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Insecurity and Inferiority

Give world examples: Iran – need for nukes; North Korea – need for nukes; Hugo Chavez; Fidel
Castro; recent recession – insecurity; G20; UN, NATO, all from insecurity and inferiority.

This insecurity and inferiority will pave the way for the one world system.
Magazine cover (walkthrough – all of this feeds off two things; but is this how God
created us to be?)

Psalm 8:4-6 - The King created us to rule; to be completely secure in whom we are (Adam

Satan’s greatest hits: Common insecurities and inferiorities: Because we live in the world and
are bombarded by them

1. Appearance and Acceptance (looks, attractiveness: Hollywood, movies, magazines,

cliques, need to be loved, even acceptable to the Lord [sin issues])
a. Psalm 139:14 – You are made extremely well
b. Genesis 1:27 – In fact, you’re made in the image and likeness of God
c. 1 Corinthians 11:7 – And women, don’t think of yourselves as less
d. Isaiah 53:2 - Just to prove that outward appearance doesn’t matter to God, Jesus
was very plain looking while He walked the earth
e. 1 Samuel 16:7 - God’s concern is your heart, not your looks
But maybe that’s not your issue: maybe you struggle with being acceptable to God
f. GO SLOW: Romans 5:12, 15-21
g. James 2:1-4, 8-10 - For those who received good looks from the Lord; don’t be like
the world; don’t play into Satan’s game

2. Finances and Future (job, career, money, destiny)

a. Luke 12:29-34 – God wants to give you the Kingdom and riches of it. Matthew 7:7-8
(ask with right motive: James 4:3)
b. Philippians 4:19 – God loves to pour out blessings on His children (2 Samuel 12:7-8)
c. Psalm 37:25 – Times are going to get worse, insecurity and inferiority will grow;
Christians will never be forsaken by God.

3. Intellect and Insight (education, wisdom, prudence)

a. 1 Corinthians 2:10-16
b. James 1:5
c. Proverbs 8:12
Video (10:22-14:09)

Psalm 112 –

Those who fear the Lord, delight in His commands, are gracious, compassionate, righteous,
generous, practice justice, and trust in the Lord will:

Be blessed, have mighty children, receive wealth, riches, and goodness, walk in light, never be
shaken, be remembered forever, fear nothing going on around them, remain steadfast, be
secure, look in triumph on his foes, and be lifted high in honor. (Isaiah 26:3)

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