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Why do we worship the linga of lord shiva...?

What the Shiv Linga actually is?

The linga is Shiva-Shakti combined. The Shiva Linga actually has two parts the l
ingum or the phallus (personified by lord Shiva) which is the male reproductive
part and the yoni, (personified by Goddess Shakti) the female reproductive part.
The Shiva linga is actually a combination of the two, the symbol of duality or
polarity of energies in this world, the Masculine energy and the Feminine energy
as a divine unification.
The interesting thing about it, we all know the Shiva linga in its more commerci
al form, the Ying-Yang symbol. (Yin=Yoni, Yang=Ling).
What is the story behind it?
The story of the Ling appears when once Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu, were debati
ng who is the supreme being. Suddenly, a Shiva Linga, fell from the sky, with it
s tip going upwards, endlessly towards the sky and its base going endless toward
s the earth. Both Gods decided to race towards either tip of the linga, with Bra
hma riding his swan towards the top and Vishnu riding his board digging towards
the bottom.
After a few moments of digging, Lord Vishnu understands that the linga is endles
s and therefore the supreme being and accepts defeat. Lord Brahma, soon realizes
the same thing, but unwilling to accept defeat, proclaims that he has seen the
tip of the Linga. Lord Shiva emerges from the Linga and curses Lord Brahma for l
ying. Which is why we don't have any Brahma temples except a few in India. (Alte
rnate versions of the story exist)
Why is Linga Supreme and worshipped?
Because it is the cosmic symbol of unity and completeness. Together the masculin
e and feminine are complete, holistic, divinely unified and endless. Just like t
he Yin-Yang is a circle which is complete, the Linga is a symbol of eternity and
symmetry. The Linga emerges the from the Yoni, symbolizing fertility and life.
It symbolizes indivisibility, indestructibility, creation.
The Linga is the Universe. The Universe is the Linga.

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