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Monday, 29 de April de 2013, 23:14

Monday, 29 de April de 2013, 23:20
5 minutos 39 segundos
10 de un mximo de 10 (100%)

Question 1
Puntos: 1
1. The use of the coffee bean was discovered about four centuries ago, in a region of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) by a
shepherd, called Kaldi.
a. El uso del caf
b. Kaldi
Puntos para este envo: 1/1.
Question 2
Puntos: 1
2. The first soluble coffee was invented by a Japanese-American chemist called Satori Kato, who lived in Chicago.
a. El caf soluble
b. Satori Kato
Puntos para este envo: 1/1.
Question 3
Puntos: 1
3. The modern-day espresso machine was perfected by Achilles Gaggia in Italy in 1946.
a. Achilles Gaggia
b. La mquina para hacer caf expreso
Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

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