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First Year B.A. (History) Examination, November 2011

HISTORY (Paper 4)
History of Japan
Time : 3 Hours

Max. Marks : 75

Instructions :1) Question paper is divided into three groups.

2) Each group is of 25 marks.
3) Assume suitable data if necessary.
Answer any three questions (Question No.1 is compulsory) :
1. Give a brief note on the history of Japan.
2. Discuss the cause of the downfall of the Tokugawa.
3. Discuss the Japanese relation with U.S.A. up to the treaty of 1858.
4. Briefly state the progress of Japan after fall of Shogun during Meiji rule.
5. What role did the Samurai play in the restoration of 1868, and with those
consequences ?
Answer any three questions (Question No. 6 is compulsory) :
6. Trace the struggle for democratic rights in Japan in the 1870s and 1880s, explain
its ultimate failure.
7. What was the main feature of the Meiji constitution of 1889 ? What problem did
it hold to establish democratic government in Japan ?
8. What were the factors responsible for the rise of militarism in Japan ?
9. What were the 21 demand of Japan on China ? In what way did they affect the
Sino-Japanese relation ?
10. Describe the role of Japan in the Second World War and causes of her defeat.



11. Fill in the blanks (Each question carries 2 marks) :

i) Nippon is the land of _____________
ii) The Treaty of Kangawa was signed in _______________
iii) In Japan __________ lost power in 1867 and feudalism was abolished.
iv) In _________ first political association was found in Japan.
v) Russo-Japanese war was outcome of Russo-Japanese rivalry over _________
and Manchuria.
12. Multiple choice question (Each question carries 2 mark) :
i) Japan is now the ___________ industrial power in the world.
b) 3rd
c) 4th
d) 5th
a) 2nd
ii) Japan entered into second world war on __________.
a) Dec.7, 1941
b) Dec. 10, 1941
c) Dec. 13. 1941
d) Dec. 16, 1941
iii) On _____________ American dropped Atom Bomb in Japan.
a) Aug. 6, 1945

b) Sep. 6, 1945

c) Aug. 7, 1945
d) Sep. 7, 1945
iv) During the period from 1918 to 1931 Japan had as many as ___________.
Prime Minister.
a) 10
b) 8
c) 12
d) 6
v) Hara come to power in __________ and Kato in _________
a) 1918, 1924
b) 1919, 1925
c) 1917, 1924
d) 1919, 1924
13. True or False-each question carries 1 mark :
i) First Diet was inaugurated in Nov.1890 under the leadership of Yamagata.
ii) After Russo-Japanese war Japan face big hardship.
iii) One of the causes of Sino-Japanese war was aggrievness of Japan.
iv) On 18 Dec. 1957 Japan became member of U.N.O.
v) In 1952 Japan regained independence as a American protectorate.

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