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Justine Novoa

Dr. Duncan
10 July 2015

Communication Between a Superior and Subordinate

In many work atmospheres there is a superior and subordinate

relationship. Communication is an important tool in shaping and
maintaining an acceptable superior subordinate relationship.
Information needs to flow between everyone and be exchanged clearly
for many reasons. When working in a communication focused job such
as marketing, public relations and advertising you need to know the
role you play on that team.
A subordinate would look too a superior as a role model of where
they want to be in the future and learn by example. With the
experience I have gained so far from internships I would say many of
the skills I have learned is from observing my supervisor. Having
thought how successful my supervisors are I am aiming towards being
where they are as my career progresses.
When being a superior it is there reasonability to serve as a
channel of information with both task and issues. Superiors, who

successfully help and train their subordinate, have a large effect on

their subordinate learning and progression.
Between a subordinate and superior having a clear
communication path is key. If communication is not clear they can be
many down falls. Such as projects being wrong and mishaps with daily
tasks. Having distance between both sides can slow down the growth
of the relationship but also the learning.
Having experienced this issue with miscommunication and relationship
distance in a work atmosphere I learned it does hinder your future and
learning ability.
Having a gap of understanding between both groups can contribute to
a bad experience, which will hurt existing and potential new
While working with a supervisor there are limits that should be
upheld in the work place. Even though I have had different experiences
some negative ones were when a pervious superior gave mixed signals
on work I was completing. With that happening things went wrong
since no communication was made which made me have self-doubt in
my work. On the other hand my now internship has been very eye
opening when working with a superior, reason being things are
explained clearly and expectations are made from the start. With this
happening I can approach them with questions and not have to
second-guess any work.

Maintaining a clear communication between both parties must

include these four tactics: personal, contractual, regulative and direct.
Personal is about having that understanding relationship between both
people to connect. Contractual is having some form of a contract of
understanding, which should be upheld to the furthest possible.
Regulative is about having rules in place to ensure accuracy of work.
Finally being direct to ensure no confusion and self-doubt between
superior and subordinate. If all tactics are used the end result between
both superior and subornation will be good.
Relationship trust between both is a large aspect with trust can
be affected in development growth and maintenance. Whitener, et al,.
(1998) Suggested five categories of managerial behavior that influence
the subordinates perception of a supervisors trustworthiness. The five
categories are behavioral consistency, behavioral integrity, sharing
and delegating of control, communication and demonstration of
These are all very important factors in having a trusting
relationship at work. Without that trust it can result in high-turnover,
bad decision-making and can create in consistency in work.
Communication is always key because issues will happen less often
with clear communication.
Sharing and delegating control is very important so that the
subornation can be learning constantly. If the superior does not

delegate task one they may have to much work which stuff can fall
through the crack and the subornation will not be productive at work.
In past experience I have been given no work with lack of
communication, which resulted in me not learning anything. But when I
was given anything I would have a difficult time completing the task
since I wasnt given pervious opportunities to learn.
Having immediacy is important because it indicates interpersonal
warmth. Some ways to show immediacy are superiors value the
subordinate input, they are attentive to subordinate and are a willing
to assist the subordinate learn.
But there are limits in which a superior should be personal with the
subordinate. Such as keeping personal issues separate from work
problems and also keeping outside events from being discussed in the
workplace. Reason being there can be a fine line between both people
and once crossed many things can go wrong.
When reading about others experiences between superior and
subordinate they all agreed that work and outside life should not be
mixed. It can cause awkward situations but also can change how both
treat each other. After having many experiences I would have to say
that the relationship between both superior and subordinate should
just be work related until later on in your career.
As I have learned when a subordinate is helpful and willing to
teach you and listen to your questions the ending results as much

greater. Being comfortable to ask question and not worry about having
backlash or being ignored is great. That how subordinates excel and
grow, I have learned so much because of the superiors I have for
wanting to teach me.
The communication in the workplace is key without it things can
spiral out of control. Everyone should be open to continually learning
no matter where they are in their career. Also being open about
expectations is key having a hidden agenda will end badly.
Keeping key points in mind such as immediacy in the workplace,
trust, clear communication and open to opinions the relationship
between a subordinate an superior will be stable.

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