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Quesadillas con guacamole

The recipe is quite simple. Here it is:

First, Guacamole
Guacamole is a Nahuatl (one of the indigenous languages in antique Mexico) word whose
meaning is avocados sauce. Mexico is the #1 worldwide producer of avocado. 80% of the
production is priced controlled by the narco mafia.
Ingredients for 4 people

3 peeled and unboned avocados

2 unseeded red tomatoes
1 sliced green chilli (add more chillies at will)
1 spring onion (finely sliced)
6 leaves fresh coriander
1 lemon
1 teaspoon olive oil (not extra virgin)

1. Put all ingredients in a big bowl.
2. Smash them all with a fork or a smasher.
3. Serve.
One person can easily eat two or three quesadillas.
Ingredients for one quesadilla (in general, tacos are made of corn tortilla but quesadillas are
made of wheat tortilla, which adds a Tex-Mex feeling). In India, we can use chapatee.

1 chapatee
30 grams of thinly-sliced cured ham (veg option: sliced paneer).
3 slices of pickled green jalapeo chilli from a jar. Green chilli would do it if jalapeo is
not available.
50 grams of Cheddar cheese (grated). Any cheese that can be grated is alright.
2 spoons of smashed beans.
1 teaspoon olive oil (not extra virgin)

1. Heat a ridged griddle.
2. Place the chapatee on the table in front of you and cover with the ham.
3. Over one half only, sprinkle the pickled jalapeo slices and the grated cheese.
4. Carefully fold the chapatee in half, that's to say, fold the un-cheese-topped half over
the cheese so that you have a fat half-moon.
5. Lift this up carefully and brush each side with the oil before putting it on the hot
griddle; grill for a minute each side.
6. Using a steady hand and a wide spatula, transfer the chapatee to a board or plate and
cut into 3 triangles. Eat with some guacamole at the side or on top.

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