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Algebra 1 Syllabus

2014 2015 School Year

Course: Algebra 1
Instructor: Mr. Richard Squiers
Extra Help/Makeup hours Mon, Tues 4:00 - 5:15 pm
Course Description:

Algebra 1 is intended to build a foundation for all higher

math classes. This class will review algebraic expressions,
integers and mathematical properties that will lead into
working with variables and linear equations. There will be an
in-depth study of graphing, polynomials, quadratic
equations, exponential equations, geometric and arithmetic
series, data analysis and systems of equations and
inequalities through direct class instruction, group work,
homework, student projects, hands on activities, and
A minimum of 2 projects will be completed this year each of
which will take a minimum of 3 weeks of class time, with the
first project beginning during the 2nd six weeks. We will also
be doing many 1 and 2 day mini-projects and activities. Your
child will be making a journal as well, there will be an entry
each day which will include notes, foldables and examples.

Course Requirements:

o Composition Notebook
o Notebook paper
o Graph paper
o Writing Utensils
o 1 pack Colored pencils
o 1 ruler for drawing graphs
Classroom Behavior
o Each student should attend class with all class materials
including their homework.
o Come to class on time. Standing outside the door and
rushing in after the bell has begun to ring will constitute a
tardy. You must be INSIDE the door when it begins ringing
to be counted on time.
o The warm up activity must be completed within the first 5
minutes of class.
o Each student will be expected to abide by all school rules
and regulations as outlined in the GISD and Ball High Code
of Conduct.
o In addition, each student should show courtesy, respect and
consideration to their peers and the instructor.
o No personal or group grooming is permitted.
o No food or drink is allowed unless provided by Mr. Squiers as
part of the learning process.
o Each student is expected to put forth their best effort in all
class activities, to maintain the highest level of integrity and
honesty in their work, and to ask for help when needed.
o This is a class designed to teach and learn mathematics.
This is our main objective, and this is what will be taught, as
well as learned.

o Turn in homework upon entering the class

o Check the white board for any special materials you need to
obtain upon entering the class.
o You are responsible for each assignment, whether absent or
not. If you are absent, you will be allowed to make up all
o Materials should be brought to class at all times. You should
use a pencil in this math class.
o All papers turned in should be properly headed with NAME,
o Notes/examples should be taken/copied in class. These
notes/examples will help you with your work.
o You will be able to receive extra credit points on different
exercises and activities.
o If you need help, please attend after-school tutoring on the
scheduled day for math tutoring. If you need additional help
on other days, please make arrangements with me.
o Late assignments will result in a loss of 10 points for each
day late with a maximum of 50 taken off for late work.
Each students six-week grade will consist of:
Major Grades 60% of score can include but is not limited to:

Major Projects
Interactive Journals

Minor Grades 40% of score can include but is not limited to:
o Homework
o Classwork
o Warm-ups

o Quizzes

To the Parent:
Please read and discuss this material with your son/daughter
___________________________________(students name). It is very
important to me, as the instructor, that you and your child understand the
expectations and requirements of this course. Please feel free to contact me
via email if you have any questions or concerns. Each family is encouraged
to sign up for skyward access to monitor attendance and grades during the
six weeks. I appreciate your support and look forward to a very productive
Richard Squiers
Please return this page to me signed by the end of the first week of school.
I have read and reviewed with my child the information regarding Algebra 1
expectations and content.
Parent name
Parent Signature


I have read, reviewed, and understand the information regarding Algebra 1

_____________________________ ________________________
Student Signature

Contact/Information Sheet
Please fill out and return.
Student Name _____________________________________

Parent Name


Home Phone


Cell Phone


Work/Day Phone ___________________________________

Parent Email
Student Email


In the course of our studies food will occasionally be used as a resource. Please list
any food allergies or foods that your child should not have because of medication or
religious and personal beliefs.

Do you have internet access at home? This includes computer with wifi,
smart phone or a tablet ie ipad with wifi.

What extra-curricular activities is your child planning to participate in?

What clubs is your child in at Ball HS?

Will the student be employed during the school year?

What primary language is spoken at home?
Is there any other information I should know about your child?

Calculator Contract
I _________________________________________________,
(please print) have contracted the use of the following
calculator from my teacher, Mr. Squiers on
_____________________. I understand that I must report any
damage, misuse, or malfunctions to this New TI- 84C Plus
in a timely manner. Also, I understand this calculator is
the property of Galveston ISD and if it becomes damaged
or broken from misuse in my possession, I can be
financially responsible.
It is my responsibility to keep it safe from harm while in
my possession. Only upon receipt of the following
contract by my teacher, signed and dated by all parties,
will a calculator will be issued to use in class. I fully
understand that it is highly unlikely that I will pass the
class without use of a calculator.



Calculator Number_______________

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