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Ashland/Bayfield County Master Gardeners

The Ashland/Bayfield County MGA currently has 45 paid members, with 18

certified for 2015 and 19 who took Level 1 training this spring.
In 2014 we volunteered
35 hours in youth education
28 hours in community education
1,224 hours in support service
and participated in
405 hours in continuing education
We obtained a heavy duty tri-fold display board which we will use for displays at various events. The
MGA subsidized half of the cost of the MG training for those taking Level 1 training this spring.
Major Accomplishments or Projects:
1. We staffed Ask the Master Gardener booths at both the Farm and Garden Show in Ashland and at
the Bayfield in Bloom event in Bayfield. We offered door prizes at both events to help attract public
participation and had good public interest at each.
2. We, along with UW-Extension, sponsored four educational workshops for members and the general
public. These included Xeriscaping by Matt Cogger, UWEX Horticulturist, Low Maintenance
Gardening by Cindy Dalzell, Native Plants in the Landscape by Sarah Boles, and Summer
Blooming Bulbs by Matt Cogger, UWEX Horticulturist. Each workshop had about 25 attendees.
3. Two MGVs worked with four area elementary school
gardens. Work included soil and raised bed preparation,
planting and general maintenance. They also assisted in
erection of a high tunnel at one of the schools.
4. Two MGVs conducted daily ILID video camera review
of boats entering and exiting a local boat landing from May to October. They reported aquatic
invasive species found on trailers and boats to the proper authorities.
5. Several MGVs maintained or rejuvenated community gardens. Bulbs, annuals and perennials were
purchased and cared for at the Namakagon Community Center garden. Several flower beds at
Menard Park in Ashland are cared for by MGVs as well as members of other organizations. A
free ice cream social was offered in July which attracted lots of young families with children who
were entertained with fun garden activities. MGVs are rejuvenating gardens at H. Pearson Park in
Ashland. They have purchased and obtained donations of plants and shrubs for the park.
6. MGVs assisted in several restoration projects with the Apostle Islands
National Park Service. Two MGVs helped Park Service personnel plant
over 270 trees at Little Sand Bay in an area that had been designated as
a campsite (photo, right). Other projects on Raspberry Island and Otter
Island focused on native shore restoration where we helped plant 200+
junipers, shore grasses and other native species.
Highlighted Project: Eradicating Invasive Species
MGVs participated in invasive species eradication either individually
or with other groups at various sites in both counties. One member, for
the second year, cut and sprayed purple loosestrife in road-side ditches on
Madeline Island. Other MGVs worked on National Public Lands Day at the Northern Great Lakes
Visitor Center in Ashland digging, cutting and pulling such invasive species as reed canary grass,
buckthorn, burdock, curly dock and thistles. Another activity involved working with town officials in
identifying and removing buckthorn, honeysuckle and barberry on Madeline Island. Still others dug
and removed spotted knapweed along a County Highway in Cable.

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