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"Arrived at this solution by deleting the not needed edges.


Arrived at this solution by

deleting edges that no need to use

For Problem 1a: (just for clarification): The demand is 4,000 and the lowest possible cost is $5,000?
For Problem 1b: why is the new transportation plan Atlanta, if Dover is cheaper?

As, the Boston to Farrier is 5.5 it is fiers then atlanta is 6 per unit
starting first with lowest the followed by the increasing so, we fill
the cell that have the lowest cost then followed by the higher cost

For Problem 2: In words, how did you arrive at the minimum total length of pipes needed to connect
the locations?


Also, what does this mean in a bottom cell in Problem 2: e`61eIs it a function?
No it is error when I save as the file

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