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1) hola marcos!!

2) Hola Erick!! Qu tal? Tu qu haces por aqu?

1) yo vivo en este edificio. tu tambin vives por aqu?
2) si, yo vivo en el edificio de al lado.
1) en que piso vives?
2) yo vivo en el tercer piso. y t en que piso vives?
1) yo vivo en el 7 piso, pero felizmente hay ascensor. Por cierto, cuantos
cuartos hay en departamento
2) mi departamento hay 5 casas: dormitorio, una cocina , un comedor ,
una sala y un bao. y cuantos cuartos hay en tu departamento
1) es genial, tu departamento. mmm en mi departamento hay 6 cuartos :
2 bedroom , una cocina , una sala , un comedor.
2) en mi dormitorio hay una cama blanca debajo de una tapete gris,
tambin hay una
1) Hi Mark !!
2) erick hello !! how are you? your you do around here?
1) I live in this building. you also you live around here?
2) if I live in the building next door.
1) what floor you live?
2) I live on the third floor. and you what floor you live?
1) I live on the 7th floor, but fortunately there is elevator. by the way, many
rooms are in department
2) my department there are 5 houses: bedroom, a kitchen, a dining room, a
living room and a bathroom. and how many rooms are there in your
1) it is great, your department. mmm in my department there are 6 rooms:
2 bedroom, a kitchen, a living room, a dining room.
2) in my room is a white bed under a gray carpet, there is also a

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