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Name: _________________________

Integration of Technology in the Classroom

1. Approximately how long have you been teaching?
a. 1-3 years
b. 4-7 years
c. 8-10 years
d. More than 10 years
2. The job classification that most closely matches your position:
a. Classroom teacher
b. Program and Project Support Facilitator (PPSF)
c. Program facilitator
d. Support staff (i.e., social worker, special education teacher, Speech
e. Other
3. The grade level that mostly matches my position:
a. Prekindergarten
b. Primary
c. Intermediate
d. Middle school
e. High school
4. Choose the statement that best describes the level of your technology skills:
a. I do not consider myself a technology user. I get someone else to do
technology-based task for me.
b. I consider myself a novice user. I accomplish assigned tasks, but I am
more efficient when I dont use technology to do a job.
c. I consider myself about average. I have enough skills to complete the
management and communication tasks expected of me and occasionally
will choose to use technology to accomplish something I choose.
d. My skill are very good. I use a variety of technology tools and I use them
efficiently for all aspects of my job.
e. I am a technology leader. I use technology efficiently, effectively, and in
creative ways to accomplish my job. I often teach others to use
technology resources.

Created by: Kamilah Ruddock -2015

5. What electronic devices do you use at home?

a. iPad, iPad mini, iPod
b. cell phone
c. other type of tablet
d. Mac computer
e. Laptop or PC
6. Please identify which of the following educational technologies/tools you currently
use in your classroom and in your teaching. Mark all that apply:
a. Laptops
b. iPad
c. desktop computers
d. Smart board
e. Internet resources
f. Video conferencing (i.e., Skype or Mystery Skype)
g. Video streaming (Discovery, Learn 360, YouTube, etc)
h. Audio/video production/editing (iMovie, Movie/Maker)
i. Digital cameras, camcorders, scanner, microphone, etc.
j. Other (please list other technologies):
7. Which of the follow technology tools do you want more training?
a. Laptops
b. iPad
c. Desktop computers
d. Smart board
e. Internet resources
f. Video conferencing (i.e., Skype or Mystery Skype)
g. Video streaming (Discovery, Learn 360, YouTube, etc)
h. Audio/video production/editing (iMovie, Movie/Maker)
i. Digital cameras, camcorders, scanner, microphone, etc.
j. Other (please list other technologies):
8. How often do you integrate student centered technology into your classroom
a. Daily
b. 1-2 times per week
c. 3 or more times per week
d. 1-2 times per month
e. Never

9. What best describes your current practice of using technology in instruction?

Choose one of the following:

Created by: Kamilah Ruddock -2015

a. I seldom use technology to deliver instruction.

b. I almost exclusively use whole group presentation style either using an
interactive white board, Power Point or other instructional software to
explain or demonstrate concepts or instructions.
c. I often use whole group presentation style, but sometimes facilitate
students in their use of a variety of information resources and hands-on
d. I almost exclusively facilitate student learning by encouraging students to
use information resources and hands-on activities.
10. How often do you use computer technology resources to collect data and monitor
your students progress?
a. Daily
b. 1-3 times per marking
c. 4 or more times per semester
d. Never
11. Is the technology in your classroom meeting your needs?
a. Technology is not adequately available for all students
b. Technology is no adequately available for the teacher
c. I am happy with the technology in place.
12. If the technology is not meeting you or your students needs, please explain:

13. What barriers have you encountered using technology in the classroom?

Inadequate training time in technology

Not enough devices for classroom size
Devices not properly working
I dont know how to utilize all devices.
Other (please specify):

14. How do you feel about using technology as a teaching/ learning tool?
a. Technology is essential to success in my classes.
b. Technology can be a useful tool I can encourage students to use it.
c. Technology is optional in my class.
d. I have no use for technology in my classes.
e. Other:
Created by: Kamilah Ruddock -2015

15. At what level do you integrate online learning in your classes?

a. I do not integrate online learning activities
b. Some class activities are completely online (student discussion forums,
surveys, assessments, etc) but I meet with student every day.
c. My class is a mixture of face to face and online learning. Students dont
meet face to face every day.
d. All classwork is completed online with no face to face instruction (fully

16. What additional technologies should Capital Preparatory Magnet school consider
implementing into instruction?

17. Describe how you use digital tools and resources to customize and personalize
activities to address students diverse learning styles, working strategies, and

18. What additional information do you think might be relevant to describing the use
of instructional technology in your classroom?

Created by: Kamilah Ruddock -2015

The purpose of this survey is to assess if and how teachers use technology in the
classroom. The questions on this survey will also assess the various ways teachers
integrate technology in their classroom. After the survey has been completed by all staff
in the school, the data will be disaggregated and analyzed based on the goal of the
survey. Below is a breakdown of how the data will be analyzed:
Question #1- This question will assess if the number of years teaching correlates to
how technology is integrated in the class.
Question #2- This question will identify which teachers and staff members use
technology when working with students.
Question #3- This question assesses the grade level that uses technology in the
classroom the most and which level of teachers might need more professional
development with using technology in the classroom. It will also assess how each
grade level of teachers use technology.
Question #4: Depending on how teachers respond to the question will help to identify
who are the skilled personnel with using technology and who needs the most support.
For example, if teachers select choice a or choice b, then these teachers will be
identified as teachers who need support with integrating technology. Teachers who
select choice c or choice d, will be identified as the skilled personnel and can be used to
lead professional development.
Question #5- This question is used to see what types of technology tools staff uses
outside of the school setting.
Question #6- This question is asked to see which tools teachers integrate in their
lessons and if they could train other teachers to use these tools.
Question # 7- By asking this question, this will help to identify the teachers needs for
professional development. The teachers who use these technology tools in their class
could lead professional development for teachers who want to learn to use these tools.
Question #8: This question will assess if the teachers are integrating technology
enough in their classroom.
Question #9: This question assesses how teachers use technology in the classroom to
deliver instruction.
Question #10: This question assess if the teachers use data from computer technology
(i.e. Power School, NWEA MAP, iReady) to monitor student progress and adjust
Question #12 and 13: This allows teachers to share their thoughts and opinions about
the types of systems that need to be put in place to support their instruction.

Created by: Kamilah Ruddock -2015

Question #14: This question will give administration and the leadership team
understand teachers feelings regarding using technology in the classroom. By getting
an idea of how teachers feel about using technology in the classroom will help to
explain why they may or may not use it as part of their instruction.
Question #16: This question give teachers the chance to share other educational
technology tools that they might have used in the past that would benefit the school as
well as the students with their learning.
Question 17: The question will assess if and how the staff is using technology to
differentiate instruction.
The responses to the survey will be used to plan professional development for the
teachers. These professional developments will be tailored to the teachers needs and
will focus on integrating technology in classroom instruction. These professional
developments will also align to the ISTE standards for teachers. The topics for the
professional developments include how to design or adapt learning experiences that
incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity
(standard 2a), engage students in exploring real world issues and solving authentic
problems using digital tools and resources (standard 1b), and how to address the
diverse needs of all learners using learner-centered strategies providing equitable
access to appropriate digital tools and resources (standard 4b). There will also be other
professional development topics such as how to use the features for the SMART board
to enhance classroom lessons or how to use apps such as Scratch Jr. on the iPad to
enhance lessons.
The data from the survey will be shared with the teachers during a staff meeting. It will
be disaggregated by grade level, job classification and years of teaching experience.
Teachers will get to choose the professional development that best suits their needs.
These professional developments will be led by teachers who believe they are experts
on a specific technology, administrators, support staff (i.e., special education teachers,
speech pathologists, social workers, instructional coach) and personal from the district
information technology department. Teachers will be able to choose their professional
development based on where they need the most support.
Before starting their professional development, each teacher will set goals focused on
how they will implement technology in the classroom based on the topic of their
professional development. Setting goals will help to keep them focused during the
professional development, give them ownership of their learning, and help them to
measure their growth as they step towards continuous improvement of their practice.
The teachers will also be asked to demonstrate mastery of the concept that they
learned after the professional development as well as their goal related to the concept.
This will ensure that they learned something and that they met the goal that they set.
Finally the time for these professional developments will take place during our Friday
staff meeting time. Teachers will not always have the time during their prep time or after
work to complete professional developments especially if they have to watch a video.
Created by: Kamilah Ruddock -2015

Therefore giving teachers the time during the Friday staff meeting time will ensure that
teachers have enough time complete the professional development and work toward
meeting their goals.

Created by: Kamilah Ruddock -2015

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