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Name_______________________________________________________________ Period __________

AP World History, Chapter 7, Reading Study Guide #1 Pg. 146-158

(Timeline Pg. 148)
4. What were the years of the Umayyad caliphate? __________
5. When did the Abbasids take control? __________
6. When did the Baghdad Caliphs become puppet rulers? __________
7. When was the first Christian Crusade in Palestine? __________
8. What was Abbasid caliph al-Madhi (775-785) known for? 147
9. Describe European contacts with the Abbasids during the reign of Harun al-Rashid.
10. What classic Islamic literature is identified with Haruns reign?
11. What was the outcome and impacts of the civil war that took place after Haruns death?
12. List some of the issues plaguing the stability of the Abbasid Empire at this time.
13. What were the twin emblems of the increasing subjugation of women?
14. Why did the status and freedom of women (especially wealthy & middle class) decline at this time?
15. How did the Persian Buyids and later the Seljuk Turks take control then indirectly rule the empire?
16. What were the Seljuk Turks able to accomplish in the empire?
17. How did the Turks (of modern-day Turkey) gain that territory?
18. What happened to the inhabitants for Jerusalem when the European Crusaders took over?
19. How many crusades did the Europeans send against the Holy Land?
20. What was Saladin able to accomplish? When did he die? When did the Europeans finally leave?
21. What were some of the products, ideas, science & technology gained by Christian Europe as a result of the Crusades and other
non-warfare contact w/ the Islamic world?
22. Why does Stearns assert that this cultural exchange was mostly a one-way process? Which way?
(Read Document: Ibn Khaldun on the Rise & Decline of Empires. Pg. 152)
23. Describe what the document says about Nomadic and Urban dwellers?
24. What forces undermine dynasties in later generations?
25. Describe some of the items traded within & exported from the Islamic World.
26. Who/what were the important writers/works of the Persian literary tradition? Pg. 154
27. Name two Muslim accomplishments in chemistry.
28. What technologies did Muslim traders introduce to Europe?

29. What did Muslim scholar al-Ghazali seek to do?

30. Who were the Sufis and how do they figure in this era of Muslim history?
31. Who were the Mongols? Who was their great war commander?
32. When did the Mongols assault Baghdad & put the last Abbasid caliph to death?
33. Where were the Mongols stopped? By what group?
32. Which two cities supplanted Baghdad after its fall to the Mongols and further fall after Tamerlane?

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