellana
Belle and his husband (the speaker), saw their neighbor setting down a line of adobe blocks across the lawn between
their cottages. She told her husband that the neighbors wife does not like her and asks her husband to do something
about it; however, her husband doesnt want to do anything about her complaints.
The couple had a small fight. Belle thinks that the neighbors wife does not like her because of the neighbors
husband being friendly to her, but Belles husband points out that no wife would be happy if other people, especially
Belle who is married, get so close to their husband.
Belle noticed and told her husband that the division of their lawn was not equal and the neighbors halve is larger than
theirs. Belle persuaded her husband to write a letter to the neighbors since they do not know them well enough, to
inform them of being not so neighborly. Belles husband then pulls out his portable typewriter to write the letter and
send it to their neighbors.
Their neighbors received the letter, the neighbors husband responses and walked down to Belles house, he told
Belles husband, who Divide by Two
By Francisco Arcellana
Belle and his husband (the speaker), saw their neighbor setting down a line of adobe blocks across the lawn between
their cottages. She told her husband that the neighbors wife does not like her and asks her husband to do something
about it; however, her husband doesnt want to do anything about her complaints.
The couple had a small fight. Belle thinks that the neighbors wife does not like her because of the neighbors
husband being friendly to her, but Belles husband points out that no wife would be happy if other people, especially
Belle who is married, get so close to their husband.
Belle noticed and told her husband that the...

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