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The world oldest (still inhabited)

Cele mai vechi orae din lume (nc locuite)...


There are more cities competing for the title, though it seems that it is Damascus who wins.
Syrias capital, has been continuously inhabited since the tenth millennium BC. According to
recent archaeological excavations; it would be the oldest city in the world. It is mentioned in
the Bible and was the prestigious Umayyad capital.
Exist mai multe orae care concureaz pentru acest titlu, dei se pare c acesta este Damasc. Capitala Siriei,
a fost locuit continuu din mileniul al zecelea .Hr.. n funcie de spturile arheologice recente; ar fi cel mai
vechi ora din lume. Acesta este menionat n Biblie i a fost un ora de prestigiu, capitala Umayyad. Click

The city of Byblos, founded 5000 BC it was inhabited continuously until today but now it is
called Jbeil. It traces back 5000 BC to a Neolithic fishing village. Byblos today is characterized
an ancient
port..Hr. a fost locuit continuu, pn n ziua de azi, dar acum se nume te Jbeil.
Byblos, fondat
n 5000
Acesta n urm cu 5000 .Hr. A fost un sat neolitic de pescari. Byblos astzi este caracterizat ca un port
vechi de pescuit.

Athens is one of the oldest cities in Europe, it was founded between the 11th and 7th
millennium BC and have been continuously inhabited for nearly 7,000 years!
Athena este unul dintre cele mai vechi orae din Europa, a fost fondat ntre mileniile 11 i al 7-lea .Hr. i a
fost locuit continuu de aproape 7.000 de ani!

Luoyang is one of four historical capitals of China. It was founded in 2070 BC. nearly a
millennium before Xian and Beijing! In history it was several times the capital of the empire.
Luoyang este unul dintre cele patru capitale istorice ale Chinei. Ea a fost fondat n 2070 .Hr.. cu aproape un
mileniu nainte de Xian i Beijing! n istorie a fost de mai multe ori capitala imperiului.

Luxor was founded 3200 BC. It is a beautiful Egyptian city bordered by the waters of the
Nile! The most impressive evidence of history is of course the Temple and its unique obelisk
(the second obelisk is in the middle of the Place de la Concorde in Paris!)
Luxor a fost fondat n 3200 .Hr.. Este un ora frumos egiptean mrginit de apele Nilului! Dovada cea mai
impresionant din istorie este, desigur, Templul i Obeliscul su unic (al doilea obelisc este n Place de la
Concorde din Paris!)

Varanasi (Benares) in India is a holy Hindu city. It was established in 1200 BC, bordered by
the Ganges. Pilgrims proceed on its ghats (stone steps in the picture) to bathe in the river.
Cremations were held on the banks. A unique place in the world!
Varanasi (Benares), n India, este un ora sfnt hindus. El a fost fondat n 1200 .Hr., mrginit de Gange.
Pelerini continu s se scalde n ru de pe Ghats sale (treptele de piatr din imagine). Incinerri au avut loc
pe malurile rului. Este un loc unic n lume!

Balkh city in Afghanistan was founded in 1600 BC. The city accommodated dozens of
Buddhist monasteries. Several testimonies from the early seventh century would tend to
prove this.
Oraul Balkh din Afganistan a fost fondat n 1600 .Hr.. Oraul gzduiete zeci de mnstiri budiste. Mai multe
mrturii de la nceputul secolului al aptelea ar tinde s dovedeasc acest lucru.

Cholula in Mexico is absolutely the oldest city in the Americas! It was founded two centuries
BC., while Mexico was in 1325! It is located over 2,000 meters above sea level at the foot of
din volcano.
Mexic este absolut cel mai vechi ora din America Central! El a fost fondat de dou secole .Hr.. n
timp ce Mexic a fost fondat n 1325! Acesta este situat la peste 2.000 de metri deasupra nivelului mrii, la
poalele unui vulcan activ.

Jricho en

The original foundations of Jericho go back to 9000 BC. The ruins of 20 ancient and biblical
institutions have been revealed by archaeological excavations on a hill called Tell es-Sultan.
The city now has a population of about 27,000 inhabitants, with refugee camps in north-west
of the ale
iile originale
au fost aezate la 9000 .Hr.. Ruinele celor 20 de institu ii vechi i biblice au fost
dezvluite de spturi arheologice pe un deal numit Tell es-Sultan. Ora ul are n prezent o popula ie de
aproximativ 27.000 de locuitori, cu tabere de refugia i la nord-vest i la sud de centrul ora ului.

The city of Jerusalem in the Middle East holds a prominent place for the three monotheistic
religions. Its inhi- bition is dating back to the Chalcolithic period, evidenced by ceramic
at the Mijlociu
site from
BC.important pentru cele trei religii monoteiste. Atestarea acestuia
n Orientul
un loc
este datnd din perioada calcolitic, evideniat de fragmente ceramice gsite pe site-ul de la 3500 .Hr..

Tyre in Lebanon .
The history of the city of Tyre in Lebanon dates back to 2700 BC.
Tyre n Liban.
Istoria din cetatea Tyre-ului n Liban dateaz din 2700 .Hr..

Main city in northwestern Syria, Aleppo was founded in 2000 BC. It was an ancient Levantine
kingdom centered at alab (or alba. It was an essential step for caravans between Syria
and Mesopotamia. In 1595 BC it vas conquered by the Hittites. This beautiful city is now a
center of unrest in Syria.
Principalul ora din nord-vestul Siriei, Aleppo a fost infiinat n anul 2000 .Hr.. Acesta a fost un regat levantin
vechi centrat la Halab (sau Halba). Acesta a fost o etap esen ial pentru caravanele ntre Siria i Mesopotamia.
n 1595 .Hr. datorit deferentelor el a fost cucerit de ctre fiii lui Het. Acest ora frumos este acum un centru de
nelinite n Siria.

The founder of Argos was the son of Zeus himself. Located at the foot of two fortresses
dating back to ancient times, the city was founded in 2000 BC. Updated excavations at Argos
found Mycenaean walls, the remains of temples of Apollo, Athena and Python, and a theater.
Fondatorul Argos-ului a fost fiul lui Zeus nsui. Situat la poalele a dou cet i datnd din cele mai vechi
timpuri, oraul a fost fondat n anul 2000 .Hr.. Spturile recente la Argos au gsit ziduri miceniene, urme ale
templelor lui Apollo, Athenei i Python, i un teatru.

Mdinat-el-Fayoum en

In central Egypt is Medinet el-Fayoum a City from the 12th Dynasty (1937 - 1759 BC). It
occupies part of a former site of Crocodilopolis oasis, fed by the Bahr Yussef channel of the
Nile. The city now has 260,000 inhabitants.
n centrul Egiptului este Medinet el-Fayoum un ora din timpul dinastiei 12 (1937-1759 .Hr.). El ocup o parte a
fostuli site oaza Crocodilopolis, alimentat prin canalul Bahr Yussef al Nilului. Oraul are acum 260.000 de

Plovdiv Bulgaria

The foundation of Plovdiv goes back to the period of the Thracians, or in the twelfth century
BC. Prior to Rome and Athens, Plovdiv is the second oldest, still inhabited city in Europe.
Throughout history, it had different names: like "village Nebettep" to "Trimontium" under the
Roman Empire, or Olympia" in ancient Greece.
Fundamentul Plovdivului merge napoi la perioada tracilor, sau n secolul al XII-lea .Hr.. nainte de Roma i
Atena, Plovdiv este al doilea cel mai vechi ora nc locuit din Europa. De-a lungul istoriei, a avut diferite
denumiri, cum ar fi: de la "sat Nebettep" la "Trimontium" n Imperiul Roman, sau "Olympia" n Grecia antic.

Matera, in Italy is
known as the
Subterranean City.
Matera is the oldest
inhabited city in the
world. It is a cave
dwelling from the
Paleolithic era, and
was inhabited till 1953.
It was well known in
the history as Sassi.
Since 1993, by
Matera, nitItalia
is a este
cunoscut Site.
ca Oraul
Subteran. Matera este cel
mai vechi ora locuit din
lume. Este o peter
locuin din epoca
paleolitic, i a fost locuit
pn la 1953. Acesta a
fost bine cunoscut n
istorie ca Sassi. ncepnd
cu anul 1993, este un site
UNESCO aparinnd
Patrimoniului Mondial.

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