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Deep ~Grounded, realistic, active, strong will power, survival oriented

Muddy~ Anger
Clear~ Powerful, energetic, competitive, passionate
Bright/light ~ Loving, sensitive, gentle, sensual, artistic, affectionate, love
Dark/unclear~ Immaturity, dishonesty
~Confidence, creativity
~Outgoing, Adventurous, creative, brave
~Creative, perfectionist, intelligent, scientific
Pale ~ excitement, hopefulness
Bright ~fear of lost control of power, losing control of power, respect
Gold/shiny~ Inspired spiritual awakening, Protection, wisdom, divine guidance
Dark/brownish~ working too hard too fast that they are stressed
Bright emerald~ love centered, healer

Yellow-Green~ Creative with heart, communicative

Dark ~Jealousy, lack of self esteem, and understanding of responsibility,
sensitive to criticism,
Turquoise~ sensitive, compassionate, healer, solving others problems
Baby~ Peaceful, truthful, clarity, intuitive
Royal ~generous, Clairvoyant, opportunities are coming
Muddy~ fear of future, self expression, facing/speaking truth
Indigo~ intuitive, deep feeling, sensitive
Violet~ Visionary, futuristic, magical, artistic, idealistic
Lavender~ Imagination, daydreamer, visionary
Bright~ Receptive to new ideas, nurturing
Dark/muddy~ Residue of fear is accumulating in the body, with a

potential for health problems, especially if gray clusters seen in

specific areas of the body
Black~ Negative, long term unforgiveness, can lead to health problems, past life
White~ Purity, truth, angelic-like
Earth~ good sign
Pastels~ Sensitivity, need for serenity

Dirty brown overly~ Insecurity

Dirty grey overly~ Blocking energy/guarding theirs

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