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Proper Nutrition

Eat God's food

Genesis 1:29 Then God said, I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and
every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.
Genesis 2:9 "Out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is...good for food."
Our lives have gotten too complex and so have the foods we eat. Selecting healthy foods for
everyday eating does not need to be difficult. You already have an eating style that you developed
without much conscious effort. You can modify the way you eat without completely disrupting you
life. What you need is a desire to be healthier and an awareness of the nutritional value of the foods
you eat. Gradual modification is the key to developing a healthy eating lifestyle. Give the internal value
of food as much consideration as the exterior presentation. Evaluate the quality of the food on a
nutritional level. A hot fudge sundae may look more appealing than a plate of broccoli but their
nutritional values to the body are at opposite ends of the spectrum.
We really are meant to eat foods as God created them. Sadly, most people are on a diet comprised
almost totally of the wrong building materials. We call it The Standard American Diet, a DEAD food
diet that is loaded with toxins. Thus, physical breakdown (pinging and knocking) progressively gets
louder as they go through LIFE! Maybe it's a little high blood pressure or high triglycerides here.
Maybe it's high cholesterol there. Maybe it's a little arthritis or bursitis. Maybe it's hypoglycemia, or
acne, or dandruff, or, or, or...! These physical breakdowns are almost always the result of placing the
wrong fuel into our bodies, a predominantly DEAD food diet, loaded with toxins. Almost every
physical problem we experience during our entire lifetime, other than accidents of course, is caused by
our attempting to nourish our beautiful, God made physical bodies with the wrong fuel.
When we change the fuel from the basically DEAD, Standard American Diet of this world, to the
LIVING plant and WHOLE food based diet with which God designed our physical bodies to be

nourished, the body will almost always correct a physical problem! The pinging and knocking will
cease, as the body literally rebuilds itself and heals itself, just as God designed.
The more refined or processed a food is, the less it resembles the original food, the more original
nutrients are lost, and the longer the ingredient list on the food label becomes. Some nutrients that are
destroyed in the refining and processing of foods may be added back, but since we don't know all the
nutritional compounds in a food, they cannot all be added back! Most refined grain products add
thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and iron back in, but other vitamins, mineral, and phytochemicals are lost.
This is why it is best to only eat those foods in their original form and unprocessed. Research shows
that whole foods rich in natural vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, proteins, and fats are
what make our body, and especially our brain, function as it should. Manufactured, fast, and snack
foods do not!
Proper nutrition is vital to good health. Vegetables and fruits should be making up the greater
proportion of our meals, along with whole grains, beans, legumes, and seeds. Nuts can be included in
small amounts. Consciously choose whole natural foods and begin to eliminate the processed foods
with long lists of ingredients. Reading food labels is essential. Beware of hydrogenated fats, sugars
and high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, maltrose, dextrose, hydrolyzed starch, nitrates and food
colorings. Chemicals are added to processed foods to improve shelf life, storage time, flavor,
nutritional value, and attractiveness and to make food more convenient and easier to prepare. Various
food additives have been implicated in increasing the risks of allergies, asthma, behavioral changes,
impaired immune function, and cancer- just to name a few. The more ingredients listed on a label, the
more risk you are taking by eating it. When reading food labels remember:
If it is hard to pronounce, it is probably artificial!
The first step to better health is to become aware of what you and your family are currently eating.
Begin to choose more local produce (organic if possible) and shop at grocery stores that carry whole

natural foods. Try to avoid as much processed foods, GMO (Genetically Modified) foods, and food
additives as possible. A good rule of thumb is try to eat 85% good whole foods everyday which
consists of as much raw fresh, fruits and vegetables you can possibly eat. The other 15% leave that as
your area for improvement. Some days you may need to eat that piece of birthday cake at a friend's
party or an ice cream cone on a hot day with your children. Leave a little room for forgiveness and it
will make sticking with a healthy lifestyle a lot more manageable. Just keep in mind, the more raw,
fresh vegetables you eat, the healthier your body will become. Refer to appendix A for a proper diet
outline for your particular blood type.
It may seem that this next remark is against all that you have been taught but- try to do as little
cooking as possible. Yes---this is true. Since cooking involves altering the nutrient characteristics of
foods through the action of heat or dissolving effect of water, it is wise to eat uncooked, raw food
whenever possible. There are however, some truly excellent foods that can't be eaten raw; beans and
lentils come to mind unless they are sprouted. These are nutrition powerhouses, inexpensive, and rich
enough in high-quality protein to make a good meat alternative. But they are all but indigestible unless
cooked. Fish may be cooked lightly and of course your breads and whole grain pastas are cooked
foods. Heat can destroy many nutrients, notably some water-soluble vitamins, many antioxidants, and
unsaturated fats, including omega-3s. The beneficial effects of dietary fibers, both insoluble and
soluble, may be altered, and at times reduced, by cooking. Certain foods however, must be cooked in
order to digest them properly or protect our system from bacterial or parasite invasion. Balanced
nutrition demands that you follow a series of dietary rules. Primitive humans followed them naturally
without realizing they were rules for healthy living. Here are some good eating habits to follow:
A. Eat an optimum amount of vegetable protein, minimal animal protein. Protein is essential for
several bodily functions. In fact, it accounts for 20% of our body weight and helps us synthesize
enzymes, hormones and important cellular structures. It also helps us with fluid balance and with

building antibodies that guard against infection. Without enough protein we wouldnt survive.
Protein also helps us feel full after a meal. People who dont eat enough protein may actually eat more
food and still have an appetite afterward. An over- consumption of animal protein however, leads to
many health related illnesses such as heart disease. The paradox of protein is that it is not only essential
but also potentially health destroying. Adequate amounts are vital to keeping your cells healthy; but
over consumption of excess animal proteins congests your cells and forces the pH of your lifesustaining fluids down to cell-stifling, disease-producing levels. Cells overburdened with protein
become toxic. The US Department of Agriculture recommends that all men and women over the age of
19 should get at least 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day (or 0.37 grams per
pound). That means a woman who is 130 pounds should get at least 48 grams of protein. One cup of
chopped broccoli has 2.57 grams of protein. This means by eating that amount men get about 5 percent
of their recommended daily intake , while women get about 6 percent of what they should consume
daily. The best part about getting protein from broccoli is that you also get fiber and nutrients, but no
fat and few calories. Some other good sources of protein are chia seeds, green peas and rice and beans.
B. Eat an optimum amount of fat (lipids). Good fats build structure in the sheaths of nerves; they
participate in most body functions; they store energy. Each fat gram contains nine calories of energy
compared to four calories for protein and four calories for carbohydrate. There are two types of
essential fatty acids (EFA's): Omega-3 and omega-6. Omega-3 fatty acids are highly reactive. They are
needed for growth, prevention of dry and flaking skin, integrity of cell membranes and many metabolic
roles. Fish oils are a very good source. Omega-6 EFAs play an equally important role in maintaining
health. One of the best sources of omega-6 is linseed oil made from flaxseed.
C. Eat an optimum amount of unprocessed carbohydrates. These should be mainly from fresh
vegetables and fruits and less from the brown rice, wheat and potatoes. All natural, unrefined or
unprocessed carbohydrates are surrounded by and mixed with protein, fat, vitamins and minerals.

Naturally occurring carbohydrates are good foods, unlike processed carbohydrates such as starch. The
more starch is refined, the more toxic it becomes to the body. Processed carbohydrates present a
different situation. These include all the food products rich in added sugar or prepared in a way that
has dissipated a large portion of essential nutrients. Processed carbohydrates consist of such foods as
polished rice, white flour and a variety of substances made from them such as pretzels, pastries and
pastas. Excessive consumption of refined or processed carbohydrates is the major cause of a broad
group of neuroses and a great number of physical illnesses.
Additional rules of thumb for good eating habits:
D Avoid caffeine and sugar. Sugar is not good for the stomach, because it causes fermentation. Milk
and sugar clog the system, irritate the digestive organs, and affect the brain. Sugar, when over used, is
more injurious than meat. Caffeine promotes stress. Coffee is the most popular caffeine product
followed by soda and energy drinks. Undesirable effects from the stimulating properties of caffeine
include: elevated heart rate, irregular heartbeat, increased blood pressure, frequent urination,
increased gastric acid secretion (which contributes to indigestion, gastritis, and ulcers),
nervousness, irritability, insomnia, loss of appetite, nausea, and diarrhea.
E. Eat raw vegetable salads or raw fruits before the main course. This will stimulate and assist
digestion, and help avoid overeating cooked foods. Sometimes eating them together causes abdominal
pain or indigestion. If you are prone to digestion issues you may be better off eating fruits at one meal
and vegetables at another.
F. Get your fiber. Without fiber, waste gets blocked and it takes longer for foods to pass through the
colon. If your diet contains animal fats, they greatly increase the blockage because animal fats are
solid at body temperature. They clog up your intestines just as grease clogs up drains. The longer food
takes to pass through, the more opportunity for the bowel walls to reabsorb the toxins the body is trying
to eliminate.

G. Eat a variety of foods. Don't continually eat the same foods day after day. Let your diet contain a
variety of fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, beans, legumes and grains. Each food offers a different
variety of essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs. Within a day's time, however, do not
over tax your systems with too many varieties of foods. Correct food choices are important for proper
digestion, utilization and assimilation of nutrients.
H. Eat slowly and do not over eat. Overeating slows and clogs your entire system and leads to toxic
build up. Eat just enough to feel content with out feeling over-filled. Take time to eat and to enjoy
mealtimes. Avoid eating compulsively or when emotionally upset, in pain, or overtired. Chew your
food until the food in your mouth becomes liquid. Chewing breaks your food down from large particles
into smaller particles that are more easily digested. This also makes it easier for your intestines to
absorb nutrients and energy from the food particles as they pass through, while also preventing
improperly digested food from entering your blood and causing a wide range of adverse effects to your
I. Reduce the fats, oils, salt, and sugars in the diet and avoid consuming too many high cholesterol
foods such as eggs, cheese, butter, and meats. All animal foods contain cholesterol, and that includes
chicken and fish.

Quick list of foods to avoid

Refined sugars & sugar-ladened foods

Caffeinated beverages

Bleached and enriched flour products

Grease and fat

Excess of animal foods

Pasteurized dairy products and excess of dairy

Iodized salt & excess salt.

Liquor, drugs, tobacco

A great lesson that God gives us in the Bible is in the story of Daniel. Daniel 1:12-16 12Please
test your servants for ten days, and let them give us vegetables to eat and water to drink. 13Then let
our appearance be examined before you, and the appearance of the young men who eat the portion of
the kings delicacies; and as you see fit, so deal with your servants. 14So he consented with them in
this matter, and tested them ten days. 15 And at the end of ten days their features appeared better and
fatter in flesh than all the young men who ate the portion of the kings delicacies. 16 Thus the steward
took away their portion of delicacies and the wine that they were to drink, and gave them vegetables.
Why do you think God choose this story to put into the Bible? The only benefit was to show us that
eating the right foods (vegetables), brings about better health than eating rich foods (meats, sweets,
heavy breads, alcohol) basically the standard American diet.

Food For Thought...

1. How many of the foods on the list of foods to avoid do you consume weekly?_________________
List some healthier choices you could replace those foods with:

Make The Switch

Certain foods we become accustomed to eating through habits. Other foods like those high in sugar
or MSG our body craves through addiction. In either case you need to find a better choice to replace
any foods you are currently eating that may be harmful to your health. Some examples of better
choices include unsweetened organic almond, rice or soy milk instead of pasteurized cows milk. Whole
grain and unbleached breads and flours instead of white flour products. Xylitol, stevia, agave, or raw
honey should be used instead of processed sugar and artificial sweeteners. Use of excess oils and fats
simply need to be reduced to a minimum. Healthy fats to use are coconut oil and ghee instead of
vegetable oils and margarine. Very little salt is needed on anything, but when you do need it Himalayan
pink salt should be the choice. Animal products should be kept to a minimum because they are very
hard on the body to digest. Things that need to be completely eliminated from your lifestyle are
carbonated beverages, energy drinks, tobacco, alcohol, and drugs.
An over use of caffeine is a predominant problem for many people today. Drinking coffee,
soda and energy drinks are a bad habit to break away from. Many like the rush of adrenaline it gives
them. In many cases, we just keep drinking whether we want to or not-- because we are addicted. Any
habit becomes comfortable after a while. Caffeine addiction actually starts to play an important role in
our daily lives. We find comfort in having our coffee, soda, or energy drinks at the same time and in
the same place day after day. This ritual becomes a normal part of every day.
Before we can break away completely, we must have a replacement lined up to fill the inevitable void.
I have found the act of juicing or making a smoothie in the morning instead of making coffee an easy
switch-over. The fresh fruit and vegetables energize the system and give a greater morning boost than
coffee or soda. The habit of heading to the kitchen and making something to drink can then still be a
part of my morning routine but a much healthier way to start the day. If you want something hot there

are a variety of herbal teas that will give you a healthy lift and allow you to go through the motions of
having your hot beverage on time each day.
Other individuals can replace their daily caffeine regimen with an exercise program. Physical
exercise like walking or stretching elevates the heart rate and releases adrenaline and endorphins into
the blood stream. Adding a little exercise to your day at the time when you previously relied on a dose
of caffeine is a very progressive, healthy replacement measure.
If you are having a difficult time switching to a healthier caffeine-free beverage, make sure there are
no emotional or psychological reasons behind your use of caffeine. If you have consumed caffeine
beverages for years- you will go through a withdrawal and experience headaches and probably be a bit
irritable. Do not be discouraged. This is just the physical reaction to cleaning out your system and
will pass in a few days. Psychological issues are harder to deal with and you must come before God
and ask Him to show you where the problem lies. In order to quit a habit successfully you need to be
fully aware of what you are thinking and feeling when you miss your caffeine. Food, beverages or
drugs of any kind should never serve as idols.
If you are struggling, write in your journal how you are feeling and pray for strength. Accept the fact
that you need to occupy your mind and your time with new, healthy activities to improve your chances
of successfully quitting caffeine or any other bad habits for good.

1 Corinthians 10:13
13 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not
allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of
escape, that you may be able to bear it.

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