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Centrul istoric al

municipiului Cluj-Napoca

Ministerul Dezvoltrii Regionale i

Autoritatea de Management pentru
Programul Operaional Regional
Strada Apolodor, nr. 17, sector 5,
Telefon: 0372 111 409

Direcia Gestionare Fonduri

Comunitare pentru Turism
Organismul Intermediar pentru
Bd. Dinicu Golescu, nr.38,
sector 1, Bucureti
Telefon: 0372 144 000
Fax: 0372 144 001

Investim in viitorul tu!

Proiect selectat n cadrul Programului Operaional Regional i
co-finanat de Uniunea European prin Fondul European pentru
Dezvoltare Regional.
Primria municipiului Cluj-Napoca, Noiembrie 2011
Coninutul acestui material nu reprezint n mod obligatoriu
poziia oficial a Uniunii Europene sau a Guvernului Romniei.

Copyright Primria municipiului Cluj-Napoca 2011

Harta oraului roman Napoca a fost reconstituit n
urma spturilor arheologice sistematice efectuate n
ultimele dou decenii, dar i a descoperirilor accidentale.
Incinta oraului roman era mrginit la vest de Prul
iganilor, latura vestic fiind n proximitatea actualelor
strzi Emil Isac i
Samuel Micu. Canalul
Morii constituia anul
de aprare al aezrii
n partea nordic, zidul
fiind descoperit n
Parcul I.L. Caragiale.
Grania de Sud era
delimitat de linia
strzilor Eoilor i
Napoca, iar cea de est
era n zona strzilor
Bolyai Janos i David
Francisc. Forumul era
undeva n zona Bisericii
Sf. Mihail. Podul peste
Samus (Some) era n
proximitatea actualului
Pod Horea. Incinta
avea forma unui ptrat
aproape perfect, cu
latura de aproximativ
500 de m (aprox. 30 ha).
Harta oraului roman Napoca

The map of the Roman city of Napoca was

reconstructed following the systematic archaeological
excavations that have been carried out in the last decades,
but also incidental discoveries.
The Roman city was bordered to the west by the Gypsy
Creek, in the proximity of
the current streets of Emil
Isac and Samuel Micu. The
Mill Canal represented
the northern moat of the
settlement, part of its
wall being discovered in
I.L. Caragiale Park. The
southern border was
delimitated by Eroilor
and Napoca streets and
the eastern border was
delineated by the Bolyai
Janos and David Francisc
streets. The forum was
located somewhere in the
area of Saint Michaels
Church. The Samvm
Bridge (Somes Bridge) was
situated near the current
Horea Bridge. The premises
was shaped as an almost
perfect square with the side
of approximately 500 m
The map of the Napoca roman city
(about 30 ha).

Situri arheologice:

Roman archaeological sites in Cluj

Edificiile romane descoperite pe str. Victor Deleu, lng

Parcul I.L. Caragiale
- una dintre casele cercetate arheologic era dotat cu
instalaie de nclzire bazat pe hypocaustum (nclzire prin
- au mai fost gsite fragmente arhitectonice sculptate, unele
n marmur;
- descoperirea unui tezaur de 1268 denari de argint;
- toate acestea sunt dovezi ale unei viei urbane elevate n
Napoca roman i ale unui ridicat nivel de trai.

The Roman edifices uncovered on Victor Deleu Street, near

I.L.Caragiale Park
- one of the houses that were archaeologically examined was
equipped with hypocaustum heating (under floor heating)
- there have also been found carved architectural fragments,
some in marble
- a thesaurus of 1.268 silver dinars was discovered in this location
- all these findings hold an evidence of a high standard of living

Situl arheologic permanent din P-a Unirii

- dou cldiri publice, aflate n zona central a oraului roman;
- curte interioar pavat cu piatr, nconjurat de un portic;
- n centrul curii interioare se afl o fntn;
- locaie special amenajat prin iluminare ambiental,
ventilaie, protejat cu ajutorul unui acoperi de sticl, de
82 m ptrai
Vestigiile arheologice aflate n centrul comercial de pe
str. Regele Ferdinand
- Forumul Napocens, conform planului ubanistic roman,
era intersectat n unghi drept de dou drumuri principale:
decumanus maximus (E-V) i ordo maximus (N-S); aceste
drumuri principale erau intersectate de cardines i decumani;
- o seciune dintr-o strad secundar (decumanus) i
canalizarea adiacent acesteia pot fi vzute n interiorul
complexului comercial, fiind protejate cu sticl.

The archaeological site of Unirii Square

- two public buildings located in the central area of the Roman
- a stone paved interior courtyard surrounded by a porch
- in the centre of the inner courtyard can be found the remains of
a fountain
- the site is provided with ventilation and secured by a 82 square
meters glass roof
The archaeological vestiges found underneath the commercial
complex located on Regele Ferdinand Street
- according to the Roman urban plan, the Napoca forum was cut
at a right angle by two major roads: decumanus maximus (E-V)
and ordo maximus (N-S); these main roads were intersected by
cardines and decumani.
- a section of a secondary street (decumanus) and its adjacent
sewerage can be seen in the commercial complex secured by a
glass roof.

Columna lui Traian

Primria municipiului Cluj-Napoca

Strada Moilor, nr. 3, Cluj-Napoca
Telefon: 0264 452 244
Fax: 0264 450 090

Roman Napoca
Cluj-Napoca 2020
Capital Cultural European - ora candidat
Cluj-Napoca 2020, European Capital of Culture
Candidate city

Simulare lupte
Terra Dacica Aeterna

Urbe multicultural, Clujul relev o diversitate

unic n Europa Rsritean, n privina
numeroaselor civilizaii i culturi care au subscris
la condica milenar a oraului. Rnd pe rnd, daci,
celi, romani, slavi, maghiari, sai, secui, turci i
austrieci s-au intersectat cu ceea ce astzi numim
naiunea, limba i cultura romn.
Known as a multicultural city, Cluj reveals
an unique diversity throughout Eastern Europe
regarding the presence of numerous cultures and
civilizations that have been registered in the citys
millenary ledger. One by one, Dacians, Celts, Romans,
Slavs, Hungarians, Transylvanian Saxons, Szkelys,
Turks and Austrians crossed paths with what we call
today the Romanian nation, language and culture.

Dacii i romanii
Urmare a trei campanii de cucerire ntreprinse
n decursul a dou decenii de mpraii romani,
Domiian i Traian, n 106 d.Hr., Regatul Daciei
este cucerit i transformat, doar o parte din acesta,
n provincie roman.
The Dacians and the Romans
As a result of three conquering campaigns carried
out for over two decades by the Roman emperors
Domitian and Trajan, in 106 the Kingdom of Dacia is
conquered and partly turned into a Roman province.

Ruine romane din parcul I.L Caragiale

Piaa Unirii

Born roman

Ruine romane din Piaa Unirii

Napoca roman - scurt istoric

Amprente ale existenei umane pe teritoriul
actual al Clujului exist nc din preistorie.
Localitatea i face ns intrarea in istorie odat
cu menionarea localitii dacice Napuca, de ctre
geograful grec Claudius Ptolemeu.
Cucerirea roman din 105-106 a fcut ca
vechea aezare s dispar, iar noua localitate
s fie construit dup riguroasele norme
arhitecturale romane. Toponimia locului s-a
pstrat, existnd doar o insignifiant schimbare
fonetic, astfel c Napuca dacic a devenit Napoca

Treptat, Napoca a nflorit, iar mpratul Hadrian

a ridicat aezarea la rang de municipium, n 124,
cu denumirea Municipium Aelium Hadrianum
Napoca. Mai trziu, sub Marcus Aurelius (161 - 180),
localitatea a primit titlul urban superior de colonie,
prelund denumirea Colonia Aurelia Napoca.

The Roman Napoca - Historic references

Proof of human existence on the current territory
of Cluj dates from as early as the prehistoric era.
However, the settlement makes an entrance in history
along with the recorded mention of the Dacian
settlement Napuca, made by Greek geographer
Claudius Ptolemy.
The 105-106 Roman conquest has led to the
disappearance of the settlement and the new locality
was to be built complying to the rigorous Roman
architectural standards.
The name of the location was maintained with an
insignificant phonetic shift, so that Dacian Napuca
became Roman Napoca.

Aezarea urban elevat, cosmopolit, de factur

occidental (puine influene orientale au fost
gsite n timpul cercetrilor) i care a adoptat rapid
religia romanilor (ntr-o pondere covritoare zeii
romani predomin panteonul napocens). Important
centru de producie, Napoca se afla ntr-o zon
geostrategic important, pe drumul ce lega castrul
legionar de la Potaissa de Porolissum.

Dreptul italic (ius italicum), dobndit de Napoca

n timpul lui Septimius Severus (193 211),
a reprezentat pentru localitate un important
beneficiu, ntruct doar cele mai elevate dintre
oraele Imperiului Roman obineau aceast

Astzi, fosta capital a Daciei Porolissensis este

capitala istoric a Transilvaniei.

Gradually, Napoca had flourished, and in 124

emperor Hadrian (161-180) granted the title and rank of
municipium to the Roman settlement. Later, during the
reign of Marcus Aurelius, the city gained the higher status
of colonia, taking the name of Colonia Aurelia Napoca.
The Italic Right (ius italicum), aquired during the reign
of Septimius Severus (193 211), constituted a major
advantage, since only the most important cities of The
Roman Empire were awarded with this dignity.
The lofty, cosmopolitan, majorly
influenced by the Western style colonia
(few Oriental influences were found during
the researches) quickly adopted
Roman religion (the Napoca
pantheon is predominated by
Roman deities in an overwhelming
Major manufacturing centre, Napoca
was situated in a significant geostrategic area, on the road that linked
the legionary castrum of Potaissa to
Today, the former capital of Dacia
Porolissensis is the historic capital of

Lupa Capitolina
Statuia Lupa Capitolina a fost druit de
municipalitatea din Roma n 1921, cu menirea de
a evidenia trecutul comun al celor dou naiuni:
romn i italian. Copie fidel a Lupoaicei, cu
Romulus i Remus, de pe Capitoliu, grupul statuar
din Cluj a fost inaugurat la 18 septembrie 1921.
Simbol al latinitii romnilor, statuia este
amplasat pe Bulevardul Eroilor, vizavi de
Catedrala Greco Catolic Schimbarea la Fa.
Soclul statuii a fost decorat cu un basorelief
al mpratului Traian. Tot aici, regsim inscripia
(Pentru oraul Cluj, de la oraul mam, Roma, 1921).
Lupa Capitolina
The sculpture of Lupa Capitolina (The Capitoline
Wolf) was a gift from the municipality of Rome in
1921, with the purpose of emphasizing the shared
historic background of the two nations: Romanian and
Italian. An accurate copy of the Capitoline Wolf, with
Romulus and Remus, the statuary group was unveiled
on the 18th of September 1921.
A symbol of the Latinity of Romanians, it is
currently situated on Eroilor Boulevard, opposite to
the Greek Catholic Cathedral Schimbarea la Fa
(The Transfiguration Cathedral).
The pedestal of the statue is decorated with a basrelief of Emperor Trajan. The following inscription can
(For the city of Cluj, from the Roman mother city, 1921).

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