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Sohal 1

Anupamdeep K Sohal
History 134
June 4, 2015
Professor Kimberly Lark
Cornelia Gracchus
Hello, my name is Cornelia Gracchus and I was born in the 185 BCE. I am the daughter
of Publius Cornelius Scipio Africans Major. I was born in (190-100 BC). I am married to
someone who was an enemy of my fathers, which is why he didnt improve of us. My husbands
name is Tiberius, he was 25 years older than me, but I still loved him. We had twelve children
together which was unusual in Roman standards, sadly only three of my kids survived and began
there adulthood. My husband and I loved and cared for each other. I could never have lived
without my husband because he and I were each others souls. Sadly my husband died and left
me with a broken heart
After the death of my husband in 154 BCE, I was responsible of everything. I had to take
care of the household and my children also their education. My kids didnt have a father on their
heads, it was only I who had to take care of the kids and become their mother and father. I had
worked very hard for my household and my kids every day, to make sure they had a great
education in all Roman. I was living in my own rights, King Ptolemy had asked me to marry
him, and wanted to give his crown to me. I refused with no regrets, I didnt want to marry again,
I was happy with my widow life. My aim and goal was to give my children the best education.

Sohal 1

My three children who survived were Tiberius, Caius, and Sempronia. My three children
made me very proud with their education. They were the first among the Roman, with the high
education. I had thought my kids about Civic duty, and to continuing their education more and
more. I had exercised political influence. My son Caius proposed two laws with the help of his
great education. The first law was thereby rendered incapable of bearing any office afterwards.
The second law was withdrawn by my son.
I sadly lost my two sons. I was divested because they kept me going throughout my life.
They were slanted in a holy place. That was the saddest day of my life. My proud sons had left
their mother. My friends and strangers came to pay their respect at my home.
My children are my jewels.

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