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DEFORESTATION FACTS FOR KIDS What do paper, cinnamon, Jumber,-and-maple syrup-all-have-in-common? They all . a come from trees. A large area of land covered with trees is called a forest. Everything that lives in a forest make up its ecosystem (environment). When forests are cut down it is called deforestation. FORESTS ARE IMPORTANT Forests are very important to all life on planet arth, Forests provide homes to tnillions of animals, such as birds, insects, wild animals and reptiles, Forests provide resources to help us live on earth, Wood fr furniture and provide-fuel, (habitat) in forests. © Forests are healthy for the environment. 2 _They soak up lots of rain floor Fo make groundwater and help avoid erosion, away. The plants ina forest give off oxygen, and our air clean and healthy. ° Forests contribute to the overall climate of the earth, ° Forests have a natural beauty and peace that ke them quite enjoyable. How many forests are on the earth? Before people began to cut down forests to build cities and create farmland, forests covered about 60 percent of the earth. —— lotof trees, plants and animals, Over half the earth was covered with—— tet oe . Some say that today there is only about one-fifth of the-original forests"; wd fores| remaining, Forests are being destroyed at a dangerous rate.and it tHteatsng all life onjearth, CONCERNS FOR FORESTS Many people are concerned about there being less forests today. They have reason to be concerned. When forests are cleared or cut down it is called deforestation. People remove forests for different reasons, There are.overZbillion people-on-the.. ‘th today, Tn order to make more room in cities f le to live they cl earth today, Tn order to make more room in cities for people to lve they clear Industrial pollen 1 damages plant growth in forests through acid rain, chemicals, and wastes in lakes and StFeanis.t Eventually the trees, plants and animals die: Less forest plants means less.oxygen-and-more-carban dioxide in the air. This imbalance threatens the very air we breathe. © More heat fromthe suit is trapped on the surface of the earth,-rather than ~ being reflected-bacleinto:space;-This-causes‘less*rainfall-and.more. drought. The.garth is experiencing deforestation. 70 percent-of-earth's-animals-and plants livé in forests. With deforestation, smany animals and plants no longer exist (WHICH 1S called being extinct) or’ threaten-to-become.extinct as their habitats are destroyed, ee THERE IS A SOLUTION With education, people can be taught the value of forests and the importance of caring for them and all life on planet earth, Being educated means to gather all the facts before making a decision. We hope that the facts we have given you will help you know how to make the right decision and be responsible for caring for the earth. CPS Step ti Fact Finding List all of the important details and facts that you can from the “mess”. Create a “dime” summary (ten words total) to explain the main idea of the article above. 2107 Lele LAISEIC cf, CPS Step 2: Problem Finding Brainstorm the many, varied, and unusual problems that result from the mess. oLeleseetO? pats plo& and quis epefd(sestOn ¥S. used- 4m cut fees 3 so we ger less Oxygen. Soar u Demin WES (nigaar wn aay Doers Weir or" “= } preope, plans, are Opunyls get harmed Create a problem statement champ, celecesion +e rot taco) ihe Each? — — - CPS Step 3: Idea Finding Brainstorm the many, varied, and unusual possible solutions to the problem. How might "hae eben ‘ Cite ah eS : - Wl) pope bot Ot, dwn res p Pox 0? Sigil Ried “ont de folate Vee work oUSe ole. por® of ~ the By omake a ney! Sty and “LEAVE THE “ALONE \ CPS Step 4: Solution Finding Ee Wes he] Doesnt ] fox Pa least ann oyae” CaS | Solutions’ | Or ViCD/M! of ldesttoying SI? Keriteria ‘Poll lobion my Ye ~ aacter abso 6 Tie ‘bess Calis milo a : Ta new tow | | Pore Sgn PA ne MARE. Ly \-49 10 @) le CPS Step 5: Acceptance Finding Develop an action pian for implementing nH olution. Be sure to include ho should be involved The 0 peste rg, Wve eparerp# imehge | matty way to Svaluate the success or CH Fann DB 6 a" ar QI al = PN In regards to the Deforestation conflict... ve) Something I learned that SQUARES with my beliefs... SHAPELY DEBRIEF A question going AROUND

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