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Open Ended Questions Allows students to elaborate on their answers and

justify their reasoning.
a. Technologyi. Students can type responses and send to teacher via email or
google docs.
2. Rubrics- Provides students with clear expectations and guidelines with
specific criteria for an assignment.
a. Technologyi. Teachers can make an electronic rubric and send it students
once completed
ii. Reduces paper use.
3. Individual Goal Setting Setting goals with children provides the basis for
monitoring student performance through collaboration and self-reflection.
(Assessment Strategies, 2005).
a. Technologyi. Students can keep an electronic journal of their goals and ask
the following questions:
1. How are you going to reach your goals?
2. How did you do?
3. What would you do different next time?
4. Oral Presentations- Oral presentations include speeches, storytelling,
retellings, recitations, drama, videos, debates, and oral interpretation and are
evaluated according to a predetermined criteria. (Assessment Strategies,
a. Technologyi. Students can use a presentation
ii. Teachers can record presentation and go back to grade
iii. If student is shy, teachers may pre-record their work and play it
for the class
5. Multiple Choice- a style of a test where questions have several possible
a. Technologyi. Teachers can easily give multiple-choice tests to students online
where the computer grades it and gives instant feedback to both
teachers and students.
6. Essay- a piece of writing on a particular subject.
a. Technologyi. Great way to use less paper as students can turn in essays
ii. Teachers can use the comment tool in word to give feedback and
send it back
iii. Teachers can use google docs if their district is set up that way

7. Demonstration- The Journal of Chemical Education used demonstration as a

method to assess students in a study. The study had students view a short
demonstration, record their observations, and write an explanation of what
they observed (Ramsey, L., Walczyk, J., Deese, W., & Eddy, D., 2001).
a. Technologyi. Technology can be used to show the demonstration via video or
pre-recorded demonstration.
ii. If using it in Science Technology can be used in a live
iii. Debate- A discussion on a topic where students argue/justify
their point of view
8. Debate- A discussion on a topic where students argue/justify their point of
a. Technologyi. Students can use technology to research their point
ii. Students can use technology to help convey their side
iii. Teachers can record debate for students to watch and/or for
grading purposes
9. Clicker Assessment- A questionnaire or test displayed on an overhead
projector and board that can be answered using handheld clicker devices.
a. Technology
i. Reduces paper in the classroom by using a digital method.
10.Online Portfolio- A compilation of artifacts combined together using a
program or app to create a portfolio.
a. Technology
i. To create a common location for multiple documents and
organize them using a program or app.
11.Reflective Journals- A document where students can log goals and tasks on a
daily or weekly basis.
a. Technology
i. To create a common location and format to store the journal.
12.Self-Evaluation- A questionnaire that the student completes about their own
performance on a topic or project.
a. Technology
i. To create paperless methods of communication.
13.Project- A task that is planned and completed to create a document or
a. Technology
i. To assist in creating documents and store the information.
14.Exit Slip- A short response or questionnaire students answer as they leave the
a. Technology

i. To create a quick and easy way for evaluation.

15.Informal Assessment- A content based form of evaluation.
a. Technology
i. To sort and organize the data according to goals.
16.Kinesthetic Assessments- Physical movements that show understanding of
the topic or question.
a. Technology
i. To display on projector or Smartboard instructions or video.
17.Curriculum based measurements short weekly assessments to measure
week to week progress in an area.
a. Tech
i. Spreadsheet programs enable the teacher to easily track and
graph student progress
18.Peer evaluation students evaluate each others work.
a. Tech
i. Learning management systems such as Blackboard can allow
students to complete peer evaluations outside of the classroom
19.3-2-1 A summarization technique wherein students provide 3 things they
learned, two things they found interesting or want to know more about, and 1
question they still have.
a. Tech
i. Can be incorporated into student blogs
20.Surveys Teachers can use surveys to gauge difficult to assess areas, like
student attitude.
a. Tech
i. Lots of survey sites exist, from the simple ( to more
in depth (
ii. Clickers and other response systems can be utilized effectively
in surveys
21.Comics and Cartoons Students create comics or cartoons to demonstrate
a. Tech
i. An insane number of sites Like, and
22.Checklists a list of yes/no criteria on which performance can be assessed.
a. Tech
i. Can use web based tools to implement
23.KWL Charts students list what they Know, Want to know, and Learned
regarding a topic.
a. Tech

i. This assessment is not usually done online, but could easily be

worked into an interactive presentation (like
24.Discussion Whole group talking about a topic.
a. Technology:
i. Online boards
ii. Video
25.Term Paper An essay that summarizes understanding on a topic or subject.
a. Technology:
i. Word Processing
26.Reading Summaries A short response to a passage, article, excerpt or book.
a. Technology:
i. Blogs
27.Participation Joining in with a person or group and interacting with them in
one form or another.
a. Technology:
i. Online Discussion boards
28.Socratic Seminars Collaborative discussion with open ended question about
a form of text.
a. Technology:
i. Online discussion board
29.Visual Representations of Reading Picture or diagram about a concept that
transforms into writing.
a. Technology:
i. E-Book
ii. Websites
30.Student Created Test Students collaborate to create a test or quiz for other
students to use.
a. Technology:
i. Word Processing
ii. Online Discussion Board

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